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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


Going to be a busy weekend

Friday: drive from Adelaide to Melbourne
Saturday: go to PAX
Sunday: go to PAX
Monday: drive from Melbourne to Adelaide
Tuesday: sleep in


I want a tag give me a tag
Given its turning into indiefuntime rather than videogame expo people care about i'll likely sell off my friday / sunday tickets.

so form a queue


Given its turning into indiefuntime rather than videogame expo people care about i'll likely sell off my friday / sunday tickets.

so form a queue

I really hope MS, Sony and a few of the big pubs announce their attendance just after you sell your ticket.


Given its turning into indiefuntime rather than videogame expo people care about i'll likely sell off my friday / sunday tickets.

so form a queue

If Indie had a subculture within itself that was even more Indie, where people's fedoras wore fedoras, that's what this PAX would be.


but ever so delicious
As I was saying in irc yesterday I don't know any of the names announced yet, so it looks to be a shit event so far.

I'm mostly going to use it as a giant gaf meet up. If people want to bail on the Sunday due to boredom and stroll the city, lunch and so on, then I'm down with that.

Will probably stay in the city for 4 nights, so that's plenty of time to fuck around in the city due to boredom as well.


I'm also glad that there's actually something I'm sure I want to do at PAX now, even if it's only one of the three days.

Shame it'll most likely be by far the most popular panel and getting in will be terrible.

also a shame Mana Bar isn't across the street from the showgrounds.

Dead Man


Police say a Melbourne artist is likely to be charged with producing and possessing child pornography, after officers seized several of his works at a gallery in the Melbourne suburb of St Kilda on the weekend.

Police say Paul Yore, 25, has been interviewed in relation to the works and has been released pending summons.

Detectives raided the Linden Centre for Contemporary Art on Saturday and removed a number of works from Yore's installation.

The images allegedly depict sexual acts with children's faces superimposed on them.

Yore's installation is on display as part of an exhibition designed to pay homage to Australian artist Mike Brown.

The Linden Centre for Contemporary Art website describes Brown as a person who challenged the art world with pornographic collages, political satire and an anything-goes approach to making art.

Yore's installation, entitled Everything is F*****, uses poster collages, plastic toys and throwaway items to create a colourful and cluttered space.

In promotional material on the gallery's website, Yore says his artistic aim is to unify dislocated elements such as fountains, colourful detritus and decorated objects to create a symbolic space.

"I want my work to reflect the ways in which one experiences the world, as a distorted, fragmented, fluctuating set of systems, signs and codes," he wrote.

In an interview on the website Yore says the installation is designed to sarcastically point out the ideas of excess and spectacle in our society.

"I wanted to talk about the phallocentric nature of our culture ... especially in relation to the natural world, the way our society of civilisation has this very destructive relationship with the natural world," he said.

Tamara Winikoff, of the National Association for the Visual Arts, says there is a range of things artists consider when producing controversial works.

"What he's producing is obviously intending to be art. It's being exhibited in an art space. People's access to the art is discretionary," she said.

Ms Winikoff says she has not seen the work but is concerned about censorship issues.

"We would have to make a judgment based on seeing the work and the context in which it was shown. Because as I understand it, the work is part of a larger installation, its not just images sitting by themselves."

So does that seem to be missing the piont of both anti child pornopgraphy laws, and the artwork itself quite badly?

I didn't get made redundant, huzzah!

To celebrate, I spent the last 30 minutes doing a PC build.

What do you think AusGAF? Any suggestions on things to swap in/out?


Don't know if congratulations are the right thing for avoiding bad stuff, rather than actuall good stuff, bt congratulations.

[quote="FallbackPants, post: 61101541"]Fred knows what punters want.

Got a call back from the ABC.... didn't get it. It was a pretty positive rejection call though. They said it went to someone who just had more experience, and they really liked me and encouraged me to go for more ABC stuff in the future. So yeah, probably the best turn down I've had.[/QUOTE]

Crap, but good.

[quote="Jintor, post: 61100381"]Interview rejection letter. fml.[/QUOTE]

Silly buggers just have bad taste, obviously.


I'm going because AusGAF meetup, AusPAX meetup (for my PA bros), journos aplenty, and maybe someone will let me interview someone else.
The PAX week is going to be a nightmare for me. I'm attending an academic conference in Melbourne from the 16th, which overlaps with PAX. I'll probably be running between that conference and PAX several times during the 19th and 20th, just to make sure I see everything I want to.

On the plus side, this means all of my airfares and the majority of my accommodation and food expenses will be paid for by my university. Score! =D


If Indie had a subculture within itself that was even more Indie, where people's fedoras wore fedoras, that's what this PAX would be.
If I can't be arsed with any kind of half-arsed costume, I'm going to wear a fedora. Ironically/sarcastically, obviously.
I'm gonna kill myself if Portugal doesn't win.

Someone once asked me tonight, "Reptilescorpio, that bacon has been in the fridge for a while now. Probably best to chuck it in the freezer".

"No!" replied Reptilescorpio.

"That is not how we treat bacon! We do not freeze it away! It must be allowed to breath! So tonight!

We eat bacon!"

So Reptilescorpio cooked up bacon and put it with peanut butter. Between toasted breads.



Someone once asked me tonight, "Reptilescorpio, that bacon has been in the fridge for a while now. Probably best to chuck it in the freezer".

"No!" replied Reptilescorpio.

"That is not how we treat bacon! We do not freeze it away! It must be allowed to breath! So tonight!

We eat bacon!"

So Reptilescorpio cooked up bacon and put it with peanut butter.
Between toasted breads.


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