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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults

AusGAF, do any of you fine gentlemen ride a bicycle to work?

I've just been gifted one from my boss, and have started doing the commute on it (about 8km) but if anyone has any beginner's advice that could help with the whole not being hit by a car and killed thing it would be appreciated.
Hey you guuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuys....
People here like podcasts right? Everyone had heard GFW Radio and Idle Thumbs right? If you haven't checked out Idle Thumbs here is a sampler to get a taste. Also Chris Remo has been working at Irrational Games (with Shawn Elliot from GFW Radio as well) for quite some time and does podcasts for them, the latest is with Guillermo Del Toro!

RandomVince said:
Someone get choc to make the thread on it.
I don't think people in Gaming would take kindly to another Choc thread so soon. Still some interesting stuff going on in the Skyrim video one...

OneMoreQuestion said:
Just learned via Ecogamer that Uncharted 3 Special Edition can be had for $78 at Harvey Norman. Gonna price match at EB :D
Oh fuck yes! I wonder if Harvey Norman will break street date. Hopefully yes. And today. Since no-one will expect it with all the horseshoe dealies going on.
BanShunsaku said:
AusGAF, do any of you fine gentlemen ride a bicycle to work?

I've just been gifted one from my boss, and have started doing the commute on it (about 8km) but if anyone has any beginner's advice that could help with the whole not being hit by a car and killed thing it would be appreciated.
Get a horse.


reptilescorpio said:
Also Chris Remo has been working at Irrational Games (with Shawn Elliot from GFW Radio as well) for quite some time and does podcasts for them, the latest is with Guillermo Del Toro!
I've listened to some of the irrational podcasts, and to me they come off as awful marketing.

They get someone well respected to talk about what they do, then inevitably the hosts bring up Bioshock themselves.
"That reminds me of how in Bioshock..."
"Thats something in _______ which we looked at in Bioshock..."

Comes off rather crass IMO.
Looking for cross-media legitimacy. Lame.

Is the GFW podcast relistenable like Idle Thumbs is?


BanShunsaku said:
AusGAF, do any of you fine gentlemen ride a bicycle to work?

I've just been gifted one from my boss, and have started doing the commute on it (about 8km) but if anyone has any beginner's advice that could help with the whole not being hit by a car and killed thing it would be appreciated.
Drivers can be vague. Drivers can be selfish bastards. Be careful.

Some random advice...

If you can see someone inside a parked car beside the road then give them a good door-width berth because odds are they haven't seen you and running into their door is painful (and will also happily take parts of your bike off - I lost a crank handle to a door once, with my foot in the stirrup).

Make eye contact with drivers. If you haven't made eye contact and they're looking like they might turn in front of you or something then be prepared to stop very suddenly.

Lane split as infrequently as possible, especially in slow traffic - cars will sometimes turn or change lanes without indicating and you will hit one.

Don't run lights - it pisses drivers off no end. For that matter, avoiding pissing drivers off is a good idea; some of them are hot headed fucktards who don't seem to understand the idea that they're encased in a ton of metal that will kill you.

Mostly be very aware of what's going on around you and you'll be fine.

Oh and if you're in Melbourne then avoid tram tracks in the rain :)


but ever so delicious
Where are you guys going to bet? I'm thinking of throwing a few $$ on the horse just for shits and giggles.

I've never had a bet in my life so i'm totally lost.


Speaking of cycling, I have run into the back of a parked car due to a complete lack of attention before and hit it so hard I smashed the back windscreen with my head (helmets ftw!).

Poor people were off on their honeymoon in that car the next day :~(


driving is scary enough in melb....couldn't imagine riding a bike in this madness ._.

check your brakes, once I went out and didn't know that they had failed.......until riding down a huge hill.

Nearly got flattened by a car :/


legend166 said:
I like how AusGAF took over that thread for one page and one page only, then everyone just ignored it and moved on.

GAF > Superior GAF > GAF?

Also LOL at Kris and Kim Kardashian filing for divorce after 72 days. I hope they enjoy the millions they made in that time.
On cycling, if you have a bike lane, use it but don't think you're invincible. Motorists in Australia seem to hate cyclists with a passion, or, at the very least, are totally oblivious to them.

We spent all day cycling in Kyoto without helmets on busy roads and wasn't concerned at all for my safety. In Melbourne I'm often terrified.
Thanks for all the cycling tips guys, it is definitely going to take some time to build up my confidence! Inner West of Sydney is not really made for bikes, so many narrow streets!
Jintor said:
Ahhhhh this essay made a lot more sense while I was still half asleep

Have you read any essays that you've written in the past and immediately think 'who the hell wrote this?'

It's funny how you get into that groove when writing, and forget everything about it later on.


Stupid kids left a couple of candy wrappers at my doorstep. I got tricked!


OneMoreQuestion said:
Just learned via Ecogamer that Uncharted 3 Special Edition can be had for $78 at Harvey Norman. Gonna price match at EB :D
Awesome, thanks for that:)


EVERYBODY needs to watch Children's Hospital. All these people make at least one (if not more) appearances:
Nick Kroll
Chris Elliott
Rob Corddry
Ken Marino
Megan Mullally
Nick Offerman
The guy who plays Andre in The League in a fake ad for NTSF:SD:SUV:: as a SWAT guy

It's awesome, in the same vein as Eagleheart. Perfect Cup Day viewing.

Oh, and fuck that kid/those kids who were apparently drunk, speeding, in a stolen 4x4 and rolled it. It may be inappropriate to say, but I'm fucking glad they didn't take anyone else out with them.


lol @ justin

what a twat, completely missed the point of my post

i said, its not professional for a video games writer to post a video like that because it implies a level of bias and as legend said a feeling you are going into it thinking TEN OUT OF TEN straight away

what i did NOT say was that he should not review it. I said i belive that based on that video i will not trust a glowing review if he writes one. I never said HE particularly shouldn't review it because he loved Oblivion

The point is, he made a dumb fucking video and it was unprofessional. If he doesn't get that, then he is a moron


critic, journalist, writer who gives a fuck. You are still supposed to be someone who you can trust for valid information about a game
Haven't seen it mentioned here yet, did anyone hear about Abbot not wanting to change question time so that MPs could watch the Melbourne Cup?
Choc said:
critic, journalist, writer who gives a fuck. You are still supposed to be someone who you can trust for valid information about a game
When you stop thinking of Joystiq staff as journalists and instead as people who run a fansite, your expectations suddenly change a lot.


What you're saying Choc is that journalists can't have enthusiast lifestyles as well? Should I stop posting about how I really like certain franchises and not other ones? Are words less powerful than an obviously over-dramatised video of him holding Skyrim?

And I hope you responded to him, not just to us
Damn PC guy was open but had ordered the non-heatsink variety of RAM I wanted and was asking for the same price (well, he wanted an extra $10 before I produced the quote he gave me). Will order online and never have to step foot in there again which is nice. Got the SSD and 212+ so I will just pilfer a stick of RAM from my current setup (maybe I should have checked to see if it is compatible) to try and get it running today at least.

Sutton Dagger said:
So anyone got some tips for the cup today? Should I just put $20 on Americane as it seems to be the raging favourite?
Keep that $20 in your pocket or spend it on a game. $20 lost is $20 lost.

Kerrby said:
GAF > Superior GAF > GAF?

Also LOL at Kris and Kim Kardashian filing for divorce after 72 days. I hope they enjoy the millions they made in that time.
She spent $1 million on the cake. Only 1/4 of it was touched. They literally threw away $750,000.


Choc said:
lol @ justin

what a twat, completely missed the point of my post

Lol, go defend yourself in your actual thread - seems like you haven't even posted in it since you bailed on the second page.
Since I'm still sick (four days and counting) I've decided to make a start on some of my Steam backlog.

Portal 2, Machinarium, Beyond Good & Evil or Sequence?

Bear in mind, it will probably take a few hours to download Portal 2.


ive kept an eye on the thread and it seems about 50/50 in views

jintor you can be an enthusiast. Posting a video of yourself dancing with an unreleased game you going to review isn't good from a professional perspective.

it's like margeret and david dancing on the fucking stage because their fave film just got a sequel. IT WOULDN'T HAPPEN


Incoherent thoughts on Gears of Wear 3, presented through the medium of bullet points, interspersed with images of Pierce Brosnan.

• The single player is bloody good.

• The run-cover-shoot mechanic was at risk of being stale. After five years of Gears games, and many imitators on the market, it managed to feel fresh.


• That ‘freshness’ is due in part to the new enemy types and well thought-out level design. It’s linear as fuck, and when you walk into an arena full of ammo and low-lying cover, you know what’s gonna happen but it still works. Firefights feel like they’re the most dynamic they’ve ever been in the series, with an almost Halo-like level of flexibility to how each confrontation can be approached.

• It’s kinda easy. I should have played it on hardcore first time around.

• The friendly AI is good. Too good, almost. Squadmates will more than hold their own against hordes of enemies, and many sections of the game can be completed with minimal input from Marcus.


• Always having squadmates around to revive you means that the player never feels at risk of dying throughout the entire game (on ‘normal’ at least). I’ll need to play on Hardcore to see if that differs.

• Conventional turret sections (ie: gattling guns with infinite ammo) are a bore but kept to a minimum.


• Artillery sections are shallow, but hey, cool explosions.

• Cutting dudes in half with the Lancer is boring now.

• Sniping Locust in the face with the longshot is NEVER boring, even after five years.

• Australian accents lol.


• The story is stupid, but perfect for this kind of game. Characters die, and even though the player will feel minimal emotional response to their passing (lol, it’s Gears!) the way in which the scenes are presented are effective and fit the dopey bombast for these kinds of shooters.

• It’s surpisingly cutscene heavy, especially towards the end.


• It’s dudebro as all fuck. I listen to the Decemberists and Sleater-Kinney, wear designer glasses and drink tea from a fancy teapot with an Argyle tea cosy, but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy Gears.

• It’s the best single-player Gears game, easily. I’m worried it got lost in the mix this year and that people would be tired of Gears by now. Do yourselves a favour and play it.


jintor i think there is a difference between someone saying they like something (this is obviously not bad, and is a good thing)

and someone recording themselves in a fucking stupid video showing off they have the new game
I concur with Bern's assessment of GoW3.

There's one blonde girl, i think in chapter 3, who's mainly heard on an intercom. She sounds like she should be asking for a price check on shampoo.

However, I played Rage straight after GoW3 and liked it a bit more.

Waiting for UC3 to break street. Will play the SP only which will be complimented by MP only in BF3.



well you can't bloody shit all over game journalists saying they are unprofessional and shit when you say its ok for them to do something that dumb

he should have waited to post the review to post the video.

just my opinion

they can like games, but i think it gives a perceived view to the reader that the review can't be trusted
My friend recommended I watch this show about a martial artist that goes to different countries to learn their styles and it's on SBS. I'm trying to watch the video now but it won't work, can someone test to see if the issue is on my end?

SBS video
Sutton Dagger said:
My friend recommended I watch this show about a martial artist that goes to different countries to learn their styles and it's on SBS. I'm trying to watch the video now but it won't work, can someone test to see if the issue is on my end?

SBS video
Looks fine to me.
So I loaded up BG&E for the first time, played 15 minutes and had to turn it off. Holy headache-inducing graphical glitchiness, batman!

My PC runs Bioshock at max settings at like 600fps. How does this even happen?


ClivePwned said:
There's one blonde girl, i think in chapter 3, who's mainly heard on an intercom. She sounds like she should be asking for a price check on shampoo.
I'm not sure what makes Aussie accents stand out so much in games. From memory, there's Gears 3, Uncharted 2, and the Halo games where I've heard a bit of ocker in the VA.

Whether it's because the accents are bad/exaggerated, or whether it clashes so strongly with the usual mix of American accents, I'm not really sure. I'd be interested to hear a non-Australian's take on Aussie accents in games.


i managed to post in here about coldplay without being told lol thats shit why you listen to that

how about...

florence and the machine? any fans?
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