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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

Dead Man

Campbell Newman, you utter clown: Peter Garrett banned from Queensland schools by Campbell Newman in Gonski funding row
THE man ultimately responsible for Australia's schools has been banned from setting foot on Queensland campuses by the Newman state government.

The ban on visits by federal School Education Minister Peter Garrett was made last night as tensions over planned changes to funding erupted.

In an extraordinary move, state Education Minister John-Paul Langbroek's office last night confirmed Mr Garrett was not welcome at either Nyanda State High School or Yeronga State School this morning.

A spokeswoman for Mr Langbroek said last night he would not allow Queensland schools "to be the venue for the Gonski media roadshow".

She was referring to the Federal Government's "Gonski plan" for school funding, which has been formulated after a review of the system by business leader David Gonski. The proposed reforms are set to be a major policy battleground ahead of September's federal election.
^^ Can't read it because it's behind a registration wall. Not that I care. News Ltd. Ugh.

Campbell Newman playing politics. Big fucking surprise. Don't worry. He'll be getting a big wake up call at the next QLD election.

Dead Man

^^ Can't read it because it's behind a registration wall. Not that I care. News Ltd. Ugh.

Campbell Newman playing politics. Big fucking surprise. Don't worry. He'll be getting a big wake up call at the next QLD election.

Weird, whole article comes up for me, and I don't pay shit for news. Hopefully you are right on the next QLD election.


but ever so delicious
How about those Nintendo direct mehatons, oh yea!

So pc gamers win e3. Them glorious next gen ports sure are going to be something special and no pay wall! So far anyway.

Some dude is watching Nikita at like 15 fps on his ipad. Nice work sir.
So did Ninty turn up or what?
No price drop?
Retro is doing another DKC?
Bayonetta 2 is 2014?
X is 2014?
Smash Bros is 2014?
Nothing new? No new ideas? Nothing? Oh I guess Wii Fit Trainer for Smash Bros counts.

Can't believe I'm going without beer for 2 months for this shit. I already own a working Smash Bros for the WiiU. Also a Mario Kart, a Mario Party and Mario whatever other fucking bullshit you shove him into. Help me out here.

How is that legal? Isn't he the education minister?
So did Ninty turn up or what?
No price drop?
Retro is doing another DKC?
Bayonetta 2 is 2014?
X is 2014?
Smash Bros is 2014?
Nothing new? No new ideas? Nothing? Oh I guess Wii Fit Trainer for Smash Bros counts.

Can't believe I'm going without beer for 2 months for this shit. I already own a working Smash Bros for the WiiU. Also a Mario Kart, a Mario Party and Mario whatever other fucking bullshit you shove him into. Help me out here.

I hate to say it but it serves you right. Beer should win out over almost anything, especially a console with fuck all games.


I still can't believe Sony got such a big pop off while locking away multiplayer.

And fuck ya'll, Nintendo looks sick... in a year's time when all the other consoles will be out

Can't believe I'm going without beer for 2 months for this shit. I already own a working Smash Bros for the WiiU. Also a Mario Kart, a Mario Party and Mario whatever other fucking bullshit you shove him into. Help me out here.

Never buy hardware in anticipation of what's coming, only buy it for the stuff that's already out. That's my rule and it's served me well.
Mattrick: "Fortunately we have a product for people who aren't able to get some form of connectivity, it's called Xbox 360"

Forza 5. No night time. No weather. No auction house.
Now I understand how it is meeting launch.

And fuck ya'll, Nintendo looks sick... in a year's time when all the other consoles will be out
Sick indeed. They will enjoy their little niche but never regain a large console market share again this generation.

Fucking sequels up in this Ninty house. Nothing else. At least give me a gamepad that reaches to my fucking loungeroom you arseholes.

Dead Man

WA at it as well, less obviously though: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-06-11/fundraiser-being-attended-by-pm-in-limbo/4747302
The Prime Minister's office has accused the West Australian Government of "outrageous political censorship" after a Labor fundraiser featuring British comedian Ben Elton had to be relocated with only a day to spare.

The event, featuring a Q and A session with Julia Gillard and Elton, was to be held at John Curtin College of the Arts in Fremantle, with tickets costing up to $250.

But the school cancelled the event yesterday, with the Education Minister saying his department had only just become aware it was a Labor fundraiser.

The event, which will now be held at Fremantle Victoria Hall, is a fundraiser for local Labor MP Melissa Parke.

"This is an extraordinary political intervention that displays a pettiness at the heart of the Barnett Government," she said.

"The Barnett Government may think it runs a police state here in WA, but we're not going to let them suppress a perfectly legitimate Fremantle political event.

Ms Parke says there was never any attempt to disguise the event's political nature.

"We've been absolutely upfront, it's been in our advertising, it's been on our website," she said.

"We've got a written statement from the Minister of Education's office that they had no problems with the event."

"The fact is that the school principal was put under enormous pressure by the Barnett Government to cancel, and this is an extraordinary political intervention that displays a pettiness at the heart of the Barnett Government."

The state's Education Minister Peter Collier says the independent public school pulled out of hosting the event when it realised it was a political fundraiser.

He says he fully supports the school's decision.

"I think it is just inappropriate to have a political fundraiser in a public school," he said.

Stay classy.

Its a soft paywall. You have to go to a couple if articles before it kicks in

KI not F2P either. Just a demo, which is by definition F2P

Its a soft paywall. You have to go to a couple if articles before it kicks in

KI not F2P either. Just a demo, which is by definition F2P

Haven't read a proper confirmation but it now sounds like a Shareware edition where you get one character and then pay to unlock others rather than not having a full retail edition at all.

Like everything Xbone it has been really poorly communicated to the community.


I'm pretty excited about what Nintendo has coming for the Wii-U. Mario World 3D, Donkey Kong Country Returns 2, X, Bayonetta 2, The Wonderful 101 all look infinitely more interesting than a lot of the other first-party or second-party offerings the other two companies have. But I'd have to admit, at this point Nintendo is becoming a parody of themselves, they are making the same EXACT games they have been making since the Gamecube-era.. I mean the only game that looks like it's pushing the "envelope" is X... and that's only second-party.

If the new Zelda isn't much of a evolution over Skyward Sword, TP, or Wind Waker I might cry.:p
not a single third party game at Nintendo either?

No pricedrop now makes sense, wont do shit without software backup and if you announce too early people might hold back. They would be sacrificing profitability for a short term bump.

If they dont have a direct in a couple of months though to drop the for the end of year price going up against the ps4 launch at the current price wouldn't go well.


Sick indeed. They will enjoy their little niche but never regain a large console market share again this generation.

Maybe that's an alright position to be in. Prepping for the inevitable handheld/home console integrated creation...

What megatonnes did they drop this year on Directs prior to E3? Hmmm... does Microsoft and Sony drop bombs a bit at a time like Nintendo does? Is their Direct strategy working? Idk really...
What megatonnes did they drop this year on Directs prior to E3? Hmmm... does Microsoft and Sony drop bombs a bit at a time like Nintendo does? Is their Direct strategy working? Idk really...

Pokemon and announced without showing every game that was at e3 except donkey kong. Sony goes big at gamescom and TGS aswell where the others leave it to third parties there.


Forza 5 is a goddamn joke confirmed:
I made a couple of quick notes from the live stream with Dan:

Native 1080p 60fps
Dedicated Servers for multi
Open-wheelers (more info on FM.net later today)
New physics engine that isn't in place yet
No auction house or storefront
No night-time
No weather
No night racing or weather! WTF.

You know what you can do, Shaneus? You can take your Cranky Cat, and that goddamn fucking Maniacal Machine of his, and you can shove them solidly up your arse.
In hindsight, this was totally worth the $3.


Pokemon and announced without showing every game that was at e3 except donkey kong. Sony goes big at gamescom and TGS aswell where the others leave it to third parties there.

I don't know if their drip-feed strategy is any good or not, really...

Christ they gotta remove this bloody 120 second limit.
I don't know if their drip-feed strategy is any good or not, really...

Christ they gotta remove this bloody 120 second limit.

It works for 3ds because they have every 3rd party handheld developer who has something worth a damn on board so it isn't a drip feed but a constant stream. They don't have that for wiiu.


Sales follow games, no games = no sales. Directs are more about hype building, and the bump every few months (or weeks) is significant, but seems to devalue their 'conference' badly.

But yeah... goddamnit Ninty. At least make me a new Metroidvania before you implode
Sales follow games, no games = no sales. Directs are more about hype building, and the bump every few months (or weeks) is significant, but seems to devalue their 'conference' badly.

But yeah... goddamnit Ninty. At least make me a new Metroidvania before you implode

They had all the big third party multiplats at lauch and they all sold like shit. And they have't managed to release on of their own games since then either.

Dead Man

I'm pretty excited about what Nintendo has coming for the Wii-U. Mario World 3D, Donkey Kong Country Returns 2, X, Bayonetta 2, The Wonderful 101 all look infinitely more interesting than a lot of the other first-party or second-party offerings the other two companies have. But I'd have to admit, at this point Nintendo is becoming a parody of themselves, they are making the same EXACT games they have been making since the Gamecube-era.. I mean the only game that looks like it's pushing the "envelope" is X... and that's only second-party.

If the new Zelda isn't much of a evolution over Skyward Sword, TP, or Wind Waker I might cry.:p

That's the thing, they aren't even trying to move away from that, if anything they are getting closer to being the parody that people laugh at.
Hey guys, remember when Nintendo were an innovative and interesting developer?

So long ago :(
At least we get some 3rd party Metroidvania with the ex-Retro Batman game on 3DS. Although probably better to get the higher quality Vita version anyway.

6 months, no beer.

Only tears rep.
2 months


No way I could make it 6 months.

I want it put on record that it is 2 months and if the wife says 6 I will be livid.

Sales follow games, no games = no sales. Directs are more about hype building, and the bump every few months (or weeks) is significant, but seems to devalue their 'conference' badly.

But yeah... goddamnit Ninty. At least make me a new Metroidvania before you implode

The bump has been similar to Vita sales bumps hasn't it?

At least it is doing better than the 360 in Japan!


Man, so $550 is a bit more of a markup than I expected for the PS3. I might still buy one locally anyway, though. I don't want to have to deal with SCEA if I ever need it repaired. I had to do that when my US Wii died a few years ago and it was an expensive pain in the ass.

edit: lollin at Don Mattrick saying basically "if you don't like always online, buy a 360"


Yeah I agree Nintendo really need to branch out with their development for consoles. I don't even necessarily mean new IPs, (although that would be nice) but at least use your other ones. Give us Starfox, Metroid, F-Zero, etc. Their variety has fallen off a cliff. X is the only different looking thing coming from them. And it is a first party title, not second party, since Monolithsoft is owned by Nintendo.

I also think what's exacerbating the problem is the cross pollination between their handheld and console offerings. Whereas before there used to be a pretty clear delineation between the style of Nintendo games you'd get on a handheld compared to the style of Nintendo games you'd get on a console. But now that's basically gone completely. So instead of something like New Super Mario Bros U being a sequel to a 2009 title on the Wii, it's the fourth game in six years in that series.

I have to admit though, Donkey Kong Country looks hnnnnnng. I regret not buying that basic unit from Amazon UK when I had the chance. With the dollar collapsing and all signs pointing to Nintendo getting rid of the basic SKU I don't think I'll have an opportunity to get a Wii U for $280 for awhile yet.

I think the console is going to continue to sell like crap. Not as bad as the first six months of the year, but still really bad. There are so many things beyond releasing games Nintendo could be doing to drum up some exciting for the console but they are failing spectacularly. Probably time for Iwata to go.


fuckin' DKCR2 though... I mean, jesus.

And it's not even like DKCR was a bad game. Just... man.

Really? I'm not so sure if I understand the backlash here. Considering how fucking good DKCR was, I'm really eager for a sequel, plus if it's the same quality jump that DKC2 was to DKC1.. then oh man.


Really? I'm not so sure if I understand the backlash here. Considering how fucking good DKCR was, I'm really eager for a sequel, plus if it's the same quality jump that DKC2 was to DKC1.. then oh man.

It's more that Retro wasn't working on something else.
Hey, anyone know where I can pre-order last of us to pick up in store? I'm not real keen on touching EB games.

Wow, incredibly mature.

Weird, whole article comes up for me, and I don't pay shit for news. Hopefully you are right on the next QLD election.

I'm certain he'll get voted out of his seat, at least. Most of the government workers he fired were in his electorate. Smooth moves.


I'm actually embarrassed for Nintendo. So incredibly out of touch. Nothing but sequels and remakes.

I'll buy a PS4 if Destiny isn't coming to PC. For everything else, PC gaming.
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