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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)

Speaking of beer, I just cracked one in your honor, cheers.


Dead Man

LOL Hockey. Sure, mate.


I think you're right as far as handhelds go. There was never really much question as to what happened DS->3DS and neither the PSP nor the PSV put up any real fight.

On consoles though, it was a combination of a huge number of things I'd have to spend hours to fully lay out. Chief among them in my mind are Nintendo's limited development bandwidth and bad third party relationships in spite of their reliance on them to sustain the market.

One of the unintended consequences of successful disruption is often alienation, confusion and contempt from your former competitors. In any other business, that's fine, because it leaves an entire market for you to exploit alone.

In consoles, however, you can never develop the kind of development bandwidth to sustain a healthy ecosystem by yourself, at least, not without growing unmanageably large and bloated. To a certain extent, you need your competitors, because not only do they keep your customers from drifting away when you can't produce new product, but thanks to licensing fees, they're your customers too.

Think about a steel producer that also owns a port for shipping that steel to foreign markets. The steel producer has their factories running 24/7 but they can only produce so much steel at a time, so not all orders can be met. Their customers need a steady supply of steel and if their needs aren't met, they're liable to go elsewhere, to other ports, so what does the company do?

The obvious answer is to open more factories. The trouble there is that this is easier said than done. Not only are they hugely expensive to build or buy, but you won't see a profit from them for years. Thanks to the realities of the cash flow situation, this can only happen so quickly.

Another answer is to allow other steel producers to use the port for a fee. It means that your customers get their orders filled, so they'll keep coming back and you at least get some money from the port.

The trouble is that these other steel producers are now both your competitors and your customers. You need to keep friendly with them, but they will always resent you because, as the owner of the port, you have advantages and cost savings that they don't.

So with the Wii, Nintendo is like the struggling steel producer that found a great new market selling a new type of steel, not as strong or as hard as the standard, but that sells on the basis of being prettier. By all the heuristics that decades of experience in making the strongest hardest steel possible have taught their competitors, this steel is crap, no good for building anything larger than a gazebo. Perhaps good enough for scaffolding, but no more. Common sense dictates that nobody in their right mind would ever buy this stuff.

But buy it they do, and in bulk. It turns out this market loves this stuff because it is so pretty and they can only get it from the one place. Soon the struggling steel producer is in a position where they can only fill a fraction of their orders.

Their competitors try to get in on the action, producing pretty steel of their own. The trouble is that they haven't done the research into why the steel is so popular in the first place and their efforts result in even weaker steel that isn't even as pretty as the proper stuff and the new market rejects it outright.

Rather than share their manufacturing process so that the new customers' unmet orders needs are filled, the company simply ignores the situation, happy that its factory output is all being bought up and that they have no competitors in their new and lucrative market. The trouble now is that they are at capacity and cannot meet the needs of both markets at once, not alone.

The trouble is that it seems to the competitors that the port is slowly gaining a reputation as a place for pretty steel and that the port owner is set to abandon their traditional market . This is far from the truth, but the port owner doesn't communicate their intentions very well and the notion worries them.

Having failed at profiting from the pretty steel business, the competitors stop using this port.

Soon enough neither structural nor pretty steel orders are being met due to a lack of capacity. Frustrated customers seek alternatives, both in terms of structural steel and in terms of substitutes for pretty steel. The customer base dwindles and the company is left in dire straits.

The ultimate point of all that is that unlike a regular publisher (eg EA), Nintendo can't afford to alienate their competitors because of also being a platform holder. Trouble is that disruption often leads to alienation, so they needed a plan in place to manage that.

My opinion is that Nintendo would have been better served creating a wholly-owned subsidiary that would sell Wii Sports/Fit/Play/Party while the traditional stuff was sold under the Nintendo brand name. But that's a story for another day.





Well, that escalated quickly.

I like it when you do that.


Chief among them in my mind are Nintendo's limited development bandwidth and bad third party relationships in spite of their reliance on them to sustain the market.

That's what I said.

The other difference between gaming and other industries like steel is that you can have one guy make a product that serves millions. Minecraft was made by one guy and sold millions. Super Meat Boy by two guys and sold millions. They could have maintained their poor relations with large publishers but opened the floodgates to indies and sold their platform not just to consumers but to potential developers as well. Simple cheap dev tools, good licensing deals, fast project approvals. Nintendo might have gone blue ocean with their software, but as a development platform it was red ocean all the way.


After seeing Dead Man show photos of his Roo Stew, I was inspired to do the same.

My butcher ordered some roo meat for me and I got it today. With Dead Man's help, I whipped up a great stew for dinner tonight. My gran was apprehensive, but she thoroughly enjoyed it. With only 500g of roo meat and all the veggies and sauce, if this was just for myself, I could easily live off it for a week. Thanks again, Dead Man!

Dead Man

After seeing Dead Man show photos of his Roo Stew, I was inspired to do the same.

My butcher ordered some roo meat for me and I got it today. With Dead Man's help, I whipped up a great stew for dinner tonight. My gran was apprehensive, but she thoroughly enjoyed it. With only 500g of roo meat and all the veggies and sauce, if this was just for myself, I could easily live off it for a week. Thanks again, Dead Man!

Your Gran ate it too? Glad it was a good recipe then!!


I don't even know what it's supposed to represent :/

Anyone know a good local site or store for buying F1 merch? I want to get a polo, probably a Lotus Kimi one, but I'm having a hard time finding any Aussie stores.
There's a sporting goods memorabilia store in Melbourne that I think has an online presence and is almost entirely focused on F1 gear. Fucked if I can remember the name though, but if you Google something like "F1 memorabilia melbourne" or something, you might be set.


Posted these in Steamchat last night/today

Asus GTX670 2GB with mousepad for $299 + postage

Sandisk Ultra Plus SSD's. 128GB for $89 posted. 256GB for $160 posted. Slightly slower writing than the Extreme series. Use code SDSSD

vvvvv Still no idea what the PS+ version of Drive Club will be so maybe that pre-order is still a good idea! Maybe you can change it to Lucid's new arcade racer that Sony will pay for
maybe ;)

I have bought two of these video cards now Reptile, everywhere you post it I buy another one...seriously though, for how cheap they are you can't say no. So who wants a two year old Radeon HD6970 that's working fine and never been overclocked? I'll give the fucker away to anyone who wants it?


The way the ABC reported it kind of made it look like Gillard had been like "Time to quell internal party rumbling. When was the last time I got a good public reaction? I guess I'll accuse Abbott of misogyny again."

I mean, not that he's not a douchewhistle, but yeesh.


Oh please. The guy is just doing damange control. If it wasnt at the event they would have said that from the start.

How is this damage control? It's a first-hand clear explanation of what happened.
EDIT: Not saying so immediately did hurt them, but remember this dinner was back in March, and this photo was evidence against them. So they would say "I can't recall" because if they said "No" and it turned out to be real, they'd be dinged for lying too. That's media training for you, and why straight talk is so rare.
I'm always dubious of a statement that contains the phrase "I don't recall". You either saw it or you didn't. Or, you are trying to say that you have a serious memory retention issue that for which you should be seeking medical advice.

In reality, "I don't recall" means "bloody right I saw it - had good fucking chuckle over it - but until someone brings in irrefutable evidence to the contrary I'm sticking to this story."

I'm not saying that's definitely the case here, but that's pretty much what I suspect is the case when I hear that telltale phrase.


I'm always dubious of a statement that contains the phrase "I don't recall". You either saw it or you didn't. Or, you are trying to say that you have a serious memory retention issue that for which you should be seeking medical advice.

In reality, "I don't recall" means "bloody right I saw it - had good fucking chuckle over it - but until someone brings in irrefutable evidence to the contrary I'm sticking to this story."

I'm not saying that's definitely the case here, but that's pretty much what I suspect is the case when I hear that telltale phrase.

That's the case with a lot of statements.
"Yes" means yes. "No comment" means yes. "No" means yes. That's why the trick is to play dumb, as the media can't do unexpected things with your words. I know someone in the Red Cross who's received similar media training as politicians, and he told me all this. By playing dumb, you won't end up saying something that could come back to bite you.
I'm a romantic, at heart. I like to think that people say lovely things, do wonderful acts of kindness, find orphans homes to live in and shower puppies upon the sad or people that need a cheap meal. You know, good stuff and all that.

I know why they say the things that do, but it would be nice to have someone say "nope, that wasn't there, because, fuck it, it wasn't. And I should know because I'm a guy that was there."

When I hear the account of a supposed amnesiac I get a little twitch in my eye, from which a single tear falls, as my heart is broken along with the illusion that people aren't big dumb jerks.
Most of our animals are delicious, if not on the more expensive side of available meat.

I would eat more Platypus but I can't stomach the bill.


I'm a romantic, at heart. I like to think that people say lovely things, do wonderful acts of kindness, find orphans homes to live in and shower puppies upon the sad or people that need a cheap meal. You know, good stuff and all that.

Coming up, Planet_JASE takes young innocent orphans into unknown, potentially dangerous households, and also feeds puppies to starving people. That's next, on Today Tonight.
Can I talk about basketball?

I have bought two of these video cards now Reptile, everywhere you post it I buy another one...seriously though, for how cheap they are you can't say no. So who wants a two year old Radeon HD6970 that's working fine and never been overclocked? I'll give the fucker away to anyone who wants it?

It really is a damn good price. Waiting for the 760Ti!


I'm currently watching Hachi, but 3 minutes in I can barely stand the sadness so far. I guess it's because I know how the real story ends.
Its outselling the ds.....

Actually i thik it has fallen behind launch alined sales and this is around the time the dsi launch happened for ds which is when it really became a hit.

This is kind of like saying the WiiU was outselling the ps3 back in January(not as an extreme of a example), which it technically was but thats ignoring that the ps3 hadn't launched i its strongest market at the time of comparison(eu).

Not that not selling as well as the ds means its not selling great, theres only bee one other gaming console to sell that well and I wouldn't be suprised if the3ds ended up a higher total than ay next gen system.
Most of our animals are delicious, if not on the more expensive side of available meat.

I would eat more Platypus but I can't stomach the bill.

Bravo sir. Bravo. Also kangaroo is awesome. Although I can't saw I've had it in a stew. I've found its pretty tough but over and undercooked. I tried roo mince once and it was awful, because you have to cook mince so much. It was almost rubber

Directors Cut with a ton of new stuff at the start and a small tidbit at the end. Tons of spoils. Hype is at fucking maximum. If you follow the story/timeline of the series this game is like a wet dream.

I believe I have found how omi and cods operate


That was fucking awesome. Best ad Gates has ever done.

Thanks. But what happened to all the free to air for 5 years bullshit?

Has been local games only for ages. Sucks but hey, internet streams can have my viewing.


Can we please find room to pick Bailey in the Ashes XI. Cheers.

Yeah, might not be the class of Hussey but has similar fighting qualities. Could use someone who digs in and who also isn't a complete flog who gets into fights with people (Warner).


Yeah, might not be the class of Hussey but has similar fighting qualities. Could use someone who digs in and who also isn't a complete flog who gets into fights with people (Warner).

Warner is a fucking imbecile sure, but I think there is something weird going on, apparently Root (the English guy) was taking the piss somehow with a fake beard. If he was making a racist joke for example and Warner whacked him, does that then make him a good guy again? :p
I have bought two of these video cards now Reptile, everywhere you post it I buy another one...seriously though, for how cheap they are you can't say no. So who wants a two year old Radeon HD6970 that's working fine and never been overclocked? I'll give the fucker away to anyone who wants it?

Pick me?

So AusGAF, who's placing bets on The Last of Us breaking its street date tomorrow?

I thought I read in here that big w were selling it tomorrow?
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