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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults

The gf is off camping for the weekend at Philip Island for the bikes and the little tike is at the inlaws until Monday so I can work and study.
First thing I did once I finished work:

Never had it before. Seems pretty good! Mixing it 50/50 with VCoke though of course. Space Invader ice cubes classing it up a bit too.
Second thing:

Only $25! Bargain! Got them to swap out the nuggets for 2 bits of chicken. Should last me a few days and put on a few kilos.

Soundtrack of the year has to go to Akira Yamaoka. Darren Korb did a damn good job with Bastion but man, the Shadows soundtrack is just freaking amazing. The official one has a bunch of different tracks and a few edits that weren't on the leaked versions of the OST.
Take Me To Hell
Also gameplay since noone has uploaded the awesome track Castle Of Hassle onto youtube.

Could not stop laughing when I saw this cover. Bravo casting director. Bravo. Straight to the shit can.

midonnay said:
michael phelps got a kinect videogame... o_O
Would prefer Thorpys Big Comeback Adventure!
Half swimming simulation, half exercise game, half fashion modelling and a quarter Heavy Rain style emotional interviews.

markot said:
How come I cant choose the 'lylat' language in Star Fox 64?! Its just English wtf?!
Lucased or just lazy?

Sutton Dagger said:
If any of you guys want to shed the Kg's (I'm pretty sure some AusGAFfers were looking to get fit) look for an exercise program called 'Insanity' (yes the name is embarrassing).
The gaf thread is really impressive. If I was worried about losing wait or getting into shape it is the first thing I would look at without a doubt.

Choc said:
I always buy free range eggs though, i dont know why
The gf is a former hippie so she would beat the shit out of me if I bought cage eggs.

midonnay said:
I don't want to pay 6 bucks for eggs just for extra leg space :/
Stop buying your eggs at EBgames and check out Aldi. Cheaper compared to the major chains while still great quality. Also the Aldi nappies, tuna and frozen chips are the best out of all the supermarkets. Plus 2 pack of Ingham Chicken Kievs for $6! /plug

DeathJr said:
I used to buy free range earlier, but then I realized...what matter if the chicken is caged or free...I'm eating her children and someone is eating her.
We already breed these creatures for our benefit (consumption) so why not be a little more humane and not treat them like shit for their short time in this world? How would you like it if someone kept you caged up in a basement? That kind of shit if frowned upon in our society, at least lately.

RandomVince said:
not really, but rabbit is tasty.
Goes okay in a stew or casserole but always found it to be too stringy for my tastes. We tried kebabs on the bbq one time but the meat just wasn't juicy enough for it. But man, I MISS HAVING YABBIES SO MUCH. Only draw back to having the water pipeline up there. Well, and no more skinny dipping in dams.

roosters93 said:
A sesame street game? Sounds boss
Another Double Fine game to come out of the brain storm session during the Brutal Legend development. I thought it was going to be XBLA only originally but have been seeing the cases on shelves in EB and Harvey Norman.

shanshan310 said:
Yeah I don't get it. Does the rabbit proof fence still work?
I thought it was more about stopping them spreading disease or something?

viciouskillersquirrel said:
While it is obvious to all and sundry that battery farming is cruel for the chickens involved, I have very little sympathy for the birds because… well, they are chickens and barely aware of their own existence. If it were parrots being treated this way, or even pigs, I would have some qualms, but not for chickens.
A great discussion could be had on at what point to we start to have sympathy for other entities in our world. Is it just things that can talk or make a noise? Should we care about killing trees? Chickens? Unborn babies? Flowers? I'm more of the mindset that we are the dominate species in the world so I'm not too fazed with cold blooded killing as long as it has a purpose within reason and the entity is not made to suffer.

evlcookie said:
Damn, AMDs bulldozer reviews are starting to come out, bit-tech seem to believe it's a stinker.
fffffffffffffff was hoping Intel would drop their prices if they were challenged. Hopefully they do it anyway just to capitalise on the misstep by AMD.

Choc said:
lets rewind 3 years have rudd as pm and turnbull as opp leader and increase the nations iq 100 fold

We have the leaders we deserve.

RandomVince said:
Anyone see an ABC speaker's forum with Bill Gates earlier this week? It was a fantastic interview on the problem of energy use, generation and types.
It was great as all his talks are and I agree with most of his points. Nuclear power now until alternate sources can make it outdated is my opinion. Vital stop gap rather than a long term solution.

Omi said:
Me either, bet it doesn't fucking work though :p Just vain hope.
They got back to me within a day when I had to use it a few years back when some fucknozzle in Adelaide sold me a PS3 on PalGN 4 years ago and never sent the thing. Bummed me out so much I didn't get one until 12 months ago. Fucknozzle.

Choc said:
alternately when they call you say i am on the do not call list and if you call again i will report you and hang up
In our case they just keep calling for a few days while refusing to give their name to you. Thankfully they give up after being screamed every name under the sun for a few minutes every day.

midonnay said:
now if there was a way to get rid of doorknockers....
"Hello sir how are you today!"
"Are you sure there is no one that I..."

Seems to work okay for me. Only do it to utility company people because I got sick of having one every day after work. I usually hear out the charity ones.

Kritz said:
Alright, fuck this shit.
I don't care if the random level generator is shit. I don't care anymore. I am finished with this game. Fuck.
someone justify meeeeee
No credits. 0/5 kritzislazy.net
I will buy you a Dr. Pepper when I meet you though. Or post it through the mail. Which ever is easier for you.

Kerrby said:
Stupid EA and not including online on their FIFA 3DS game.
EA don't bother with anything outside of 360/PS3/iOS/Facebook. Look at the recent Tiger PC version and any PS2 versions of games the last few years. Still nice that they support the PS2 though.

Rahk said:
So where do I buy Battlefield 3 from?
$42 on Amazon.


That's a low blow choc.

PS Shaneus, if stores nearby have late night trading tonight, try picking it up after 5pm. EB often breaks street date after 5 because thats when local distributor offices shut up for the day.

Might not happen with titles from the major platform holders though.


I want a tag give me a tag
DeathJr said:
Yeah I should record a voice message "I use skype bitches".

Nobody cares about your frozen dinners. Learn to cook.

Fuck you

This thing took me well over 1.5 hours to make and cook + cool down time.

time for GSL and pastabake! OMNOMNOMNOMNOMN
RandomVince said:
All of them (Bomberman DS, BL Touch 1, BL Touch 2 and Bomberman Story) come with multiplayer mode. I was kind of hoping for one with a Bomberman 64 style adventure mode for something different as well as the multi mode.

Unless of course theyre all duds, in which case Ill just stick with the multiplayer one on DSiWare I already have.
I got the first Bomberman game on DS as soon as it came out (was one of the few games I reviewed for Vooks back in the early DS days). Had a few friends at the time who all had DS's and we would meet up at a food court in Perth City on Friday nights and play either multiplayer Star Wars Revenge of the Sith (awesome Space Combat Sim) or Bomberman. Had soo much fun with Bomberman DS, easily my fav version of the game. Shame none of the ones since then have really caught me like that did.


RandomVince said:
That's a low blow choc.

PS Shaneus, if stores nearby have late night trading tonight, try picking it up after 5pm. EB often breaks street date after 5 because thats when local distributor offices shut up for the day.

Might not happen with titles from the major platform holders though.
Yeah, I would've contemplated that but I have a preorder already sorted with a JB in Melbourne. Thanks for the tip, though :)

Dead Man said:
I love RS's megaquote posts. :)
Makes it a complete cunt to reply to specific parts of his, though!
reptilescorpio said:
Only $25! Bargain! Got them to swap out the nuggets for 2 bits of chicken. Should last me a few days and put on a few kilos.
God damn, that's a good deal. If I hadn't had the most gluttonous week (or three) of eating I'd be on that shit like a fat redheaded guy on a box of KFC.

Soundtrack of the year has to go to Akira Yamaoka. Darren Korb did a damn good job with Bastion but man, the Shadows soundtrack is just freaking amazing. The official one has a bunch of different tracks and a few edits that weren't on the leaked versions of the OST.
Take Me To Hell
Also gameplay since noone has uploaded the awesome track Castle Of Hassle onto youtube.
I was hoping the "Shadows" you were referring to wasn't "of the Damned". Now I have to buy it (soon). Bastard.
http://i.imgur.com/ne6LK.jpg[IMG] Could not stop laughing when I saw this cover. Bravo casting director. Bravo. Straight to the shit can.[/quote]
What brought that post on?
[URL="http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/54853"]$42 on Amazon[/URL].[/QUOTE]
If you give any more than $30 to EA for supporting Origin, Steam avoidance and pushing DICE to focus on fucking Battlefield than Mirror's Edge*, you're part of the problem.

*Totes made this last bit up. But it probably happened.
Shaneus said:
Makes it a complete cunt to reply to specific parts of his, though!

I was hoping the "Shadows" you were referring to wasn't "of the Damned". Now I have to buy it (soon). Bastard.

What brought that post on?

If you give any more than $30 to EA for supporting Origin, Steam avoidance and pushing DICE to focus on fucking Battlefield than Mirror's Edge*, you're part of the problem.
Just copy and paste! No need for identifying the quote.

Shadows of the Damned for only $38!!! Really fucking enjoyable. Great soundtrack, great writing, great voice acting, great environments, great gameplay. Seems like a love or think mediocre game.

Saw that movie at the local video shop and had to double take. Just looks so bad and the actors look like they were on set for 2 hours and brought their own costumes. And were told 10 minutes before shooting that they got the part.

BF3 is $80 on Origin for us Aussies. Not that I have any interest in a MP shooter anyway. If I was going to get into one it would be tf2 anyway.

r1chard said:
Wife and I just tried Monkey Shoulder. We drank it neat. I'm only just getting into this whiskey thing. It seemed OK.
Now that I am half a bottle into it I am enjoying it a lot more. Wouldn't pay more than the $40 Dan Murphys were charging for it though.

Kritz said:
I could have made a second game with the time reptile took to make that post.
The truth hurts :(

roosters93 said:
First glass was neat since it was a first taste. But now I am drinking for enjoyment since I have to get up for work at 7am like usual.


Game of Thrones question, potentially imbecilic:

When the deserter from the Watch talks to Ned, he concedes that he should have gone back to the Wall - intimating that he has just fled non-stop since the confrontation with the Walker. How does one suppose he got to Winterfell ? Over the Wall ? Through it ? Around it ?


Ventron said:
Making games is hard, isn't it ;)


I knew it was hard making games. I knew it took a lot of effort and a lot of talented people to make a god damn piece of shit game. But holy shit, making games is hard.

I like the part where people play them, though. That's my favourite part.

I never want to see another line of code for(var int:i=0; i<asLongAsILive; i++).


reptilescorpio said:
Cheers. Saw it at Amazon but didn't know you could just use a US address.

Also, I believe if you read the thread throughout the day you'd be the #1 poster in AusGAF.

Fake edit: Just realised you're #3... I guess that would make you #1 poster by like 1000 posts.
Salazar said:
Game of Thrones question, potentially imbecilic:

When the deserter from the Watch talks to Ned, he concedes that he should have gone back to the Wall - intimating that he has just fled non-stop since the confrontation with the Walker. How does one suppose he got to Winterfell ? Over the Wall ? Through it ? Around it ?

Men of the watch are on the inner side of the wall, not the outer one.

Why the fuck does GAF not have spoiler tags in the reply menu? Even the mobile app has it.


Salazar said:
Game of Thrones question, potentially imbecilic:

When the deserter from the Watch talks to Ned, he concedes that he should have gone back to the Wall - intimating that he has just fled non-stop since the confrontation with the Walker. How does one suppose he got to Winterfell ? Over the Wall ? Through it ? Around it ?

I shouldnt have clicked just in case, but this is a Book 1 spoiler early on in case anyone is concerned.

Non spoilery/non-specific answer:

Maybe he was back to the Wall after a venture beyond? Could have just gone AWOL at night time

Book 2/3 spoiler answer:

The Wall is a bit more porous than initially claimed.


I know who you mean now.

Slightly detailed spoiler:

He was on a raid beyond the wall in the Game of Thrones prologue. I suspect he returned unscathed but terrified after the encounter with that thing. And then he would presumably have gone AWOL courtesy of PTSD. Although I dont believe it has been confirmed specifically.


reptilescorpio said:
Fuck it, not looking for the line I'm replying to. -Shaneus
Yeah, but Origin has to be used with BF3 on PC regardless of where you buy it from. Hence, no matter what you pay, you're still technically supporting Origin.


RandomVince said:
He was on a raid beyond the wall in the Game of Thrones prologue. I suspect he returned unscathed but terrified after the encounter with that thing. And then he would presumably have gone AWOL courtesy of PTSD. Although I dont believe it has been confirmed specifically.

It just struck me as curious rewatching the episode last night the way he tells Ned "I know I should have gone back". It seemed odd, inasmuch as it implied that he had just gone from the events of the trip beyond the wall to Winterfell. I thought - well, you almost HAVE to have gone back, in some way.


Oh, youre going by the tv show and not the books? I'm just going by the book.

In any case, I believe its the same deal as you outlined there. The book isnt specific about it. Plus Ned is the kind of character who follows the letter of the law, as that episode presumably illustrated.


RandomVince said:
Oh, youre going by the tv show and not the books? I'm just going by the book.

I read the books a while back. Managed to get my family into the books through the series.

Qld-GAF, Campbell Newman is a knobhead of even greater proportions than we knew.
Rahk said:
Cheers. Saw it at Amazon but didn't know you could just use a US address.

Also, I believe if you read the thread throughout the day you'd be the #1 poster in AusGAF.

Fake edit: Just realised you're #3... I guess that would make you #1 poster by like 1000 posts.
I swear to god that our work internet must come from a server in Perth. After my last post today I couldn't get the thread to load up to the current post. Would sit there slowly loading each post every 20 seconds or so before giving up part way through. Even worse than dial up. Have no idea how the hell it works. Might try second apps tomorrow to remedy the problem. I lose track of my thinking when I reply so much later than I have already thought of a reply. :(

Shaneuz said:
Yeah, but Origin has to be used with BF3 on PC regardless of where you buy it from. Hence, no matter what you pay, you're still technically supporting Origin.
No different to a Valve game. That is one of the few things about Origin that I can understand and accept them doing. If they offer a great range of features for 3rd parties then I wouldn't mind if other publishers require Origin too. As long as there is a PURPOSE I cannot get outraged. The regional pricing on the other hand...
Also it may turn up on GOG.com in ten years time DRM free!


Ross Wilson is on Spicks and Specks.

Here AusGAF, have some awesome Mondo Rock.

reptilescorpio said:
No different to a Valve game. That is one of the few things about Origin that I can understand and accept them doing. If they offer a great range of features for 3rd parties then I wouldn't mind if other publishers require Origin too. As long as there is a PURPOSE I cannot get outraged. The regional pricing on the other hand...
Also it may turn up on GOG.com in ten years time DRM free!
No disagreement from me. But some people (kind of me, I guess) have a burning hatred for EA due to their exclusive support to Origin and strict avoision of Steam. I'm kinda iffy, but I admit I *did* buy Hot Pursuit for cheap for a second time just to have it in Steam.


reptilescorpio said:
Blah blah blah
Also, you bought a family box from KFC just for yourself to eat over the weekend? Dude!

I can't imagine the burgers and wraps being any good after the first day...


Another megaton for 3DS today:

The identity of Yasumi Matsuno's first project as a Level-5 employee has been revealed in this week's Famitsu. The game is Guild 01 , and it's a 3DS variety title that's due in 2012.

Matsuno, who's known for the Ogre series and Final Fantasy XII, isn't the only big name involved with the game. Grasshopper Manufacture's Suda 51 is working on it as well. So is Vivarium's Yoot Saito (Seaman).

There are actually four games in Guild 01, each made by a different creator. Famitsu provides the following details:

Kaiho Shojo
A 3D shooting game from Suda 51. You take control of a robot known as "Kaihoki" (literally "liberation machine") and blast away at demon beasts. The game has animation from Bones.
Rental Bukiya de Omasse
This RPG is being developed by comedy group America Zarigani's Yoshiyuki Hirai. You play as a weapon shop owner and create weapons for sale (or presumably rental) to RPG adventurers.
Air Porter
A simulation from Yoot Saito. You play as the man in charge at an airport and must expediently manage baggage. Do a good job, and the airport will expand.
Crimson Shroud
A "darkness fantasy" adventure RPG from Matsuno.

How is that for a nice lineup of quirky, quality game devs?!
Shaneus said:
No disagreement from me. But some people (kind of me, I guess) have a burning hatred for EA due to their exclusive support to Origin and strict avoision of Steam. I'm kinda iffy, but I admit I *did* buy Hot Pursuit for cheap for a second time just to have it in Steam.
I think it is a bit of a dick move to the consumer to pull their support for Steam after they have been involved for quite some time but it is ultimately their decision on how we can throw money at them. The less avenues they provide the less income they will receive. I know many gamers, myself included, that came back to PC gaming after seeing how insanely cheap some Steam sale games can be. That impulse buying habit for a lot of Steam users doesn't transfer over to a brand new, blank slate service without a LOT of things lining up. GMG have done a good job of cutting prices below even Steam so Origin will need to either start giving games away for free (step in the right direction letting people redeem games on Origin) or have a fully featured platform that out does Steam. Can't see it happening. They will come back to Steam.


Main advantage I see to Origin right now (even before BF3, though I don't have any interest) is only having the Mirror's Edge DLC on Origin. That's about the only thing that would get me to use it.
RandomVince said:
How is that for a nice lineup of quirky, quality game devs?!
The DS all over again. A few more games like that will make me take the plunge on a 3DSU (or whatever the hell they are going to call the revision)

Rahk said:
I can't imagine the burgers and wraps being any good after the first day...
Incorrect! The cheese congeals just perfectly and the zinger pattie heats up fine. Only thing to worry about is the bun but it will be fine for up to 3-4 days before becoming a little stale.

Shaneus said:
Main advantage I see to Origin right now (even before BF3, though I don't have any interest) is only having the Mirror's Edge DLC on Origin. That's about the only thing that would get me to use it.
I assume they will start doing some cross game promotion, like buy the PS3 version and get the iOS version to play for free in Origin. Or a discount or something. They need something to drive the use of Origin so they can advertise the shit out of it.
Rahk said:
Also, you bought a family box from KFC just for yourself to eat over the weekend? Dude!

I can't imagine the burgers and wraps being any good after the first day...

It's KFC. Bad food will taste bad, no matter how fresh/stale it is.
I noticed a few of you are rock band players, I'll add you to PSN if you don't mind :)
I can't seem to get a band lately? Something to do with my NAT settings maybe.


"Vinny once consumed an entire Kentucky Fried Chicken "Family Feast" by himself, alone within his darkened home, despite the vast shame associated with such a feat."

This can't be a coincidence :lol


Fine AusGAF, you win. Kooka's are pretty good.

reptilescorpio said:
Incorrect! The cheese congeals just perfectly and the zinger pattie heats up fine. Only thing to worry about is the bun but it will be fine for up to 3-4 days before becoming a little stale.
I see you are very experienced in these matters and will take your word for it. How do you reheat it? Separate everything and then put it back together?

I didn't even realise there was cheese on a Zinger?
Omi said:
Reptile eating reheated kfc. I fear for the mans life.
I am actually more worried about what the mixture of KFC, Scotch, Bisolvon tablets and Dexamethasone ear drops will do. Maybe, just maybe, I will get super powers!

commanderdeek said:
"Vinny once consumed an entire Kentucky Fried Chicken "Family Feast" by himself, alone within his darkened home, despite the vast shame associated with such a feat."

This can't be a coincidence :lol
lol Only had a burger and chips tonight. I once ate an entire bucket of KFC chicken during a man challenge though. Felt greasy and dopey for about 3 days afterwards. Never again. Unless dared.

Rahk said:
I didn't even realise there was cheese on a Zinger?
I really think it requires it on a Zinger most times. If they put on too much Mayo though it tastes pretty icky. Thankfully most places are really light on it.


RandomVince said:
Chris Uhlman has to be the dumbest "journalist" Ive ever seen on the ABC.

Chris Uhlmann is co-anchor and Political Editor for 7.30.

Chris Uhlmann came to journalism late: as a 29-year-old copy kid at The Canberra Times in 1989. Before that he pursued less successful vocations, first in a Catholic seminary and later as a storeman and packer and a security guard.

Chris left The Canberra Times in 1993 to help establish and then edit The Canberra Weekly, a lively, but doomed, suburban paper. He spent a year in India before joining the ABC as a radio producer in 1998. From the dawn of the millennium until December 2004 he co-hosted 666 ABC Canberra's top rating breakfast program. In 2005 he produced Mornings on 774 ABC Melbourne before returning to Canberra and being appointed Chief Political Correspondent for radio current affairs in 2006.

Chris switched to television in 2008 and has been Political Editor for ABC News, The 7.30 Report and ABC News 24. Highlights from the Parliament years include breaking the news on the link between Godwin Grech and the Liberal Party and, with Mark Simkin, revealing that Labor was moving against Kevin Rudd on the night of June 23, 2010. He won a Walkley Award for Broadcast Interviewing in 2008.

It's not the bottom of the barrel, by any stretch of the imagination, but it's not Kerry material.

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike
RandomVince said:
Chris Uhlman has to be the dumbest "journalist" Ive ever seen on the ABC.

The fuck? He's one of the most intelligent journalists around today. Read up on any of the articles he's written for The Drum and you'll see straight away that this is a well learned man.

Besides, he introduced the word "internecine" into my vocabulary and it's a word I use often.
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