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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


Salazar said:
It's about as retarded as rugby league knobheads invoking the Anzac spirit in reference to boofheads running into each other.
This. Invoking "Anzac spirit" is a load of shit outside the original context. Hell, things like mateship, egalitarianism etc are not exclusively Australian values. I would say they are innate human traits.

Anyway, Australia is hypocritical. The country only remembers dead soldiers and forgets all about the living returned ones with missing limbs or PTSD. And they sure as shit forget all about widows as well. People who love to bring it up are mostly self serving politicians and sports commentators that are nothing more than nationalist hypocrites for the most part.

Fuck you Eddie McGuire
Oh also: play my game! It installs to Desktop\LastCigar or something similar. It's still pre-beta but the guns are mostly working. Shotgun works fine, the range starts at the barrel. The range is further than the image implies.

Please play.

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3483564/TheLastCigarInstaller.exe ~ 107mb

Known bugs:
- Collision on corners can be a bit.. rounded for lack of a better word.
- You can run out of bullet models at times.
- Enemies walk over holes.
- You can get stuck in an endless loop of death if an enemy is walking over the spawn point. (Will be fixed today.)



Banshusaku, you are a good man. In all my phone-related drama I have not been keeping on top of all things Ricki Lee! She has a new deal with EMI and a new song I haven't heard yet
and probably never will

So this morning I called Telstra again, and my phone line got to play Race Around the World as my call was transferred to the far corners of the Earth and back again. Eventually I got put through to some department, where after I got asked for my details once again, was asked if I have tried turning the phone off and on.

I fucking LOST MY SHIT and started yelling and cursing and screaming for five minutes.

During this time, my Optus phone lost its service and my Telstra phone started receiving calls. Yay!

I'm a big, huge, evangelical fan of How To Win Friends And Influence People. It completely changed how I approach people and confrontations. It taught me how to never yell, never argue and always appeal to the other person's sense of being right and feeling important.

But holy crap, in this case, YELLING LIKE A MADMAN WORKED.

Now I just have to wait and see if my other phone ported over too. The wife has it and she can't check her phone for another hour.


Just gonna throw this out here because it's not really thread worthy:
Brother bought a 250gb 360S yesterday, set it all up and logged in with his GFWL account that he'd used on his PC (and previously bought MSP for) without a hassle. He's told me today that he tried this morning to buy points (I assume with a credit card) on his PC and (I assume later tried) 360, only for an error to pop up saying his account's been banned.

He's told me this via email so deets are a bit scant, but this definitely seems a bit weird. Any idea what might be happening, AusGAF?

Gazunta said:
I'm a big, huge, evangelical fan of How To Win Friends And Influence People. It completely changed how I approach people and confrontations. It taught me how to never yell, never argue and always appeal to the other person's sense of being right and feeling important.

But holy crap, in this case, YELLING LIKE A MADMAN WORKED.
Send an angry letter to Ruffian, get them to work harder on Crackdown 3. While you're at it, send an email to MS asking them to reform Bizarre, buy them then make PGR5 so I can play it by Christmas.

PS. Well done! No-one should ever have to go to those measures, but I'm glad they resulted in something for you.


Choc, I found out that the referee who gave those dodgy red cards in the Wellington game on the weekend was a guy I played cricket with. Really nice guy. Sucks that he made those crappy decisions and now everyone knows him ;_;


legend166 said:
Choc, I found out that the referee who gave those dodgy red cards in the Wellington game on the weekend was a guy I played cricket with. Really nice guy. Sucks that he made those crappy decisions and now everyone knows him ;_;

if he plays cricket and isn't fully committed to refereeing all year as you should be at that level, then well, it does not surprise me

Refereeing is something that you must work on, every day, for your life to be very good at it.


Choc said:
if he plays cricket and isn't fully committed to refereeing all year as you should be at that level, then well, it does not surprise me

Refereeing is something that you must work on, every day, for your life to be very good at it.

You're a referee right? Get the fuck off GAF and go practice!


Choc said:
Refereeing is something that you must work on, every day, for your life to be very good at it.
Which is the case for any profession really.

Damn I hate doing group assignements with dudes who turn out to be dickheads that don't give a shit:(


Gazunta said:
I'm a big, huge, evangelical fan of How To Win Friends And Influence People. It completely changed how I approach people and confrontations. It taught me how to never yell, never argue and always appeal to the other person's sense of being right and feeling important.

But holy crap, in this case, YELLING LIKE A MADMAN WORKED.
"How to yell at people and call them cunts" by Gaz. G. Gazuntasson.

I'd buy the Kindle edition.


Choc said:
if he plays cricket and isn't fully committed to refereeing all year as you should be at that level, then well, it does not surprise me

Refereeing is something that you must work on, every day, for your life to be very good at it.

lol. That's ridiculous. If you're a referee he's not allowed to play suburban cricket? You have to work at it every single day of your life?

Anyway, I doubt he plays any more. Considering he'd have to referee on Saturdays throughout the summer. Either way I wouldn't know, he moved away from Sydney a couple of years ago.
Gazunta said:

Banshusaku, you are a good man. In all my phone-related drama I have not been keeping on top of all things Ricki Lee! She has a new deal with EMI and a new song I haven't heard yet
and probably never will

So this morning I called Telstra again, and my phone line got to play Race Around the World as my call was transferred to the far corners of the Earth and back again. Eventually I got put through to some department, where after I got asked for my details once again, was asked if I have tried turning the phone off and on.

I fucking LOST MY SHIT and started yelling and cursing and screaming for five minutes.

During this time, my Optus phone lost its service and my Telstra phone started receiving calls. Yay!

I'm a big, huge, evangelical fan of How To Win Friends And Influence People. It completely changed how I approach people and confrontations. It taught me how to never yell, never argue and always appeal to the other person's sense of being right and feeling important.

But holy crap, in this case, YELLING LIKE A MADMAN WORKED.

Now I just have to wait and see if my other phone ported over too. The wife has it and she can't check her phone for another hour.

Waiting for your comic about this incident.


Bernbaum said:
Forza 4 is liquid crack. No matter what I'm doing during the day, it doesn't compare to playing Forza.
I hear you. My hands were sore yesterday after almost an entire weekend (and Monday after work) playing it, so I vowed to give it a break last night. Ended up going to bed at 11:30pm after a 3 hour sesh.

I never saw how WoW players could get addicted, but I'm just totally Rivals Mode's bitch and completely understand where they're coming from. If you get a chance, jump in the OT, start posting and join the GAF car club. You'll get to share cars and have 99 other rivals to compete against :)


Shaneus said:
I never saw how WoW players could get addicted, but I'm just totally Rivals Mode's bitch and completely understand where they're coming from. If you get a chance, jump in the OT, start posting and join the GAF car club. You'll get to share cars and have 99 other rivals to compete against :)
It's that bloody events grid. All those little squares waiting to be ticked off. I have to do every event in the game, there's no other way. I'll play the guided career mode for a while, then switch over to the career list, see a little square needing only an event or two to be ticked off and before I know it, it's 1am.

Haven't played GT5, but heard how much the clunky interface detracts from the driving. I can't imagine a game with as much content as Forza possibly having a more streamlined system than what's currently in place. Everything is just a few clicks away - car purchasing, event tracking, vehicle upgrading. The super-quick means of getting the yardwork done and jumping into a race only adds to the addictive nature of the game.

You playing on a racing wheel?


3chopl0x said:
I must have missed the funny? This isn't the first game to be setup with GFWL + steamworks..

The funny is wanting the removal of steamworks, which as far as DRM goes, I can live with.

GFWL is a total piece of shit.

Also, I can't think of another game on steam with both steamworks integration and GFWL... maybe DoW1 seeing they got Cloud saves recently and I am fairly sure it was originally a GFWL integrated game.


I don't want the removal, I love steam.. You just made it sound like steamworks was required on top of GFWL/Securom which it isn't

Dirt 2/3 and most codemasters games do this type of thing.


legend166 said:
lol. That's ridiculous. If you're a referee he's not allowed to play suburban cricket? You have to work at it every single day of your life?

Anyway, I doubt he plays any more. Considering he'd have to referee on Saturdays throughout the summer. Either way I wouldn't know, he moved away from Sydney a couple of years ago.

its not like they need skills like bouncing the ball that AFL umpires have to practice....

prance around and do a
don't mention the war
salute every game or so...not too complicated >_>


3chopl0x said:
I don't want the removal, I love steam.. You just made it sound like steamworks was required on top of GFWL/Securom which it isn't

Dirt 2/3 and most codemasters games do this type of thing.

Not at all, I think the combination is completely over the top.

And Dirt3 just has Game for Windows Live listed as its DRM and no Steamworks integration.


Anyone got this - RIVET ?

I'm gonna give it a spin tonight and see if it magically allows me to stream my iTunes library on Mac to my 360 so I can rock out to speed metal in my Mustang!
Choc said:
ok so the batman situation got all sorts of fucked last night when it was revealed it actually BLOCKS story missions that are referenced in the actual game
I thought we knew that all along? It is an integral part of the storyline. If you don't use the code you miss out on 4 playable sections of the game and just get the cut-scenes instead.
Again, it is fucked and shouldn't have been done. Putting part of the story behind a codewall is bullshit.

Should have just made the challenge maps mode the locked off portion of the game.

RandomVince said:
he country only remembers dead soldiers and forgets all about the living returned ones with missing limbs or PTSD.
Australians like to romanticise things. Same reason Ned Kelly is a hero to many.

Shaneus said:
He's told me this via email so deets are a bit scant, but this definitely seems a bit weird. Any idea what might be happening, AusGAF?
He shouldn't have sold his COD prestige to a 12 year old kid for $400. Lesson learned.


BREAKING NEWS - The other phone has been ported.

New phones, more Ricki Lee and something else cool happening later today - today's a good day.
All you guys saying the Arkham City situation is bullshit and still buying it aren't exactly convincing WB that they've done the wrong thing.
codswallop said:
All you guys saying the Arkham City situation is bullshit and still buying it aren't exactly convincing WB that they've done the wrong thing.
I was always planning on buying it new. There really isn't any way to convince them they did they wrong thing aside from bitching at them. If it bombas they will say there is no market for comic book related games anymore or say it was up against stiff competition at release.
It is all well and good to make a stand and not buy a game but I won't pretend that avoiding a purchase is going to hurt the publisher. I will reward the developer by buying the game, but not at full price day one.


legend166 said:
Also, can anyone recommend Lego Batman?
Seems like I'm a little late in answering, but I'll just throw in my two cents. I've got all the LEGO games (well, not all the DS ones and I'm waiting on a price drop for Pirates PS3), and Lego Batman is right up there as one of the best.

The characters are nice and varied, it probably has the best vehicle levels of the whole series and it really fits the licence too. If you haven't tried a LEGO game or at least aren't bored of the formula from playing other ones, then it's definitely a good choice to check it out.


evlcookie said:
only 20% off if you own lego batman or the original on steam.

I think it was still cheaper over at gmg with that coupon last week, Brought it close to $30.

I don't give a shit, it's on Steam so I'm buying
reptilescorpio said:
I was always planning on buying it new. There really isn't any way to convince them they did they wrong thing aside from bitching at them. If it bombas they will say there is no market for comic book related games anymore or say it was up against stiff competition at release.
I'll probably buy it new as well when the price drops a bit. It's that Modern Warfare 2 dedicated servers situation all over again.

We're damned if we buy the game (because they'll just do worse and worse things if they think they can get away with it) and damned if we don't (because they'll not be able to develop any more).
codswallop said:
We're damned if we buy the game (because they'll just do worse and worse things if they think they can get away with it) and damned if we don't (because they'll not be able to develop any more).
Just remember that 98% of people buying the game don't care about what our issue is. Even if everyone who is pissed off about the codes doesn't buy the game it would barely be a blip on the sales. Not every complaining about it were going to pick up the game in the first place. Plenty of people on GAF who have never play Arkham Asylum, or picked it up second hand/rented/borrowed off a friend so those sales never counted for the publisher anyway.

That is the reason why this generation has been pushing more and more in the direction it has taken. The majority don't care.


Bernbaum said:
It's that bloody events grid. All those little squares waiting to be ticked off. I have to do every event in the game, there's no other way. I'll play the guided career mode for a while, then switch over to the career list, see a little square needing only an event or two to be ticked off and before I know it, it's 1am.

You playing on a racing wheel?
I bought the speed (air) wheel, but I don't quite get the results I want from it yet (though I've heard it's awesome once you get the hang of it). But the thing is, I've barely even touched career mode! Just Rivals and the first season of world tour.

That's it.

So that's great. Now I know that once I drag myself away from Rivals (of which I've only been competing in around 1/10th of what's there) I have a similar addiction waiting for me in the career mode. Not to mention the car buying, customising AND photo modes that I've hardly looked at which require a further time sink.
reptilescorpio said:
He shouldn't have sold his COD prestige to a 12 year old kid for $400. Lesson learned.
His email said "Account banned" as the subject, but really he just can't buy stuff on XBL. Drama queen.

reptilescorpio said:
I was always planning on buying it new. There really isn't any way to convince them they did they wrong thing aside from bitching at them. If it bombas they will say there is no market for comic book related games anymore or say it was up against stiff competition at release.
It is all well and good to make a stand and not buy a game but I won't pretend that avoiding a purchase is going to hurt the publisher. I will reward the developer by buying the game, but not at full price day one.
Someone RT'd on my Twitter feed (I know it was a AusGAFfer, but can't remember which one) that apparently some Catwoman codes weren't included in boxes. Bahahahahaha. Clusterfuck.


but ever so delicious
90 minutes until google and samsung show off their new phone and android 4.0.

That's when i will be having lunch and watching it! Well i hope so anyway.

I hope it's not a bore fest.
Shaneus said:
His email said "Account banned" as the subject, but really he just can't buy stuff on XBL. Drama queen.
Might be a CC problem then. Or maybe MS were compromised and someone got details of his account, like Sony the other week. Hopefully just a precautionary thing.


legend166 said:
lol. That's ridiculous. If you're a referee he's not allowed to play suburban cricket? You have to work at it every single day of your life?

Anyway, I doubt he plays any more. Considering he'd have to referee on Saturdays throughout the summer. Either way I wouldn't know, he moved away from Sydney a couple of years ago.

i didn't mean it that way, but those at that level generally referee all year around every saturday

ie he shouldn't be available to play suburban cricket if he is a nationally accredited referee.

he can play if he wants, but im just saying generally its a year round job. You play cricket for six months a year, thats six motnhs you are not refereeing keep yourself in tip top form for decision making

Not making a football decision for six months, does affect you.


the cat woman missions are part of the main story of batman

if you don't have the DLC the missions are skipped

BUT events in those missions are referenced in other missions

so if u have the DLC, apparently the catwoman missions intersperse with teh Batman ones.

according to US journos


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Vita is as doomed as the 3DS was at that price in Australia.

Choc said:
the cat woman missions are part of the main story of batman

if you don't have the DLC the missions are skipped

BUT events in those missions are referenced in other missions

so if u have the DLC, apparently the catwoman missions intersperse with teh Batman ones.

according to US journos

I can confirm that.
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