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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


Carbon Price has passed the house.

Sophie Mirabella got the boot last night and couldn't vote today. :lol

Edit: Apologies, that was the vote on Steel industry support. Vote on Carbon Price to come. Will pass though you would think.


anyone else note that the only Liberal front bencher who did not speak during the debate was Turnbull

he supports it baby

Sophie Mirabella is the shadow spokeswoman for innovation

not so fucking innovative are you if you don't support innovative green ideas....


more gems from this MP

Federal Opposition frontbencher Sophie Mirabella has criticised the Occupy Wall Street protest movement, which organisers plan to bring to Australia this weekend.

The thousands of protesters who had converged on sites across the US were protesting against "democracy", she said.

um, protesting is one of the rights of a democracy you tool.

Oh i just looked up who it is, she is an annoying prat. Every interview she gives she sprouts loads of shit.


expect a shit storm later this week in Canberra

Shadow Cabinet is meeting to discuss the pokies changes and whether they will support it

Peter Reith pretty much confirmed on the drum last night they won't

and then got fucking torn apart from EVERYONE as to why they wouldn't support this.

If they don't support it, Tony is going to be shown to be a person who opposes shit for no reason.

and the people will start turn on him.


the NBN is the new frontier gold rush

everyone is throwing away money to steal away customers in anticipation.........

except Internode >_>


Salazar said:
I have nightmares about an Australia governed by Sunrise viewer polls.

We're getting closer.

Amusing fact: those people are legally able to vote in elections. How quaint!


I have a day to finish my game. I think it's at the point where I can stick a menu on it and call it done.

I also have a day to finish a programming assignment on doing the Knights Tour. Spent 15 hours on the fucking thing and I still haven't got the knight to actually move around the chess board. Well, because we have to move it around using Stacks and Queues and DF / BF traversal algorithms which I'm frankly really shit at.

The funny thing is, getting the program to actually work is only worth 10% of the assignment marks. You can still get a HD by submitting a program that solves the Knights Tour no better than three weeks ago when it couldn't even compile.

I'm not sure where life is going to take me, but I have the feeling that programming isn't one of those paths.


codswallop said:
So how many 'Welcome to the Battlefield 3 Beta' emails did you guys get this morning? I played on PC and 360 and have so far received seven.
I was going to post that I've been spammed by EA.

I've received 3 so far.


reptilescorpio said:
fffffffffffffffffff struggling so bad to hold off on buying it. Want to wait until I get the new PC up and running before cracking it open. Looks so tasty though. Want to feel that meaty shotgun again. :(

Played a bit last night, holy shit it's good. And the guns man, the guns. They feel gooooood. Your jaw will literally drop when you get the shotgun for the first time. Fucking gorgeous!

It's good to be playing an id game again, makes me happy =]

Shaneus said:
I think I'm going to start listening to some Jamiroquai. Where's the best place to start, AusGAF?

Dammit, now I want to listen to Jamiroquai and I have none of their material on my external HDD here at work.

Crowded House time methinks.


Choc said:
anyone else note that the only Liberal front bencher who did not speak during the debate was Turnbull

he supports it baby

Sophie Mirabella is the shadow spokeswoman for innovation

not so fucking innovative are you if you don't support innovative green ideas....


more gems from this MP

Federal Opposition frontbencher Sophie Mirabella has criticised the Occupy Wall Street protest movement, which organisers plan to bring to Australia this weekend.

The thousands of protesters who had converged on sites across the US were protesting against "democracy", she said.

um, protesting is one of the rights of a democracy you tool.

Oh i just looked up who it is, she is an annoying prat. Every interview she gives she sprouts loads of shit.

Go have a look at what happened in America with their 'green jobs'.

Carbon tax is a dumb idea ;_;


legend166 said:
Go have a look at what happened in America with their 'green jobs'.

Carbon tax is a dumb idea ;_;
So's AFL but you dont see me complaining.

Also the USA and their 'All Jobs' are in shit right now >.<


I wouldn't say its a dumb idea..... but I concede that its probably the wrong time.

Labor has no choice but to soldier on because of the big hoopla they created pre-copenhagen.

But blind freddie can see what is going to happen in the coming decades. All countries will do their utmost to fool their populace that they're doing something. Self interest will take precedence.

Short of a technological magic bullet, not much we can do :/


The exact same fucking arguments being belted around the Carbon tax were used against the GST and the GST was a much more significant and costly reform

no one complains about the GST these days, everyone thinks its a good system.




Choc said:
The exact same fucking arguments being belted around the Carbon tax were used against the GST and the GST was a much more significant and costly reform

no one complains about the GST these days, everyone thinks its a good system.

How are they the same?


legend166 said:
How are they the same?

major tax reform to transform the Australian economy. There is more in common between the Carbon Pricing and the GST than you may think.

My point was people said the sky would fall in when the GST came into effect, and it didn't in fact it made the AU economy stronger.

amazon just told me US Vita date

march 31 2012


viciouskillersquirrel said:
They’re not. One’s supposed to be a sin tax and the other is supposed to be a consumption tax.

look closer, they are closer than you think. They are both designed to change teh australian economy.

Consumption of energy tax........

Consumption of consumer goods tax..........


Choc are you up in BNE yet? I don't think I'll be going to the show.

Sorry to hear about your phone, Bern.
See you at the line for the 4S

MAN this new job is fun and all but my free time is next to nil nowadays. I ended up going to sleep at 8:30 last night WTF. :/ Just means I need to choose what I do with my creative time wisely. So should I work on a new book, a new website layout or a game?


but ever so delicious
I go to sleep at 9:30, Getting old Gaz!

Also the bill and steve meme will never get old, even after his dead. http://i.imgur.com/DjqMN.jpg

It's also fascinating to watch people act after steve has died. At first it was holy shit that's sad news, then you get the stories about how he wasn't that big of a deal, then it's stories about how he was a dick to people, then it's about how he put himself down for transplants in multiple states etc etc.

I hope when i die, I could be that interesting after death, Safe to say I won't be though!


Choc said:
look closer, they are closer than you think. They are both designed to change teh australian economy.

Consumption of energy tax........

Consumption of consumer goods tax..........

the GST was aimed at stopping people spending? or the replacement of inefficient taxes?


viciouskillersquirrel said:
They’re not. One’s supposed to be a sin tax and the other is supposed to be a consumption tax.


And a sin tax is designed to lower consumption of a certain good/service in order to provide socially acceptable outcomes/lower the economic burden somewhere else.

For example, you put a tax on cigarettes because you hope that it will lower smoking rates which will lower health care costs.

The problem is the outcome from the carbon tax is nil. It's being implemented due to a global problem that we essentially have no control over. It's hubris on a national scale to expect it to have any significant worldwide effects, whether through actual decline in global emissions or through some sort of symbol for the rest of the world to follow.

And to implement it during the current economic climate is dumb.

I mean, I don't care it about it that much. Certainly not like those crazy old people who went to Canberra. Because at the end of the day I can afford it. I just think it's a stupid policy.


Yeah, who wants a cleaner environment? Not me!

Also its odd for a religous person to claim that doing right is useless if everyone else is doing wrong ^_^!


Choc said:
hahha oh shit the asx has plummeted since carbon tax passed
Ehhh it started off down already. I think the likelihood of a ct was already priced in. But yeah, I'm sure some analyst will attribute losses to the announcement.


I think Choc's point is that major economic reform is always accompanied with THE SKY WILL FALL AND THE RIVERS WILL FILL WITH YOUR CHILDREN'S BLOOD panic.


Choc said:
look closer, they are closer than you think. They are both designed to change teh australian economy.

Consumption of energy tax........

Consumption of consumer goods tax..........
VKS is dead right. The GST was built on consumption as an addition to income tax, whereas the carbon tax is wired as a disincentive for the sale of fossil fuels.

The carbon tax will have a bigger impact on exporters of fossil fuels than on the Australian consumer who wants to keep their lights on. All by design.

And again, there are layers of complexity here that a news.com.au articles fails to capture.


Whilst it won't have a global effect, at least when the world fucks itself over we can stand up and say, well we did something unlike the rest of you.

Also, having cleaner air, even if just in Australia is surely worth it for future generations, i mean for fuck sake. We are the place that cops the Ozone layer issue because its right above our front door, you would think us of anyone would want to stop environmental shit happening.

The GST was designed to do two things

1) Reduce the ability for businesses to dodgy the tax system through the WSST tax system

2) make it fairer for everyone in that everyone paid tax through consumption.

If you dont' buy things you pay less tax and gst. If you use less energy you pay less carbon tax.........

A GST in its true form (not in the form we have in Australia, to have a true GST model we would have to have significantly lower income tax rates) is designed to punish consumption like what they have in the UK and NZ (20% and 15% respectively with lower income taxes)

So yes the idea of a GST is to punish consumption...


Bernbaum said:
VKS is dead right. The GST was built on consumption as an addition to income tax, whereas the carbon tax is wired as a disincentive for the sale of fossil fuels.

The carbon tax will have a bigger impact on exporters of fossil fuels than on the Australian consumer who wants to keep their lights on. All by design.

And again, there are layers of complexity here that a news.com.au articles fails to capture.


but a GST is NOT supposed to be built like that. It is supposed to significantly reduce tax rates income wise and then punish consumption. But we don't have that.

Just to back me up

canada has VAT and high rate of VAT

highest income tax rate is 29% for those of 128k per year

THAT is a PROPER gst


10.19am: How has business reacted to today's announcement? The carbon tax had been flagged and largely priced in by the market, said CMC markets chief market strategist Michael McCarthy. But now the prospect of the Liberals, led by Tony Abbott, repealing the tax extended the uncertainty felt by businesses in planning and investment.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/environment/c...es-into-law-20111012-1ljtf.html#ixzz1aWNnPHJQ

so abbott is causing uncertainty in business, exactly what the fuck we are trying to avoid at the moment


midonnay said:
ausgaf civil war!!!

choose your side ._.
Except this is isn't a passionate intellectual debate. AusGAF doesn't have those.

What we have is a loud emotionally-driven voice accompanied by a handful of rational people of varying political views simply trying to keep the facts in check.


Bernbaum said:
Except this is isn't a passionate intellectual debate. AusGAF doesn't have those.

What we have is a loud emotionally-driven voice accompanied by a handful of rational people of varying political views simply trying to keep the facts in check.

sorry please explain where ive been irrational this morning? i've backed up my arguments about the GST in Australia not being a true and proper GST.

also fuck you. I try to balance arguments tehse days and you can't let go of the past.



Choc said:
10.19am: How has business reacted to today's announcement? The carbon tax had been flagged and largely priced in by the market, said CMC markets chief market strategist Michael McCarthy. But now the prospect of the Liberals, led by Tony Abbott, repealing the tax extended the uncertainty felt by businesses in planning and investment.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/environment/c...es-into-law-20111012-1ljtf.html#ixzz1aWNnPHJQ

so abbott is causing uncertainty in business, exactly what the fuck we are trying to avoid at the moment

How the heck do you manage to blame Abbot for that?

What do you want him to do?


legend166 said:
How the heck do you manage to blame Abbot for that?

What do you want him to do?

The fact is running about saying he will repeal it (which is probably right) makes business wonder if they should make all these changse, therefore uncertainty, therefore zero investment

hello USA/Eurozone right now

exact same thing. Business confidence.
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