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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


commanderdeek said:
Edited option file usually solves that problem. In the end it just comes down to preference, and it's usually gameplay related rather than a cosmetic thing since FIFA would win every time.

Konami is now actively promoting the download of option files and allowing import via USB

I can't see FIFA and the leagues allowing this to continue without a legal challenge if it becomes mega obvious and they start marketing that you can get the leagues etc


Victorian Premier Ted Baillieu today announced the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) will host a major new exhibition on interactive entertainment in 2012.

As exclusively revealed on Screen Play back in July 2010, the new Games Masters exhibition will be a follow-up to 2008’s hugely popular Game On, which attracted over 120,000 visitors to ACMI in Melbourne’s Federation Square.

The new exhibition will showcase the world of leading local and international game designers with over 125 playable games for the arcade era through to the latest console and mobile technology.
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Rob Murray of Firemint

Rob Murray of Firemint

Over 40 game designers who have made a significant and ongoing impact in the interactive entertainment industry will be profiled throughout the exhibition, which will be held at ACMI from June 28 until October 28, 2012.

The designers will include Tomohiro Nishikado (Space Invaders), Ed Logg (Asteroids), Toru Iwatani (Pac-Man), Yu Sukuzi (Hang On), Paulina Bozek (SingStar), Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear), Yuji Naka (Sonic the Hedgehog), Fumito Ueda (Shadow of the Colossus), Alex Rigopulos (Guitar Hero), Tim Schafer (Full Throttle) and Warren Spector (Deus Ex).

The exhibition will be divided into three sections: Arcade Heroes, Game Masters and Independents.

The independent developers showcased will include Jenova Chen (Flower), Matsaya Matsuura (PaRappa the Rapper) and Australia’s Rob Murray (Flight Control).

The first international developer confirmed to attend the exhibition launch next year is Peter Molyneux

“Imagine a thousand square metres of games," Molyneux says. "Imagine walking through an exhibition where you can touch, see, play and be inspired by what’s there.”

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/digital-life/...o-australia-20111020-1m95h.html#ixzz1bIWsFSVp


Choc said:
“Imagine a thousand square metres of games," Molyneux says. "Imagine walking through an exhibition where you can touch, see, play and be inspired by what’s there.”
That sure is a Molyneux quote.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
Marshmellow said:
Sweet, Are they just giving you writer's credit or are you getting paid for the articles?(i hope so)

Great either way

Contributors one like before, I am getting paid :)

Jintor said:
218 or 219 or the issue I'm writing for now? :T

The one out November 11.
DAY 1?

Article on it.

Anyone have opinions and/or information on this? Pretty low quality but i have been waiting for 3D to go this way before i bought into it, seems like they are finally getting there.

This would be awesome for HD gaming when they improve it but it would make lans so anti-social. :p


midonnay said:



Marshmellow said:
Anyone have opinions and/or information on this? Pretty low quality but i have been waiting for 3D to go this way before i bought into it, seems like they are finally getting there.

This would be awesome for HD gaming when they improve it but it would make lans so anti-social. :p

Yeah there is actually :)

I subbed to the gaf topic a while ago:

Lots of hands on impressions and feedback over the past few months. Hopefully the local Sony Central store here in Adelaide gets a demo unit so I can give it a test my self! :D


blame the US $ situation. Its not cheap in AU anymore.

Question. Should reviewers have reviewed batman WITHOUT the content for catwoman

my opinion is yes. Clearly Rocksteady does not think its part of the game, so dont do it

From now on, reviewers should not include the DLC bullshit in their reviews.

if the game without the dlc is a 7 fine even if with the dlc it becomes a 9

The game as presented does not have those missions, so don't review the game with them in tact.


Last week I was pumped for Arkham City. Then I discovered the DLC fiasco. Then I wanted nothing to do with it. Then it came out and people liked it. Then I wanted it. Then the catwoman and batsuit DLC codes were borked.

I think I would love to play the game, no doubt. Arkham Asylum was an amazing game. But I think now what I'll do is wait for either the GOTY version or Wii U assuming that is equivalent in content to a GOTY. Otherwise, I'm done with it.

Which sucks, tbh.

Dead Man

RandomVince said:
No doubt its quality. Its all the riffraff that is off-putting.
Yeah. I am getting a bit sick of having to shop on my principles. It's only because a couple games so far I have not bought, but I want to be able to buy games that re good without worrying about all the other shite that goes with them. It helps me save money though.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Today sucked nuts. I kept getting booted out of the library by stupid teachers needing to use the computer (and taking forever to do their medial tasks), so I was bored as hell. Lunch would have been nice except the middle aged frumpy receptionist was in a foul mood, and couldn't hold any conversation that didn't involve gossiping about the parents of children and how badly they raise their kids. So I bailed on that to grab a coffee somewhere, asked where the nearest ATM was, and was sent in the wrong direction. Got home, and my housemates have 'designated' (fuck that) me to cutting the lawn out the front of our house, on a fucking useless shitty achaic push powered lawn mower. Trying to cut overgrown grass in this Melbourne humidity was a nightmare, so much so that it literally couldn't cut the harshest patch, breaking apart when I tried, thrusting part of the handle into my leg and taking out a chunk of skin. I was so livid.

Then I managed to cook the best stir fry I've ever cooked, so it all turned out okay.


I'm allergic to gardening too....

last time I tried to dig a hole, I didn't notice there was a wire wrapped around the handle. After a single shove, it sliced through the flap of skin between my thumb and the pointing finger.

three stitches and a shot :/


Thats pretty much it. Take online pass for example. I dont like them, but if its going to be $10 for online play (used copy) and it only affects online multiplayer, that's an easier pill to swallow because I never use online multi. So it means I can just wait til the game is cheap, pick it up then and it will have the same level of functionality as Halo 2 does now. Minus the Lockout shotgun nostalgia.

But when they start locking down bonus levels and costumes and trivial but cool things of no monetary value - that's when it becomes farcical.

The last two games I bought with preorder codes were Duke Nukem Forever and Deus Ex HR. DNF first access pass was actually a good idea. Free update post-release (this week IIRC). Shite game, mind. And Deus Ex I got the CE for the action figure and trinkets, but I dunno if the code was anything meaningful. I didnt even know it came with one.

Batman costumes are silly though. As in, they should be in the game for old-school tv show fans. They arent worth the DLC price of entry or begging at jb/eb/kmart/dick smith etc for a code just so you can play in a nightwing suit or whatever. Just make them in-game unlockables like big-head mode or invisibility cloak in MGS used to be.
Listening to old CDs from the 90s.

One Headlight by the Wallflowers is still an awesome song.

Next up is Spin Doctors - Two Princes.




Serrels said:
We’ve just received word from an anonymous source that 2K’s Canberra studio, which was renamed 2K Marin in a recent shuffle, has undergone redundancies, with up to 15 staff members losing their jobs.

At the moment that appears to be the extent of the damage, but in an increasingly hostile industry environment, which has seen multiple local studios close over the last couple of months, losing staff members is not a positive place to be.

We’ve been in contact with 2K locally and hope to get an official update soon.

Goodbye, aussie game development on the big leagues.

/edit damnit Vince


Choc said:
Question. Should reviewers have reviewed batman WITHOUT the content for catwoman

my opinion is yes. Clearly Rocksteady does not think its part of the game, so dont do it

From now on, reviewers should not include the DLC bullshit in their reviews.

if the game without the dlc is a 7 fine even if with the dlc it becomes a 9

The game as presented does not have those missions, so don't review the game with them in tact.

Well my DLC code won't work so I am playing Batman sans Catwoman like a common criminal
The game that represented the start of Next Gen for me on the PS2. So mindblowing at the time. So much freedom, so much fun, so much awesome criminal atmosphere. Loved the story and loved the little touches like the radio stations. Still prefer the underground stuff on those channels to anything from GTA4. It was improved upon immensely but it was the groundbreaker, the game that changed a generation.

$15 tickets to the Australia Vs Ireland AFL-related game next weekend.

And All That Could Have Been
In Years To Come
Wish You Were Here
New Day

Omi said:
PC gamer means the forever generation. Right?
Yeah I assumed the point of the answer was to flaunt the fact that PC games are timeless and the greatest thing humanity has ever given us. Mainly because of Deus EX.

Choc said:
i want to punch that moron in the face. Humidity is SHIT and the WORST part of summer. Its what makes it so fucking unbearable
Fucking cosigned. Used to 40+ degrees up in the Mallee and was fine still going out fencing but it was a dry heat so coming down to Geelong and getting 30 degree days with high humidity killed me. Pretty bad down here too, at least the beach makes up for it.

Box of Bunnies said:
Julia in failure to curtsey 'scandal'.?
Eh. Didn't break any protocol, the Queen stuck her hand out so they shook hands. No need to go all retro and pretend that she gives two shits about her. All a PR thing anyway. Not like she was rude or told her to go get fucked or anything.

Fogz said:
Birthday skeleton and all that for me today. Nearly 30 :/
Congrats! Make sure to do something stupid to celebrate.

Gazunta said:
I know I know, Beach Boys. but seriously.
People say the same thing about The Beatles and Bee Gees by they are incredible song writers. They were popular for a reason even if they aren't considered cool at the moment by your generation. Everyone I grew up with hated all the bands that they now go on and on about on Facebook now.
I also remember most people I know ripping the shit out of Weezer's Pinkerton even though it is considered one of the best albums of all time now. My mates just wanted another Sweater Song or Buddy Holly, not Tired of Sex.

codswallop said:
This is the best album ever. Fact.
Loved those punk compilations. I even found an Indie Alternative album that was solid gold. I'll have to find the tracklisting sometime.

Stackboy said:
Got a digital radio from my folks for my 30th bday next week, been listening to JJJ Unearthed. Pretty good.
Caught a Redcoats gig here a few weeks back. They are insanely good live for such a small, up-and-coming Aussie band. Highly recommend checking out their self titled EP.

Ydahs said:
For the fun of it, I made a little script to check how many users got banned in that thread. 62 bans. At least one ban per page for the first fifteen pages. None appear to be from AusGAF though.
Nice to see Solo survived, love reading his posts.

Fusebox said:
You should still try to encourage the rest of AusGAF to join the OT forum instead of dragging all the interesting discussion topics back here.
I don't post as often as a lot of the conversations tend to get ravelled up in in-jokes between the usual OT posters or I get into the thread after someone else already asserts my position better than I possibly could.

There have been some unfortunate developments with EA Norway and the way they’ve been handling access to Battlefield 3 review copies. According to Norway’s top news outlet, NRK, EA has withheld review copies of Battlefield 3 to reviewers whom they thought would give the game a bad score. A number of Norwegian gaming outlets, including popular ones like Gamer.no and GameReactor, have been refused review copies of Battlefield 3 due to their review scores of past Battlefield games.

Furthermore, EA inquired potential reviewers of Battlefield 3 to see whether they were Call of Duty fans, whether they played the beta and if they were frustrated with the beta. You can see the full list of questions above.
lol stay classy EA! Glad to see them trying to bring the gaming media into such a prestigious position!

Salazar said:
I mainly keep to AusGAF, football, and Kpop now. Which suits me down to the ground. Best threads.
Thumbs up on the new avatar too dude.

Bernbaum said:
What is this and how can I inject it into my system!??
Means missing edited posts which was a dealbreaker for me. Very handy aside from that though. Also had some refresh problems but it could have been the version of Chrome I was using.

RandomVince said:
Oh and I'm disappointed cpp_is_dumb isnt taking any of anyones bait at all in the batman DLC fiasco thread.
Probably too busy having a candlelight vigil outside the WB offices singing Kumbaya hoping people will lend their time to helping get those poor publishers through this stressful time, especially if they have to waste precious money appeasing us stupid consumers!

Fredescu said:
Someone needs to make a Bloodbowl equivalent of FIFA so the people that are usually "eww sports" can see how good these games are mechanically.
Still love the street series games EA did with the NBA and FIFA franchises last gen. Maybe NFL Blitz is an indication we will see them pop up again on the stores.

Bernbaum said:
I once played a complete season of Fifa 2003 on Gamecube as Arsenal on the easiest setting and blitzed every game 10-0. It's the only Fifa I've played for more than an hour.
lol same here. Came with the Gamecube I bought off Ebay in 2005. Thankfully another res unit had an Xbox and the latest FIFA so there were plenty of 2 player battles. Top Spin was great fun too.

Choc said:
Question. Should reviewers have reviewed batman WITHOUT the content for catwoman
my opinion is yes.
Nope. Reviewers should review the game available for sale when the review is available to be read by the consumer. Same reason that GOTY edition reviews in my mind are a viable thing to do. Make reference to the fact that the content is only for new copies or those with a code, same with when you review future DLC. Should people not review The Missing Link DLC for DE3 because it isn't part of the game? People want to know if that content is WORTH getting. Ignoring the Catwoman missions doesn't INFORM me, so I won't have all the information needed to make a complete decision. I want to know if it is worth the extra money if I need to buy a code.

Also who gives a shit about numbers aside from being a general metric to whether a game is: shit, okay, fantastic.


Fredescu said:

Ehhhhhh. I don't necessarily disagree with him for a lot of cases, but his whole argument seems to boil down to "It's free - why wouldn't you pirate?"

If people weren't paying money for those subscription packages to watch the EPL, chances you wouldn't be able to get all those free streams on the internet. And complaining about it in Australia is pretty rich. For $50 a month (cost of basic Foxtel + Sport) you get heaps of matches. They even show five at once!

When it comes to a defence of piracy (in this case, music piracy), I much prefer this article. I've read through it three or four times now: http://www.demonbaby.com/blog/2007/10/when-pigs-fly-death-of-oink-birth-of.html


Fuck, posting after reptile. My e-peen feels tiny :(

midonnay said:
Did I not post that here? Maybe just Twitter. Hm.

BanShunsaku said:
Listening to old CDs from the 90s.

One Headlight by the Wallflowers is still an awesome song.

Next up is Spin Doctors - Two Princes.

Play some Hootie! Maybe after that, hit up some Arrested Development. Mr. Wendel was a pretty cool song.
Dead Man said:
I agree with his TV points, so much. Can't really agree with the rest. I would love a non iTunes online music store though.
I would prefer just to download straight from the musician, like in the recent releases by Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails.
Paypal them some money, get an email link, download and done. 100% of the money goes to the source and cutting out the middle men makes it much, much cheaper for the consumer.

Dead Man

reptilescorpio said:
I would prefer just to download straight from the musician, like in the recent releases by Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails.
Paypal them some money, get an email link, download and done. 100% of the money goes to the source and cutting out the middle men makes it much, much cheaper for the consumer.
Yeah, the difficulty with that is the lack of a centralised promotion space. I do prefer it though, I love the way Reznor distributes his work.


legend166 said:
his whole argument seems to boil down to "It's free - why wouldn't you pirate?"
I don't know where you got that from. His "whole argument" seems to be that content owners are doing such a terrible job at distribution that piracy has naturally arisen.

reptilescorpio said:
I would prefer just to download straight from the musician, like in the recent releases by Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails.
Paypal them some money, get an email link, download and done. 100% of the money goes to the source and cutting out the middle men makes it much, much cheaper for the consumer.
Easy for the guys that have already been heavily marketed by major labels already.
Oh balls! Enter Shikari are coming here for Soundwave. And I just told the gf last night that I didn't want tickets for my birthday because I probably wouldn't have time to go. ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
Ah well, sideshow here I come!

Dead Man said:
Yeah, the difficulty with that is the lack of a centralised promotion space.
I like to look at something like Pitchfork and think of the kind of effective promotional strategy that could come from a network of sites that operate in such a manner, but working with artists independent of the concern of revenue raising. It would be complicated to keep the kind of bias and moneyhating that is evident in all other media out of it but since the party that is interested in getting their music heard is singular and unrelated to organisations that spend huge amounts of time and money trying to squeeze every dollar hopefully a way can be found.

Triple J is a great promoter of music across most genres and even do their best to help out the little guys.
A way can be found. I know it can work.
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