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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults

Dead Man

codswallop said:
Outlets that don't play 'fair' are denied access to previews, interviews, exclusives and so on. Less content means fewer page views means less money.

The only place off the top of my head that can choose advertisers and say what they want is Penny Arcade. It wasn't like that for a long time thing, they had to put in some hard yards first though.
That's just it though. You don't get to be respected by doing the easy things.


The only place off the top of my head that can choose advertisers and say what they want is Penny Arcade. It wasn't like that for a long time thing, they had to put in some hard yards first though.

And that's because their primary profit generator (that is, the thing that brings them clicks/impressions/pageviews that they can sell to advertisers) isn't news or previews or reviews, or dependent on what publishers can give them. They drive their own content. Enthusiast press, past a certain audience level are enslaved to publishers if they want to continuing growing and maintaining revenue.
Dead Man said:
That's just it though. You don't get to be respected by doing the easy things.
The real point is that you can't compete with the big guys unless you play the same game they're playing. I'm sure when IGN, Kotaku, whoever else started they were thinking the same thing you guys are thinking now. When (if) you the big its hard to stay true to your roots.

Jintor said:
And that's because their primary profit generator (that is, the thing that brings them clicks/impressions/pageviews that they can sell to advertisers) isn't news or previews or reviews, or dependent on what publishers can give them.
I know PA doesn't really fit into the discussion, but they're the only gaming site I can think of that can say what they want and still get the same people to clamour to advertise with them.


FallbackPants said:
I guess not right now but they should. If you look at why people don't like the games media at a place like GAF the main reason is a lack of trust. I think most people understand difference of opinions, but they've been burnt by stories of reviews and previews being sold.

If a media outlet got a reputation for giving frank and fearless reviews people would take them more seriously. What is big gaming (patent pending) going to do? Not give them a review copy? Oh well, just go and buy the damn thing. You might be a day late, but if it's good enough people will wait. Actually they probably wouldn't. Maybe try and line up a back room deal with a store. Man, I really want to do this now. If I had any business knowledge or time I would.

And that's not even getting me started on the fact games media don't actually report news beyond new games being announced.

I have to agree with all of this.

Games media, by and large, have dug their own hole long ago. Nepotism, incompetence, turning a blind eye to glaring flaws and reviewing according to expectations from PR/publisher pressure have all but completely invalidated the games media.

Hell, Rupert Murdoch would make most of them look like upstanding citizens.

There are exceptions. Ironically, many of them are fan sites and almost all of them are independent sites.

Incidentally, as far as kotaku goes: I trust serrels. I dont trust kotaku.

Although who do I trust? In order: Retro Gamer (no publisher pressure). Games TM. Edge. After that, its the odd fan site.


codswallop said:
I know PA doesn't really fit into the discussion, but they're the only gaming site I can think of that can say what they want and still get the same people to clamour to advertise with them.

I would say that RPS is the better example, but I have no idea about relevant audience numbers, profit, advertising deals etc.

There are exceptions. Ironically, many of them are fan sites and almost all of them are independent sites.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but how is it ironic? The further you get from centralised sources the less institutional bias/pressure is likely to fall upon you.
Jintor said:
I would say that RPS is the better example, but I have no idea about relevant audience numbers, profit, advertising deals etc.
I only cited PA because they specifically explained once how they were selective about advertisers and only allowed products they believed in to be advertised on their site, and on the condition they could write what they wanted about it. And their site always had advertising.


codswallop said:
I only cited PA because they specifically explained once how they were selective about advertisers and only allowed products they believed in to be advertised on their site, and on the condition they could write what they wanted about it. And their site always had advertising.

I know, they'd be a fantastic example if their content relied primarily on publisher-provided content (I know it does, but not in an exclusive-access aspect, only as goods on the market).


Jintor said:
I'm not disagreeing with you, but how is it ironic? The further you get from centralised sources the less institutional bias/pressure is likely to fall upon you.

Look at GAF as an example. The most biased sources of info you will find are dedicated fans of the series. Or platform. Just check any Uncharted 3 thread for example. So in that sense its unusual to find dedicated platform sites that arent run but kittonwy type nutbags.


RandomVince said:
Look at GAF as an example. The most biased sources of info you will find are dedicated fans of the series. Or platform. Just check any Uncharted 3 thread for example. So in that sense its unusual to find dedicated platform sites that arent run but kittonwy type nutbags.

Ah, I see what you mean. I guess the trick is to get fan-made sites that are run with... let's call it 'journalistic integrity'. Stuff like Vooks.


Jintor said:
Ah, I see what you mean. I guess the trick is to get fan-made sites that are run with... let's call it 'journalistic integrity'. Stuff like Vooks.

Thats one of the few good ones Ive found.

edit: whooo, second palindrome post in the thread.


Ankle is fucked. Dammit.

Faculty having an austerity barbecue tomorrow at uni. I expect an atmosphere the awkwardness of which can only be relieved by beer.


roosters93 said:
Ah ok.
Thought you were referring to the content of the posts.


Salazar said:
Ankle is fucked. Dammit.

Faculty having an austerity barbecue tomorrow at uni. I expect an atmosphere the awkwardness of which can only be relieved by beer.

.Be topical and hold a referendum to leave the Euro Zone. enoZ oruE eht evael ot mudnerefer a dloh dna lacipot eB.

edit: fuck pallindromes. .semordnillap kcuf :tide


Salazar said:
It's our own austerity we are bemoaning/ironically celebrating.

We only theoretically give a toss about Greece.

Is it not a university where you are holding this austerity party? A university art department, of all places, which celebrates the philosophical legacy of the greatest and most progressive ancient civilisation in the history of the world?

You should celebrate that legacy by holding:
1) A referendum and
2) A live tribute to the Battle of Thermopylae

Good luck.


Uncharted 3 is not a 10

that is all.

(played 10 chapters and already seen enough for it not to be a 10 in my eyes)


Halfway through Uncharted 3. It is exceptionally good so far, although it seems lighter on actual gameplay than UC2. Much more melee combat, and firefights aren't as cleverly staged as they were in UC2. Not entirely a bad thing, as the etch-a-sketch aiming just aint a fluid means of engaging with the enemy as it could be.


Any games this year that were a 10, Choc?

I nearly gave Ghost Trick a 10, but Staines gave 999 a 9 and I knew Ghost Trick wasn't quite as good as 999.


So lets check off the big games so far:

Rage: letdown - sewers, driver issues.
Battlefield 3: letdown - campaign, EA.
Batman AC: letdown - Catwoman, corrupt saves.
Uncharted 3: letdown - overrated, aiming issues.
Skyrim: letdown - Bethesda Modus Operandi
Call of Duty MW3: will deliver
Skyward sword: will deliver
Ass Creed: will be rubbish

Guessing the last four of course.

Conclusion: 6 out of 8 AAA games are disappointing. Go for B-tier gems instead (Vanquish, Dark Souls, Xenoblade etc).


Choc said:
Uncharted 3 is not a 10

that is all.

(played 10 chapters and already seen enough for it not to be a 10 in my eyes)
From the impressions I've read, it really picks up following chapter 10. There's still hope!


RandomVince said:
So lets check off the big games so far:

Rage: letdown - sewers, driver issues.
Battlefield 3: letdown - campaign, EA.
Batman AC: letdown - Catwoman, corrupt saves.
Uncharted 3: letdown - overrated, aiming issues.
Skyrim: letdown - Bethesda Modus Operandi
Call of Duty MW3: will deliver
Skyward sword: will deliver
Ass Creed: will be rubbish

Guessing the last four of course.

Conclusion: 6 out of 8 AAA games are disappointing. Go for B-tier gems instead (Vanquish, Dark Souls, Xenoblade etc).
Forza 4?
Getting sick, just in time for the weekend :(

Was there someone here that bought War in the North from GMG? Were you able to activate your key and play?
reptilescorpio said:
Uncharted 3 is very addictive. Had to drag myself to bed. Some incredibly impressive graphical moments.

Same here, just arrived in
for the first time. Even though I had seen the demo of it, the
Chateau escape
was incredible.

reptilescorpio said:
Like fucking clockwork. Bethesda have been predictible for a while now

I'm tempted to buy it just for the boxart. So sexy. That and it is probably cheaper than buying the DLC on its own (I have only bought the Dead Money one so far).
Sorry to keep ignoring the thread for hours after posting.

Of course there is going to be some pain, but having your audience trust you is journalism 101. There are so many sources out there if they don't they'll move on. So you'd have to sit through a long time to build up that rep. But once the audience trusted you publishers would be knocked on your door to try and get you to say their game rocks.

And the reliance on interviews and previews over actual news is a problem with the industry. Instead of a method of keeping developers and publishers honest they've just become a tap for press releases and spin.

But yeah, you wouldn't make any money for quite some time.
im once again calling on ausgaf to suggest movies for me to spend the day watching instead of falling asleep.
todays category, HEIST movies.
all suggestions welcome.


Hi Omi,

We strive to provide the best service for our customers and when it comes to pre-orders we always ensure we have enough stock to fulfil our orders.

We have been informed by the publisher that the Premium version of Elder Scrolls V Skyrim with the cloth map will be in short supply. We are unable to fulfil all of our orders for this version but we have managed to secure additional stock of the version which contains a paper version of the map rather than the cloth map.

We sincerely apologise for this issue and we hope you understand that it is out of our control.

We therefore wish to offer you the following options:

- A full refund - simply reply back to this email and request a refund

- A $5 voucher and receive the game with a paper map

If we don’t hear from you we will ship out the game with the paper map and you will be sent your $5 voucher on the release date 11th November.

Man, what will I do without that cloth map.
Omi said:
Man, what will I do without that cloth map.
clearly you will be lost and not know where to go.
it is for this reason i decided against getting skyrim. also x3n has me completely convinced that the cloth cloth map is also paper.


I want a tag give me a tag

When I click the Wednesday up the top of your site, to view the old video game comics, or what ever day, it lists them all from oldest to newest.. is there a way to view them from newest to oldest? I want to catch up on the last few
RandomVince said:
So lets check off the big games so far:

Rage: letdown - sewers, driver issues.
Battlefield 3: letdown - campaign, EA.
Batman AC: letdown - Catwoman, corrupt saves.
Uncharted 3: letdown - overrated, aiming issues.
Skyrim: letdown - Bethesda Modus Operandi
Call of Duty MW3: will deliver
Skyward sword: will deliver
Ass Creed: will be rubbish

Guessing the last four of course.

Conclusion: 6 out of 8 AAA games are disappointing. Go for B-tier gems instead (Vanquish, Dark Souls, Xenoblade etc).

You have terrible taste in games and you should feel bad...
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