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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


GAF went stupid for blue ocean theory for a while. What was the name of that guy who wrote a couple of good articles for some news site about the Wii at launch and then went way off the deep end with his own blog? God I wish I could remember. I think linking to him was bannable for a while because he was such a troll.


Same. Most days I just read the last page because I lack the time.
You're part of the problem. Everyone wants to make sure they have a post up on the most recent page just in case you're reading it, and because there's not enough room (51 posters with over 10 posts) it just becomes one gigantic shitfight.

So, your fault.


Sean Malstrom! He's still at it: http://seanmalstrom.wordpress.com/

Crazy Man said:
It’s interesting to me that 3d World appears to have woken up 3d Mario fans to the “Miyamoto-Hatred-Of-2d-Mario” issue. Miyamoto said we can’t have Peach in NSMB because of ‘dress physics’ yet here she is in 3d Mario. This is so incredibly obvious.

No wonder Nintendo didn’t want to show their faces at an E3 Conference. Cowards.
I don't understand why are there Australians posting in Australian threads about Australian things that don't post in AusGAF
I suspect there are a lot of us who read over AusGAF regularly but don't post that much. I've been posting since the first AusGAF thread... just not often :)
GAF went stupid for blue ocean theory for a while. What was the name of that guy who wrote a couple of good articles for some news site about the Wii at launch and then went way off the deep end with his own blog? God I wish I could remember. I think linking to him was bannable for a while because he was such a troll.
Blue Ocean theory is a legitimate way of articulating what Nintendo did at the beginning of last gen. The trouble stemmed from all these people who hadn't read the book or properly understood the terminology using it to try to get a leg over other fanboys in NPD threads.

If you read the book, they followed the strategy to the letter and it worked masterfully for the Wii and DS. They read the conditions perfectly and their bold risk paid off big time.

Where they went wrong, I think, was in sustaining what they started.


Blue Ocean theory is a legitimate way of articulating what Nintendo did at the beginning of last gen. The trouble stemmed from all these people who hadn't read the book or properly understood the terminology using it to try to get a leg over other fanboys in NPD threads.

If you read the book, they followed the strategy to the letter and it worked masterfully for the Wii and DS. They read the conditions perfectly and their bold risk paid off big time.

Where they went wrong, I think, was in sustaining what they started.

Oh please. 3ds is turning into a better console then the ds itself, the previous best console ever.


Was it here I spoke of Killer Instinct being F2P, or Twitter? I think it was Twitter. Anyway, Vooks wasn't sure whether it was F2P or not. This confirms it. And because Thuway mentioned something about a new PGR back in Feb., I'd say he's reliable.


Also, CDPR are the shit.

It would probably be a bit like this

Oh dear, you've made a Super Troopers reference when quoting rep. What have you done?!?
Oh please. 3ds is turning into a better console then the ds itself, the previous best console ever.

It IS looking pretty great.

Speaking of which, my 3DS arrived today! But I was half asleep and lacking pants when the mailman came so I can't collect it till tomorrow.


It IS looking pretty great.

Speaking of which, my 3DS arrived today! But I was half asleep and lacking pants when the mailman came so I can't collect it till tomorrow.


Holy crap, only a month to go until PAAAAAX

I'm gonna end up spending so much money on crap I don't need, aren't I :(
You can write 10k words on anything I bet after that Zelda timeline thing!
Which I still haven't finished. Fatherhood doesn't leave me with a lot of time to scour old threads in obscure Zelda forums for research unfortunately.

Its outselling the ds.....
Who is buying it? That's the bigger question. If they're all DS owners upgrading and kids (natural growth) rather than people who never bought a handheld before, there's a problem.


Which I still haven't finished. Fatherhood doesn't leave me with a lot of time to scour old threads in obscure Zelda forums for research unfortunately.

Who is buying it? That's the bigger question. If they're all DS owners upgrading and kids (natural growth) rather than people who never bought a handheld before, there's a problem.
Theres only a problem with you goombas and your unlimited growth daydreams.


Who is buying it? That's the bigger question. If they're all DS owners upgrading and kids (natural growth) rather than people who never bought a handheld before, there's a problem.

Smartphones and tablets, that's the rub. I always hear apocrypha of back in the Game Boy days, of the businessman playing Tetris on the plane or of office ladies playing during their commute. Dedicated handhelds are likely never, ever gonna reach those markets again - at least, nowhere near as effectively.

Dead Man



That's the panel of experts Channel 7 convened to dissect sexism in politics.

LOL. Then the Libs pull that menu as well, not a good look for anyone.

Edit: Wait, is that Alan Jones? What the fuck is he doing there at all? Utter farce.


Smartphones and tablets, that's the rub. I always hear apocrypha of back in the Game Boy days, of the businessman playing Tetris on the plane or of office ladies playing during their commute. Dedicated handhelds are likely never, ever gonna reach those markets again - at least, nowhere near as effectively.

And who cares? Apparently the unwashed masses need games that control awfully and have no substance. So screw them.

Not everything has to cater to every market.

Smartphones and tablets, that's the rub. I always hear apocrypha of back in the Game Boy days, of the businessman playing Tetris on the plane or of office ladies playing during their commute. Dedicated handhelds are likely never, ever gonna reach those markets again - at least, nowhere near as effectively.

Especially since a lot of handheld games are available on smartphones now anyway.

I guess they have to reach a ceiling at some point...



That's the panel of experts Channel 7 convened to dissect sexism in politics.

Alan Jones does not look happy.


You joke, but I could write a 10K word essay on what they did wrong, from a strategic point of view.

You don't think it was as simple as being disrupted by mobile devices and their software pricepoints? If "soccer mums" or kids can sink hours into free or $5 games, what hope do $50 games have? Not to mention Nintendo's stubbornness when it comes to discounting first party games.

Perhaps they could have done more on the software front, obviously they needed to really make successful local multiplayer games Wii Sports/Play style. They were successful with the handful of titles that did that, but they were few and far between and their poor third party relations meant they were never successful in convincing third parties to make the kind of games that can be successful.

So they needed third parties help, obviously the established third parties were too set in their ways to change completely, but Nintendo were too inflexible on getting new third parties to develop for them. All the console indies were on 360 and PC. Notice how the guys getting all the success on mobile aren't the big console pubs? Nintendo needed to be open enough to provide for a Rovio or a Zynga or an OMGPOP or a Halfbrick. It seemed forumites wanted to shake their fists at the handful of huge publishers, when what you really need to do if you want innovative software is to get indies developing on your system. Nintendo platforms are far and away the worst for that.


And who cares? Apparently the unwashed masses need games that control awfully and have no substance. So screw them.

Not everything has to cater to every market.

Hey, as a consumer, I don't really give a damn as long as I get cool games for a price I'm willing to pay. I just like the idea of Nintendo not being doomed every other month.


ARGH. So I got three (3!) speeding tickets during the month I was driving the car loaned to me (between moving out and getting my own car). All in the same place on Eastlink. All in a car with a beeper that beeps when you hit 105. Which I most certainly didn't hit three times in the same place on Eastlink. Ffffuuuuu.

Fortunately I have my own car now which - though it goes a little more eagerly than the loaner car - has cruise control. Yay cruise control.

I have one minor (<10km/h) speeding fine to my name 15 years ago, and no other demerit points ever. Imma see if pleading for leniency will help.

Edit: epic edible boardgame Dead Man!


Hey, as a consumer, I don't really give a damn as long as I get cool games for a price I'm willing to pay. I just like the idea of Nintendo not being doomed every other month.


It makes them a better company, and it makes them make better games.

Face it. When do you do better work, when you have 1 hour to hand something in or you fail, or when you have 2 months to go and so much nothing to do?!

Nintendo is always doomed, they were doomed when sony came in, when microsoft came in, the wii was just an abberation, for a few months they werent doomed, now they are doomed again and all is right with the world. Just like PC gaming is doomed, and you name it.

People were convinced the n64, the gcn, the ds, the wii, the.. you name it, was their death knell. And they keep on keeping on, and they will keep on keeping on till time keeps keeping. I remember when the ds and wii were announced, 95% of people were convinced that, not only would they be out of business in a year, but that they were certifiably insane, literally mad.

And Nintendo has to face facts, people but Nintendo for Nintendo, so stop trying to suck up to 3rd parties and expand, but more studios, and pump out so much shit no one can compete. Make your own sports titles (Without mario!) and what nots. Granted a Mario NFL is the only way you could get me to play that awful sport but still... and the only soccer game ive played in over 10 years was mario super strikers >_>

Fuck it. Nintendo should save its money and just buy as many studios as it can, make sports games, fps games... you name it. Cause there is a reason rare made good games, Nintendo. Why eternal darkness was good, Nintendo. Nintendo just needs to spread its magic around and build its own gaming empire the likes of which the world has never seen the likes of which. Nintendo doesnt have 99 other pots boiling in the back ground like Sony and Msoft. Hell they made Next level games make the brillian punch out, luigi mansion... etc... they just need to be more adventurous and buy more companies, to make more games.

So, 99% of people buy Nintendo for Nintendo, so stop worrying about third parties, cause no one is buying a Wii u for the next splinter cell game. Theyre buying it for Nintendo. The seal of quality!

Hell, im part of the problem, I buy Nintendo games for Nintendo games. My Nintendo consoles have been almost exclusively Nintendo games. But the problem isnt a problem, it just needs to be addressed, and not feared. Nintendo should have big self developed titles in every genre and space.

And lets face facts, 'gamers' will never be satisfied. Nintendo shows off mario, 'boo, wheres original nintendo rehash rehash!' Nintendo doesnt show off mario? 'omg wheres mario! Nitendos losing it! whats ead doing111!!!'.

Yikes. Not looking good. Saw Serrels said he didn't love it either.
An interview on GT did say the combat had been made way easier for the demo. Like half as much fighting before the QTE execution came up. Not sure if that will change anything, but it should mean it's (half) as much of a QTE-athon as it is now.

Apparently that Project Spark is F2P. That's pretty rad, I thought it looked really interesting.

Edit: And the reason I meant to post in the first place. Courier Mail editors have been cleaned out. It's like the Parramatta Eels in there http://www.theaustralian.com.au/media/dore-to-edit-courier-mail-as-fagan-departs/story-e6frg996-1226662619390?sv=bf214864378baa94c044a2e656a7e651#.UbgIxnIvouw.twitter


And lets face facts, 'gamers' will never be satisfied. Nintendo shows off mario, 'boo, wheres original nintendo rehash rehash!' Nintendo doesnt show off mario? 'omg wheres mario! Nitendos losing it! whats ead doing111!!!'.

I've gone from a pretty hardcore Nintendo fan to openly resenting them as they currently are. I was there Day 1 for N64, Gamecube and Wii.


I've gone from a pretty hardcore Nintendo fan to openly resenting them as they currently are. I was there Day 1 for N64, Gamecube and Wii.

How can you resent them?

I only resent Microsoft for their treatment of pc gaming and gamers.

And thats justifyable by logic.

Whats Nintendo done thats made you such an angry person?


I don't hate Nintendo, I just think their console business is pretty shit. At least 3DS is swallowing me up in games. I have Lugi's Mansion 2 here, unopened, because I played like 40 hours of Fire Emblem instead.
It would probably be a bit like this


Oh dear, you've made a Super Troopers reference when quoting rep. What have you done?!?

(also CD Projekt being on stage for Xbone made me very upset seeing their previous stance of being pro-consumer, moneyhat for the win obviously)

Which I still haven't finished. Fatherhood doesn't leave me with a lot of time to scour old threads in obscure Zelda forums for research unfortunately.
Sounds like the perfect father-son project! Academic AND fun!

Wait, is that Alan Jones? What the fuck is he doing there at all? Utter farce.
When hasn't it been a farce.

Off that topic but still about media: Another jumps death. Interesting story behind the article, originally it wasn't reported online alongside the race report itself but once the news snuck into the paper as a small note they were able to put it up without worry about the racing mafia down here burning their houses to the ground.

I have one minor (<10km/h) speeding fine to my name 15 years ago, and no other demerit points ever. Imma see if pleading for leniency will help.
I've heard from several sources that paying the fine then sending them a letter apologizing, taking full responsibility for the offence and pointing to your previous driving record will see the funds reimbursed. I think they are allowed to reimburse you once every 2 years or something. The other admin in the office had it work successfully, my boss who is an ex-cop confirmed the policy. Something to do with it being a traffic offence which can be waived, same with drink driving originally.

Yikes. Not looking good. Saw Serrels said he didn't love it either.
An interview on GT did say the combat had been made way easier for the demo. Like half as much fighting before the QTE execution came up. Not sure if that will change anything, but it should mean it's (half) as much of a QTE-athon as it is now.
The whole thing just looks like the gameplay is for a Kinect game, now with button presses! Looks nice though. Hope we get an Uncharted game in that region.

FC1, C1, Warhead and C2 all play incredibly well. I haven't played C3 yet, but did the wheels fall off or something?
Crysis 2 played well but was oddly dull and soulless, same with Crysis 3. Just didn't draw me in like stalking Koreans did in the first game.

Maybe I'm just racist.
I found Crytek's games to date to be very German. Technical, clinical but missing that spark. Like an EA game. I do look forward to some of their stuff from the UK and US studios at some point.

I did go to a talk by the audio guys on C2 at GDC last year and liked the way their audio pipeline was set up.

I rewatched Super Troopers the other night for the first time in years. What a pity Broken Lizard NEVER made another film either before or after that one.

The director and one of the stars of the group, Jay Chandrasehkar, has directed eps of Chuck, Community and Arrested Development

I still laugh when I think of the final shot of Club Dread, though


Anyone know a good local site or store for buying F1 merch? I want to get a polo, probably a Lotus Kimi one, but I'm having a hard time finding any Aussie stores.
You don't think it was as simple as being disrupted by mobile devices and their software pricepoints? If "soccer mums" or kids can sink hours into free or $5 games, what hope do $50 games have? Not to mention Nintendo's stubbornness when it comes to discounting first party games.

Perhaps they could have done more on the software front, obviously they needed to really make successful local multiplayer games Wii Sports/Play style. They were successful with the handful of titles that did that, but they were few and far between and their poor third party relations meant they were never successful in convincing third parties to make the kind of games that can be successful.

So they needed third parties help, obviously the established third parties were too set in their ways to change completely, but Nintendo were too inflexible on getting new third parties to develop for them. All the console indies were on 360 and PC. Notice how the guys getting all the success on mobile aren't the big console pubs? Nintendo needed to be open enough to provide for a Rovio or a Zynga or an OMGPOP or a Halfbrick. It seemed forumites wanted to shake their fists at the handful of huge publishers, when what you really need to do if you want innovative software is to get indies developing on your system. Nintendo platforms are far and away the worst for that.
I think you're right as far as handhelds go. There was never really much question as to what happened DS->3DS and neither the PSP nor the PSV put up any real fight.

On consoles though, it was a combination of a huge number of things I'd have to spend hours to fully lay out. Chief among them in my mind are Nintendo's limited development bandwidth and bad third party relationships in spite of their reliance on them to sustain the market.

One of the unintended consequences of successful disruption is often alienation, confusion and contempt from your former competitors. In any other business, that's fine, because it leaves an entire market for you to exploit alone.

In consoles, however, you can never develop the kind of development bandwidth to sustain a healthy ecosystem by yourself, at least, not without growing unmanageably large and bloated. To a certain extent, you need your competitors, because not only do they keep your customers from drifting away when you can't produce new product, but thanks to licensing fees, they're your customers too.

Think about a steel producer that also owns a port for shipping that steel to foreign markets. The steel producer has their factories running 24/7 but they can only produce so much steel at a time, so not all orders can be met. Their customers need a steady supply of steel and if their needs aren't met, they're liable to go elsewhere, to other ports, so what does the company do?

The obvious answer is to open more factories. The trouble there is that this is easier said than done. Not only are they hugely expensive to build or buy, but you won't see a profit from them for years. Thanks to the realities of the cash flow situation, this can only happen so quickly.

Another answer is to allow other steel producers to use the port for a fee. It means that your customers get their orders filled, so they'll keep coming back and you at least get some money from the port.

The trouble is that these other steel producers are now both your competitors and your customers. You need to keep friendly with them, but they will always resent you because, as the owner of the port, you have advantages and cost savings that they don't.

So with the Wii, Nintendo is like the struggling steel producer that found a great new market selling a new type of steel, not as strong or as hard as the standard, but that sells on the basis of being prettier. By all the heuristics that decades of experience in making the strongest hardest steel possible have taught their competitors, this steel is crap, no good for building anything larger than a gazebo. Perhaps good enough for scaffolding, but no more. Common sense dictates that nobody in their right mind would ever buy this stuff.

But buy it they do, and in bulk. It turns out this market loves this stuff because it is so pretty and they can only get it from the one place. Soon the struggling steel producer is in a position where they can only fill a fraction of their orders.

Their competitors try to get in on the action, producing pretty steel of their own. The trouble is that they haven't done the research into why the steel is so popular in the first place and their efforts result in even weaker steel that isn't even as pretty as the proper stuff and the new market rejects it outright.

Rather than share their manufacturing process so that the new customers' unmet orders needs are filled, the company simply ignores the situation, happy that its factory output is all being bought up and that they have no competitors in their new and lucrative market. The trouble now is that they are at capacity and cannot meet the needs of both markets at once, not alone.

The trouble is that it seems to the competitors that the port is slowly gaining a reputation as a place for pretty steel and that the port owner is set to abandon their traditional market . This is far from the truth, but the port owner doesn't communicate their intentions very well and the notion worries them.

Having failed at profiting from the pretty steel business, the competitors stop using this port.

Soon enough neither structural nor pretty steel orders are being met due to a lack of capacity. Frustrated customers seek alternatives, both in terms of structural steel and in terms of substitutes for pretty steel. The customer base dwindles and the company is left in dire straits.

The ultimate point of all that is that unlike a regular publisher (eg EA), Nintendo can't afford to alienate their competitors because of also being a platform holder. Trouble is that disruption often leads to alienation, so they needed a plan in place to manage that.

My opinion is that Nintendo would have been better served creating a wholly-owned subsidiary that would sell Wii Sports/Fit/Play/Party while the traditional stuff was sold under the Nintendo brand name. But that's a story for another day.





Well, that escalated quickly.
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