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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


Bernbaum said:
My new favourite hobby: waking through crowds and not giving way to cosplayers half my height/age.

Pretty sure that the 'B' in EB stands for manboobs.
Does it smell like 'deodorant and showering optional'?

Thats what people say Blizzcon is like >.<


but ever so delicious
Curse you carpal tunnel! Warm, tingly hand and all that.

Also i should totally buy this for my iPhone - http://store.sesamestreet.org/Product.aspx?pc=6EAM1035


RandomVince said:
I see the Batman thread keeps on keeping on. 15 odd pages to catch up on today. This will be fun.

Don't bother. Near the end he starts saying Nintendo is about to collapse. it's pretty clear his grip on reality is tenuous at best.


Jintor said:
Don't bother. Near the end he starts saying Nintendo is about to collapse. it's pretty clear his grip on reality is tenuous at best.

Ive found beastmode being a fool decrying 'sharing' as an anti-games industry blight that people should consider themselves lucky over.


You have to spend money to make money. Thats why Microsoft is clearly going to win. They spent billions without a profit. Think about it! It just means more future profit!

EA is spending more money than it is earning? BUY STOCK NOW pretty soon their paycheck is gonna come in the mail!


but ever so delicious
reptilescorpio said:
How many days did it take for it to pop? Mine got signed off on Tuesday. Waiting for it to drop in before I lash out on a new PC.

I think it came in on friday? So i guess 5 days? I emailed it through on saturday or sunday last week.
RandomVince said:
"I for one cant wait for the second hand market in games to be gone."

My god. People are really like that?

Only people who feel so entitled that they feel they should control their product even after taking money from someone for it. Most other media industries have long come to terms with the second hand market though. The video game industry is still very new, in its infancy.
Hell, even the music industry has come to terms with the piracy market and has moved its focus onto how to turn that market into something of a revenue stream.

Dead Man

reptilescorpio said:
Only people who feel so entitled that they feel they should control their product even after taking money from someone for it. Most other media industries have long come to terms with the second hand market though. The video game industry is still very new, in its infancy.
Hell, even the music industry has come to terms with the piracy market and has moved its focus onto how to turn that market into something of a revenue stream.
It is the same age as the home video/DVD industry. And the people in it are not children (well...) so they should be able to learn from other industries.
Dead Man said:
It is the same age as the home video/DVD industry. And the people in it are not children (well...) so they should be able to learn from other industries.
The main problem is that the industry managers are trying to run video game companies the same as in those other industries where mass media makes the market a more stable investment. With games you really can't spin it off into movies or books and make decent money out of it, we see how tie in games to movies work out.
Because costs have skyrocketed execs have tried to squeeze ever dollar out of a release in order to try and make the damn system work. It really needs to be rethought from the make or break system that is used by companies that give a shit about how the second hand market is affecting them.

Dead Man

reptilescorpio said:
The main problem is that the industry managers are trying to run video game companies the same as in those other industries where mass media makes the market a more stable investment. With games you really can't spin it off into movies or books and make decent money out of it, we see how tie in games to movies work out.
Because costs have skyrocketed execs have tried to squeeze ever dollar out of a release in order to try and make the damn system work. It really needs to be rethought from the make or break system that is used by companies that give a shit about how the second hand market is affecting them.
Yeah. They have taken a very simplistic view of the market. Hell they could even get into used sales themselves, like car manufacturers do.


reptilescorpio said:
Only people who feel so entitled that they feel they should control their product even after taking money from someone for it. Most other media industries have long come to terms with the second hand market though. The video game industry is still very new, in its infancy.
Hell, even the music industry has come to terms with the piracy market and has moved its focus onto how to turn that market into something of a revenue stream.

Yeah, the music industry I have to say has at least left open the factor of choice for the customer. Want to buy via online stores like itunes? Do it. Want CDs still and the odd LP? Do it. Want to download tracks direct from the artist as a sampler? Do it. Want to buy direct at a concert? Do it.

All that choice enables people to support bands where and how they like, and there is no justification for resorting to piracy as a result because it's all so accessible via legal means. Personally, I have no qualms putting up $30 for a new Dream Theater album for example. The music industry seems to have grasped the concept of fair use too.

The games industry (or large components of it) is like a dinosaur by comparison. To make things worse, some of the dinosaurs like the Warnabrontasaurus and the ElectrorAptor are busy building rocket ships capable of flying to the asteroid belt so that they can tow a few giant rocks back to Earth. What could possibly go wrong?
Dead Man said:
Yeah. They have taken a very simplistic view of the market. Hell they could even get into used sales themselves, like car manufacturers do.
Short term solution: Gather the publisher. Go to the retailers and tell them that they require a 10% cut of any games sold second hand through them. Keep everyone happy.

Long term solution: DD only. That would suck for consumers though since the closed platforms would lead to high prices and prices never dropping, as we have already seen on PSN/360. Unless each RETAILER, such as Gamestop, could have digital stores but that would be another layer of logistics that wouldn't be required so it won't happen for better or worse.

Long term solution: Single use codes. Pay $60 for a brand new sealed game from Gamestop. Take it home, play it, trade it back in for $20. Gamestop then sell that game to a new customer for $50. When that customer gets home they must pay another $10 through PSN/360 to the publisher to roll over the licence. As long as the extra $10 is advertised to the customer and they understand that buying second hand will cost that extra $10 it would work quite well.


Ive got a simpler plan that seems to have worked fine for 30 years.

Sell game.
Allow purchaser to do what they want with it (resell via private means, loan, keep).
Allow retailers to trade in second hand games.
Publishers stop whining and budget game development accordingly.

If you want to add an incentive to keep people from trading in their game, make it better or keep a steady stream of significant content coming. Some paid, some free, but all substantial.

If you make a shit game or a short game with no replay value, don't be shocked at a thriving second hand market for that game.
RandomVince said:
Sell game.
Allow purchaser to do what they want with it (resell via private means, loan, keep).
Allow retailers to trade in second hand games.
Publishers stop whining and budget game development accordingly.
This is the main problem. The industry unfortunately isn't populated with intelligent enough people to do this, they prefer to keep chasing the purple dragon by throwing money at the process and hoping something sticks. It isn't going to change anytime soon unless there is a big crash. They will try and squeeze out whatever money they can from the current process rather than make the big outlay of R&D to change it.


What baffles and irritates me most, really, is the proposition that consumers are to blame for the mega-budget graphics arms-race predicament. And not just on a collective level. When I read that thread, same with the used-market arguments, it's like I'm supposed to hang my head and admit that I, individually, asked for this.

Like fuck I did. I have watched videos of porn starlets being talked into triple-anal, but I am just completely stunned by people's acceptance of the notion that we consumers have somehow enslaved these corporations.


reptilescorpio said:
This is the main problem. The industry unfortunately isn't populated with intelligent enough people to do this, they prefer to keep chasing the purple dragon by throwing money at the process and hoping something sticks. It isn't going to change anytime soon unless there is a big crash. They will try and squeeze out whatever money they can from the current process rather than make the big outlay of R&D to change it.

Thats the reality of it. In the meantime, publishers who try and gouge customers get no money from me, those that sell a reasonable quality product do.

What they dont understand is that they have no right to infringe upon basic customer rights, which is what they are trying to do. I look forward to their inevitable collapse, and hopefully a games industry that is reinvigorated by a cleanout of all the riff-raff will be much more creative, more respectful of its audience and thus more appreciated by them.

There are a lot of talented people out there who are out of work, and lots of hacks who are in work dictating what games get made and in ridiculously short periods of time. The problem is the mega-publisher model, and when it becomes clear that quality product is only an afterthought, the end cannot be far behind.

I blame marketing departments.
mandiller said:
Anyone have any questions for Peter Moore? I may be interviewing him at EB Expo, either him or an EA VP pretty soon.
Does EA have any original games or new IP in the pipeline? And I guess his opinion on Online Passes, and maybe the Steam/Origin thing. But mainly the first question.


Salazar said:
What baffles and irritates me most, really, is the proposition that consumers are to blame for the mega-budget graphics arms-race predicament. And not just on a collective level. When I read that thread, same with the used-market arguments, it's like I'm supposed to hang my head and admit that I, individually, asked for this.

Like fuck I did. I have watched videos of porn starlets being talked into triple-anal, but I am just completely stunned by people's acceptance of the notion that we consumers have somehow enslaved these corporations.

Yep, spot on. Some of the best games this gen have been relatively low-fi affairs without the ridiculous blockbuster-movie aping production values. Look at the best of xbla, psn, wiiware and PC equivalents. Pixeljunk monsters, geometry wars 2, world of goo all are excellent examples. All under $15. All better than 95% of full priced games.

The problem is that we had one or two big games this gen that were blockbuster games and insanely so. Call of Duty is that game. The other mega blockbuster games were probably made on a budget maybe a tenth of that and didnt see many companies try to do a similar thing. Those games were New Super Mario Bros and Mario Kart Wii.

So many people in the industry seem to think they have to do it exactly the same as the brashest, loudest, most bombastic "AAA" $50 million venture in gaming. Just because Activision do.

Well, just like music, look at modern day pop videos. I personally dont mind that R&B is a big part of music culture, but at what point did it become all of it? (In the minds of major labels, that is).

Gaming is currently a market with little diversity at the big end of town, and the sooner the rot is cut off the better.
mandiller said:
Anyone have any questions for Peter Moore? I may be interviewing him at EB Expo, either him or an EA VP pretty soon.
*What was the reaction of retailers such as EB to the introduction of Gold Packs for FIFA and their expectations of how it would affect their customers?
*After the high profile cancellation of NBA Elite 11 how is EA planning to move forward with the series and bring it back into the stable of 12 month cycle games?
*Since the NBA lockout has EA thought about bringing back old NBA IP's such as NBA Street and has the revamp of NBA Jam been considered successful enough to warrant more titles down the line?
*Has the success of EA ventures into the iOS market led to a change of thinking for games targeted at the bigger consoles? Would it be likely in the future to see titles releasing barebones with the gameplay systems in place but a micro-economy developed to allow consumers to buy the content they want in order to keep recommend retail prices down?
*What does Will Wright smell like?


doesn't look like the PR people can get me Peter Moore. Although they were optimistic before. Thanks for the question ideas. If whoever they manage to get for me is in the right area I'll try to ask them.
mandiller said:
doesn't look like the PR people can get me Peter Moore. Although they were optimistic before. Thanks for the question ideas. If whoever they manage to get for me is in the right area I'll try to ask them.
If it is just some random EA dude:
*What do you think is the benefit of having a conference such as this in Australia? Do you think it will help relations between Australian developers and overseas publishers? Are you more likely to look at a developers work through meeting them at a conference?
*What kind of consumer market does EA see Australia as? Is it becoming a big enough market yet to cater titles more directly towards consumers here? Such as the Cricket series.
*With the introduction of Origin are EA planning on having dedicated services run from Australia or will most of the support and structure be based overseas?
*Will Peter Moore reveal a carrot tattoo on stage today?
Dead Man said:
Actually, I had seen that, just bocked it out of my memory. In defence of my position I will say that at least the Takers one is for a shitty film with no material to work with. TPM has a multitude of material to draw on, inspiration from previous iterations of SW movie posters which were sublime, and a height of expectation that should encourage excellence. Instead we have something one step above Takers. Ugh.
Hmmmmmm... dunno. If a movie can't get all of it's actor's together for one press shot that's a sad indictment. Add to that they obviously got stand in actors as the bodies and then poorly... poorly photoshopped heads on that have very obviously different light sources than the standins in the poster...

dunno... if you have the resources to make a crappy film with all of those crappy stars (excluding Stringer Bell) you can surely find someone that finished a first year art degree that can photoshop better than that. Surely?
Planet_JASE said:
If a movie can't get all of it's actor's together for one press shot that's a sad indictment. Add to that they obviously got stand in actors as the bodies and then poorly... poorly photoshopped heads on that have very obviously different light sources than the standins in the poster...?
Look very closely at just about every ensemble movie and TV promo shot/poster, and you'll see that, at the very least, all the actors weren't together at the time it was shot. At worst... well, you get that.
codswallop said:
Look very closely at just about every ensemble movie and TV promo shot/poster, and you'll see that, at the very least, all the actors weren't together at the time it was shot. At worst... well, you get that.
Oh yeah, I know they composite the actors into a shot, but.... eeek, flopping poorly cropped heads (a couple are the wrong size, too) onto other people. Faaaaark.
AusGAF! Opinion on keyboards and mice?

Rocking the MK710 combo but I was looking at getting a more quiet keyboard when I upgrade. Is that even possible? Also the mouse is fine but I was wondering if there were any other good, lighter wireless mice that people used, maybe with a few more buttons. This keyboard looks pretty cool.
Also looking at the G13 for games like RAGE where you go from FPS to driving (unless of course you can switch on the fly with a 360 controller).


reptilescorpio said:
AusGAF! Opinion on keyboards and mice?

Rocking the MK710 combo but I was looking at getting a more quiet keyboard when I upgrade. Is that even possible? Also the mouse is fine but I was wondering if there were any other good, lighter wireless mice that people used, maybe with a few more buttons. This keyboard looks pretty cool.
Also looking at the G13 for games like RAGE where you go from FPS to driving (unless of course you can switch on the fly with a 360 controller).
Get a mechanical keyboard. They are a bit more expensive compared to most dome keyboards (except the over priced gaming ones), but they are worth it.

Brown Cherry switches are very quiet. You could also go with Red, but people seem to believe they aren't as good for typing yet prefer them for gaming. You can read the differences here.

I'd probably go for a Leopold or Das since PCCG have them in stock.
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