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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

OK AusGAF, I just ate mussels cooked in beer, a chocolate cake made with beer, and BARNACLES. At a beer museum.

Kill me now, I'm done.
Might do some fancy beer shopping tomorrow/monday to get me through E3 writing. Any suggestions?
Go to Slowbeer, get Holgate Millennium Falcon, Feral Raging Flem, just about anything from Baird (Japanese), Women of Beer Milk Stout (I hear it's great), Doctor's Orders Iron Lung, Bridge Rd Dark Harvest. That should do for a start.


I now own a WiiU in exchange for a 'no beer or junk food's pact for the next few months :)

WiiU is in the office with the PC/PS3/360.
Tried walking to the kitchen/lounge/dining with the Gamepad.

No dice.

What the fuck Ninty.

I could play the gamepad in the bedroom, which was separated by a wall separating our wardrobe and ensuite (about 3-4 metres from the console). Occasionally, you'd get a stutter but quite playable. The best range I got was about 9 metres. I could play it at our dining table, but our dining/living room and TV room with the console have a giant cutout in the wall separating the two rooms so they are more or less one room.

I have almost never played NSMB U without looking down at the gamepad.

Lego City and Zombie U need both screens at the same time so you'll have to be in the same room with these.

Lego City Undercover is my favourite on the system so far and I usually don't play Lego games.
Post of the day.

I could play the gamepad in the bedroom, which was separated by a wall separating our wardrobe and ensuite (about 3-4 metres from the console). Occasionally, you'd get a stutter but quite playable. The best range I got was about 9 metres. I could play it at our dining table, but our dining/living room and TV room with the console have a giant cutout in the wall separating the two rooms so they are more or less one room.

I have almost never played NSMB U without looking down at the gamepad.

Lego City and Zombie U need both screens at the same time so you'll have to be in the same room with these.

Lego City Undercover is my favourite on the system so far and I usually don't play Lego games.

Mannnnnn that sucks. At least the wife can play it in bed but it would have been fantastic if she could play it in the lounge while I played 360/PC in the office.

Those are the only two games on my shopping list so it sounds like I'll be keeping the WiiU in the office hooked up to the TV then. Both seem like the kind of games that I would sink 40 hours into easily.

Found the earlier Lego games to be soulless wastes of time so I'm glad to hear Undercover is a different fish of Kettle's.

Even the fucking PS3 wasn't this bad >.>

Even the fucking PS3 wasn't this bad >.>

It does get better with the patching. The load times, however...

I actually gave Zombie U away after about an hour. I just felt it was going to be repetitive. You can spot the person who has no interest in survival-ly games.

Lego was so much fun. If it doesn't make you laugh, then you have no spirit. All apart from the annoying sidekick who is stupid in a way that has no redeeming qualities. I gave up on Lego after the first Indiana Jones lego game.

This is Lego Crackdown if you substitute levelling up powers with new disguises and the abilities they unlock. And long load times. Really long load times.
But then I was playing Sly 4 for a bit and that, despite being 6 years into PS3, has really awful load times too.

ACIII plays well on the Wii U. But it's still ACIII and I have to agree with the consensus, it's pretty bad.

I liked NSMB U but was too mariODed to finish it yet.

I'm assuming the next Wii U game I get will be announced this week. Either that or WW HD.


Thought some of you might like to know, our Enforcer Volunteer & Media who had already bought tickets to PAX Aus got the option to get them refunded, and a lot of them did.

Those refunded ticket were put back in the system - which means if you go to the http://www.paxaustralia.com.au site and click through all the registration pages (ignore the sold out images), you'll be able to buy those tickets.

Not many in there, but a few for those that missed out.
How much are Sunday tickets. Tempted to grab one for the wife...
Although I still have no idea if I will even want to be there on the Sunday. When is the schedule going up!?!

It does get better with the patching. The load times, however...

Other games have less or that the patches get smaller? Load times are indeed lolworthy.

Dat Ninty charm though once you get into games unnff.

Although the Nintendoland tour guide has a fucking annoying voice.

Tons of awesome minigames though! Should keep us busy. Although I can't hand it to the boy as there are naughty games available from the outset which is annoying. Would be nice to lock that stuff away.

Also you can't tell which area is which from far away, the name title only pops up when you get close, which is stupid. Is the WiiU so underpowered it can't have them all showing at once?
After those initial patches, the patches happen in the background and you can play some if not all games while the patch is downloading. The patched version is there next time you launch the game.
Mannnn you know E3 is here when the boxes thread hits. Best time of the year! Box thread! Yay!

Also the awesome gifs begin!

NFI how Techland continue to get so much money behind them, WB must have spent a fuckload on all the Dying Light ads.

Wall of Square including the Ghost Trick sequel!

Also too many Nintendoland games are MP only :( :( :(

After those initial patches, the patches happen in the background and you can play some if not all games while the patch is downloading. The patched version is there next time you launch the game.
Oh sweet. Hopefully they get quicker too.

Tekken F2P on PS3 WAT.
DOA F2P was coming in September so Namco just wanted to get in early, out next week.

Great idea, should increase the player base a ton and print a fuckload of money.
Later this month, though there has already been a great deal of reveals made through the facebook/twitter.

Yeah it is starting to build up some content but just not sure what days things are happening or even what times things go until. Makes it hard to book hotels/travel as well as organise outside events.


but ever so delicious
Is the AusGAF meetup going to happen DURING PAX Aus? I thought you'd be holding it on the Thursday or Sunday night?

In theory, To me anyway, It would be on most nights when people are available to catch up for after PAX food and drinks.

Not sure if there's a giant fuck off one just yet with 20 or so people, I imagine that could be somewhat hard to organise. No idea where the heck it would be held.
In theory, To me anyway, It would be on most nights when people are available to catch up for after PAX food and drinks.

Not sure if there's a giant fuck off one just yet with 20 or so people, I imagine that could be somewhat hard to organise. No idea where the heck it would be held.

I would like to put in a vote for "not beer deluxe". Lovely as it is, it is also freezing.

I think Clipper/other people were talking about saturday night, since everyone will be there then. I don't mind, but I guess it depends what's on that night.


There is one significant strategic advantage that falls to Labor if Rudd leads. Gillard's pledge to go to an election on September 14 would no longer be valid. Rudd could take advantage of the obvious honeymoon, catch the Coalition with its pants down, and go as early as Saturday, August 10.

It might not create panic in Coalition ranks, but it would be unsettling. Every issue that now seems to go nowhere, will be debated afresh.

A whole new ball game would be underway with every previous assumption made redundant.



Well it's not like anything at this point could hurt Labor. They could still lose the election but not in a Queensland-style complete and utter wipeout.


You guys and your PAX that's like a gazlion miles from where I am. Why couldn't it be Sydney, or Brisbane, or heck Canberra. Or Tamworth, I'm not against Tamworth PAX.

There is one significant strategic advantage that falls to Labor if Rudd leads. Gillard's pledge to go to an election on September 14 would no longer be valid. Rudd could take advantage of the obvious honeymoon, catch the Coalition with its pants down, and go as early as Saturday, August 10.

It might not create panic in Coalition ranks, but it would be unsettling. Every issue that now seems to go nowhere, will be debated afresh.

A whole new ball game would be underway with every previous assumption made redundant.


I'd like that. But Rudd doesn't want to put his hand up. Do we have to force him?

Maybe make him Deputy or something?

Or that guy Rudd said would be a good further PM, slap him as leader and Rudd as deputy.

I do love a good spill! SPILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm legit hyped for E3, lol

Whole show has been a boring as shit with a game or two standing out for like 5 years straight. Don't let me down gamemaker dudes.


Is the AusGAF meetup going to happen DURING PAX Aus? I thought you'd be holding it on the Thursday or Sunday night?

I think we'll probably have to set up definitive dates for the big meetups soon. It's very likely - as evlcookie said - that every single day will have smaller meetups between whoever wants to come and drink.

MelbGAF might want to scout out a location or else it probably will be Beer Deluxe again since that seems the standard MelbGAF meetup point. But I'd be up for somewhere different - somewhere warmer. :p


So far, Here's some stats of which days AusGAF have tickets for, and which days people'll be around. At a glance.

How would everyone be for a major meetup on Thursday night, and a major meetup on - say, Saturday? Then just minor things throughout the other days. Me and Aon want to get some board games on at some point, hopefully PAX can provide us with an area to blow a day playing eurogames. Or maybe we could try and get the old dnd group (Clipper, Banana, Aon, Donc, Rahk, Jintor, Holy - whoever else played with us that I've forgotten) back together for a game?


I'll actually be back in Australia during PAX Aus, and I think I snagged refunded passes that went back on sale again for all 3 days. Woo!
So count me in for whatever AusGAF events you're planning.
I think we'll probably have to set up definitive dates for the big meetups soon. It's very likely - as evlcookie said - that every single day will have smaller meetups between whoever wants to come and drink.

MelbGAF might want to scout out a location or else it probably will be Beer Deluxe again since that seems the standard MelbGAF meetup point. But I'd be up for somewhere different - somewhere warmer. :p


So far, Here's some stats of which days AusGAF have tickets for, and which days people'll be around. At a glance.

How would everyone be for a major meetup on Thursday night, and a major meetup on - say, Saturday? Then just minor things throughout the other days. Me and Aon want to get some board games on at some point, hopefully PAX can provide us with an area to blow a day playing eurogames. Or maybe we could try and get the old dnd group (Clipper, Banana, Aon, Donc, Rahk, Jintor, Holy - whoever else played with us that I've forgotten) back together for a game?

Those sound good. I guess if anyone can't come to one there will be two? or something... We could book some place out. It depends on whether we're meeting for drinks or if food/ games are on the agenda.


You guys and your PAX that's like a gazlion miles from where I am. Why couldn't it be Sydney, or Brisbane, or heck Canberra. Or Tamworth, I'm not against Tamworth PAX.

I'd like that. But Rudd doesn't want to put his hand up. Do we have to force him?

Maybe make him Deputy or something?

Or that guy Rudd said would be a good further PM, slap him as leader and Rudd as deputy.

I do love a good spill! SPILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Personally I think Rudd wants to see Gillard, Swan and all the other Gillard supporters gone. If, as everyone suspects, the coalition sweeps 100+ seats, Gillard will be an unbackable option post-election. So will the people who got behind her replacing Rudd. Would you want to take over a party with the people who white-anted you still running the show?
What he wants is the rank and file to put the factional and union powerbrokers in their place.
And he'll be in a prime positon to get this on September 15.


Personally I think Rudd wants to see Gillard, Swan and all the other Gillard supporters gone. If, as everyone suspects, the coalition sweeps 100+ seats, Gillard will be an unbackable option post-election. So will the people who got behind her replacing Rudd. Would you want to take over a party with the people who white-anted you still running the show?
What he wants is the rank and file to put the factional and union powerbrokers in their place.
And he'll be in a prime positon to get this on September 15.

I think he would be better off waiting till after the election personally.

As Barrie Cassidy said, if he gets it and loses he is out permanently probably. Shorten (Eww) Will pick it up.

Sadly, I think a big defeat will just cause the labour party to implode furthur without learning the lessons it needs to learn, half will blame Gillard and the other half Rudd.
i honestly plan on spending most of pax playing board games and dnd rather than standing in lines for 4 hours to play games i dont care about. drinks all the days.
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