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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


After reading a couple reviews (namely Edge and Eurogamer), I was turned off Dead Island. To be fair, it didn't take much as that style of open world sandbox game play doesn't jive with me. Most of the user impressions are far more glowing than the aforementioned reviews though.

And you guys are kind of niggling away at that part of the brain that says 'go on, do it'...
If anyone else wants to jump on the Dead Island deal, be sure to PM me and I'll give you a referral link for an extra $5 credit to your account. :)


Paying for prostitutes or whatever is one thing. I kinda expect that kinda stuff from politicians >.<

But stealing groceries! They make over 100k!


Hard Reset, whatcha all thinking? The GB quick look was pretty good, and initial impressions in gaming side are also pretty positive.


Marshmellow said:
I am the same Bern, maybe we should start a group!
Yeah, we'll start a group that talks about games yet doesn't play them. Just to be ironic, we'll call it AusGAF.

Agyar said:
The one group I want to join and I just don't have time.
Aren't you living the supermodel lifestyle right now? You've figured out the sleeping-in part of the job description, if only your face didn't look like a monkeybutt you'd be set.

markot said:
Paying for prostitutes or whatever is one thing. I kinda expect that kinda stuff from politicians >.<

But stealing groceries! They make over 100k!
I have colleagues (who have partners) that have talked about soliciting prostitutes. It makes me sad.
Bernbaum said:
Yeah, we'll start a group that talks about games yet doesn't play them. Just to be ironic, we'll call it AusGAF.

Aren't you living the supermodel lifestyle right now? You've figured out the sleeping-in part of the job description, if only your face didn't look like a monkeybutt you'd be set.

I have colleagues (who have partners) that have talked about soliciting prostitutes. It makes me sad.

Count me in then!...oh wait. While we are on the topic of talking about games and not playing them. Count me in for some Dead Island this weekend at some point, if i see you playing it expect to get harassed :p

Had to go see mate in hospital last night though, could potentially be serious but i am hoping not.


What the fuck happened on the last page? .__.

I live and breathe AFL, but I'll never understand these stupid fights where you pick one thing out that maybe 1 or 2 players did at a club, like drug addiction, and then label the entire club as drug addicts.

Fucking fanboys.
Jesus, this place turned to shit overnight.

Agh, I went to buy Space Marine and my Paypal account is empty. Well, Big W will be missing out and CD Wow winning unless it somehow transfers in today.

Dead Island looks cool, and I do love me some Fallout styled game, and zombies, but I might wait until it's patched up. It sounds like a mess at the moment. A fun mess, but a mess nonetheless. But I think Space Marine and Rugby Challenge are going to win this week's pay check
I am tempted by the Big W Space Marine deal but I know I will be playing DE HR until Gears 3 comes out. Also I have just received by copies of CoE and RDR: Undead Nightmare from The Hut so it's not as as if I won't have anything to play. Looks like Dead Island and Space Marine will have to wait until bomba pricing. In THQ's case, that's about 2 weeks.


elfinke said:
Hard Reset, whatcha all thinking? The GB quick look was pretty good, and initial impressions in gaming side are also pretty positive.

Screenshots look epic, Eastern European PC shooters are always awesome and there's a demo up on Steam.

Sounds like a recipe for greatness!


elfinke said:
Hard Reset, whatcha all thinking? The GB quick look was pretty good, and initial impressions in gaming side are also pretty positive.
I'm definitely keen. I'm all for F/3PS games that kind of hold your hand for the sake of great flow in a game. Vanquish and Bulletstorm (which I'm yet to put more time into since I bought it) are great for this. I haven't seen footage of Hard Reset, but I get the impression that's more of the same.

Hey AusGAF. Both reptilescorpio and I have recently bought Viva Pinata: Party Animals. I reckon we should organise a group/night when we should all play it, dribble honey all over each other, collect candy and drink soda pop. Who's with me? It's dirt cheap pretty much everywhere and looks like it would be a hell of a lot of fun in multi, but after numerous attempts I'm yet to be quickmatched with anyone on Live.


Space Marine is the Gears of War ripoff isnt it?
I know, Warhammer. What I meant to ask is the game good? Some previews have sounded really promising. Don't hurt me. :(


RandomVince said:
Space Marine is the Gears of War ripoff isnt it?
I know, Warhammer. What I meant to ask is the game good? Some previews have sounded really promising. Don't hurt me. :(


But seriously, I'm getting a really huge WH40K Last Stand vibe off of it, but obviously in 3rd person mode and with a story.



Video of chimps seeing sun for first time after 14 years or something. Article is on the SMH fron tpage if you want to read it. Their faces at around 1.30 was like me logging in here this morning after last night O.O
RandomVince said:
Space Marine is the Gears of War ripoff isnt it?
I know, Warhammer. What I meant to ask is the game good? Some previews have sounded really promising. Don't hurt me. :(

umm. are you really starting this argument? or are you being sarcastic? can't tell.

(i'll assume that your "i know warhammer" means you know it has been around for ages)

game looks good, i don't think it is worth the 90 steam is asking but if u get it for 40 from ozgameshop then yes.
jambo said:
But seriously, I'm getting a really huge WH40K Last Stand vibe off of it, but obviously in 3rd person mode and with a story.
RandomVince said:
Umm, I was referencing ignorance of the Warhammer universe. Sorry for not being clear enough.

Is the game any good?

possibly because of the 4 person co-op last stand mode coming in october? lol jambo

game is pretty much made for warhammer fanboys, if you don't really know/like the warhammer universe and the fluff then im sure it will bore you after a while

Then again it could also get you into and liking the warhammer universe. :D


Marshmellow said:
possibly because of the 4 person co-op last stand mode coming in october? lol jambo

I always play the Space Marine in Last Stand, so when I saw all the in-game footage of the guy rocket jumping around and hitting people with his hammer I instantly though "3PS Last Stand!"
jambo said:
I always play the Space Marine in Last Stand, so when I saw all the in-game footage of the guy rocket jumping around and hitting people with his hammer I instantly though "3PS Last Stand!"

Oh, i personally hate space marines. I play Tyranid or Eldar.

But if its got a warhammer basis i will still enjoy it.


Marshmellow said:
Oh, i personally hate space marines. I play Tyranid or Eldar.

Scum! The blasphemy of the Tyranids is such that only one solution is acceptable. Extermination. Carry the Emperor's will as your torch, with it destroy the shadows.


I think dead island unlocked for gmg keys or something. Launched it last night and felt it was super janky. Like, the ui asked me to do something with a right analog stick, with a picture of a 360 stick. Like, what.

Also, I kinda get the feeling that the kirrby thing will solve itself. Kinda not in a spot to care at the moment. He seems nice enough when assholes like me and holy don't egg him on.
Sutton Dagger said:
WTF Dead Island just unlocked for me? Going to check it out now.

I noticed this as well. I too bought it from GMG and it's unlocked despite Steam saying it's got another 22 hours until being unlocked. I've been somewhat hesitant to play it though as I'm not sure what the policy is for games being played prior to their release date.


Kritz said:
I think dead island unlocked for gmg keys or something. Launched it last night and felt it was super janky. Like, the ui asked me to do something with a right analog stick, with a picture of a 360 stick. Like, what.

Also, I kinda get the feeling that the kirrby thing will solve itself. Kinda not in a spot to care at the moment. He seems nice enough when assholes like me and holy don't egg him on.

Kritz you need the steam patch. They put a 360 debug build online lol


Actually, reading more into that thread, it's like the polar opposite, the complete inverse of the 3DS threads from yesterday.

But still still not enough to balance out the crazy.


Marshmellow said:
possibly because of the 4 person co-op last stand mode coming in october? lol jambo

game is pretty much made for warhammer fanboys, if you don't really know/like the warhammer universe and the fluff then im sure it will bore you after a while

Then again it could also get you into and liking the warhammer universe. :D

Ive never really had an interest in WH, but I never really gave a flying fuck about fantasy stories until I started reading ASOIAF, so I'm happy to reconsider standpoints on various genres.

My loose understanding of WH is that it has two "franchises" - an ancient orcs vs humans type, and a more futuristic one with mechs and other races (kind of like starcraft, but probably the inspiration for starcraft?)

I also get a loose 'Dune' theme from it.

So what's the basic appeal of the universe? Is it the tabletop game, painting figures etc, or is it more to do with the stories and mythos?


RandomVince said:
and a more futuristic one with mechs and other races (kind of like starcraft, but probably the inspiration for starcraft?)


Starcraft is a rip-off of WH40K

Warhammer is Humans, Dwarfs, High Elves, Wood Elves, Dark Elves, Orcs, the Undead, Lizardmen, Ogres and other fantasy monsters.

Warhammer 40K is the Imperium of Man, the forces of Chaos, the various Eldar races, the Necrons, the Tyranids and the Tau Empire.
RandomVince said:
Ive never really had an interest in WH, but I never really gave a flying fuck about fantasy stories until I started reading ASOIAF, so I'm happy to reconsider standpoints on various genres.

My loose understanding of WH is that it has two "franchises" - an ancient orcs vs humans type, and a more futuristic one with mechs and other races (kind of like starcraft, but probably the inspiration for starcraft?)

I also get a loose 'Dune' theme from it.

So what's the basic appeal of the universe? Is it the tabletop game, painting figures etc, or is it more to do with the stories and mythos?

ignoring the fantasy (orcs/humans). the other 2 sides of appeal are the combination of tabletop/modelling/painting which i really only enjoy the tabletop aspect of, my mate paints my units. Then there is the fluff/lore aspect, which sadly one of my house-mate's can pretty much tell you anything you could ever think to ask off-hand.

But to the point at hand, space marine the game basically tries to reflect what it is to be a space marine and what they are all about, obviously incorporating a fair bit of the lore behind the ultramarines chapter (which you play as).
space marine = you wear power armour, you are a boss, you have a chainsword to slice things with and you have a bolter pistol which essentially shoots mini rocket bullets that explode things. its fun. :p


jambo said:

Starcraft is a rip-off of WH40K

That's what I was saying! :(

I reckon it's pretty interesting how upon reading the description of WH, it becomes quite obvious how much other series seem to have drawn inspiration from it. Gears, Starcraft, Too Human for starters all seem to have elements of it.

I'm probably going to give the demo a go. Havent tried *anything* in the series so it might be worthwhile having a look at it. There's always some appeal to coming across an old, in depth universe with lots of backstory behind it.


RandomVince said:
That's what I was saying! :(

I know, I know. It's just StarCraft is such a blatant rip-off, it really grinds my gears.

Zerg = Tyranids

Protoss = Eldar

Terrans = Imperium
Alright I have some impressions of Dead Island after 30min of playing.

- Better with controller. You can change the attacking controls from digital (press the button to hit) to analog (holding LT will ready the attack then it is directed with the analog stick). It feels more difficult to use analog but it allows for more precision and feels really impact-full.

- I think it looks awesome. I'm playing with max settings at 2560x1440 and its pretty much locked at 60 with only small, unnoticeable dips into the 50's, pretty impressed.

- Seems like it is going to be a massive open world, with heaps of loot, I take my time with these sort of games so I imagine it's going to take a while.

- Only gripe I have is related to the FOV. Now I play console games and have never noticed FOV issues that PC gamers complain about but something weird is going on. I have never experienced motion sickness before, but I think I'm feeling slightly nausea from playing Dead Island... It feels like the view is really zoomed in.

I took heaps of Screens in Steam, how do I link my profile so that you guys can check them out? *Warning: They are at 2560x1440 res.
Sutton Dagger said:
Alright I have some impressions of Dead Island after 30min of playing.

- Better with controller. You can change the attacking controls from digital (press the button to hit) to analog (holding LT will ready the attack then it is directed with the analog stick). It feels more difficult to use analog but it allows for more precision and feels really impact-full.

- I think it looks awesome. I'm playing with max settings at 2560x1440 and its pretty much locked at 60 with only small, unnoticeable dips into the 50's, pretty impressed.

- Seems like it is going to be a massive open world, with heaps of loot, I take my time with these sort of games so I imagine it's going to take a while.

- Only gripe I have is related to the FOV. Now I play console games and have never noticed FOV issues that PC gamers complain about but something weird is going on. I have never experienced motion sickness before, but I think I'm feeling slightly nausea from playing Dead Island... It feels like the view is really zoomed in.

I took heaps of Screens in Steam, how do I link my profile so that you guys can check them out? *Warning: They are at 2560x1440 res.

Thanks Sutton, all sounding really good! can't wait for the weekend
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