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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


elfinke said:
I'm flicking through the BF3 beta performance thread, and looking at screen grabs and it, well, doesn't look that wonderful for all the grunt EA were banging on about needing to run it. No doubt it must look a ton better in motion and without jpg compression, but stills of Crysis seemingly have more going in them? I dunno, I'm not familiar enough with the PC franchises.

I thought it was just me, but only halfway through the first page a few people started commenting on that too.

Console gaming holding back PC tech, no surprise.


Jintor said:
I only know three or four journos who are spitting game about it on twitter

I think I might venture into a physical store to see if I can get an SSD today, or at least an optical drive.



codswallop said:
The beta is locked at lower settings, changing to Ultra doesn't do anything apparently.

Yeah I was only page 1 of 5 at time of posting that, still working my way through the thread. I heard the Alpha was locked at low/medium, but not the beta? I don't particularly care one way or the other, it was just a random musing (given all the hyperbole that followed the specs announcement weeks ago)as I was noticing the sensible specc'd computer users all touting excellent framerates - bodes well for everyone.


Reminds me of the last time I watched commercial television.

Oh wait I dont do that cause im not a stupido mc dumbington!


The detail aren't out yet (ABC court reporter is still in the court apparently), but I won't lie - it couldn't happen to a nicer bloke... (though in a perverse way I miss him from Insiders)

Maybe Sandilands/Jones?


markot said:
Those laws are pretty stupid. Free speech > *

Yah, this is true, but from the judge...

Articles "contained errors of fact, distortions of the truth and inflammatory and provocative language": Bromberg

Bolt has been pushing the boundaries for years, he was bound to get caught up by either the law or some sort of media authority (snigger, like they actually do anything)


Reading the comments section (on anything really, except YT which has the occasional gem) on these is breaking my head.

What a world.


Choc said:

I use words that sound right! Who cares about their actual meaning!

markot said:
Those laws are pretty stupid. Free speech > *

Omi said:
Yah, this is true, but from the judge...

Bolt has been pushing the boundaries for years, he was bound to get caught up by either the law or some sort of media authority (snigger, like they actually do anything)

Yeah, free speech doesn't cover factual inaccuracy or baseless derogatory crap

Dead Man

jambo said:
Can anyone whip up a quick minimalist Christmas tree for me in Photoshop please?
No, my pshop skills are weak, but here, have some someone prepared earlier:



but ever so delicious
Damn the weather in melbourne has turned to shit.

Maybe i will catch the bus to the station if it's raining like mad. Today sucks!


Jintor said:
Yeah, free speech doesn't cover factual inaccuracy or baseless derogatory crap

What started this whole thing was that some people were claiming benefits and awards intended for aborigines only, and Andrew Bolt posted their photos showing how white they looked and wondered what the conditions should be to call yourself Aboriginal.

That is a legitimate thing to discuss. If you're not of Aboriginal descent but you say you are in order to claim taxpayer-funded awards then that should be within anyone's right to bring up.


evlcookie said:
Damn the weather in melbourne has turned to shit.

Maybe i will catch the bus to the station if it's raining like mad. Today sucks!

Was really warm this morning, barely dropped below 20 last night ffs... so wore shorts. :S


They had argued that Bolt's writings offended, upset and demeaned them, and that the articles had sought to imply that they identified as Aborigines in order to gain career, social or other advantage.

Bolt's argument that as lighter-skinned Aborigines the nine had multiple identities open to them meant the case became unofficially a test of definitions of aboriginality.

Officially, though, it was a test of the balance between free speech and protection from offence.

This morning, Justice Bromberg came down in favour of racial tolerance.

“People should be free to fully identify with their race without fear of public disdain or loss of esteem for so identifying,” he said.

"On the basis of my findings, I am satisfied that each of Mr Bolt and the Herald & Weekly Times engaged in conduct which contravened section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act."

I look forward to more closely reading this decision, and the inevitable appeal.

Ventron said:
What started this whole thing was that some people were claiming benefits and awards intended for aborigines only, and Andrew Bolt posted their photos showing how white they looked and wondered what the conditions should be to call yourself Aboriginal.

That is a legitimate thing to discuss. If you're not of Aboriginal descent but you say you are in order to claim taxpayer-funded awards then that should be within anyone's right to bring up.

If done tactfully and without vilification, or demeaning them.


elfinke said:
Reading the comments section (on anything really, except YT which has the occasional gem) on these is breaking my head.

What a world.

The level of public discourse in this country bottomed out years ago. Nowadays in any public forum, the voice of reason is usually the 1 in 100 and is drowned out by all the party arselickers who already have their minds made up for them based on whatever their favourite media outlet tells them they decide.

I know videogames in general are a "low art" form of media with generally low quality writers, but you would find a better quality political debate within the loading screens of Trials HD than you would even on something as contrived as Q and A.


Ventron said:
What started this whole thing was that some people were claiming benefits and awards intended for aborigines only, and Andrew Bolt posted their photos showing how white they looked and wondered what the conditions should be to call yourself Aboriginal.

That is a legitimate thing to discuss. If you're not of Aboriginal descent but you say you are in order to claim taxpayer-funded awards then that should be within anyone's right to bring up.

"You say you're black, but you don't look black"?

*Shrugs* I dunno. Obviously that kind of discourse is legitimate, but it tastes pretty odd. Also from the sounds of things 'wondering what the conditions are to call yourself Aboriginal' seems like a fairly lenient reading of Bolt.


Ventron said:
What started this whole thing was that some people were claiming benefits and awards intended for aborigines only, and Andrew Bolt posted their photos showing how white they looked and wondered what the conditions should be to call yourself Aboriginal.

That is a legitimate thing to discuss. If you're not of Aboriginal descent but you say you are in order to claim taxpayer-funded awards then that should be within anyone's right to bring up.


I published my first piece of journalism in 1992. It was a story about the Aboriginal Housing Company in Redfern. In the last twenty years, I have used my skills across publishing mediums and literary genres to write positive stories about Aboriginal Australia with the aim of building bridges between black and white communities.

On April 15, 2009, with a flick of his pen, Andrew Bolt in his article ‘It’s so hip to be black,’ managed to burn down many of those bridges, by writing words about me (and others) that discredited me professionally, while also offending, insulting and humiliating me. People on his blog also made racist remarks, that also offended, insulted and humiliated me.

I have always identified and lived as an Aboriginal woman, I’m a Williams from Cowra, a proud member of the Wiradjuri nation.

Mr Bolt’s article suggests I made a ‘decision to be Aboriginal…’ which ‘was lucky, given how it's helped her career’ and that I had ‘won plum jobs reserved for Aborigines at Koori Radio, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Board and Macquarie University's Warawara Department of Indigenous Studies’.

What Mr Bolt failed to mention is that I am an established writer and highly qualified with a PhD in Media and Communication, and that in fact none of the jobs he mentioned were actually ‘reserved’ or identified Aboriginal positions, and the Koori Radio role was actually voluntary and unpaid.

In his witness statement to the court Mr Bolt claimed to have used a photo of my mother on her wedding day as evidence to determine she, therefore I was of mixed-heritage and could not or should not identify as Aboriginal. The photo Bolt submitted was taken directly from my blog and a post I made on February 7, 2011, almost two years after he wrote his article, so his misrepresentations about me continued.

As former Chair, Deputy Chair and Committee Member of the Australian Society of Authors, I have long advocated and been part of campaigns to protect the rights of Australian authors. At the same time, I have always advocated for responsibility in writing, and an ethical approach to publishing.

I am pleased (although not surprised) with the judgment handed down today by Justice Bromberg in the Federal Court of Australia. I believe the result means that Australia will have a higher quality and more responsible media, and that to some degree the persecution of Aboriginal people in the press will be lessened. And that was why I chose to be part of this case. Australian readers also deserve better.

I thank my legal team: barristers Ron Merkel QC, Herman Borenstein SC, Claire Harris, and Phoebe Knowles, my solicitors Joel Zyngier and Nathalie Dalpethado (Holding Redlich) and Aislinn Martin (Tarwirri). I’d like to express my heartfelt gratitude for their tireless efforts in seeking justice for not only the named applicants but all those Aboriginal people who were reasonably likely to have been offended, insulted, humiliated or intimidated by Mr Bolt’s writings.

I am continuing to focus on what I love doing most, working with young Aboriginal people around the country and teaching them how to write their own stories, in the hope they too will one day have the position of privilege to publish their own words.
Finally, in the words of Dr Rosie Scott, award-winning author, former Chair of the ASA and former Vice-President of PEN Sydney – an organisation who fights for the rights of imprisoned writers who don’t have the ‘free speech’ we so readily enjoy:
‘Free speech is the cornerstone of genuine democracy, but when writers publish disinformation dressed up as fact, lies as truth, slander as objective evaluation and call it free speech, they are devaluing its very essence and betraying all those who've fought for it.’
Dr Anita Heiss (www.anitaheiss.com) is the author of adult fiction, historical fiction, children’s fiction, non-fiction and social commentary. Her latest novel is Paris Dreaming (Random House, 2011).
Ventron said:
What started this whole thing was that some people were claiming benefits and awards intended for aborigines only, and Andrew Bolt posted their photos showing how white they looked and wondered what the conditions should be to call yourself Aboriginal.

That is a legitimate thing to discuss. If you're not of Aboriginal descent but you say you are in order to claim taxpayer-funded awards then that should be within anyone's right to bring up.

Are you really not seeing the disconnect between your general point and this stuff in bold?

Sure, people lying to claim benefits they're not entitled to is a legitimate concern and should be discussed. But "What are the conditions for calling yourself Aboriginal"? Really? I mean, that's pretty simple: being of Aboriginal descent.


Box of Bunnies said:
Are you really not seeing the disconnect between your general point and this stuff in bold?

Sure, people lying to claim benefits they're not entitled to is a legitimate concern and should be discussed. But "What are the conditions for calling yourself Aboriginal"? Really? I mean, that's pretty simple: being of Aboriginal descent.

There's a difference between 'Aboriginal" and "of Aboriginal descent". I don't call myself Scottish.

Native Americans seem to have no problem with this:


And another rant/view I'd prefer to post as a topic on gaming side, but I'm afraid it would be spun into a fanboy battle so I won't post it ......

Looking at all the recent threads on "Was my XBox Live/Windows Live account just hacked?" and a similar one on PSN, plus the PSN hacking debacle earlier this year, it makes me wonder whether we should have unified accounts at all?

The consequences for XBL people who have their accounts hacked seems to be a locked account for a month while MS do "research", and Sony conduct an "investigation", decide they won't refund, then ban the user when they go to their bank for a refund for stolen funds. So a PSN user would wind up unable to ever use their PSN content on a new system if (more like when) their console fails.

And yet despite this, there is still the much derided Wii Shop that has not been hacked, not been compromised and users have not had their account details stolen. For those who have used a DSi -> 3DS transfer tool, it's a hell of a lot more secure to have it all based on the system. You could still afford to have an online avatar/username that is universal across all games, but you dont need to worry about that and all your games and your account itself stolen/banned because of inept security.

What I would feel safe using is this:

Games tied to unique ID of the system itself (serial number)
Register this with the manufacturer so you can transfer to another system if needs be
Online persona/username is not tied to the content itself
That means all users can play the DD games
Shop purchases are handled at the hardware level, not user account level and CC numbers are not saved to the account. This makes it essentially a 'secure' service a la Amazon/Book Depository etc.

I don't trust the obviously compromised systems PSN and XBL use at the moment, especially when they are trying to make them more ubiquitous with wp7, PS-suite, curiosity (I refuse to spell it their way) and live anywhere. Theyre all proving to be incompetent and corrupt.


Ventron said:
There's a difference between 'Aboriginal" and "of Aboriginal descent". I don't call myself Scottish.

Native Americans seem to have no problem with this:

I'm wondering if there's a legal definition somewhere in, say, Racial Vilification acts or suchlike. Otherwise I suppose it would be developed at common law. I'd think courts would shy away from empirical qualifications like "1/16th blood decent" or something though.


It's even less onerous than that in Australia - for many official positions you need an aboriginal family to vouch for you, on your behalf to satisfy the requirements. No need to prove that any of your direct ancestors are indigenous or the like.

I don't recall how centrelink works, but I do remember many arguments taking place during high school that went along the lines of Andrew Bolt's, among those kids who were entitled to all kinds of benefits after proving their heritage and those who could not.


I'm unsure about that whole side of this decision, I guess. But the factual inaccuracies and misrepresentation/selective presentation of information is still pretty damning.


elfinke said:
It's even less onerous than that in Australia - for many official positions you need an aboriginal family to vouch for you, on your behalf to satisfy the requirements. No need to prove that any of your direct ancestors are indigenous or the like.

Friend's dad, straight out of Ireland did this xD


I want a tag give me a tag
evlcookie said:
Damn the weather in melbourne has turned to shit.

Maybe i will catch the bus to the station if it's raining like mad. Today sucks!
Went for a kick of the ffooty on my smoko, bit too windy to kick straight (well I blamed the wind)


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
RandomVince said:
Local release for Skyward Sword confirmed for March.

That's silly, Nintendo don't date things in Australia - they just release them.
viciouskillersquirrel said:
So I put my car in for a service expecting the bill to be ~$400 and it turned out that there were a few things wrong and it's more like $1500.
Great money in being a mechanic, you can just say everything is fucked and needs replacing and even if only 10% of people believe you it turns into a huge amount of money. Thankfully my dad is a mechanic (not a douchey one thankfully) so I can do my own bits and pieces on a car so a service only ever costs $40 or so.

I am pleased (although not surprised) with the judgment handed down today by Justice Bromberg in the Federal Court of Australia. I believe the result means that Australia will have a higher quality and more responsible media,
LOL! Very wishful thinking. No chance though, the media has been fucking awful for years now. Too busy trying to push agendas and make profits. Edit: Choc'd

Omi said:
Andrew Bolt found guilty of racial discrimination. That is rather disappointing.
Disappointing that he wasn't burnt at the stake for inciting moronic views.


elfinke said:
It's even less onerous than that in Australia - for many official positions you need an aboriginal family to vouch for you, on your behalf to satisfy the requirements. No need to prove that any of your direct ancestors are indigenous or the like.

I don't recall how centrelink works, but I do remember many arguments taking place during high school that went along the lines of Andrew Bolt's, among those kids who were entitled to all kinds of benefits after proving their heritage and those who could not.

i don't know if its true but apparently Aboriginal kids get paid to go to school.

Now there are some people (and seriously i dont want to get into this guys....) that argue that in itself is discrimination against caucasion children.

What I find amazing about this whole thing is the term discrimination. There are so many people out there that want to be treated equal in the law but then also be seen as different and therefore have it both ways. Treated equal but get more benefits for example.

I DO NOT agree with what Bolt wrote, it was a disgrace but (and i dont mean aboriginals here) people crapping on about wanting equal rights and opportunities, getting them and then wanting to be seen as different again drives me up the fucking wall.
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