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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


Carbon tax bill passes into law

DAVID WROE 11:02am | Australia's carbon tax is set to become law after the lower house of parliament passed the government's historic but controversial set of bills.

nice to see sydneys leading media house Fairfax doesn't know how the political system works

its not passed into law yet, twats

yes they correct it in the summary, but the front page of SMH has that.
codswallop said:
Heading back off to 2005
Man what a golden age that was! So full of bright eyes! The war on terror was winding down and everyone was drunk on power. If only they could have been warned of the great turmoil to come.

BanShunsaku said:
$30 Batmans is tempting, but I think I'm going to get it on 360, if for no other reason than that's where I played the first one.
PC version is GFWL so it includes cheevos plus would have controller support I am fairly sure.

jambo said:
Played a bit last night, holy shit it's good. And the guns man, the guns. They feel gooooood. Your jaw will literally drop when you get the shotgun for the first time. Fucking gorgeous!
It's good to be playing an id game again, makes me happy =].
You are making it very hard for me not to walk down the street and hand over more money than I would like to build a PC tonight to enjoy this damn exciting game.

evlcookie said:
NO, fuck you! I haven't had a cold in like 5 months and i'm sure that is due to multivitamins giving me the stuff i'm clearly not eating. I will continue to take that tablet every morning, screw you german scientists.
Don't they take like 5 months to kick in or something? Someone was probably trying to make me look stupid when they told me that.

Rezbit said:
Tony Abbott sucks

Julia Gillard sucks

Carbon is good but also bad

Plutonium is mostly good but also a little bad.


Some worrying posts in the last half a page.

The problem is simple:

Antibiotics courses are meant to be taken to completion with one express purpose: killing ALL of the bacteria in question. Antibiotics are selected so that the weakest available AB that will do the job comfortably is prescribed (in theory).

If you don't kill ALL the bacteria in question, ANY survivors of that strain will be immune due to limited exposure to the antibiotic. That means you can never again use that antibiotic to treat that strain of bacteria. Ever.

And that means you need to use ever more stronger ABs in order to treat recurring infections. Those are expensive, and thanks to general human stupidity in not following Doctor's orders, people don't take a complete course and make things even worse in future. This is the kind of process that leads to wonderful bugs like MRSA (Methicillin resistant staph. aureus - aka Golden staph). Methicillin is a very useful AB that is slowly becoming useless, and stronger ABs are also becoming useless against other superbugs (eg Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus - a nasty strain of gut/digestive bacterial infection now resistant to vancomycin).

Most infections/colds people get are viral infections. The easiest way to tell the difference is smelling breath of the infected person. If their throat is sore and their breath smells foul - thats usually bacterial and needs/might need ABs. If it doesnt smell, its often just viral.

And flu shots are another thing - each season the flu shot is designed to afford protection against the strains of flu forecast to be most likely to spread far and wide, balanced against severity. There are a smaller number of classes of flu viruses, but each strain can be quite different in terms of what shots will protect you for them. So if you get the flu shot and the herd gets the same flu shot, it may open the door for a 4th or 5th flu to successfully spread in lieu of the other three that have been successfully immunised against.

I just have one hope and thats that AusGAF doesnt go down the immunisation = ADHD argument path otherwise I'm going to reach through your monitor and slap you for it. Yes, that means you.
Fredescu said:
The overuse of antibiotics is only a concern on a societal level, not a personal level, right?
Societal, of course. I've tried to wean my wife from antibiotic hand cleaners and have won except in the kitchen so I'll call that an overall win.

I still figure if I take anything too much I'll develop a tolerance so try to avoid it until I really need these things. Whether that's actually the case or not, I don't know, but I'll say away from pumping stuff into me unnecessarily... Unless I become a parent.

Edit: Vince makes a good point on finishing up a course of drugs. Just because you feel better doesn't mean you are. Of course, I'm the guy who stopped taking doxycycline two days after I started and decided to chance malaria instead. Given that it can incubate for years I'm still waiting to see how that one turns out.


its more important that if you do take antibiotics not to go half arsed...

ie: finish the treatment otherwise you're a bug sympathiser


Fredescu said:
If you're deathly sick and the doctor says there's a good chance your thing is caused by bacteria, you should probably take antibiotics. If it's a virus, like the flu, you shouldn't.

Antibiotics don't do anything to a virus.

Antibiotics are usually moulds like penicillin, and are effective only at treating bacterial infections.

Immunisation against viral infections (eg influenza) treat you by inoculating you with a non-live version of the virus, so that your immune system has a working memory of how to treat similar viral infections.

Viruses and bacteria are completely different, as is their treatment.


Fredescu said:
Don't you mean autism?

Same thing (well, not really, my wife is a psychologist and would slap me for saying so - but thats a problem with Doctors diagnosing people with ADHD when they arent trained in DSMIV/V and mental diagnoses at all) - it's all misinformation led by the "alternative medicine" industry that wants us to think that spinal adjustment can cure cancer or homeopathy has any merit at all.


RandomVince said:
Some worrying posts in the last half a page.

The problem is simple:

Antibiotics courses are meant to be taken to completion with one express purpose: killing ALL of the bacteria in question. Antibiotics are selected so that the weakest available AB that will do the job comfortably is prescribed (in theory).

If you don't kill ALL the bacteria in question, ANY survivors of that strain will be immune due to limited exposure to the antibiotic. That means you can never again use that antibiotic to treat that strain of bacteria. Ever.

And that means you need to use ever more stronger ABs in order to treat recurring infections. Those are expensive, and thanks to general human stupidity in not following Doctor's orders, people don't take a complete course and make things even worse in future. This is the kind of process that leads to wonderful bugs like MRSA (Methicillin resistant staph. aureus - aka Golden staph). Methicillin is a very useful AB that is slowly becoming useless, and stronger ABs are also becoming useless against other superbugs (eg Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus - a nasty strain of gut/digestive bacterial infection now resistant to vancomycin).

Most infections/colds people get are viral infections. The easiest way to tell the difference is smelling breath of the infected person. If their throat is sore and their breath smells foul - thats usually bacterial and needs/might need ABs. If it doesnt smell, its often just viral.

And flu shots are another thing - each season the flu shot is designed to afford protection against the strains of flu forecast to be most likely to spread far and wide, balanced against severity. There are a smaller number of classes of flu viruses, but each strain can be quite different in terms of what shots will protect you for them. So if you get the flu shot and the herd gets the same flu shot, it may open the door for a 4th or 5th flu to successfully spread in lieu of the other three that have been successfully immunised against.

I just have one hope and thats that AusGAF doesnt go down the immunisation = ADHD argument path otherwise I'm going to reach through your monitor and slap you for it. Yes, that means you.

no no. immunising kids is the most important thing a parent can do.


Fredescu said:
"is set to be" doesn't mean it's happened. Just that it will. Which it will, because the Greens support it.

agreed but the headline on the main page is CARBON TAX IS LAW basically
RandomVince said:
just have one hope and thats that AusGAF doesnt go down the immunisation = ADHD argument path.
Psychiatrists need to make that sweet, sweet money dude. Need a new flavour of mental "disorder" for the financial year.

RandomVince said:
Antibiotics don't do anything to a virus.
Immunisation against viral infections (eg influenza) treat you by inoculating you with a non-live version of the virus, so that your immune system has a working memory of how to treat similar viral infections.
Most irritating thing is going to the doctor and finding out it is still only viral and then having to go back a few days later when it is OBVIOUSLY an infection at that point. My current cold is going that way. Only a light cough on Monday but yesterday it was painful to cough and I had gotten wheezy. Same with my sons ear infection. Started out as just being sick and the doctor couldn't find a rattle or any evidence of infection but then it got infected bad 2 days later.
I think a lot of people are taking anti-biotics as a precaution, which obviously might not be the best thing for your system to do. Kind of a Pre Emptive Strike as it will.


reptilescorpio said:
Psychiatrists need to make that sweet, sweet money dude. Need a new flavour of mental "disorder" for the financial year.

This is so wrong that it's almost akin to saying the Earth is flat. Notwithstanding the fact that psychiatrists aren't the only ones who make diagnoses, it's incredibly misleading when you see the work that is done for some very serious cases of psychosis and anxiety related to trauma.

reptilescorpio said:
I think a lot of people are taking anti-biotics as a precaution, which obviously might not be the best thing for your system to do. Kind of a Pre Emptive Strike as it will.

Which is stupid. Next up, people attempting microsurgery on their friends who are convinced they have nerve damage.


RandomVince said:
Antibiotics don't do anything to a virus.
This is quite true, but a good viral infection will screw your body's ability to deal with other infections. This is why people with a cold (standard rhinovirus) get ear infections or sinus infections. Which are dealt with using antibiotics.

ps. not picking on you in particular - your post was just the easiest to quote :)

BTW, I'm still in the "some GPs over-prescribe antibiotics" camp - I'm just pretty sure there's some legitimate uses.
I'm ignoring all this talk about sickness and pills; I've never been sick in my life.

From what I've seen, in this country people are very dependent on medicine and hospitals.

The tolerance to weather change is pathetic. A little pollen here, a little rain there and you whole lot fall sick. Immune systems are rubbish.


DeathJr said:
I'm ignoring all this talk about sickness and pills; I've never been sick in my life.

From what I've seen, in this country people are very dependent on medicine and hospitals.

The tolerance to weather change is pathetic. A little pollen here, a little rain there and you whole lot fall sick. Immune systems are rubbish.
Clearly you don't have children :)


RandomVince said:
I just have one hope and thats that AusGAF doesnt go down the immunisation = ADHD argument path otherwise I'm going to reach through your monitor and slap you for it. Yes, that means you.
I was immunised and I have ADHD.


Anyone happen to get a SWOTOR beta invite today guys?
My housemate got one so he is downloading it at home now. I am somewhat pi$$ed off though cause i have collectors ordered yet no beta....wtf bioware.

Its a 30gig download supposedly, lol
legend166 said:
You should go to America.

The amount of people taking prescribed pills is insane.

I know, I have a lot of family in the states. Every time they travel overseas, they carry tons of pills with them. Even then they get sick from eating outside food.
midonnay said:
its funny though how some doctors have embraced acupuncture....

I guess placebos are cheap
The doctor my son went to when they said it was just a virus and coudldn't give him medication did "accupunctur" with a laser kind of thing. Like a heat beam aparently. He found it hilarious. Worked a treat according to the gf and his nose was cleared up for most of the day. I told her it was probably a coincidence.


Shaneus said:
I was immunised and I have ADHD.





jambo said:
Bahaha. That's awesome.

Medicated up now though, so all my posts are (hopefully) coherent and don't wander off too much, like that time I was talking with a friend about cars and all of a sudden he said that he liked purple ones.

[QUOTE=Choc]so all around sydney today i see occupy martin place posters[/QUOTE]
Get a photo. For lulz I want to photoshop it with something about breaking street date for Forza 4.


reptilescorpio said:
The doctor my son went to when they said it was just a virus and coudldn't give him medication did "accupunctur" with a laser kind of thing. Like a heat beam aparently. He found it hilarious. Worked a treat according to the gf and his nose was cleared up for most of the day. I told her it was probably a coincidence.

laser acupunture.....mindblown...

nice story :)

edit: Occupy Elizabeth Street!!!
Purple is my favourite colour.

lol Shaneus. Poke those poor Forza fans! Makes me wish world wide parity release dates could happen sooner rather than later. Even Steam releases aren't always world wide which sucks.

SEGA finally admitted that we aren't getting Valkyria Chronicles 3. Poop. :(
Also Level 5 have a colab game, Guild 01, coming on on 3DS that might be the start of games needed for me to buy in. All the little quirky stuff on DS is what made it worth while for me. It has 4 minigames with; a "darkness fantasy" adventure RPG from Matsuno, an airport porter simulation from Yoot Saito, RPG weaponsmith by America Zarigani, and a demon shooter by Suda 51 with Bones animating. Hell yes.

Choc said:
so all around sydney today i see occupy martin place posters
Wonder how much it will take off over here.

Most people I talk to here are more interested in bitching about the carbon tax but don't want to go do anything about it.


BoardAusGAF. Been playing 7 Wonders quite a bit @ work, and I must say, it is a really fucking well designed game. Even going into a new game with my limited set of strategies, I can not at all rely on any of them usually to do any good and it purely comes down to the cards I am dealt as to the strategy I have to / or attempt to use.

Anyone else played?


markot said:
You can pretend to be mark webber, and constantly be outdone by a much more skilled team mate!

I want to pretend to be Mark Webber, take an LMP car down Mulsanne at Le Mans and flip the fucker.


stage is set for Rudds comeback

Gillard will be a political victim. She got the tax in and now they will oust her and bring Rudd back

Rudd will say i didnt introduce it but i aint changing it, ALP ratings will go up still because Gillard gone.

Rudd wins next election

Tony in oblivion

Question. As the ALP who wanted a Carbon price, why would you reinstall Rudd before that price became law and put the heat on him if you want him to go to the next election? You wouldn't.....


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Least this tax has secured one thing, old Ginger Minge is outta here.

May she never pronounce our country Ostrailia again.


Kinda related to the whole vitamin/health related discussions earlier, does AusGAF buy organic meat?

I'm just wondering because over the past maybe 2 years, I've noticed organic selection of meat has become larger in supermarkets, and I see a lot more people buying it. Apart from being chemical free and what not, it apparently tastes better and has more nutrients or something.

I've been buying organic for a while now because my parents keep hassling me about it. About how if I don't buy organic chicken, I'll be eating hormones and get breast cancer. Or if I don't eat organic meat, I'll have a higher chance of developing some sort of cancer in the future.
If any of you guys want to shed the Kg's (I'm pretty sure some AusGAFfers were looking to get fit) look for an exercise program called 'Insanity' (yes the name is embarrassing). It really is insane though, I'm into the gym/fitness in general and it's kicking my arse so far. Best thing is, you can do it within minimal space at home.


commanderdeek said:
Kinda related to the whole vitamin/health related discussions earlier, does AusGAF buy organic meat?

I'm just wondering because over the past maybe 2 years, I've noticed organic selection of meat has become larger in supermarkets, and I see a lot more people buying it. Apart from being chemical free and what not, it apparently tastes better and has more nutrients or something.

I've been buying organic for a while now because my parents keep hassling me about it. About how if I don't buy organic chicken, I'll be eating hormones and get breast cancer. Or if I don't eat organic meat, I'll have a higher chance of developing some sort of cancer in the future.

oh, you're a girl ? :eek:

i thought you were a guy :) all good :)

also, i buy organic meat sometimes. I always buy free range eggs though, i dont know why
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