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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults

codswallop said:
God I hate iTunes.

Edit: Also for new page: Have I missed anything on a possible MelGAF meetup or did it die a whimpering death again?
Definitely death. It's more than likely that I wouldn't be able to come, no matter the date.
The League!

Also anyone with Siri tried a logical fallacy yet?

evlcookie said:
- artist
-- album
--- files for album
Same here. Just drop a jpg of the album art in the folder, Winamp on PC/Android automatically picks it up.
Filenames are Band - Track Number - Track Name.
Wish I could manually change the import settings of a ripping program to do it automatically for me.

Gazunta said:
Haven't explored much no. Made sure the WB booth had Happy Feet 2 demo (yay!), got my photo taken playing said demo, and have spent the rest of the day demoing Rage to exhibitors and EB managers. :)
Need to put up a video of you playing so I can know what the damn game plays like!

codswallop said:
Also for new page: Have I missed anything on a possible MelGAF meetup or did it die a whimpering death again?
I heard everybody decided to come hang out in Warrnambool.


Lots of industry shills and corporate sycophants/ballwashers out today in the batman thread.

Choc - you used to (still do?) work in the games industry locally, or the gaming press. Maybe you could enlighten us all.

Do publishers actually hate customers, or do they do this online pass/DRM because they think people like having their fair use rights trampled?


I think it's pretty apparent they just want money.

People have this complex about corporations out to get them. That's not the case. They just want more profits and don't look often look at long-term ramnifications.
Game Companies (fuckit, pretty much ALL companies) are just as interested in making money as people are in saving money.

Why is this a surprise to anyone?

There are executives on executive games forums posting things like this:

Do customers actually hate corporations, or do they do this "I don't want to pay more money" routine because they think companies like having their profit margin trampled?
Jintor said:
People have this complex about corporations out to get them. That's not the case. They just want more profits and don't look often look at long-term ramnifications.
I would argue that the vast majority of the population act in this way too. Everyone puts themselves first and does everything possible to get ahead in life regardless of the effect on others, a lot of the time they don't even realise it.

Profit comes first, everything else a distant second.


Sutton Dagger said:
Alright, time to take my daily dose of 'Insanity' (cardio workout), I'm starting to get a 2-pack ;)
That's awesome. I just started p90x and might jump on Insanity sometime next year.


wow thats a loaded question

from what ive seen, the consensus is that companies such as EBGames making a shit ton of money (over 50% of their revenue now comes from used games) for doing basically nothing is not fair to the original owners of the IP.

There is more to it, but its that. Especially when you have to provide multiplayer servers

Now think of it like this. Person buys FPS game day 1 that has mp servers. 3 motnhs later most of the community will have fallen off (except cod and bf) and so the cost to run the server reduces as the capacity can be reduced.

If that game is then resold, the capacity required is agian high as that person will play mplayer for a while.

So you might sell 1,000,000 copies of a mplayer game but have to in the long run provide capacity for 1,500,000 users

what i mean by this is not 1.5 million at once

but in teh first 3 months you have 1,000,000 sales and so provide that capacity. If no one resells that would change to 800k to 500k etc and you can reuse servers on other games.

If there is resale then the number does not go down as quick and you are providing a service to someone who has not directly give you money. Instead Gamestop has gotten money.

This whole thing would be fixed if Gamestop was willing to give $5-10 from each resale to the publisher of the game. It would go away straight awya

As for single player content? In my eyes. Entirely opportunistic and ridiculous. WBIE stepped over the line with that one in my opinion. Multiplayer i get it, due to ongoing cost

Single player....

The only thing is that all publishers view a used sale as a lost sale to them which is not entirely always the case. Just like a pirate copy is a lost sale, which its not.

maybe ill write on my blog about all this and provide more perspective and info
Just to clarify something, I'm not telling people that they don't - or shouldn't - feel upset about increased prices, reduced resale value or anything like that. What I don't understand is why people personify the decision by somehow attributing these decisions to a hatred or dislike for customers.

A company will make a decision to increase their profit margin. Whether or not these decisions become permanent depend on what consumers do. If they don't buy, the decision will most likely be rescinded.

My experience is that consumers will still buy but choose to bitch about it.

RandomVince, if you stay strong and stand by your decision my hat is off to you as you will be part of a possible solution. You may unfortunately find yourself in the minority, which would be a shame, considering how most people feel negatively towards Online Passes.

Edit: To make my stance on this whole thing clear, this is what I wrote about it a week or so again:

The Online Pass is something that I'm quite ambivalent towards. I can definitely see where both parties are coming from and don't know where my allegiances will finally come to rest, if they ever do. this is mainly because I don't think I'll really be affected by this. I rarely buy second hand and even more rarely play online. I also don't maintain a server for people to play my game on and don't see companies making more money reselling my game than they paid me for the original copy.

I don't quite agree with the OP of the thread that was linked to. While they state that costs will never increase based upon number of copies sold they seem to forget that duration is also a factor.

So a game sells 100 000 copies which means there will never be more than that number in circulation is absolutely correct. The important part from a business point of view is how long that support needs to last and how much that will cost them.

It is possible for a company to project how long someone will potentially play the game for, how much that will cost them in infrastructure to maintain and factor that into a price for a game, but should they then factor in how many times that game will change hands? Should they pass this added duration that the servers have to be active for to the original purchasers or absorb those costs?

I don't know; like I said, I don't have a particular stance. What I do know is that the OPs justification does not fully factor in the complete costs that any company needs to bear for the games lifespan. I can also see why their chagrin in 2nd hand retailers making continued profit of of a games resale when it potentially means further financial burden.
Ydahs said:
That's awesome. I just started p90x and might jump on Insanity sometime next year.

I was looking at p90x as well but I already to weights at the gym 3 times a week, and it seemed a little move focused on muscular strength building than cardio. Either way I think these programs are great for getting people motivated.

@Jintor: I'm enjoying it so far, just moving into my third week. I'm a fairly active person in general so I don't find it hard to find motivation or anything. I thought I was pretty fit before starting Insanity...holy shit was I wrong, this thing kicks your arse. Can't beat the feeling though once you complete a session.

Ok now I'm definitely going to do it, back in 45min. :)


Choc and Jase, your opinions are note, understood and respected. Well put in both cases, even when playing devil's advocate.

Straight up, choc makes a good point:

Single player content held behind single use codes = opportunistic scam

Multiplayer content = do whatever the fuck you want. Charge for all I care, but be upfront about it. But I still won't pay for it. In fact, I'd like a discount for not using it seeing as the server budget is no doubt factoring in to the cost of the original product.

I'm more than happy to not buy games that have this stuff. I have heaps to choose from so it's no loss (until it hits a Mario platform game). But nothing will change since short-sighted corporate mentality means that it's always going to be a profit first/customer satisfaction second stance whenever the two collide.

I've yet to see a single online pass example this gen that is remotely defensible, however.

Ironically, given the amount of time people play it for, I would say if one game could have justified it it would have been Call of Duty multiplayer. People log entire lifetimes on that. I have to tip my hat to Activision for not employing online passes until now, and depending on the implementation of the MW3 Elite pass (Im not too familiar with the fine print) it's hard to resent them for it.

Map packs are another issue though.

edit: Batman money and time is now going to kerrby mass attack.
roosters93 said:

None atm, on a gap year.
Planning to go to UC next year lol

I know a couple of people that go there. One is doing sports media & law, the other is doing Bachelor of Science/Law. They both say it's a good uni and that campus life is -very- fun. When they come back to Sydney every few months or so and we chat I always get jealous of the fact that they live on campus.


Planet_JASE said:
Just to clarify something, I'm not telling people that they don't - or shouldn't - feel upset about increased prices, reduced resale value or anything like that. What I don't understand is why people personify the decision by somehow attributing these decision to a hatred or dislike for customers.

A company will make a decision to increase their profit margin. Whether or not these decision become permanent depend on what consumers do. If they don't but, the decision will most likely be rescinded.

My experience is that consumers will still buy but choose to bitch about it.

RandomVince, if you stay strong and stand by your decision my hat is off to you as you will be part of a possible solution. You may unfortunately find yourself in the minority, which would be a shame, considering how most people feel negatively towards Online Passes.

Edit: To make my stance on this whole thing clear, this is what I wrote about it a week or so again:
I share in your ambivalence. I never trade in games and never buy pre-owned. The lions share of purchases are for console games and a few of those will have a MP component, which I usually overlook (Red Faction; Just Cause; Space Marine etc...). I like to stick with an MP game of high calibre/strong community (Halo 3/Reach; CoD4 and TF2 are the only ones in the last 5 years) for a while longer than the usual new release cycle.

I bought Mass Effect 2 new, got the complete experience and was delighted with what I got for my money.

My brother buys FIFA annually, it's the only game he plays and will pay equal attention to the SP and MP opportunities on the disc and as far as I know he gets the complete package with his purchase.

Not much of a contribution to the discussion as I don't hold an opinion on this, but there are sure to be plenty others out there with similar buying/playing practises as myself.
Further note: Single Player Online Codes?

Fuck that.

So that I don't have to go into the Batman OT, can anyone please explain what this Batman Single Player Pass crap is about? How do I need a pass to play a single player non-online game?


reptilescorpio said:
Am I the only one who meticulously organises their music into folders, file names and album art?

Mine is organised, just a lot of my early iTunes stuff isn't because I switched over to foobar2000 and the iTunes stuff had DRM and could only be played in iTunes.

-> artist
--> album
---> files for album

I also have a folder for Soundtracks and also one for Compilations.

Podcasts are

-> artist
--> podcast title
---> year
---->podcast number

I also normally put a folder.jpg file in for album artwork, so that foobar2000 picks it up.
Doncamatic said:
I know a couple of people that go there. One is doing sports media & law, the other is doing Bachelor of Science/Law. They both say it's a good uni and that campus life is -very- fun. When they come back to Sydney every few months or so and we chat I always get jealous of the fact that they live on campus.
Yeah? Cool cool cool.

I'm planning to do a Bachelor of Journalism/BA. I'm one of those people who don't have any idea what they want to do. :/

I'm going to be living on campus at a place called Arscott House. They provide food which should be cool depending on the quality.

Living on campus does seem pretty great but it's not that cheap either. :/


Planet_JASE said:
Further note: Single Player Online Codes?

Fuck that.

So that I don't have to go into the Batman OT, can anyone please explain what this Batman Single Player Pass crap is about? How do I need a pass to play a single player non-online game?

Catwoman DLC that was marketed as though it was part of the main game... and it is, so long as you buy it new


That paintball DLC for Goldeneye is absolute bullshit, it should be available to everyone as part of the game, not DLC for one store in one country.


Just reading comments on another forum about the batman AC madness:

Much like how Oblivion will always be associated in my mind as the start of whole shite DLC phenomenon (Horse armour), and even though Bethesda eventually redeemed themselves with decent DLC; I will always think of Arkham City as the prime example of pre-order DLC gone utterly mad. In fact all this nonsense has actually put me off the damned game. I'm sure it will be awesome when it's released but it's left a sour taste in my mouth.

That is a good way of putting it.
HOLY SHIT. The new Shatner album is AOTY no doubt. Fuck he has done a fantastic job. Beyond tongue in cheek. Just brilliant. Bohemian Rhapsody and Iron Man are brilliant.

Choc said:
but in teh first 3 months you have 1,000,000 sales and so provide that capacity. If no one resells that would change to 800k to 500k etc and you can reuse servers on other games.
Might need to rethink that number. How many consoles aren't even online yet? How many people never touch MP, especially on shitty unknown games like Homefront. Hell, even Dead Space 2 probably only had 40% or so use the MP portion for more than 20 minutes. I understand your point about floating server room though. That infastructure costs money and I can see why publishers would want to offset that cost if possible.

If it is a selling point, like Battlefield 3, they can go fuck themselves though. The main reason most people are looking at it is for MP (as long as the COD style marketing campaign hasn't been as effective as they thought it would be and a quick chat to my local EB guy says it hasn't) and as such the server costs really should be written off against the initial sales of the game, budget out 3-4 years of support at the very least. In a throwaway, bullet point adding situation like Dead Space 2 I can even understand them taking down the servers within 12 months as it is more of an experiment than a value adding feature. I know that is how they justify it but it really isn't. Uncharted 2 did it right aside from the nerf patches that split the MP fans to the point of needing a fresh start with UC3 and avoiding the quarrel if possible again.

Planet_JASE said:
So that I don't have to go into the Batman OT, can anyone please explain what this Batman Single Player Pass crap is about? How do I need a pass to play a single player non-online game?
Nickel and dime. It is sections of the game where you play as Catwoman. It is a single use code that comes in the case. If you don't go online with your console/copy you instead get a brief chat about what she got up to but you don't get to play the missions. The content is on the disc. You will come across the situation in your regular playthrough. Like in Dragon Age where at your camp site the merchant dude asks you to help him out before being sent to the Marketplace to pay cold hard cash. Or how you came across a traveller who talks all about Shale but unless you type the code in you can't access the mission. Which is fucked. It is an ingame advertisement. I can't understand how people get pissy about advertising in loading screens in Deus Ex 3 when shit like this goes on. As long as the loading screen isn't introduced only to provide an area for ads I am okay with it.

roosters93 said:
Living on campus does seem pretty great but it's not that cheap either. :/
Most important years of shaping the person I am. Lots of fun, lots of shit times, lots of learning and growing as a person.

shanshan310 said:
Wait, its not part of the main game?
It is. But only if you enter the code on a coupon in the game case. Otherwise you just chat with her.


something that really got me going this year was FIFA 12, as much as that may surprise you

to edit teams you have to buy something on psn
touse a custom team in tournaments you have to buy something on psn
to create a tournament you have to buy something on psn
to have all the live updates you have to buy something on psn

so that is fucked. AND to access any of it you have to unlock a pass

so if u buy second hand u unlock the pass, AND then buy the shit
Choc said:
something that really got me going this year was FIFA 12, as much as that may surprise you

to edit teams you have to buy something on psn
touse a custom team in tournaments you have to buy something on psn
to create a tournament you have to buy something on psn
to have all the live updates you have to buy something on psn

so that is fucked. AND to access any of it you have to unlock a pass

so if u buy second hand u unlock the pass, AND then buy the shit
Going to come to a peak soon.

There are SO many games released these days that the choice is with the consumer. If you keep taking the value out the consumer will take a better option once they realise they are being fucked in the ass. All it takes is for a new Soccer Sim to come out and do the gameplay as good but add some value, like free updates as the season goes on.

Hell look at GMG. They came in with great prices but no features and have become pretty popular. Give the consumer a reason to change their provider and they will.


It's not morally identical but it hurts the pub/dev all the same.

Always been a PC gamer so never really had to deal with this crap /shrug
Salazar said:
Oh god. People are actually arguing that buying used is morally identical to piracy.
If anything I would argue that buying used is stupid in most circumstances as the prices aren't much cheaper than buying new. Morals have nothing to do with piracy or used games. People pirate because they don't think it is worth paying for or feel it is okay to do. People buy used games to save $5 or make sure they don't give the publisher any money.

3chopl0x said:
Always been a PC gamer so never really had to deal with this crap /shrug
GFWL means that we do now unfortunately. Same with Origin.


Salazar said:
Oh god. People are actually arguing that buying used is morally identical to piracy.

thats the most fucking ridiculous thing ive ever read. why is it so wrong to buy games second hand but phones, cars, houses (yes a house can be second hand duh) is ok?

edit: Pro evo already does all that for free reptile



Oh man, I love the footage of the iphone stuff, its so damn culty >_> the clapping employees... ugh.

My only problem with used is that you get like $5 off full price. Its crazy. I dont do it cause I dont want to give them so much money for doing nothing! SCREW YOU EB and co!

Well they do have to put a sticker on it, I guess thats worth almost paying full price for a second hand game.....


Choc said:
something that really got me going this year was FIFA 12, as much as that may surprise you

to edit teams you have to buy something on psn
touse a custom team in tournaments you have to buy something on psn
to create a tournament you have to buy something on psn
to have all the live updates you have to buy something on psn

so that is fucked. AND to access any of it you have to unlock a pass

so if u buy second hand u unlock the pass, AND then buy the shit

Phase 1: Buy superior PES 2012
Phase 2: Download option edit files from PES fan sites
Phase 3: Enjoy scoring 3 goals with Demba Ba instead of Andy Carroll
Those damn stickers ruin cases. The JB Hi Fi pre-owned ones are the worst.

3chopl0x said:
But you can't actually buy second hand PC games and never really could, aside from buying off a friend or something.
Quite a few places a toying with the idea, Steam included. You can also trade your games in at GreenManGaming. Plus I've bought quite a few old boxed games off eBay.


You used to be able to buy second hand pc games, back before internet checks and online accounts.

I used to buy lots of them when I was a cheapo high school student!


reptilescorpio said:
Quite a few places a toying with the idea, Steam included. You can also trade your games in at GreenManGaming. Plus I've bought quite a few old boxed games off eBay.

It's extremely tricky to manage though and will probably never gain a lot of support, most PC games have you agree to terms that prevent reselling etc. and managing keys for online accounts is a lot more complicated on PC.

What PC games actually have online passes currently? Do we even know if Batman for PC will have one?


I wish I could give away lots of my steam games. Ill never play lots of em! Hell, I havent installed lots of them at all >_<


I wonder how this will balance out, my gaming purchases have been reduced this coming summer/$mas leadup.

Games I'm likely buying:

Zelda Skyward Sword, Mario 3D Land, Cave Story 3DS, Mario Kart 7, Kirby Mass Attack, Kirby Wii.

Games I was going to buy but now won't:

Uncharted 3, Batman Arkham City

Games I'm on the fence about:

Rage, Dark Souls, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (don't ask), Ace Combat Dudebro

I'm guessing a few more are going to land in the second category.


roosters93 said:
Is there no apple store in the Brisbane cbd? Currently there and thought I might try and get some FaceTime with the new iPhone.
There is a Next Byte on Adelaide Street. Our Apple Store is in the bogan-saturated suburb of Chermside - a half hour bus ride north of the city at this time of the week. They'll be shut now.

We got late night shopping in the CBD, but every non-Apple retailers is selling the 4S under plan only afaik.


RandomVince said:
I wonder how this will balance out, my gaming purchases have been reduced this coming summer/$mas leadup.

Games I'm likely buying:

Zelda Skyward Sword, Mario 3D Land, Cave Story 3DS, Mario Kart 7, Kirby Mass Attack, Kirby Wii.

Games I was going to buy but now won't:

Uncharted 3, Batman Arkham City

Games I'm on the fence about:

Rage, Dark Souls, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 (don't ask), Ace Combat Dudebro

I'm guessing a few more are going to land in the second category.

Hmm there really is shit loads coming out.

My must-buys are Skyrim, Skyward Sword, Mario Kart 7.

Maybes are Battlefield 3, Dark Souls (I tried to buy it, couldn't find it...perhaps that ship has sailed), Mario 3D.

No buys are Rage, MW3, Batmans, Uncharted as I don't even have a PS3. Most of the other 3DS games I struggle to find enough value in for $60.
there WILL be an apple store in Bris CBD next year though.

In other news, there's finally going to be a JB Hifi in Garden City instead of up the road at Macgregor.
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