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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


Jintor said:
I'd love (hate) to see numbers for Ghost Trick. Sigh.
I remember hearing good impressions on that, is it still going to be ported to iOS?

RandomVince said:
Shaneus, I use 50ppp view.

Incidentally, the signal to noise ratio is somethign like 1:49 in that mode.
That thread. Wow. Gaming is a "service"? Comparing it to bread? It fucking makes my head hurt.

For what it's worth (and I'll keep it here as it will hopefully meet a more intellectual, open audience) there are games I'm going to buy that have locked content that I don't think I'll be able to avoid. Case in point: Forza 4. 500 cars. 11 "unicorns" (cars that can only be obtained via special means, like online comps) and 5 DIFFERENT pre-order incentive cars. So for whatever reason, they're actively locking you out of content that IS included on the disc but you may not ever be able to access. Ever. I was lucky enough to score one or two by cracking the sads in one of the Forza 4 pre-release threads about another pre-order bonus that took ages to get delivered, but that was only by the grace of one of the NeoGAF members who works for (not sure in exactly what specific capacity) the developer.

One time, you may have been able to unlock something that little bit special in a game if you played it for a certain amount of time or travelled off the beaten path or something. But in this instance, they're locking content away that may be completely impossible to access for the majority of consumers. I guarantee that with Forza 4 out, all the unicorns in the prequel (yes, this isn't the first time) will now be 100% impossible to get as there's no way a "community manager" or developer or whatever will offer content to people who aren't playing their latest game.


Give me extra content for finishing the game. Go ahead, I love an incentive to enjoy something you put hard work into. But don't tell me there's content in a game that I PURCHASED that is impossible for me to get to because I didn't jump through the right hoop at the right time.


I was going to fire up FM4 for a bit but now I think I'm too pissed off. Might play Vanquish. It may only have <10 hours of game there, but at least I know I can access every single fucking bit of it if I wanted to.

PS. I don't know if this came from that thread or what the origin of it is, I just know that Vincenzo posted it and it's perfect. Deserves to be at the top of a page:

PPS. The shitty thing is, is that majority of people, even some "hardcore gamers" wouldn't even know to look for a bullet point that a feature of the game they purchased isn't available as advertised because they bought second-hand. I bet a lot of folks who loved Asylum would blind-buy City, only to find they have to enter a 50 digit code (which is no mean feat on a fucking controller) that effectively drops the resale value (that they probably thought they'd get back when they'd finished the game) and perhaps consequently, would've dropped their chance of buying it in the first place had they known what the real deal was.


reptilescorpio said:
Only way to roll. Much less shit to populate the screen and makes it quicker to scroll up and down. Plus less bandwidth usage.

The more the better, auto updater is such a good extension.

Also 100 ppp is metric =P


The thing that makes me a little antsy about Arkham City being a DLC-crazy-ass game is that that thing is packed with content outside of all the DLC stuff already, so complaining about it feels odd. Still, I think it's legit discussion because there's no guarantee other games that take this approach won't be nearly as generous...


I want a tag give me a tag
jambo said:
The more the better, auto updater is such a good extension.

Also 100 ppp is metric =P

:( My phone sometimes cant load a full page if theres too many pictures (happens a lot more on 100ppp than 50ppp so I had to revert to 50ppp i hate it, its so shit


Shaneus, you know me better than most in here so you know whilst I have never been as invested in a racing game as you with FM1/2/3/4, you would know how much I sympathise with you with respect to digital content shenanigans. I think your post up there explains perfectly one of the major problems with the gaming industry, and that is how actively they try to alienate their most dedicated customers. It's unacceptable and is going to end up making a lot of happy gamers turn into jaded, bitter gamers. Like me.

I'm starting to get worked up with that Batman thread, but I'm managing to remain coherently angry for now. The only thing saving me right now is a tasty chicken scnitzel I'm about to cook into an improvised parma.

also: chicken parma homemade = my avatar quote


This may be a stupid question but I want to get into reading again and was wondering if Goosebumps were childrens books. I haven't read one since I was young so I can't really remember.
Kerrby said:
This may be a stupid question but I want to get into reading again and was wondering if Goosebumps were childrens books. I haven't read one since I was young so I can't really remember.


*gets up from the floor*

Goosebumps is not reading.


OMG hahahahah. Yes Goosebumps are children's books. I was teaching this remedial English class once, and plucked a Goosebumps off the shelf during silent reading. It sucked.

But to be honest for kids it's okay. If you want something easy to digest I recommend some Matthew Reilly. Really fast paced and relatively engaging if you're getting back into books.


Are there any private or public game funding programs in Australia? Wouldn't mind coming up with a game proposal over summer and be able to pitch it for funding when I finish Uni sometime next year
Kerrby said:
This may be a stupid question but I want to get into reading again and was wondering if Goosebumps were childrens books. I haven't read one since I was young so I can't really remember.

You likely wont enjoy Goosebumps anymore. Jump into one of the monthly reading threads and you'll be bound to find something that seems up your alley. Here's this months. Unfortunately I don't have any recommendations in the horror/thriller genre, but ask in the thread and I'm sure someone will. The thread has links to a few of the book recommendation threads that GAF has had in the past. Here's the scary book recommendation thread.

As far as fairly action-ey books go I'd recommend Joe Abercrombie. He writes very self-aware fantasy. The characters, despite their initial appearances, don't act like you would expect them too, but they all have a distinct voice. Starting point is The Blade Itself which is book 1 of The First Law Trilogy.
legend166 said:
There's a trade off in PC games. And that trade off is lower prices (not for every title, and you still get some moron publishers who don't get it, but prices are generally lower).

I don't care that I can't resell my Steam games - because I buy them for $10-20.

It's the same reason there's no used DVD market anywhere near the level of the used video game market.

The economics are all out of whack.
So would you be prepared to have your console become more like Steam if game prices dropped? That is, is there a price where you would be prepared to have your console games effectively become a closed system?

RandomVince said:
I grew up playing Amiga, Master System, Mega Drive, PS1 and pretty much every console after that. A game I buy is **mine** and it is up to me what I do with it. I will sell it, keep it, snap it in half, lend it to a friend, forget I loaned it at all, mount it in resin for perpetuity or play it every single day of my life should I so choose.

The movement towards a PC model of "lol sucker, you just bought the license /EULA trollface" is the complete antithesis of what gaming and buying games is about. A game, like a good book or film is something you share with other people. We cant make mix tapes with games, but we can lend them to a friend, play it on multiple machines (witness publishers recoiling in horror at that thought) or borrow them from video city.
All of the media that you talk about have legal-like text about lending/reselling/public showings being against the agreement of sale. The only difference is that the video game industry is trying to enforce those agreements, or at least get a slice of the 2nd hand market. As each media slowly moves to a digital and persistent internet connected platform, I think you'll find more media enforcing these rules. Look at the popularity of Amazon's Kindle, which for me, has mean the end of lending books to my friends after I've read them.

Let's face it, we were all pirates back in the day. I bought records (yes, that's how old I am) and we'd make tapes of them and lend them to friends and family who would make copies for themselves. We'd buy a book and pass it on. The only difference is now that it's digital, it's suddenly become a bigger issue due to the ease of sharing but effectively, advances in technology and changes in the platform that these media are delivered in are allowing companies to enforce what rights they believe they have. These beliefs are basically the polar opposite of the ones you have about ownership.

I don't like exactly where this is all heading, as far as video games is concerned. This whole Batman-Single-Player-Download-Unlock aspect doesn't sit right. Much like Diablo's persistent online DRM (I get the reasoning behind this one more so) I'm worried that we'll turn into a world that will require 24hours connection to the matrix lest you lose everything you've paid for.

reptilescorpio said:
Only way to roll. Much less shit to populate the screen and makes it quicker to scroll up and down. Plus less bandwidth usage.[/URL]
So viewing 2 smaller pages uses less bandwidth that 1 page equal the size of 2 smaller ones?

DeathJr said:
The only used games I buy are the ones I want to play once, never again. It's much better buying a used game, playing it over the week and then selling it off for almost the same price, if not more. This works better than renting.

DeathJr said:
Obviously the publishers/developers don't get any money from this, but that's how things work. If they want to get paid every time someone plays their game, they got another thing coming. WB are just being greedy and pissing off genuine fans. What if someone does not have internet on the console? They will suffer even if they bought a brand new game.

DeathJr said:
It's much better buying a used game, playing it over the week and then selling it off for almost the same price, if not more.

DeathJr said:
If they want to get paid every time someone plays their game, they got another thing coming. WB are just being greedy and pissing off genuine fans.

DeathJr said:
selling it off for almost the same price, if not more

DeathJr said:
WB are just being greedy
There is a definite double standard in this (not just your, DeathJr) debate, which for a lot of people is the reduction of their own resale value, which is inexcusable, and the evil corporations lining their own coffers with money they've wrenched out of their consumer's pockets.

Jintor said:
Even leaving out the online pass shennanigans, the DLC approach to Arkham City is already pants on head retarded.
Truth bearer

Thank you to everyone for the calm, intelligent conversation - it's great to escape the internet fury and read articulated thoughts.


Kerrby said:
This may be a stupid question but I want to get into reading again and was wondering if Goosebumps were childrens books. I haven't read one since I was young so I can't really remember.

Serious answer: list some genres you like in principle. Some authors are really easy to read if you like the style.

eg if you like science fiction, get I, Robot by Isaac Asimov. If you like fantasy, try The Hobbit by Tolkien. Horror, try Steven King's IT.

Lots of books are easy to read but deeply involved. Im sure people will have lots of recommendations if you can provide some things that interest you. Fiction? Biography? Science?
Off course Jase, it's called being smart. I've bought plenty of games from ebay for $20 and then sold them for $30 odd.

I forgot about one game, Far Cry 2 (PS3). Still have it, free to anyone who wants it.


RandomVince said:
Shaneus, you know me better than most in here so you know whilst I have never been as invested in a racing game as you with FM1/2/3/4, you would know how much I sympathise with you with respect to digital content shenanigans. I think your post up there explains perfectly one of the major problems with the gaming industry, and that is how actively they try to alienate their most dedicated customers. It's unacceptable and is going to end up making a lot of happy gamers turn into jaded, bitter gamers. Like me.
Thanks! It's far easier to relate to exactly what's going on when you've experienced it first hand... and it's not difficult to turn a blind eye to devs* who do partake in the practice if you have a particular fondness for their franchise. But when you offer five different preorder bonuses that are as equally unattainable as each other you're making it as obvious as can be that there's content you paid for that is actively being withheld. It might not be obvious to most, but once one sees this for themselves you can see it happening everywhere. Shit, it even happened with The Saboteur (a game which I absolutely adore) but it never occurred to me at the time.

I'm starting to get worked up with that Batman thread, but I'm managing to remain coherently angry for now. The only thing saving me right now is a tasty chicken scnitzel I'm about to cook into an improvised parma.
You're fighting the good fight in there and articulating quite well what I usually end up saying in about three times as many words (but jumbled up into an incoherent mess like a game of Yahtzee).

But seriously, the fucking blind stupidity of some people in there. ARGH. The amount of people who are prepared to simply bend over because they feel it's inevitable astonishes me. No wonder the world's so fucking messed up.

*On further thought, I doubt any of the developers affected are at fault for this. At worst, they may be made to pick out certain chunks of their game to be split up or locked off for the publisher to offer it as they will. There's no way Turn 10 wouldn't want to restrict access to cars that have been painstakingly modeled, as much as Pandemic (R.I.P.) wouldn't want to hold back on unleashing some delicately crafted 3D tits if their game was bought second-hand. The vendors are the only ones who benefit from these things, which passes the money-making buck onto the publishers to think of ways to get people to shop at (particular) stores. Shit, that's why I bought FM4 at JB... to get a particular car I wanted.

Oh, and given my track record with not even finishing games AT ALL, why the fuck am I stressing about content that likely wouldn't make an iota of difference to my experience? Ugh, I'm part of the problem :/


Planet_JASE said:
All of the media that you talk about have legal-like text about lending/reselling/public showings being against the agreement of sale. The only difference is that the video game industry is trying to enforce those agreements, or at least get a slice of the 2nd hand market. As each media slowly moves to a digital and persistent internet connected platform, I think you'll find more media enforcing these rules. Look at the popularity of Amazon's Kindle, which for me, has mean the end of lending books to my friends after I've read them.

Let's face it, we were all pirates back in the day. I bought records (yes, that's how old I am) and we'd make tapes of them and lend them to friends and family who would make copies for themselves. We'd buy a book and pass it on. The only difference is now that it's digital, it's suddenly become a bigger issue due to the ease of sharing but effectively, advances in technology and changes in the platform that these media are delivered in are allowing companies to enforce what rights they believe they have. These beliefs are basically the polar opposite of the ones you have about ownership.

I don't like exactly where this is all heading, as far as video games is concerned. This whole Batman-Single-Player-Download-Unlock aspect doesn't sit right. Much like Diablo's persistent online DRM (I get the reasoning behind this one more so) I'm worried that we'll turn into a world that will require 24hours connection to the matrix lest you lose everything you've paid for.

I really like this post, and there is nothing more I can add to it. I share your concerns, though that is obviously a redundant statement given how obvious my disdain has been today.

I still to this day buy new books, new CDs, and my attitude to games is no different. They are mine, and when the day comes that I'm formally stripped of that claim is the last day they get my money.

edit: my chicken schnitzel licensed experience is ready. Om nom nom.


DeathJr said:

*gets up from the floor*

Goosebumps is not reading.
Next you'll be deriding the storytelling credibility of Choose Your Own Adventure books. Well, screw you. They were my gateway drug into text adventure games.


RandomVince said:
I really like this post, and there is nothing more I can add to it. I share your concerns, though that is obviously a redundant statement given how obvious my disdain has been today.

I still to this day buy new books, new CDs, and my attitude to games is no different. They are mine, and when the day comes that I'm formally stripped of that claim is the last day they get my money.

So do you still buy Steam games or as Jase points out eBooks? Not a dig, just curious.
Shaneus said:
Next you'll be deriding the storytelling credibility of Choose Your Own Adventure books. Well, screw you. They were my gateway drug into text adventure games.

I was laughing at his question. I have read almost all the goosebump novels, but that was a decade ago.
Kerrby said:
Anyone here read any video game books? I actually have this book (which I couldn't get in to, I'll give it a second go though):

The books based on Diabo are amazing, but they might not float your boat unless you like that particular gothic setting.


Jintor said:
So do you still buy Steam games or as Jase points out eBooks? Not a dig, just curious.

I dont buy steam games or ebooks at all. I got portal on steam when it was free (I bought it on 360, ps3 and the xbla still alive version, so no guilt from me) and the last pc game I bought was a $15 deus ex/just cause double pack.

And I prefer real, tangible books to ebooks. Call me a luddite if needs be. :)


Another point: AusGAF has conducted itself with aplomb in the batman thread. The intellectual level of the debate has been raised a hundred fold thanks to the contributions of shaneus, salazar, dead man, legend and whomever I forget who will rightfully remind me of their omission.

Australia truly is the life raft on which humanity's last hope shall prevail.
DeathJr said:
Off course Jase, it's called being smart.
That's the line the executive used when he pitched the Online Pass. :)

RandomVince said:
my chicken schnitzel licensed experience is ready. Om nom nom.
I'll need you to give me $10 if you want to share your schnitzel experience with anyone else.

hmmmmm, I just had a thought where a restaurant asks you for a code to unlock the sauce in your parmigiana...


RandomVince said:
Another point: AusGAF has conducted itself with aplomb in the batman thread. The intellectual level of the debate has been raised a hundred fold thanks to the contributions of shaneus, salazar, dead man, legend and whomever I forget who will rightfully remind me of their omission.

Australia truly is the life raft on which humanity's last hope shall prevail.
I think that's just because all those guys are smart people. There's a reason why I have not participated:lol

Dead Man

RandomVince said:
Another point: AusGAF has conducted itself with aplomb in the batman thread. The intellectual level of the debate has been raised a hundred fold thanks to the contributions of shaneus, salazar, dead man, legend and whomever I forget who will rightfully remind me of their omission.

Australia truly is the life raft on which humanity's last hope shall prevail.
True blue. I think you and Legend are serving the most good though my contribution has been snide asides.


Planet_JASE said:
I'll need you to give me $10 if you want to share your schnitzel experience with anyone else.

hmmmmm, I just had a thought where a restaurant asks you for a code to unlock the sauce in your parmigiana...

Could I interest you in partaking in a second hand license transfer transaction?

Fuck no. That would be disgusting.

It would be as bad as piracy or theft!


RandomVince said:
Another point: AusGAF has conducted itself with aplomb in the batman thread. The intellectual level of the debate has been raised a hundred fold thanks to the contributions of shaneus, salazar, dead man, legend and whomever I forget who will rightfully remind me of their omission.

Australia truly is the life raft on which humanity's last hope shall prevail.

Wowzers it's like AusGAF vs the idiots of GAF in that thread.


RandomVince said:
Another point: AusGAF has conducted itself with aplomb in the batman thread. The intellectual level of the debate has been raised a hundred fold thanks to the contributions of shaneus, salazar, dead man, legend and whomever I forget who will rightfully remind me of their omission.

Australia truly is the life raft on which humanity's last hope shall prevail.
Ahaha, I only made two or so posts there, but I accept your gratitude with great humility ;)

You have to wonder whether it has something to do with our culture or upbringing that some threads are populated with people that are usually happy to roll over and die in regards to some obvious consumer rights (that may be seen as inevitable) while most of us here will argue against what can clearly be seen as negative. Or perhaps that every region has folks like that and those people for a some regions are here while ours are on forums like Bigfooty :D

And you forgot reptilescorpio. It's a wonder that man can even think straight with a family pack of KFC on the go, let alone make cohesive arguments.
Shaneus said:
And you forgot reptilescorpio. It's a wonder that man can even think straight with a family pack of KFC on the go, let alone make cohesive arguments.
Only lasted 2 days. Zinger burger for breakfast might not have been the best idea. Went to bed last night and spent the next 2 hours feeling like I was going to vomit. I blame being away from my lovely child and gf!

Captain America movie is both horrible and enthralling.


Correct shaneus, my apologies to mr scorpio. Hopefully he has enjoyed his kfc dinner experience and I hope he paid the extra $10 for enjoying it for a second day without any additional recompense to the publisher/cook.

reptilescorpio said:
Profit focused Vs. People focused.
Pretty sure ccp is an investment banker going by his train of thought.

That's even worse than a publisher marketing man.

In other news ....
Ooooh shiny, paintball mode in goldeneye /preorders


Choc said:
hopefully this does not break an nda


jintor did the review copy have the catwoman dlc in it

Had to take it into Warner to get it transferred over

/edit I don't get mention for that thread, but that's okay, I'm pretty much just watching. Not really sure where I stand myself on the whole issue...

Dead Man

Rezbit said:
I've been listening to this Skrillex Syndicate song waaaay too much. I'm not even a dubstep fan!
I know. I am not a huge fan, but find myself drawn to future music in part because of Skrillex :?
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