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AusGAF 9 - F*** Off, We're Full (Of People With Different Ethnic Backgrounds)


I highly expect that MS will have transferred all their customer support until next year to the country with the least amount of experience speaking English possible to try and avoid people finding out information lol
We should get Jase down here then, because his grasp of the English language is probably as pathetic as the people we'd get passed to if his posts here are anything to go by. It'd be a perfect fit.

See, I can post that sort of stuff here because there's no way he's able to understand any of it. Isn't that right, chimpy boy?
Non Vaseline smear edition. Holy shite it's hard going back to consoles after PC. I mean, you can see the awesome tech underneath, it's just hampered by shitty IQ.


Has anyone seen Shaneus, lately? No? Oh, he must be busy fussing over the details of that new next gen PGR4 successor that got announced.


So I've just spent the evening mainlining several episodes of Orphan Black. It got good after the slowish start.

The witcher is such an over rated series.

Its the halo of rpgs, but worse cause it cant even get combat right.

I never did finish the Witcher 2, despite finishing the first one twice. Got bored of it.

I honestly don't remember shit about either of the Witcher games besides boning ladies for their sex cards. Weirrrrrddddddd.

Looks pretty. Boring game. Ridiculous sex cards to boot. Ugh, maybe we're all just getting too jaded for video games? Or maybe, just maybe, there's something else going on. Or I've had a little too much to drink. I should go to bed.

Good night all!


Still ended act 1 by boning triss though, if i recall. And then greeeeeeeeeeeey choiiiiiiiceeeess (which basically meant everyone in the world was a jerk)

I've been fooling around with Game Maker. Coding is hard :<
have to look, they're in a box in my parents garage.

stuff like:

OoT, Majora's Mask, SM64, Banjo Kazooie and Tooie, Rogue Squadron, Battle for Naboo (semi-sequel to Rogue squadron set during ep 1), Duke Nukem: Zero Hour, Turok 2, Perfect Dark Goldeneye, South Park (FPS), DK64, Mission Impossible, Quake, Doom, Quake II, Rayman 2. Maybe one or two others. Some have boxes, others don't

might as well list a few others if anyone is interested. I have to declutter pretty rapidly.
PS2, GC, XB, PS3, 360, Wii and Wii U games. Maybe a couple of DS carts, probably without boxes.

Still got a lot of those but I'm interested in SM64. Never had it myself, just played it at friends' houses.
Why? What did I do?!?

I'm curious about what PS3, 360 or Xbox games you might have. Why are you getting rid of them again?

I'll write a list. I want to sell them because (pick 2 reasons)

A) I stole them from cash converters who paid me in drugs and so on.

B) I want to move overseas this year and can't take too much stuff with me.

C) I am a hoarder, but every few years I snap and just sell stuff, regretting it later. Airblade PS2 *sniff*


If you don't know why that's bizarre... it's because the One uses an AMD GPU. And speculation indicates that the card is most likely a 680.

................. wattttttt
Xbox One uses an AMD graphics card but the demo units at E3 were not Xboxes but PCs using NVIDIA cards, therefore Microsoft were not using similar builds to demo their games.

Begin internet rage.
What did I post that's already been posted? Stop Holying your accusations.
You're an absolute moron. First off, you've only linked to one thing today, so have a guess at what it's relating to. Secondly, the reason why I didn't link the original, better post is because I had wrongly assumed that you might have even the minutest level of intelligence required to notice rep's post when it was two posts before yours.

Also, a tip off might have been that rep was the one that first commented about hating you. I know you should be used to it but it's a freaking clue, for fucks sake.

Oh guys, this is amazing: Xbox One kiosks at E3 were running on desktop PCs... with nVidia GPUs.
If you don't know why that's bizarre... it's because the One uses an AMD GPU. And speculation indicates that the card is most likely a 680.

I hate you so bad.
It's not uncommon to use pc's to demo stuff, the final production units are still a ways off for both. Nintendo used xbox360's footage for the wiiu reveal iirc.

It's a bit weird that its nvidia gear though, probably intel cpu's too heh.


You're an absolute moron. First off, you've only linked to one thing today, so have a guess at what it's relating to. Secondly, the reason why I didn't link the original, better post is because I had wrongly assumed that you might have even the minutest level of intelligence required to notice rep's post when it was two posts before yours.

Also, a tip off might have been that rep was the one that first commented about hating you. I know you should be used to it but it's a freaking clue, for fucks sake.

I hate you so bad.
You only both hate me because when I link stuff, I actually post details in it rather than half-arsing it like the two of you so frequently do. If you did it right in the first place, then I wouldn't have felt the need to do it properly.

PS. Not a link to *my* post, but to rep's. Obviously I only made the one post this morning, where rep has a tendency to post about a billion times in here before breakfast. Duh.
The big lol is that Microsoft paid Nvidia money to get their GPU's into the demo units rather than using their partner AMD, who I am sure was more than a little salty about it lol

Also it is much more enjoyable to experience the lulz in the original context rather than post it all in here. Gotta give props to the original OP!

Regarding military personnel playing consoles: PS3/PS4 isn't allowed on DoD networks so they're not worried that military members will switch to PS while on overseas deployment.
Cue people who are actually in the military saying "No shit sherlock, there is this thing called OFFLINE SINGLE PLAYER AND OFFLINE MULTI PLAYER, which if you know anyone in the military you would have heard about".
Major Nelson should have some understanding of their market at this point you would hope.

When my mates were in East Timor they spent most of their downtime LANing Halo.
PSA: If you bought the July Jubilee Bundle from Indie Royale last July 2012 you will be interested to find out that Unepic is now on Steam, to receive a Steamkey all you need to do is find your old email confirmation of the bundle, go through to the account page and copy the 'in game items' serial into this page here and hey presto! Steamkey.

Also this promo vid shows off the PS4 interface quite well, very snappy!


it better be snappy! looks like expanded current psn store style, which is not so snappy...but i guess ps4 has all that ram n stuff!
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