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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

I have a traffic question for driving people.


So you get these lights at places where there is 2 lanes, a left only one and a straight ahead one.


When the lights on the left side are not lit up, and the red light is shown, does that mean neither lane can go? Cause I have seen people turn when that happens, cause I assume it means a 'with care' thingy.

But then Ive seen more people stay put. But ive also been honked at for not moving when it was red in the left lane >.<

Definitely means all lanes stop in the ACT. Though many intersections have a sign saying left lane can turn on the red after stopping, or words to that effect. If there is no sign, no turning at all on the red.
CBOAT Translation
Microsoft buying up 3rd party advertisements, asking them not to announce PS4 versions (kinda like the whole Diablo 3 PS3/360 thing but in reverse)
No rental strategy, rental companies fucked. More talk about DRM at Gamescom, E3 is games and nothing else, no MS employees allowed to talk about DRM.
Cloud to function as always on DRM, like Sim City. MS approached publishers, not the other way around. EA/Ubi were super keen on the idea, Acti not as much.
Will be more (worse) information on DRM to come out at Gamescom. Leaky boat is being plugged.
Mirrors Edge 2 will be at Xbone conference
Dead Rising 3 at Xbone conference with exclusive DLC
Capcom doing exclusive Xbone DLC
Prince of Persia reboot at Xbone conference
F2P games - probably include World of Tanks - at Xbone conference
Xbox Live GOLD still active on Xbone, still a fee to pay

Sony has no leaky boats sadly.

Bidet to you, good sir.


So last night I got some Steam games from AusGAF for free.

Today, Trine 2 is on special. It's $4 for a single copy, or $8 for a three-pack. I thought, what an ideal time to repay the kind provider of free games!

The kind provider of my free Steam games already HAS a copy of Trine 2. So do most other members of AusGAF (although it looks like none of you have actually played it).

Despite my intentions of returning a generous act, I go ahead and just buy a single copy for me.

Fuck y'all. Can't do anything nice.
Look, I have played trine 2, it's not bad but didn't improve on the repetitive build a tower game play of the first sadly. Pretty game though.


If Microsoft are just going to show all these 3rd party games that everyone on either PC or PS4 gets to play anyways.... I'm ok with that.
Oh ffs. I thought this thread was safe.
You need to post before each game asking that nothing be spoiled.

Also, you need to get off of the internet, turn off your phone, not watch your television, destroy your radio, not go out in public, kill your friends, fill your ears with Selley's No More Gaps and get a friend to gouge out your eyes with their thumbs (perhaps wait to kill your friends until after this one... hmmmm, but maybe their last words will be XXXXX won the conference semi-finaaaaaaaallllllsssss, so make sure you do the ear thing before you start killing your friends but then leave one alive to do the eye thing but then keep them really close so that you can find them and end their life while coping with becoming blind.). Granted, it's a lot of hard work but that's the responsibility that you need to bear as a sports person.

Sorry to say but this one's on you, buddy.
It may not happen straight away, but at some point everyone becomes an unconscionable sport spoiling bastard.

I am finally "one of us." Hello, brothers! Come, let's us all gather around this sporting guide and see what's games have just finished...
I will get around to reading that, Fred but I'm the most disappointed that I can possibly be that your link wasn't to a live NBA Score page.

That would have been glorious.


It may not happen straight away, but at some point everyone becomes an unconscionable sport spoiling bastard.

I am finally "one of us." Hello, brothers! Come, let's us all gather around this sporting guide and see what's games have just finished...

For any code, I think regular season match-ups are fair game.

It's a different case for fans of overseas sports during finals/Superbowl/All-star time. A lot of Australians watch these events as archived replays through PayTV or digital subscriptions (for me, it's within 6 hours of the live broadcast), and are entitled to get a bit sooky if they've had the score spoiled for them in that thin window of time between broadcast and when they're practically able to watch the replay.

The unspoken rule for those events is you've really got no more than 12 hours to get up to date, otherwise all bets are off.

Dead Man

And it will still fucking sell.

You know who gave away spoilers? That guy. He's a hero.

Jokes aside, everyone should read that article.

Well he's a dead man :/

For any code, I think regular season match-ups are fair game.

It's a different case for fans of overseas sports during finals/Superbowl/All-star time. A lot of Australians watch these events as archived replays through PayTV or digital subscriptions (for me, it's within 6 hours of the live broadcast), and are entitled to get a bit sooky if they've had the score spoiled for them in that thin window of time between broadcast and when they're practically able to watch the replay.

The unspoken rule for those events is you've really got no more than 12 hours to get up to date, otherwise all bets are off.

A few years ago I had the Superbowl spoiled for me by the fucking supermarket that had radio news playing. Fuckers.


Playing multi-plat games on my G75 Laptop with a gamepad. All the joy of console gaming, but with the added bonus of having a laptop battery microwave my genitals at point-blank range.

Spec Ops: The Line is deffo a gamepad game, although that's probably due to poor optimisation around KBM controls.

Using the 360 pad, but will look into better options (Logitech/Razer).


so, at lunch i bump into the woman from my apartment building who refuses to say hi back whenever i see her in the lift....

she says hi



So, pubs have a duty of care not to serve intoxicated patrons and so forth. Why dont casinos have a duty of care to not serve people who have lost too much money >.<?
So I've been playing the Etrian Oddysey 4 demo and have until tomorrow to decide whether to buy it or it goes off sale :/

It's frustrating in that those bloody kangaroos and bears always find me, but somehow, I want to keep exploring.


So I've been playing the Etrian Oddysey 4 demo and have until tomorrow to decide whether to buy it or it goes off sale :/

It's frustrating in that those bloody kangaroos and bears always find me, but somehow, I want to keep exploring.
if you can get past not liking the mapping part, it is really fun exploring dungeons and growing your characters. how are you finding the difficulty? it's known to be an unforgiving/tough series, so as long as you're not easily frustrated by (possibly) dying heaps, you should totes buy it!

also, the music man, the music!!

edit: oh and you can avoid those f.o.e (big enemies) pretty easily. they move in patterns, or there might be shortcuts to go around them.
if you can get past not liking the mapping part, it is really fun exploring dungeons and growing your characters. how are you finding the difficulty? it's known to be an unforgiving/tough series, so as long as you're not easily frustrated by (possibly) dying heaps, you should totes buy it!

also, the music man, the music!!
Difficulty so far is fine, but bear in mind that I'm only in the second dungeon and my characters are like level six. Plus, I tend to grind, a lot. When I played FF3DS my characters were maxed out at the final boss and the battle was over in like two turns or something ridiculous.


Difficulty so far is fine, but bear in mind that I'm only in the second dungeon and my characters are like level six. Plus, I tend to grind, a lot. When I played FF3DS my characters were maxed out at the final boss and the battle was over in like two turns or something ridiculous.
pull the trigger!


That feel... when you start a assignment at 3 am.. and send it in a hour before it's due.
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