Same as steam right?
I think this is sarcasm guys.
Same as steam right?
Not all retail games are Steamworks though, all Xbone games will have this level of authorisation though.Again same as most pc retail games.
25 Examples of unfair terms
(1) Without limiting section 24, the following are examples of the kinds of terms of a consumer contract that may be unfair:
(a) a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party (but not another party) to avoid or limit performance of the contract;
(b) a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party (but not another party) to terminate the contract;
(c) a term that penalises, or has the effect of penalising, one party (but not another party) for a breach or termination of the contract;
(d) a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party (but not another party) to vary the terms of the contract;
(e) a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party (but not another party) to renew or not renew the contract;
(f) a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party to vary the upfront price payable under the contract without the right of another party to terminate the contract;
(g) a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party unilaterally to vary the characteristics of the goods or services to be supplied, or the interest in land to be sold or granted, under the contract;
(h) a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party unilaterally to determine whether the contract has been breached or to interpret its meaning;
(i) a term that limits, or has the effect of limiting, one party’s vicarious liability for its agents;
(j) a term that permits, or has the effect of permitting, one party to assign the contract to the detriment of another party without that other party’s consent;
(k) a term that limits, or has the effect of limiting, one party’s right to sue another party;
(l) a term that limits, or has the effect of limiting, the evidence one party can adduce in proceedings relating to the contract;
(m) a term that imposes, or has the effect of imposing, the evidential burden on one party in proceedings relating to the contract;
a term of a kind, or a term that has an effect of a kind, prescribed by the regulations.
i kinda just always assume that large ass companies with their large ass resources would have had law dudes go over this stuff. or maybe it's wrong to assume...
I actually sent something around to the ACCC. Working on an article
They only really tailor their ToU for their NA markets and assume it applies to the rest of the world.
that's really dumb
Really looking forward to a Beer tonight for my going away party.
3 months in the States. Yowzah!!
Where are you going?
Hawaii -> Seattle -> Down the west coast highway to San Fran -> Around the rockies and Grand Canyon -> LA -> San Diego -> Across to Arizona -> Texas -> New Orleans -> Florida -> DC -> New York -> Boston -> Niagra Falls -> Chiago - Home!
That's a pretty damn good list. Have you been down the west coast before? I recommend getting a half decent car and driving old highway 101 if you get the chance. I'd skip San Diego and Florida, but that's just me.
Yea, I shall be partaking in the nectar of the gods this night.
remember to beg one for jintor too!EDIT: Trip may or may not include lots of begging for jobs at 'big law' firms around the country.
Never been to the States before. Route 101 is the plan with a (hopefully half decent car) I'm going to San Diego specifically for Comic Con.
Why would you skip Florida? I have a friend in Orlando I want to catch up with.
To be honest I really want to explore all the little dwellings and shires in between the big cities. Small town America just seems really charming to me. Especially in the South (Not THE SOUTH, just the south of the country, although everyone I know who's been to the deep south says it's really lovely)
If you are a straight seeming white person who does not insult religion or the Southern way of doing things, the South is amazingly friendly. I lived in Georgia for a while, went over to Louisiana a few times and down to Fla as well.
Small towns over there can be pretty awesome as well, just don't expect them to take kindly is you even lightly mock any single thing they do. Small town law enforcement can be a bit shit sometimes as well. But on the whole individual Americans are some of the friendliest people out there.
Well my parents are mixed Turkish/Greek heritage. I could easily be taken to be from the Middle East even though I'm not technically Muslim. Is this really going to be a problem? I assumed the whole racist shtick was overblown?
I was born and bred Australian in culture and temperament though. I dont have any interest in mocking anyone I just want to enjoy and experience their culture.
You'll be fine. Mixed race is fine, black is mostly fine, it was more Mexican and non Christian religious types that copped shit when I lived there, that was back in 96 though, might be different now. Just say you are from Australia, and all will be well. They tend to like us over there, GAF notwithstanding.
I tend to over worry about these things, being the whitest white person that was ever white, so don't worry about it. You'll have a great time, that itinerary is pretty fucking awesome.
Awesome. Glad to hear it.
My biggest concern about the States is actually getting morbidly obease while I'm over there. I'm already slightly overweight.
Well my parents are mixed Turkish/Greek heritage. I could easily be taken to be from the Middle East even though I'm not technically Muslim. Is this really going to be a problem? I assumed the whole racist shtick was overblown?
I was born and bred Australian in culture and temperament though. I dont have any interest in mocking anyone I just want to enjoy and experience their culture.
B) I want to move overseas this year and can't take too much stuff with me.
Cyprus must be a fun topic in your house.
You will be fine. Just shave. Daily. And tip.
Christ this motherboard is tiny:
Cyprus must be a fun topic in your house.
You will be fine. Just shave. Daily. And tip.
Ah dammit. I was growing a thin beard, looked decent even.
Haha. Well our families history is..complicated....more Turkish than Greek though.
And comes with a bloody weird pack-in, too.Christ this motherboard is tiny:
shave the beard if you're at all worried about any form of profiling. Even then, please let us know if you get through Aussie airports without being briefly pulled aside for some form of extra security check.
Have a good trip. Screw the haters, the US is awesome to visit.
best way to road trip
You know. I've always been worried about racial profiling but I swear to god everyone ignores me for some unknown reason.
6'3, 105kgs, Dark Mediterranean guy.
Never been stopped at all.