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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


Choc said:
also fuck you. I try to balance arguments tehse days and you can't let go of the past.


That’s a bit rough! Wow.

I really hope the irony isn’t lost on other members here about me pointing emotionally-driven arguments only to be greeted with comments like ‘fuck you’ and ‘childish’.

I'm not sure if there's anything that I've posted this morning that deserves comments like yours. Perhaps you're upset about previous instances where I've used you for humour. I apologise for those, but concede there is very little I've said this morning that warrants accusations of childishness. I am also confused by what you mean by 'you can't let go of the past'.

I also hope you calm down.


Bernbaum said:
That’s a bit rough! Wow.

I really hope the irony isn’t lost on other members here about me pointing emotionally-driven arguments only to be greeted with comments like ‘fuck you’ and ‘childish’.

I'm not sure if there's anything that I've posted this morning that deserves comments like yours. Perhaps you're upset about previous instances where I've used you. I apologise for those, but concede there is very little I've said this morning that warrants accusations of childishness. I am also confused by what you mean by 'you can't let go of the past'.

I also hope you calm down.

Ok bern im sorry, i thought that like some other people have done so in the past on here that because i have admittedly in the past acted like a total knob, that nothing i have to say is valid anymore.

Yes that was emotionally driven because I was getting a bit shirty that i assumed i was being dismissed in my arguments based on my past behaviour.
DeathJr said:
I sleep at 3am and get up at 7am.

Heading back off to 2005


I would pay cash money to see Choc and Bern hug it out at the show.

DeathJr I'm sure I'll be getting back to that routine once I get more used to the new job :) Tonight's going to be a late one I can already tell.
Gazunta said:
I think Choc's point is that major economic reform is always accompanied with THE SKY WILL FALL AND THE RIVERS WILL FILL WITH YOUR CHILDREN'S BLOOD panic.

But this time there is crazy insane panic on both sides, and if you don't support the carbon tax it will be personally your fault that the sky is falling and your Children will remember you as being "as bad as hitler", or whatever that one politician said :p


Choc said:
The fact is running about saying he will repeal it (which is probably right) makes business wonder if they should make all these changse, therefore uncertainty, therefore zero investment

hello USA/Eurozone right now

exact same thing. Business confidence.

Yes, but I mean - what do you want him to do?

How does the blame fall on the person promising to repeal the unpopular tax rather than the person implementing said tax?


legend166 said:
Yes, but I mean - what do you want him to do?

How does the blame fall on the person promising to repeal the unpopular tax rather than the person implementing said tax?

well if abbott said thats that, i guess its done (not that he should or would, the populace would turn on him) business would realise its a done deal and start to invest in the change
Gazunta said:
I would pay cash money to see Choc and Bern hug it out at the show.

DeathJr I'm sure I'll be getting back to that routine once I get more used to the new job :) Tonight's going to be a late one I can already tell.

Pro Tip to avoid late nights-


but ever so delicious
I heard on the news last night that multivitamins were actually doing damage to you or some shit.

NO, fuck you! I haven't had a cold in like 5 months and i'm sure that is due to multivitamins giving me the stuff i'm clearly not eating. I will continue to take that tablet every morning, screw you german scientists.
Isn't the general multivitamin consensus that since they're so concentrated your body can't process them and you end up pissing most of the tablets away anyway?

I guess if you're really low on vitamins or your food intake is poor, you'll probably absorb some of it before it departs.


shan, that thread in the OT is fucking crazy.

codswallop said:
Isn't the general multivitamin consensus that since they're so concentrated your body can't process them and you end up pissing most of the tablets away anyway?

I guess if you're really low on vitamins or your food intake is poor, you'll probably absorb some of it before it departs.

Also I think another problem is that people think that because they take them they don't need to consume all of the veggies and fruits that they should every day.


but ever so delicious
codswallop said:
Isn't the general multivitamin consensus that since they're so concentrated your body can't process them and you end up pissing most of the tablets away anyway?

I guess if you're really low on vitamins or your food intake is poor, you'll probably absorb some of it before it departs.

Probably. I mean after you take one your piss is real yellow, Which is fun. I still haven't caught a cold though which is what i'm most impressed with. I don't believe i've changed anything in my diet except the multivits, So i'm just going to say it's those that have kept me from getting a cold recently. So i'll continue taking them i guess, 120 for like $20 isn't too bad :D


codswallop said:
Isn't the general multivitamin consensus that since they're so concentrated your body can't process them and you end up pissing most of the tablets away anyway?

I guess if you're really low on vitamins or your food intake is poor, you'll probably absorb some of it before it departs.

Seems to be my personal experience. As in, I took Swiss for about a month and found that it made my piss smell funny. I persevered for a while then thought "this ain't right."

Choc said:
rofl how are those splinters feeling

Make no mistake, I am well versed in the art of "not sure."
The coloured pee is probably because your body hasn't absorbed all of whatever that vitamin is (e.g. iron and I think folate?) before you expel it. There's otherwise nothing wrong with it, but you literally get to see that you're pissing it away.


evlcookie said:
I heard on the news last night that multivitamins were actually doing damage to you or some shit.

NO, fuck you! I haven't had a cold in like 5 months and i'm sure that is due to multivitamins giving me the stuff i'm clearly not eating. I will continue to take that tablet every morning, screw you german scientists.

I've never had a multivitamin in my life. I get sick maybe once every 9 months.

I also haven't taken any form of medication or painkillers in like 5 years. I've probably taken <10 Panadol in my entire life.



legend166 said:
I've never had a multivitamin in my life. I get sick maybe once every 9 months.

I also haven't taken any form of medication or painkillers in like 5 years. I've probably taken <10 Panadol in my entire life.

That's basically me. I try not to take any medication unless it's absolutely necessary. No idea what made me become anti-medicine though:/


put it this way, if everyone was eating enough nutrients....

they wouldn't have to fortify food like cereals with vitamins. eg: folate


but ever so delicious
I get sick at really odd times, Like getting a cold during summer.

Will see how i go this summer, If i don't catch one then I will continue with the multivits. Although i should start working out again since that always causes me to get sick, something for next week's experiment.


commanderdeek said:
The only supplements I plan on taking are bone density tablets when I'm 50+. Osteoporosis sounds like a bitch.
50+ eh? I'm on vitamin D + calcium supplements 'cos, like most people, I work in a fucking batcave office for the majority of the time the sun is in the sky and my vitamin D levels are about 10% what they should be.


r1chard said:
50+ eh? I'm on vitamin D + calcium supplements 'cos, like most people, I work in a fucking batcave office for the majority of the time the sun is in the sky and my vitamin D levels are about 10% what they should be.

not to mention that alot of people are so afraid of skin cancer that they wear sun screen all the time and avoid the sunlight when at its strongest
commanderdeek said:
That's basically me. I try not to take any medication unless it's absolutely necessary. No idea what made me become anti-medicine though:/
Me too. I think it was the idea that you can develop a tolerance to medication (mainly antibiotics) so I try to avoid taking anything unless I am feeling truly awful.

I should be benefiting from science, not avoiding it!


commanderdeek said:
That's basically me. I try not to take any medication unless it's absolutely necessary. No idea what made me become anti-medicine though:/

My mum wasn't exactly anti-medicine, it's just that whenever we had a cold or a headache or something, she'd make us lay in bed all day and drink lots of water before she would give us any medication or whatever.

Also, strangely enough, when we had sick stomachs, the only acceptable food was lemonade ice blocks.


midonnay said:
not to mention that alot of people are so afraid of skin cancer that they wear sun screen all the time and avoid the sunlight when at its strongest
Yep, just like me. Having a mum who has potentially cancerous bits cut out of her on a bi-monthly basis doesn't help with the skin cancer paranoia :-(


codswallop said:
Me too. I think it was the idea that you can develop a tolerance to medication (mainly antibiotics) so I try to avoid taking anything unless I am feeling truly awful.

I should be benefiting from science, not avoiding it!

Is that true, though?

My sister is a nanny, and she says the mother of the kids she looks after basically throws pills down the kids mouths as soon as they show any sort of symptom of illness. It's crazy.

One of the kids is 6 or something, and I'd have no hesitation saying he's probably had way more panadols in his short life than I have ever.


should be more afraid of the evil bugs getting a tolerance to the antibiotics.... fuck the meat industry

but steak oh nom nom nom


statistics have shown those who had the flu shot every year for years on end were more susceptible to getting swine flu apparently. Not sure if its true.

i also dont throw anti biotics down my throat unless i really really need to. Its why we have this major issue right now with superbugs, people take shit so often that the bugs are developing resistance to it.

if people only took AB when they really needed to, we wouldn't have this issue. Doctors are saying this.

but i figure if you let your immunity system fight it unless it really needs help, then your immune system gets stronger


codswallop said:
I think it was the idea that you can develop a tolerance to medication (mainly antibiotics) so I try to avoid taking anything unless I am feeling truly awful.
The overuse of antibiotics is only a concern on a societal level, not a personal level, right? I think the idea is if you overuse them, bacteria evolves a resistence to them. If you personally don't take antibiotics it's doesn't matter, what matters is the type of bacteria out in the wild, which is what you're likely to catch. If you're deathly sick and the doctor says there's a good chance your thing is caused by bacteria, you should probably take antibiotics. If it's a virus, like the flu, you shouldn't.

Personally I tend to just ride shit out, but it's different when you're a parent.


oh man

i just found this site


who support the fucking shit bolt goes on with. supportbolt.com LOL

Founded in January 2010, Menzies House is the leading Australian community for conservative, centre-right and libertarian thinkers and activists.

Menzies House is not affiliated with any particular political party. *cough*bullshit*cough*

it's affiliated with the IPA which is just another division of the liberal party, and based on their discussions on the drum a bunch of wankers.


Choc said:
statistics have shown those who had the flu shot every year for years on end were more susceptible to getting swine flu apparently. Not sure if its true.

Completely and utterly incorrect.


Choc said:
Menzies House is not affiliated with any particular political party. *cough*bullshit*cough*
I think you'll find most libertarians find the Liberal party pretty distasteful. They're more likely to consider them the lesser of two evils though.
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