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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

Wii U's lineup for the year is a little lean (and not really what Nintendo need to push the system) but what is there will do me. Plenty of other stuff to play on my other systems between Wii U titles.

Then next year THE QUEEN RETURNS


Mal Brough, the guy that is going against Peter Slipper, has this on the menu of a fundraiser.



Cross posting for AusPCbuildingGAF.

Any feedback on this build? Thinking about pulling the trigger this week. Prices are Australian.

Fractal Design Node 304 - Power button on the side hidden from curious little fingers. No optical slot for same. No big vents on the top so I can sit my audio interface on top.
$123 Umart

Silverstone Strider 650W Gold ST65F-G - Chosen due to it's short length, which should let me fit longer cards into the 304 case. I actually have a spare Seasonic M12II, but it's borderline as to whether I could get long cards into the system with that PSU installed. I know I probably don't need 650W, but it's only $10 more than the 550W so eh.
$152 Umart

Silverstone Short Cable Kit PP05 - Apparently the regular Strider PSU cables are really long, so this is recommended for SFF builds using those PSUs
$23 IT Estate

ASUS P8Z77-I Deluxe - More USB 3.0 ports than the other Z77 ITX boards and supposedly better overclocking than the Gigabyte one (for a price premium though, to be fair)
$194 Umart

i5-3570k - You bastards have convinced me to go Ivy over Haswell. I really wanted Haswell too, but a decent overclock is what let me keep my Q9550 for so long, so I need something that can sustain a decent overclock without giving stupid temps in this tiny little case. I'll be doing some audio production stuff but probably not enough to need hyperthreading. Maybe. I'm sort of undecided.
$234 Greenbox IT

G.Skill Ares F3-1600C10D-16GAO 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3 - I could probably live with 8GB, but 16GB isn't that much more.
$135 Arc

Noctua NH-C12 SE14 - I just picked this because it was in MKenyons SFF guide. Any decent alternatives? There seems to be a bunch of similar top down Noctua models. I do want to overclock but I mostly want it to be quiet. I guess it also has to fit on the ITX board
$74 Umart

$935 total

Already have:
Samsung 840 Pro 128GB
WD Green 2TB
GTX570 - hoping it will fit but it's not the end of the world if it doesn't.

Any suggestions for additions/changes? My budget can probably stretch another $2-300 but that's sort of my emergency fund in case my current GPU doesn't fit.
it looked like a better looking watch dogs with more multiplayer.

Not a knock on it just what the vibe i got from the short showing. Very out of nowhere reveal.

Dead Man

Wow. What a grub. There's something about that seat.

Unrelated, how good does the Division look? Not sure why it's a Tom Clancy game, but holy shit. Looks awesome
Looks awesome, until you realise Ubi will fuck it up in some fundamental way.
Yeah that is fucking terrible, so much pixelation.


You don't even have to read the childish nature of the course names, just look at one item on the menu. Foie gras. They need to be force-fed their own shit so they can have a sample of what it's like to be tortured like the food they're eating.

True enough, hate that it is legal still.
So when did GAF start hating SM3DL? I watched the direct this morning and was like, neat, I love 3D Land, then looked at GAF at lunch and was like woah.

WWHD is a must for me, because I'm a whore for Zelda. ALBW is a goofy title, but whatever, it's Zelda.

I can't express how little I care about Smash and Kart as franchises.

The DKTF announcement was, sad to say, disappointing. It would have been more exciting if there had been a bigger gap since the last DKC game and were there not a port of that game released just a month ago on 3DS.

But yeah, they playing it incredibly safe and that's not what's required to save the Wii U.

XBONE 7,200 cm cube
PS4 4,400 cm cube

XBONE in total volume is ~63% larger than PS4.

It's also very light at 2.8kg or 6lbs. Compare that to launch PS3 at 7kg or 15lbs... PS4 is only 40% of PS3 weight.
How is the PS4 so fucking small compared to the Xbone? It has better hardware and internal power supply. NO POWER BRICK! WOO!

Fucking Cerny. Apparently his design saved them a year of development on Knack (and I would expect all other games too).

Oh also

Spend $100 at Kogan get $30 back
The Adventures of Tintin Blu Ray set for $24 posted
Groupees build a bundle - includes Syberia 1/2, Still Life 1/2, starts at 40c

Really? I'm not so sure if I understand the backlash here. Considering how fucking good DKCR was, I'm really eager for a sequel, plus if it's the same quality jump that DKC2 was to DKC1.. then oh man.
Didn't we just get DKCR on 3DS? That will make 3 DKCR games since Dec 2010.

Also this is all that Retro has been working on size the first one? Did they lose that much staff?

Well damn.

Wait for the price drop. $300 for premium is still asking a lot.

Hey, anyone know where I can pre-order last of us to pick up in store? I'm not real keen on touching EB games.
Try Big W on release day. Should be at Kmart/Target too, pretty big release.

Any chance of posting what is censored in a spoiler? No access at work.
I'm going to have to sit down and go through all of the vids next week. too much on right now

So far, though I'm jazzed for:
Wii U: Mario 3D World, WW HD and DKC. And Zelda 3DS
PS4- Probably just infamous. Though I'd likely get Killzone at some point
Xbox- I liked the insomniac game and Titanfall
multi- and which platform will be a decision I make much later
WatchDogs, BF4, Destiny, ME2, CoD:Ghosts, ACIV (really has to be good for me to bite after ACIII), Batman:AO.

I have a lot of stuff happening IRL which means I can't really make plans about big purchases at the end of the year so I can't say if I'll be getting either new console this year. So multiplats will likely be PC or Wii U (if there's one available) or PS360.

But not getting a Vita. That's about the only definite.

TLOU is $78 at Big W from tomorrow


You don't even have to read the childish nature of the course names, just look at one item on the menu. Foie gras. They need to be force-fed their own shit so they can have a sample of what it's like to be tortured like the food they're eating.
So much is just outright frustrating about it... other than the foie gras, the horrible, horrible jokes ("Liberal wine!", eating your "Greens" before they take over... ahaha herp derp) just severely reminds me of this scene from The Simpsons (Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington):

Makes me sick.


I'm probably most hyped for FFXV. Been hyped for Versus XIII since it was announced pretty much, always looked like a much more interesting game than XIII. Now that they moved it onto next gen the graphics look pretty crazy to me. Gameplay wise, Kingdom Hearts has always had a great combat system so I'm not worried about that.
Now that they turned it into a mainline game they're pretty much forced to finish it and not let it become vapourware, hooray!
you're a bad person
No interest in Pikmin either. I'm a terrible Nintendo fan, aren't I?

Unlike the majority of the populace, I don't enjoy competition. Never did. In fact, I hate it as it stresses me out. I think it comes from being an introvert and an only child.

At any rate, it means that racing, fighting and multiplayer shooting games aren't fun for me. I prefer games where my benchmark for performance is either a pre-set goal or myself.


I don't understand why are there Australians posting in Australian threads about Australian things that don't post in AusGAF


viciouskillersquirrel said:
WWHD is a must for me, because I'm a whore for Zelda
i thought i'd be excited for WW, but didn't feel a thing during the direct:/ i guess hd is nice, but it looked nice enough back then anyway! unless there's like legit new stuff added, i don't really see why i'd wana play it for the...4th? time.

Dead Man

I don't understand why are there Australians posting in Australian threads about Australian things that don't post in AusGAF

Yeah, noticed that quite a bit lately. In OT I can understand since AusGAF is in gaming community, but people who post in gaming? It makes no sense. Unless we smell bad.


A lot of people bailed out when the thread used to move super fast. It's slower these days, but to be fair we do talk a lot of crap.


it's been like that forever though. like, ausgaf has basically been the same 15 or so (less now) people since the first thread.
i thought i'd be excited for WW, but didn't feel a thing during the direct:/ i guess hd is nice, but it looked nice enough back then anyway!

Yeah. My reaction was pretty much "yep, that sure is Wind Waker alright." I don't know what I expected exactly but I guess it was a little more than that. The art style has gone a long way to making the game look timeless.


I'm in the cool kids club of 15 right guys



This thread is pretty much my only exposure to GAF nowadays, there's just waaaay too much info to parse through on Gaming Side. And on OT I mainly just poke about in comics threads and the Penny Arcade Strip Show thread because I love that show so much SO MUCH.


I post rarely enough even in here, but I still feel weird posting in any other GAF thread. It's like a different world out there.
I post here and in ASoIaF threads. I blame GAF for that particular obsession.

I've lost interest in system wars and have no desire to cut through fanboy drivel anymore. It was interesting last time as the DS and Wii were hugely disruptive and it was fun to watch people squirm, shout and rage because of it.

This time, however, the deafening roar of orthodoxy is drowning out anything that doesn't fit the shooter / 3D brawling AAA paradigm. Soccer Mums aren't seen as an existential threat to hardcore gaming anymore, so it's no fun.
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