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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


I guess that makes it 4 metal gear solid games i've finished in the last four months. Gotta find MGS4 in a store somewhere and d/l peace walker off the shop



It's okay for what it is. I don't really know why I played through it other than it was like $10 on the store and I didn't really want to play FFIX right now.

The stealth experience was okay. I could see elements of things I liked but it was all let down by the fucking stupid controls which were, as usual, horrific, and because of the way some things were designed it was more horrific than usual. The motion comic cutscenes were cool but because Kojima wasn't involved it didn't even have his entertaining weirdness, just a boring copy of it with an even worse tendency to get completely caught up in its own convoluted bullshit.

Anyway, if anyone knows where I could get MGS4, give me a yell. Otherwise I'll just be browsing used racks at EB for the rest of time I guess.


I thought I read in here that big w were selling it tomorrow?

Haven't heard anything about this.

Anyway, if anyone knows where I could get MGS4, give me a yell. Otherwise I'll just be browsing used racks at EB for the rest of time I guess.

You could probably find the Anniversary Edition quite easily at JB or EB. I still run into copies here in Perth.

...But then again it is Perth.


From someone who is absolutely obsessed about MGS... MGS PO is the first MGS game I absolutely hated, couldn't even bother playing more than 2-3 hours of it because I hated the controls so much. Why couldn't Konami make it like classic MGS1/2 style instead of shoehorning MGS3 controls onto the PSP.. such a fucking waste.

Metal Gear: Ghost Babel is still the best handheld MG game of all time though!
Star Trek on 360/PS3 for $22 posted la bamba

Anyway, if anyone knows where I could get MGS4, give me a yell. Otherwise I'll just be browsing used racks at EB for the rest of time I guess.
PW was cheap on GoD over Xmas, like 600 allards. Or do you want Vita version? Isn't it free on PS+? Or was. I can't remember :/

Mighty Ape had MGS4.2 for $24 the other day, I've seen it cheaper though. On OzGameShop the OG is $27, Updated is $29

Hit up JB/EB first though, should be super cheap if stock of the OG is still floating around. I picked it up for $25 from Harvey Norman before I even had a PS3 lol

eBay is a good bet too.


You're 2 weeks too late,I sold mine on gumtree for 15 bucks. That's 34 ps3 games I've sold since February.
Is that inc delivery? Tempted to do the same....


I've heard from several sources that paying the fine then sending them a letter apologizing, taking full responsibility for the offence and pointing to your previous driving record will see the funds reimbursed. I think they are allowed to reimburse you once every 2 years or something. The other admin in the office had it work successfully, my boss who is an ex-cop confirmed the policy. Something to do with it being a traffic offence which can be waived, same with drink driving originally.
Thanks for the tip!
Ouch WiiU: Losing another exclusive and Ubisoft are scaling back support


Also for you Bernbaum. Kritz will love it too I guess.

Dead Man

I think I am the only person on GAF that has never played a Metal Gear game. Friend of mine had Metal Gear back in the day, but he said it was crap so we never played it.

Bravo sir. Bravo. Also kangaroo is awesome. Although I can't saw I've had it in a stew. I've found its pretty tough but over and undercooked. I tried roo mince once and it was awful, because you have to cook mince so much. It was almost rubber

Good thing about stew, you are cooking in water, so just cook the meat long enough and it gets super tender.


D, you barely like any videogames

Not for a number of years, no. Either I've changed or they've changed, either way we're not a good fit for each other anymore. I'm okay with that.

On a different topic, I'm trying to pump myself up to resume reading again. The pills have removed the background noise from my mind so I can focus more easily. The problem is the book I left behind: Let the Right One In. It's not bad, but it has a real problem where for a while in some conversations there is no way of knowing who is saying what.

As most people will know, often when a conversation starts each quote will end with 'xyz said' and then it can be dropped since you know the alternating sequence. In this book, there is a scene change with different characters, they start talking with no attribution ever and you have to wait for 10 or more lines for one character to say the others name. Then if you want to be sure you've absorbed it, you might have to trace back one speaker to the beginning so you can follow along correctly. It's infuriating.

Aside from that, it was intriguing. I couldn't handle that shit when my ADD was doing it's thing, having to deal with distractions and random thoughts on top of that irritating crap, I just wanted to throw the book against the wall.

Holy crap, only a month to go until PAAAAAX

I'm gonna end up spending so much money on crap I don't need, aren't I :(

ill come to your booth and buy some stuff..... oh wait
Anyway, if anyone knows where I could get MGS4, give me a yell. Otherwise I'll just be browsing used racks at EB for the rest of time I guess.

mine is not sealed but it might as well be
i paid too much money to only watch him smoke for like 5 hours
yah the 10 minutes i played of mgs4 is all the mg ive played dead man

Dead Man

Not for a number of years, no. Either I've changed or they've changed, either way we're not a good fit for each other anymore. I'm okay with that.

On a different topic, I'm trying to pump myself up to resume reading again. The pills have removed the background noise from my mind so I can focus more easily. The problem is the book I left behind: Let the Right One In. It's not bad, but it has a real problem where for a while in some conversations there is no way of knowing who is saying what.

As most people will know, often when a conversation starts each quote will end with 'xyz said' and then it can be dropped since you know the alternating sequence. In this book, there is a scene change with different characters, they start talking with no attribution ever and you have to wait for 10 or more lines for one character to say the others name. Then if you want to be sure you've absorbed it, you might have to trace back one speaker to the beginning so you can follow along correctly. It's infuriating.

Aside from that, it was intriguing. I couldn't handle that shit when my ADD was doing it's thing, having to deal with distractions and random thoughts on top of that irritating crap, I just wanted to throw the book against the wall.
Burn it. Just burn the fucking thing. Stupid authors do not deserve to have their shit read.
Is that inc delivery? Tempted to do the same....

Gumtree is mostly pick-up or meet at some common place. I did post a few games to NSW and SA.

Getting rid of most of my Ps3 disc games. Only 22 more to go!

In case any one is interested, I have these to go:

Resistance Fall of Man
Resistance 2
Killzone 2
Killzone 3
Darksiders 2 Limited Edition (dlc used)
Shadows of the Damned
Assassins's Creed Brotherhood
Deus Ex Human Revolution (BRAND NEW SEALED!)
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Fallout 3 GOTY edition (all dlc's on disc)
Fallout New Vegas (Brand new and sealed)
Dark Souls
Sleeping Dogs Limited ANZ Edition (dlc code used)
Prince of Persia HD Trilogy (brand new sealed)
Batman Arkham City
God of War 3 Collector's Edition


You'll get it off ebay for under 20 bucks easily.
I think I am the only person on GAF that has never played a Metal Gear game. Friend of mine had Metal Gear back in the day, but he said it was crap so we never played it.
I only played MGS 2 and 3 and enjoyed them, but never understood why so many people are addicted to them. I loved them on a technical level, and they had amazing attention to detail, but the tone was so schizophrenic (would go from hardcore realistic to batshit insane at the drop of a hat) that they felt very juvenile at times. I came to the games late though; clearly if you grew up with the games and story then you were hooked for life :)
In Madrid now after a few days in Lisbon. Ate some great food (including a precursor to Nandos), saw some cool palaces.

Now heading out to a brewpub for tapas and stuff.

Foie gras. They need to be force-fed their own shit so they can have a sample of what it's like to be tortured like the food they're eating.
I've seen videos of defenders saying the geese love ask the food. One had them running up for more. And it's so delicious!

Face it. When do you do better work, when you have 1 hour to hand something in or you fail, or when you have 2 months to go and so much nothing to do?!
When it's something I'm passionate about and have plenty of time.

I believe I have found how omi and cods operate

Why would they choose such a terrible beer?
Also I make data from SQL Server available to Excel users all the time. :/

Your Gran ate it too? Glad it was a good recipe then!!
Have you posted the recipe? Not a fan of kangaroo but the right stew recipe should change that. Only ever grilled it really.
Not a fan of kangaroo but the right stew recipe should change that. Only ever grilled it really.
Kangaroo cooked well is amazing, had it once at a restaurant in Melb CBD and it was beautiful. Whenever I've done it at home it's been overcooked which ends up tasting like rubber.


Burn it. Just burn the fucking thing. Stupid authors do not deserve to have their shit read.
As someone with ADHD, that makes shit even fucking worse. Given the havoc it plays with your short-term memory retention, trying to pull that shit off (I guess in the attempt of the appearance of having banter akin to Family Guy or Gilmore Girls) is just messy and confusing :/
I think I am the only person on GAF that has never played a Metal Gear game. Friend of mine had Metal Gear back in the day, but he said it was crap so we never played it.

Good thing about stew, you are cooking in water, so just cook the meat long enough and it gets super tender.

I played 2 and enjoyed it. Then tried PW and couldn't get into it. I then felt bad for not having played more of them and got the trilogy thing, played like 2 levels of 3, remembered how infuriating they can be and traded it in. Also, why are there radio sequences that go for like 45 minutes that are so damn boring and just has two pictures on the screen?

And I will definitely be trying out kangastew at some stage.
Kangaroo cooked well is amazing, had it once at a restaurant in Melb CBD and it was beautiful. Whenever I've done it at home it's been overcooked which ends up tasting like rubber.
I'm not really a fan of the aniseed/gamey taste, but I could imagine in a stew it might mask some of those flavours I dislike and end up nicer overall. It's usually been grilled or in a stir fry or whatever when I've had kangaroo.

Walking through a somewhat seedy (not too bad) area of Madrid after a few beers (including a quad) past dodgy looking people, hookers, etc was fun. Least it was nice to have good beer.

Now watching Dragonball Z in Spanish.

How many tragedies do Alcohol cause every day >.> Just look at the alcoholics on this board!
Hey! I ... OK yeah I did have six beers today.



Can I install Poker Smash on multiple computers?
Yes! You can install Poker Smash on all of your computers. There is no DRM copy protection because we trust you! All we ask is that you don't share the installer with other people.

Will preorders be transferable to Steam?
Yes! If we ever make it onto Steam you will get a key for Poker Smash.

If this is a preorder why do I get the game now?
Poker Smash for PC is still in development, but there are parts of it that are playable right now. Our plan is to release weekly updates of the game so you will continue to see progress. We just want you to know that the game is not finished.

Buy it now, get a DRM-free copy now, and when it comes to Steam you'll get a key. WIN WIN. EVERYONE'S A WINNER WITH POKER SMASH
When is it coming to Steam? I need my Steam fix! I have barely any Steam games! 0mi is beating me damn it :(

LEGO Lord of the Rings $6 Steamkey using GMG20-JLKSA-7A8HA code

FREE cat adoption from RSVP! Save $60! This week only. Works out pretty good considering how expensive all the shit can be someplaces.


So this is hilarious: Forza Motorsport 5 will not be playable in the city where the track used to showcase the game at E3 (Prague) is located. lolzburger

Edit: This is great, too:
So, in Poland you can MAKE The Witcher 3, for XBOne... you just can't play it. ;-)


Buy it now, get a DRM-free copy now, and when it comes to Steam you'll get a key. WIN WIN. EVERYONE'S A WINNER WITH POKER SMASH
Oh, is it out now? Going by the most recent KS update, I thought it was still in alpha.


I bought Crackdown and Giana Sisters just because I love Gaz's enthusiasm, and now he's making me want this Poker Smash thing
Question, Aussie brethren.

What is the realistic chance that Sony will discover you're using a U.S PSN account in Australia then subsequently ban you? I've bought PSN cards and everything so I don't want to be smacked with the banhammer.
Question, Aussie brethren.

What is the realistic chance that Sony will discover you're using a U.S PSN account in Australia then subsequently ban you? I've bought PSN cards and everything so I don't want to be smacked with the banhammer.

They haven't done it for ps3 or vita afaik


Question, Aussie brethren.

What is the realistic chance that Sony will discover you're using a U.S PSN account in Australia then subsequently ban you? I've bought PSN cards and everything so I don't want to be smacked with the banhammer.
I don't think ever. I think it'd be weird if they did given their stance on region locking.

"Xbox One games are for activation and distribution only in specified geographic regions. See game package and/or retailer product information, for each game’s specific geographic regions."

that's the craziest thing i ever read.

And one more, because fuck it, why not?

Question, Aussie brethren.

What is the realistic chance that Sony will discover you're using a U.S PSN account in Australia then subsequently ban you? I've bought PSN cards and everything so I don't want to be smacked with the banhammer.
They want to keep everything like the PS3 in regards to consumer rights so I doubt they will change it, especially since the Vital allows multiple regions.
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