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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


I have a bunch of duplicate Steam codes, anyone want?

  • [*]Sherlock Holmes Versus Jack the Ripper
    [*]Indie Game: The Movie
    [*]Cave Story+
    [*]Dear Esther
    [*]Little Inferno
    [*]The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC
  • Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse
  • Shank 2

The following ones are probably used, but just in case I'll leave them here (quote to see key):
Avadon The Black Fortress
The Void
Defense Grid


best spiderman was the manga one



I have a bunch of duplicate Steam codes, anyone want?

  • [*]Sherlock Holmes Versus Jack the Ripper
  • The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC
    [*]Indie Game: The Movie
  • Shank 2
  • Cave Story+
    [*]Dear Esther
    [*]Little Inferno
  • Bastion
  • Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse

The following ones are probably used, but just in case I'll leave them here (quote to see key):
Avadon The Black Fortress
The Void
Defense Grid

Bastion please.


I have a bunch of duplicate Steam codes, anyone want?

  • [*]Sherlock Holmes Versus Jack the Ripper
  • The Binding of Isaac + Wrath of the Lamb DLC
    [*]Indie Game: The Movie
  • Shank 2
  • Cave Story+
    [*]Dear Esther
    [*]Little Inferno
  • Bastion
  • Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse

The following ones are probably used, but just in case I'll leave them here (quote to see key):
Avadon The Black Fortress
The Void
Defense Grid
cave story please:)

edit: thanks rahkarahk! ;D
If you're talking about the most recent one, yeah, I agree. However, it's not all the director's fault; the movie was cut to shit after it was finished.

Most of the weird plot holes, dangling plot threads and asinine character decisions and general weirdness were probably a result of interference after the film was finished.

That doesn't excuse it from some of the shittiest pseudo-film-science ever: "Peter, this displays all of the characterises of a symbiote; be careful with it". AND WHAT EXACTLY ARE THE CLASSICAL SIGNS THAT AN ANIMAL EXISTS IN A SYMBIOTIC RELATIONSHIP MR. SCIENTIST MAN?!? NO FUCK YOU!

Thankfully the cuts do explain one of the weirdest things that happened at the end: a policeman shooting and injuring Spider-Man with his gun after the chief of police explicitly telling everyone to hold their fire.
Okay then, the movie is now ruined :/
Aww you guys are the worst :( Spiderman is great.
I watched it for the first time the other day. Now I won't be able to un-notice the issues.



Can someone tell me what time I should get up for the MS E3 press conference, or post that cool E3 time sheet that some cool Aussie made?

Good on you VKS for putting in that complaint too. I don't understand how any of those kinds of 'news' shows are allowed to air.
Hey guys! See if you can cancel your Amazon UK 3DSxl order or if they will throw in a free copy of NSMB2!
Works out to about $183 apparently.
If they haven't sent your order out try cancelling it and doing a new order, otherwise try emailing them and asking what they can do for you as they are usually pretty good about matching deals that come out just after you buy a product.

Ha ha, mine shipped yesterday morning. Might fire them an email. Already have NSMB2 but I suppose I could throw it up on eBay for cheap or something.


Ha ha, mine shipped yesterday morning. Might fire them an email. Already have NSMB2 but I suppose I could throw it up on eBay for cheap or something.

Mine already shipped too. I just talked to them via live chat and they said to send back the one from yesterday and they will cover shipping, and just to order the new one. Bit of a hassle but worth it for cheap Mario since that's the main draw of the system for me.



There is still hope young one, have hope for an arcade Drive Club.
I still reckon there's more (maybe I'm just putting the pieces together wrong and seeing shit that's not there a la Beautiful Mind) so I'm not giving up yet. This could be just a contract thing they were working on... I mean, would they really hype something like this up for this long just to release a freemium iOS game that competes (badly) with Real Racing 3?

Appreciate your words though :) Just sucks to see that if this really is what it was about, that all those ex-Bizarre guys are doomed to make iOS games for all eternity.
I still reckon there's more (maybe I'm just putting the pieces together wrong and seeing shit that's not there a la Beautiful Mind) so I'm not giving up yet. This could be just a contract thing they were working on... I mean, would they really hype something like this up for this long just to release a freemium iOS game that competes (badly) with Real Racing 3?

Appreciate your words though :) Just sucks to see that if this really is what it was about, that all those ex-Bizarre guys are doomed to make iOS games for all eternity.

Whats all this about?


Public holiday upside: Parking when you go hand in your uni assignment
Public holiday downside: building not open, have to use dodgy-looking 'after hours assignment box'
Mine already shipped too. I just talked to them via live chat and they said to send back the one from yesterday and they will cover shipping, and just to order the new one. Bit of a hassle but worth it for cheap Mario since that's the main draw of the system for me.

Hm, probably not worth the effort for me and I don't really wanna be out the cost of the extra order for the month or whatever it'd take for the return to get to them.

Was hoping they'd just be like "pay the shipping and we'll send you the game" or "here's some store credit" or whatever.


Was hoping they'd just be like "pay the shipping and we'll send you the game" or "here's some store credit" or whatever.

Me too. Oh well. I already have four 3DS games already, so the extra wait is just a pain.

Hmm, I wonder if I could just send the silver one back. I probably could.


iOs is gonna kill gaming like a siren. Calling the companies to her titties, then crash, your ship sinks and she has a snake head.


Jesus. At least with SE you expect that kind of thing but this is, damn.
Hah, yeah. Like I said, I'm still hopeful (maybe they're working on something in parallel... hell, one of their guys DID say they were busy testing alphas, and this was after the game seemed to come out in NL) but nowhere near as much as before.

But if it is the only thing, it's a dick move for the developers to not say anything at all. Not like they weren't aware, either... hell, one of the studio heads even made an appearance in the PGR appreciation thread.

But this:

Man, that stings.

BTW, SE = Squeenix?


I have a traffic question for driving people.


So you get these lights at places where there is 2 lanes, a left only one and a straight ahead one.


When the lights on the left side are not lit up, and the red light is shown, does that mean neither lane can go? Cause I have seen people turn when that happens, cause I assume it means a 'with care' thingy.

But then Ive seen more people stay put. But ive also been honked at for not moving when it was red in the left lane >.<


So last night I got some Steam games from AusGAF for free.

Today, Trine 2 is on special. It's $4 for a single copy, or $8 for a three-pack. I thought, what an ideal time to repay the kind provider of free games!

The kind provider of my free Steam games already HAS a copy of Trine 2. So do most other members of AusGAF (although it looks like none of you have actually played it).

Despite my intentions of returning a generous act, I go ahead and just buy a single copy for me.

Fuck y'all. Can't do anything nice.


WHY DONT THEY JUST PUT A RED LIGHT THERE LIKE THEY DID IN THE OLD DAYS! BLOODY HOWARD! Oh its too expensive to put 2 red lights! And now confusion reigns!
NBA spoilers allowed?
Fuck this 4th quarter :( :(

So last night I got some Steam games from AusGAF for free.

Today, Trine 2 is on special. It's $4 for a single copy, or $8 for a three-pack. I thought, what an ideal time to repay the kind provider of free games!

The kind provider of my free Steam games already HAS a copy of Trine 2. So do most other members of AusGAF (although it looks like none of you have actually played it).

Despite my intentions of returning a generous act, I go ahead and just buy a single copy for me.

Fuck y'all. Can't do anything nice.

Wait, you aren't actually fucking playing these Steam games are you?
I have a traffic question for driving people.


So you get these lights at places where there is 2 lanes, a left only one and a straight ahead one.


When the lights on the left side are not lit up, and the red light is shown, does that mean neither lane can go? Cause I have seen people turn when that happens, cause I assume it means a 'with care' thingy.

But then Ive seen more people stay put. But ive also been honked at for not moving when it was red in the left lane >.<

what state? Some states have the turn left on a red light if its safe (Queensland doesn't, we have those handy turn left any time with care curved lanes)

But to me that red says no go.
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