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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


reptilescorpio said:
I liked PCPP's 100 point scale as a kid but now it just seems silly for some to be a 98 and others to be a 94. At least a 5 star system can manipulate a reviewers mind into thinking of the process as more of an overall review, which hopefully means a 3.5 is for a good game regardless of genre and hype. Works well with most of the music review places I frequent. Usually the places that use the 100 or 10 scales are the ones where fanboy fights start. Sometimes I would prefer a 3 scale (shit, okay, great) scale but when you are throwing down $90 some people would need a more defined figure to feel comfortable, even though they should just read the damn review in the first place. Kotaku do it right (or did it right a year or two ago) with just putting in PROs and CONs.

I'm increasingly more annoyed at number scales, yeah... words words words! It's all about the words!


Jintor said:
I'm increasingly more annoyed at number scales, yeah... words words words! It's all about the words!

Convince the Goose to dump them and you will have done well young Jintor


Choc said:
Convince the Goose to dump them and you will have done well young Jintor

Might be viable for Powerplay since the flow of games is so much smaller than that of Hyper and is largely indie to boot, but still, you know, mags + ads + publishers = meh

Gazunta said:
Kids will hate the idea of dropping scores because kids like to compare games like they're comparing football teams.

Football teams are all playing football. Games are doing all kinds of wacky shit.


viciouskillersquirrel said:
AFR and The Australian in their current online forms aren't offering that, certainly not at the prices they're charging.

I'd pay a dollar a month for confused Barnaby Joyce op eds about how

a) The Enlightenment was fabbo
b) This is a Christian nation, dammit
Gazunta said:
Kids will hate the idea of dropping scores because kids like to compare games like they're comparing football teams.
Thing is /10 scores and /100 scores make them seem more like marks you'd get in an exam rather than a product review. In a school exam, if you got by on 65%, you're either one of the dumb kids or one of the lazy ones. If you got a 3-star movie review, on the other hand, you've made a reasonably entertaining movie.


VOOK said:
The whole idea of renting a game though is slowly going out the window.

Renting still seems to be pretty big in the US. They even have those subscription companies like GameFly where you pay a monthly fee.


I want a tag give me a tag
VOOK said:
The whole idea of renting a game though is slowly going out the window.

My stepdad and I rented a new xbox game almost like every fortnight for a few years.. the local video shop has gone through tough times thoiugh and stopped buying new games :(


Gamefly and Netflix is the new era of renting I think. Still, I don't know enough about them to make any huge declarations.

I think the reason I dislike number scales is that they all imply some kind of super objective scale to which you can apply likes and dislikes when, obviously, everything is seriously subjective. The best you can do is in reality recommend things, and even then, only with caveats.


Jintor said:
Gamefly and Netflix is the new era of renting I think. Still, I don't know enough about them to make any huge declarations.

I think the reason I dislike number scales is that they all imply some kind of super objective scale to which you can apply likes and dislikes when, obviously, everything is seriously subjective. The best you can do is in reality recommend things, and even then, only with caveats.

perhaps the dumbest example of why scores are shit is that people keep pulling out the ign imagine babiez review when ign doesnt like a game

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
As far as Batman goes, it's hard to say. It just felt a whole lot less focused than Asylum. The whole premises was all kinds of hokey, the different pieces of the puzzle all lead nowhere (anti-climatic ending), the riddler stuff was so oversaturated that they lost all meaning to me, the writing was waaaay too hammy for my tastes and, as a result of both how any gadgets you have and how thoroughly they exhausted most of their good ideas in Asylum, even the design felt a little bit more like Gears of War 2 as opposed to Gears of War 1. There was more of it. It was bigger. It seemed to think it was cooler. But it was just more, at the expense or focus, you know?

Maybe I'm just infected by Dark Souls and have become one of those guys. I was left totally unsatisfied. It went in one ear and out the other.


What UC3 is next week??

Madness. That means I need to make time to finish it so I get it out of my system before exams.
commanderdeek said:
What UC3 is next week??

Madness. That means I need to make time to finish it so I get it out of my system before exams.

November 3rd Deek!

Cinematic-ness of the game makes me feel like i should play it through in 1 sitting and i think i shall.


Marshmellow said:
November 3rd Deek!

Cinematic-ness of the game makes me feel like i should play it through in 1 sitting and i think i shall.
Probably what I'll do as well.

Damn, the second half of this year has flown by real quick. Releases keep creeping up on me!


reptilescorpio said:
Kotaku do it right (or did it right a year or two ago) with just putting in PROs and CONs.
Given the usual caveats that need to be considered with all things Kotaku, I liked that approach. The only problem is that the writers are required list both pros AND cons and seeing a column of red text the same size as the column of red text presents an unrealistic 'balancing' of the game's true quality.

The core information required for whether a reader should consider purchasing a game should lie within the body of the text. It's lazy, but a lot of people jump instantly to the end of a review and look for the 9.5/10; A-; Buy/Rent/Miss section of a review and use that to guide their purchasing decisions. If you have 20+ hours to put into a game, surely you can spend 5 minutes reading the salient details of what makes a game worth playing.

Quick looks remain the best reviews. They're pure: here's exactly how the game plays, and this is how an experienced gamer responds to it.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
When I went to EB last week to pick up the last copy of Skylanders in the city on Wii for the girlfriend I found the most interesting girl.

She asked if we needed help, I had rung previously to say to hold the copy and we'd be in 20 minutes. I said, I rang earlier I'm here to pick up the Skylanders, no words she turns to the other interesting like dress kid working there asking about it and he says it's out the back etc.

She goes to walk off but this older asian guy who bought a stack of second hand 360 games pushes in front of us and mumbles something about his princess game or something not being in there. Whatever rude old dude, who cares. But instead of saying 'Sorry I'm serving this devilishly handsome man' she just kinda forgets we exists for the next 10 minutes attending to the rude Asian guy instead.

Over the next ten minutes as I'm waiting in the this shop I watch and when she talks to this guy about this game that she's misplaced or given him incorrectly she doesn't even look at him in the eye, is half falling asleep. Obviously she's hung over or still recovering from the night, but it gets worse. Her eye twitches, her speech slurs. Oh she's got about 4 different club stamps on her wrist too. Eventually by the end of it she looks like she's about to die.

But never mind that the other guy serves us and we're on our way.

Pretty sure that girl at EB is dead now. At least until next weekend of course!

TLDR; Girl working on a Sunday is so shitfaced/stoned/on crack from the weekend from the last night she looks like she's going to die and is at work.

TLDR Part 2: I'm bored at work.


Bernbaum said:
Quick looks remain the best reviews. They're pure: here's exactly how the game plays, and this is how an experienced gamer responds to it.

Doesn't work for genres that they don't normally play though.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
jambo said:
Doesn't work for genres that they don't normally play though.
Spose. Their Dark Souls QL sold me on the game, though.


I just remember watching a few recently where they made the games look a lot worse than if someone who knew what they were doing was playing.


quicklooks work because a picture says 1000 words

if u dont like what tehy are saying, turn the sound off

watch the game



Rez said:
Spose. Their Dark Souls QL sold me on the game, though.
It put me off it. I mean, it looks great, but I don't have the time/patience/spare controllers to break to start playing. I totally get what fans love about Demons/Dark Souls though.


The shortfallings of SotC are, as expected, much more visible on what must be my fifth or sixth playthrough of the game. The atmosphere and minimalist unveiling of the narrative don't really carry through multiple plays like how Ico managed to do.


Forza 4 remains the best thing since sliced bread. The wireless speed wheel, as stupid as it looks, is a competent if compromised means of playing the game. It will never replace a proper wheel/pedal setup, but is damn near ideal for the casual player like me. I'd say it's worth the $60 but try and get it in the FM4 bundle for $120.


Did Gears of War 3 happen? Those were great games - surely Gears 3 is just as fun? It's a huge franchise but seems to have fallen off the radar. I'll have to play it before Uncharted 3 hits.
I remember visiting Brisbane as a young lad and being bewildered by every fucking shop being closed on Sundays, with the exception of corner stores.

Somewhat related memory: Staying with my Grandad for a couple of weeks (who lived 10 mins walk from Garden City) and seeing a movie every day just to get out of the heat. We would stay with him every year on Christmas holidays and spend most of our time wandering aimlessly around Garden City.

Good times.


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
RandomVince said:
Vook is lying because WA shuts down on Sundays.


midonnay said:
city shops are open on sunday....


And this weekend Karrinup and The Park Centre were both open, but this was one of the city stories.


Bash out two previews tonight and then start researching in earnest for the Social/Cultural implications of New Media Technologies in the area of Intellectual Property! My favourite! (Not kidding)
Reminds me of how I walked into EB the other day, bought Layton and the Lost Future and the girl asked me if I had a 3DS. I said yes, but that mine was imported from the US, so I couldn't buy local games. She suggested I trade in my system to buy an Aussie one and I was like "..."

EDIT: Ban, your story reminds me of my wife's grandfather. He also lived 10 minutes from Garden City (walking) and used to work as a projectionist so they would take them to the movies a lot as well.

You and my wife might be cousins!
viciouskillersquirrel said:
Reminds me of how I walked into EB the other day, bought Layton and the Lost Future and the girl asked me if I had a 3DS. I said yes, but that mine was imported from the US, so I couldn't buy local games. She suggested I trade in my system to buy an Aussie one and I was like "..."

EDIT: Ban, your story reminds me of my wife's grandfather. He also lived 10 minutes from Garden City (walking) and used to work as a projectionist so they would take them to the movies a lot as well.

You and my wife might be cousins!

Or I might be your wife!



viciouskillersquirrel said:
Reminds me of how I walked into EB the other day, bought Layton and the Lost Future and the girl asked me if I had a 3DS. I said yes, but that mine was imported from the US, so I couldn't buy local games. She suggested I trade in my system to buy an Aussie one and I was like "..."

Oh, the stupidest thing seen at EB Expo was easily the in-show EB store. People spending time waiting in line at a show they're paid cash money to attend so they can purchase games at RRP.

Completely perplexing. Guess its people like those guys that keep the conventional retail sector in business.
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