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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults

RandomVince said:
That's a bit weird, I wouldve thought the horse had already bolted so far as wild rabbits goes. Next thing they'll start fining people for keeping pet cane toads.

Yeah I don't get it. Does the rabbit proof fence still work?
codswallop said:
You're doing it wrong?

How? I only eat chicken and pepperoni/ham. I gave that up and it was not a problem adjusting to the food, but my work required me to be out all the time and if I wanted a meal I had to settle for chips. Very hard to find food without meat in it.

I am thinking of doing it again next year. I've been eating salads for lunch almost everyday for the past 6 months.
DeathJr said:
I gave that up and it was not a problem adjusting to the food, but my work required me to be out all the time and if I wanted a meal I had to settle for chips. Very hard to find food without meat in it.
Yeah it can be difficult to find meatless food in Australia (and Japan, as I found out -- at least as a Gaijin). I'm sure if you're prepared and/or know the area you should've been able to find vegetarian food on the go. Why don't you use Google Places? ;)


Jintor said:
My goddamn phone has started locking me out: SIM not allowed MM#3

what is this sony

what is this

for fuck's sake

Apple has sent out the bat signal, fucking up all non 4s phones

on the food side of things have you guys seen catch kill eat on ABC 1 i think it is

they have to catch and kill the food before eating it

i dont think i could eat the meat knowing i saw the animal :\
Choc said:
on the food side of things have you guys seen catch kill eat on ABC 1 i think it is

they have to catch and kill the food before eating it

i dont think i could eat the meat knowing i saw the animal :\

Think of it this way: If the animal saw you first, would it think the same thing?
Choc said:
they have to catch and kill the food before eating it

i dont think i could eat the meat knowing i saw the animal :\
Yeah in our society that's a very big thing. I remember seeing on one of the Jamie Oliver shows where he went to Italy there was a whole family in this village helping kill, skin and remove the innards of this animal. Even the kids were doing it and weren't bothered at all by it.

Then there was a Hugh Fearnsley-whathisname show where a bunch of $2-roast chicken-buyers went out to his farm and had to kill chickens and stuff.

If I had to, I'm sure I could kill and skin etc an animal to eat it, but I'd likely never do it willingly. I am of the opinion though that if you eat meat you should be willing to kill take the animal's life yourself.

roosters93 said:
How's squab
Missed this one. It's not bad at all, quite a dark-tasting bird. I even ate the fried beak. Crispy!


codswallop said:
Yeah in our society that's a very big thing. I remember seeing on one of the Jamie Oliver shows where he went to Italy there was a whole family in this village helping kill, skin and remove the innards of this animal. Even the kids were doing it and weren't bothered at all by it.
That is EXACTLY what I was thinking of after reading chocs post! Draining the blood from the animal's neck was too much for me.


Choc said:
Apple has sent out the bat signal, fucking up all non 4s phones

on the food side of things have you guys seen catch kill eat on ABC 1 i think it is

they have to catch and kill the food before eating it

i dont think i could eat the meat knowing i saw the animal :\

I'm willing to kill things and not even eat it.

:D :D :D
While it is obvious to all and sundry that battery farming is cruel for the chickens involved, I have very little sympathy for the birds because… well, they are chickens and barely aware of their own existence. If it were parrots being treated this way, or even pigs, I would have some qualms, but not for chickens.


Choc said:
they have to catch and kill the food before eating it

I remember Jamie Oliver tearing up when they killed a goat on one of his Mediterranean tour shows. Some dude had grabbed his hand and basically did it for him, and then Oliver - when he'd dried his eyes - was acting all macho.


codswallop said:
If I had to, I'm sure I could kill and skin etc an animal to eat it, but I'd likely never do it willingly. I am of the opinion though that if you eat meat you should be willing to kill take the animal's life yourself.
I love meat, but I'd be loathe to actually kill something too. The opinion has flaws, though. For example, I'm not willing to go through the work and toil that would go into making a chocolate bar, but I'll surely pay for it and eat it (well, provided it's one of the off days on my diet).

Part of the price of meat is the cost of the slaughtering so you don't have to do it yourself.


As a kid I did a bit of rabbit trapping and shooting and helped my dad gut and skin them. I watched my grandparents butcher sheep and poultry and helped them as much as a little kid could. I still remember looking at a flapping headless chicken being hung upsidedown and viewing it with curiosity and not any sort of revulsion. I'm still an avid fisherman today and don't have any problem gutting and such. I wouldn't have any qualms killing a farm animal myself to eat, but I guess that's entirely due to my upbringing.


My mum used to tell me stories of when she was younger and her dad used to chop their heads off on a block. More than a few times they'd run around for a few seconds before dropping.


jambo said:
My mum used to tell me stories of when she was younger and her dad used to chop their heads off on a block. More than a few times they'd run around for a few seconds before dropping.
Running around like a headless chook?
codswallop said:
Yeah it can be difficult to find meatless food in Australia (and Japan, as I found out -- at least as a Gaijin). I'm sure if you're prepared and/or know the area you should've been able to find vegetarian food on the go. Why don't you use Google Places? ;)

No time to hunt around or wait for someone to cook a vegetarian dish. That is why salads are best.



On September 10, 1945, farmer Lloyd Olsen of Fruita, Colorado, United States, had his mother-in-law around for supper and was sent out to the yard by his wife to bring back a chicken. Olsen chose a five-and-a-half-month-old cockerel named Mike. The axe missed the jugular vein, leaving one ear and most of the brain stem intact.[2][3]

Despite Olsen's botched handiwork, Mike was still able to balance on a perch and walk clumsily; he even attempted to preen and crow, although he could do neither. After the bird did not die, a surprised Mr. Olsen decided to continue to care permanently for Mike, feeding him a mixture of milk and water via an eyedropper; he was also fed small grains of corn.

When used to his new and unusual center of mass, Mike could easily get himself to the highest perches without falling. His crowing, though, was less impressive and consisted of a gurgling sound made in his throat, leaving him unable to crow at dawn. Mike also spent his time preening and attempting to peck for food with his neck.



you all should get this (no offence to the vegies :) )



but ever so delicious
Damn, AMDs bulldozer reviews are starting to come out, bit-tech seem to believe it's a stinker. Guess it's parallel design just doesn't work too well in our single threaded desktop application world.

Haven't really flicked through any other reviews yet, hopefully they can fix the tech next on the next gen version.


Walking down to JB today, totally ready to buy an iPad 2, then I start getting that stupid buyers doubt and by the time I'd gotten there I was on the fence again.

Now that I'm back at work I want one :lol


Omi said:
Choc will love this, apparently the protesters in parliament were sitting in the section that requires a ticket from an MP. ;)

media better start a shit storm over that

no doubt Tony



viciouskillersquirrel said:
While it is obvious to all and sundry that battery farming is cruel for the chickens involved, I have very little sympathy for the birds because… well, they are chickens and barely aware of their own existence. If it were parrots being treated this way, or even pigs, I would have some qualms, but not for chickens.

Nah, this is wrong. Chickens are quite smart birds. There was a piece on Catalyst last year about it. They have some very complex social behaviour.

They dont appear as bright as corvids (crows, rooks, ravens, magpies etc) which seem to put even parrots to shame.

Also, anyone else eaten muttonbird? Pro tip: cook it inside.

Extra pro tip:
cook it no closer than 50m from your house OH GOD IT SMELLS but om nom nom so tasty


evlcookie said:
Damn, AMDs bulldozer reviews are starting to come out, bit-tech seem to believe it's a stinker. Guess it's parallel design just doesn't work too well in our single threaded desktop application world.

Haven't really flicked through any other reviews yet, hopefully they can fix the tech next on the next gen version.

I wonder if AMD will ever get their shit together. I hope I don't come off as a 'fanboy' for saying this because I hate the situation but going with Intel/Nvidia seems to be the only sensible choice these days.


My favourite bit:

Another protester compared the behaviour of protesters with that of the politicians during question time, saying MPs "set an example".
He warned there was "more to come" but refused to say what that meant because it would be "telegraphing our punches".

Does being noisy, disruptive, and incoherent wankers in public about cover it ? I think it might.

I'm prepared to be surprised, though. I mean, the imagination of tossers stirred up by Barnaby Joyce knows no bounds.


RandomVince said:
Also, anyone else eaten muttonbird? Pro tip: cook it inside.
I caught one while fishing once. That was messy.

3chopl0x said:
I hope I don't come off as a 'fanboy' for saying this because I hate the situation but going with Intel/Nvidia seems to be the only sensible choice these days.
You'd be a fanboy if you said otherwise. It's a shame really, there needs to be a bit of competition there.

edit: oh, you said Nvidia. You're wrong there.


RandomVince said:
Nah, this is wrong. Chickens are quite smart birds. There was a piece on Catalyst last year about it. They have some very complex social behaviour.

Too bad they're tastier than they are smart.


markot said:
Why are Carbon Tax protestors always so old?


Old people should be banned from voting at 70!

because they have nothing fucking better to do and they dont like change

look at twitter, everyone on twitter in general (young people) are agreeing with the carbon tax introduction, well its closer to 50/50 anyway

those old people haven't a clue, and they won't be around to see the world shit itself so they dont give a fuck.

Isn't tehre some saying when you're a teen socialist you go for the labor party but as you get older and get houses, wealth and kids you turn liberal because you don't want your shit changed and stuff taken?

kinda true really


Fredescu said:
I caught one while fishing once. That was messy.

Probably not as messy as if you had accidentally dragged up some abalone >.>

Went squid fishing one night down near Gordon and my friends brother foul hooked a squid when he got angry at it for not biting. And got another jig stuck down between the boards of the jetty >.<

Then with the catch and taking it back to the car, realised we forgot a bucket or eski to put them in.


As for meat eating, I realise we need protein and animals of all sorts are excellent at accumulating it. I have no qualms eating meat, but I think it's important to be humane about how you keep and kill animals. In an ideal world we wouldnt need to, but that's the story of evolution isnt it. Protein, kill or be killed, and we just had to be the species to develop a guilt complex and a system of ethics.


RandomVince said:
Probably not as messy as if you had accidentally dragged up some abalone >.>

Went squid fishing one night down near Gordon and my friends brother foul hooked a squid when he got angry at it for not biting. And got another jig stuck down between the boards of the jetty >.<

Then with the catch and taking it back to the car, realised we forgot a bucket or eski to put them in.


As for meat eating, I realise we need protein and animals of all sorts are excellent at accumulating it. I have no qualms eating meat, but I think it's important to be humane about how you keep and kill animals. In an ideal world we wouldnt need to, but that's the story of evolution isnt it. Protein, kill or be killed, and we just had to be the species to develop a guilt complex and a system of ethics.

get ready to shoot yourself vince. Choc agrees with you.

Even if i was against the carbon tax (right now really indifferent), i wouldnt go on like a fuckwit during federal parliament. It's not eastern fucking europe where people jump desks and throw chairs @ each other in australia. We had a somewhat functioning parliament until abbott showed up


Fredescu said:
edit: oh, you said Nvidia. You're wrong there.

Not really, if you want to have a guaranteed smooth experience on new games Nvidia is the way to go, AMD drivers are pretty horrible, just look at how RAGE turned out. Then there's also TWIMTBP which gives them exclusive benefits like PhysX and better performance etc.

AMD used to be my brand of choice for GPUs but I just can't be fucked anymore.


After the House of Representatives today passed the carbon tax package, a group of 40 people chanting "no mandate, democracy is dead" interrupted Prime Minister Julia Gillard during Question Time today.

After they were removed another group of 30 interrupted the PM.

Then a third group of 12, one person waving an Australian flag, stood and chanted against the PM.

Parliament was further disrupted when people in the Speakers gallery stood to protest and one man took off his shoe and threatened to throw it

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/breaking-new...nt/story-e6frfku0-1226164980494#ixzz1aXabCBI9

welcome to eastern european politics people


3chopl0x said:
Not really, if you want to have a guaranteed smooth experience on new games Nvidia is the way to go, AMD drivers are pretty horrible, just look at how RAGE turned out. Then there's also TWIMTBP which gives them exclusive benefits like PhysX and better performance etc.
That's a load of crap, each new game that comes out with a new or different engine has random problems with either red or green. It's a crapshoot. Fallout 3 and NV both had major problems with Nvidia cards at launch. PhysX is very rarely used. I use an Nvidia card at the moment, but on average it's no better or worse than the ATI card it replaced.

AMD processors can't compete with Intel on any level any more, either in pure performance or bang for buck. Video cards are a completely different situation, where we have better and more competition at more pricepoints than we ever had before
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