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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


Japan defeating Iraq and Oman and Jordan drawing is definitely the result we want, as it gives us the most options. I am actually surprised at how many options we still have, we certainly have a decent chance. The final two games are at home right? Will they be televised live on FTA?


Surely they can get the chocolates with 2 home games. Would have been better if stupid face McKay didn't handball it.


Eh, I dunno, I think its weird maybe, fine if that's what you are into though!

Different priorities!

To be honest I initially got the day off so I could have a 4 day weekend, E3 and WWDC being on is just an awesome coincidence.


To be honest I initially got the day off so I could have a 4 day weekend, E3 and WWDC being on is just an awesome coincidence.

I think as one gets old and cynical, you care less about hype and big conferences. It just seems like the same thing repeating, even if there are 'new' consoles this time. :p

Will see some new games when I get up, go 'oh that looks cool, might check it out in a year when its out' sorta thing.

Also, WWDC. I had to google, Apple conf... heh!

I am pro taking time off mind you 8)


but ever so delicious
Turns out I might be getting shitty speeds because one of the DSLAMs near me is nearing capacity.

edit: I have 1.2mbps and this chart says I should be getting at LEAST 1.5mbps: http://www.iinet.net.au/about/legal/cis/broadband1.pdf

The speed at what you're getting ADSL is all theoretical, based on distance, line quality and all that shit.

1.2 out of 1.5 is pretty good.

Edit: - x3n - http://anandtech.com/show/7036/asus-8series-haswell-motherboards-new-uefi-tour-video get hyped you can finally move into the UEFI world!
The speed at what you're getting ADSL is all theoretical, based on distance, line quality and all that shit.

1.2 out of 1.5 is pretty good.

Not really. I don't get how nobody is realising I was getting hugely BETTER speeds with a lesser known ISP. It's unacceptable. There is no reason for me to be getting shittier speeds now than I was previously.


Not really. I don't get how nobody is realising I was getting hugely BETTER speeds with a lesser known ISP. It's unacceptable. There is no reason for me to be getting shittier speeds now than I was previously.

How far away are you from the exchange? ADSL1 or 2? 1.2mbps is pretty pitiful.


but ever so delicious
Not really. I don't get how nobody is realising I was getting hugely BETTER speeds with a lesser known ISP. It's unacceptable. There is no reason for me to be getting shittier speeds now than I was previously.

Who were you originally with though and what was the actual plan?

There's 2 types of ADSL1 plans, there's the one that limits you to 1.5MB or the one that could potentially give you 8.

Did you select the second one when signing up? it's possible telstra hasn't flicked the switch either. They can be fucking slow.
God, next week will be interesting. I waiting for new business model called "shareware" to be announced.
Popcorn fucking everywhere!

So why are we boycotting Gloria Jeans?
Are they against used games too?
They hate the gays.

It is easy to boycott a company that makes really fucking awful coffee.
They have decent iced coffee, gingerbread men and peach iced tea though!

Also, anti-Football media/police agenda something something....

Footy fans well behaved at opening game of State of Origin
Flare count: 0

Just as I thought. Pushing your own agenda there buddy, watch out.

Turns out I might be getting shitty speeds because one of the DSLAMs near me is nearing capacity.

edit: I have 1.2mbps and this chart says I should be getting at LEAST 1.5mbps: http://www.iinet.net.au/about/legal/cis/broadband1.pdf
That is my issue here, just too many fucking people in the area. During busy times downloads slow to 150-200kbps and hits 600-800kbps when the planets align (sometimes even through Steam!!!).
My course coordinator thought that the fire alarm was a camera and that all courses were just recorded automatically, so all of his lecture recordings are blank. I thought he was joking when he said it, until I looked back through the online lectures. No one even bothered wearing a microphone, so for the lectures that work the audio goes in and out as the lecturers walk close to the mic. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


I want a tag give me a tag
My course coordinator thought that the fire alarm was a camera and that all courses were just recorded automatically, so all of his lecture recordings are blank. I thought he was joking when he said it, until I looked back through the online lectures. No one even bothered wearing a microphone, so for the lectures that work the audio goes in and out as the lecturers walk close to the mic. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

this is hilariously amazing.
My course coordinator thought that the fire alarm was a camera and that all courses were just recorded automatically, so all of his lecture recordings are blank. I thought he was joking when he said it, until I looked back through the online lectures. No one even bothered wearing a microphone, so for the lectures that work the audio goes in and out as the lecturers walk close to the mic. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

I hope you don't pay money to attend that university


My course coordinator thought that the fire alarm was a camera and that all courses were just recorded automatically, so all of his lecture recordings are blank. I thought he was joking when he said it, until I looked back through the online lectures. No one even bothered wearing a microphone, so for the lectures that work the audio goes in and out as the lecturers walk close to the mic. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Wow, what an idiot.


What the fudge pudge.

Steam isnt sending me an email for the authentication thingy when you sign in on a new computer (Or fixing my stupid computers cause of stupid windows)

Nvm, It just took more then 30 seconds to send!


Even if you guys are anti Reddit toolboxes, you really should check the out Ethan Hawke and Orlando Jones AMAs from the last couple of days. The former was really sincere and thoughtful, and the latter was hilarious.



My course coordinator thought that the fire alarm was a camera and that all courses were just recorded automatically, so all of his lecture recordings are blank.

That's amazing.
How far away are you from the exchange? ADSL1 or 2? 1.2mbps is pretty pitiful.

Not sure. There's one about maybe 1km away from me, then there's the Deer Park one which is much farther.

Only getting 1.3 MB\s average on my SAB today but I do get 1.6 MB/s some days.

This is the speed I'm accustomed to, and why I'm more than a little annoyed. I haven't tried downloading anything from usenet but I should.

Who were you originally with though and what was the actual plan?

There's 2 types of ADSL1 plans, there's the one that limits you to 1.5MB or the one that could potentially give you 8.

Did you select the second one when signing up? it's possible telstra hasn't flicked the switch either. They can be fucking slow.

I dunno. There doesn't seem to be anything differentiating the plans on iinet's site. We have a Phone-3 with a Home-3 if that helps.


Even if you guys are anti Reddit toolboxes, you really should check the out Ethan Hawke and Orlando Jones AMAs from the last couple of days. The former was really sincere and thoughtful, and the latter was hilarious.



Thanks for posting this (I rarely go on reddit), bookmarked. I just read through about a quarter of Ethan's, he sounds like a great guy, really down to earth.

edit: just added Explorers to my Netflix queue, has been a long time :)


Ralph went there, well wants to.


Go watch Gattaca, good movie and imo a look into (maybe) the not too distant future.


Go watch Gattaca, good movie and imo a look into (maybe) the not too distant future.

I didn't realise until just the other day that the movie title used the letters representing nucleotides to make a word. It would seem I'm rather slow.


Not that slow, well if so we both are. Until I studied biotech at Uni I didn't know either, I was 32 at the time.

I studied DNA and RNA for the biology part of science class in high school, so I should've connected the dots. It was when I was watching one of the last episodes of Orphan Black and a character was mentioning DNA and naming some base pairs and it just popped into my head, "OH! That's where they got the name from".
Really? I remember that shit from high school, maybe we were doing dna stuff when the movie came out and thats why it was obvious. was a long time ago.
And you can go to offline when you start up, when Steam can't connect it will give you the option of closing or starting offline.
I had a bit of trouble getting Steam working offline with the wife's netbook. Couldn't get it going with spotty wireless in a few places and it wouldn't go offline without a connection. All good now but it didn't just with automatically... Note that I didn't actually try a have before trying to turn on offline mode.

The whole point of a console is that I can plug that shit in and stuff will play.
Thinking the console I'll be buying this Christmas is a Super Famicom.

As of now, the PS4 is the next gen console of most interest to me. I've never owned a PS console and dislike the controllers (though the new ones seem improved), but that and the Wii U are most appealing right now.


Really? I remember that shit from high school, maybe we were doing dna stuff when the movie came out and thats why it was obvious. was a long time ago.

Yeah, we watched it in English and figured it out in like 2 seconds. We were in a school for the not dumb though.
^ I can relate to all of that right down to the not dumb school.

What's with you sons of bitches not mentioning Before Sunrise/Sunset/Midnight? Best thing he's ever done.

edit: thanks for posting the hawke AMA fred. Doubt I would've seen it otherwise, love him even more now.


I spy Sensi Soccer, Cannon Fodder and the LSL pack as definite purchases. FML.

PS. Because you guys dare not venture into Gaming much these days (which is perfectly justifiable) you've probably missed out on this:

New Shaq Fu trademarks filed #1

Edit: That was a Delphine game? Bugger me.




Guys, this is AWESOME:
One Big Problem With MS: Astroturfing Damages Online Communities
It's basically this:
We note.

We notice.

Hey, would anybody be interested in a thread where I detail some of the social agency email addresses that have come up during my offsite research into some of our more recently vocal members?

It's fascinating.



Time to add Uncharted to my collection.

And I like the name of "God Eater Burst". onto the collection you go!

/edit oh man thanks for reminding me. I nearly forgot to add Ico/SoTC, Rayman, and Demon's Souls to my collection. Man PS+ is great.

/edit i'm not viral marketing i swear!
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