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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


So how weird are these video game advertorials?

The first one I saw was for OoT 3D, and now there was just a combined Rage/Skyrim one.



Yoshiya said:
Can you elaborate at all? This sounds interesting, but the only news reports I can find are very vague.

The news reports are vague because there is something like a cover-up. In part, of course, a cover-up is essential because protecting the identity of the student who was allowed in with insufficient grades is probably a very good idea. But it appears that Keniger fiddled things so that an applicant could get in without required aptitude or qualifications. We don't know what course of study they entered, but it is reasonable to presume that it was something in the more demanding territories - law, science, medicine, architecture. Greenfield is going, despite apparently being abroad and perhaps not having knowledge of Keniger's fiddling, because he has a supervisory responsibility. We'll never know if Greenfield knew. I'm sure as hell not taking his word, Keniger's word, or the word of a crap University Senate for it.

What bothers me is that the Chancellor emphatically declines, and the investigating Senate declined, to "find" misconduct. But it is as clear as the summer sun that they did find misconduct. The more true expression is that they are not publishing their finding of misconduct. And the sole reason why this is happening is because Paul and Michael are big guns. Which is trash. Academic misconduct matters universally or it doesn't fucking matter at all. If a Professor does something similar, they will be punished with the full force of the Senate's pomposity about the University's prized and historic integrity. If you're big enough, you get to saunter off and everybody says lovely things about you, insisting that it doesn't detract from your reputation in the slightest.

Irregularity my fucking foot. Someone fucked with admissions.

It's fucking trash. And it comes to light in a week when the Arts faculty is being gutted largely because this cock-brained administration creams off 50% of the money students pay to study here. And a week in which staff are told "not to talk to the media" about the fact that we are being fucked with the sweeping end of a broom because it "damages morale, admissions, and the university's reputation". Makes me so mad I blogged about it.



legend166 said:
So how weird are these video game advertorials?

The first one I saw was for OoT 3D, and now there was just a combined Rage/Skyrim one.


Tell ya what else is weird, have you seen the new outer box for our OoT 3DS with Robin Williams plastered all over it? I saw it at K-Mart. Its cute that he called his kid Zelda and all, but I could hardly recognise it was a copy of OoT, it looked like they were selling The Robin Williams Game.
So it was a Chaser? With salt?

Also it pains me to listen to new releases from bands that haven't been great in years. Case in point: Alkaline Trio.
First 2 albums were great punk rock. From Here To Infirmary is brilliant from start to finish. Good Mourning was also fantastic but had a bit of filler album tracks. Crimson was eh and everything afterwards aren't worth a mention after the first 4 great albums.

commanderdeek said:
I saw the Skyrim one last night. I was expecting it to be some ad for beer until it became a Skyrim.
Most of the GAF avatars have become a Skyrim.


Planet_JASE said:
No horse. Want proof. No proof? File under "Internet Hornet Nest Poking".

If taking this stance means I'm on a high horse then so be it. Everyone should damn well join me up here, then.
I like this horse.
roosters93 said:
So I've never played Saints Row. I think I might pick up the first one.
Don't. Go straight to the second. Basically you get blown up at the end of the first game in a really shitty, nonsensical ending. The sequel is much, much better.

Although the PC version of SR2 is probably still ratshit. If you are going 360/PS3 SR2 runs great on either. I came across a LOT of bugs in the first game.


Saints Row 2 is great, never played the first (not on PC)

It's like what GTA should have been, pure fun without any of the serious bullshit.

Already got my SR3 pre-order in, fuck Skyrim.
Choc said:
1. Finished UC3

2. UC3 is a poor mans UC2

3. Ending missions are epic though

4. Wow at length of credits
Second half of the game is 3x better than the first. Once I hit the halfway mark it was all smiles from there. Not as many memorable scenes with characters, aside from the ending, but the setpieces were VERY well paced and I only came across 2 points of frustration with waves of enemies. One where you come out of a cutscene with snipers everywhere, a grenade launcher dick, and a few guys with shotguns coming down stairs at you. Just a bit of a clusterfuck that requires quick shooting to give yourself enough room to avoid an insta death.

Definite 5/5 game. Nothing compares visually aside from TW2 and maybe Portal 2 this year, so many beautiful locations created with such loving detail. Looking forward to a Crushing run with motion blur when the patch hits. Would love to see some single player DLC to bridge the gap between UC2&3.

Also it was balls deep in Raider of the Lost Ark references.


its not a 5/5 for mine and this is why

if you haven't finished the game don't read

there is nothing really 'epic' about the game in many ways. Remember in UC2 where you had to climb all over that giant sculpture to unlock a door hitting many switches? was amazing. Remember in UC2 the massive cog puzzle? the snow levels? the complete change of scenery etc? also UC3 is shorter. Not that thats a bad thing but the game continuosly pushes you on.

This is not a necessarily bad thing, but it clearly is a game designed to be finished. They always show you where the next bit to jump is and many of the puzzles are a lot simpler than UC2. UC2 you could get stuck for a long long time. Yes people whinged, but in many ways thats what makes Tomb Raider and UC such fun to polay. The accomplishment you feel when you pass it.

Highlights of UC3. The plane level, boat level, horse level and the ending. The plane level was amazing. It was a real shame that ND showed those 3 missions at E3 during the dev, because it would have been nice to not been expecting it.

Elena is a complete waste of time in 3. I did like how you found out how sully met Drake and that flashback was cool. I just think Elena is in the game because ND felt they had to be. Also, are they marreid or wat?

Dead Man

3chopl0x said:
Saints Row 2 is great, never played the first (not on PC)

It's like what GTA should have been, pure fun without any of the serious bullshit.

Already got my SR3 pre-order in, fuck Skyrim.
SR2 is the most fun I have had with a non modded game for years.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Choc, you're out of your mind! UC3's puzzles were so, so much better than UC2's.
UC3 was focused on the father-son element. The whole point of the game was Drake pushing to prove himself to a bitch of a woman who slighted him 20 years ago, to prove that he deserves to keep the Drake moniker he took. Everyone else tells him to give it up, unlike it UC2 when he was weary and everyone kept him going, with the constant danger that Drake puts Sully in, along with Elena when he decides to try and keep her out of it.

To be honest I wasn't a big fan of the long, drawn out puzzle rooms from Uncharted 2. They were my least liked part of the game. If I want that kind of thing I will play Prince of Persia or Assassins Creed. I loved the interactions and story, the impressive set pieces like the train in UC2. UC3 actually gave us some backstory too which was nice finally, as well as the developed relationship between Drake and Elena which was resolved at the end.

The front was story heavy but the last half was non-stop action setpiece after setpiece. The pirates lockup followed by the battle to the boat followed by picking your way through the boat followed by the escape from the sinking boat. Man, the scene where you fall back into the ballroom when you hand off the chandelier and you can see out into the ocean like something out of Bioshock was fantastic.

I enjoyed it a lot. Maybe I will skip to Chapter 10 or so in future playthroughs but right now I would prefer to boot up UC3 again than UC2. And UC2 is probably my favourite console game of the generation.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Uncharted 3 is okay. So far at its best its the best of the three, and at its worst its the worst. I'm enjoying it but like Uncharted 2 I don't subscribe to the movie-game hype hysteria.
Salazar you are an interesting fellow.
Incredibly articulate, a fan of k-pop and know who MF Doom is and what the MF stands for lol.

I was reading your blog and you described a common feeling.

I reserve the right, though a tourist myself, to perennially bemoan the presence of tourists.

So true. On my trip to the UK and a bit of Europe a few months ago I became very irritated by them. Mostly it was little things like when we were going up the Belfort in Bruges, all the people coming back down the narrow staircase gave way to us. Then going back down I stopped to give way and was overtaken by a guy with a Canadian flag on his bag and a couple talking about the movie 'In Bruges'. They proceeded to not give way to anyone. A stupid thing to get irritated over and I was hardly but it just seemed stupid to not realize the 'system' and not courteous.

But by far the thing that made me hate tourists the most was visiting the Chateau of Versailles. So many people packed into small rooms and you would come to a standstill for a while. Hard to get a good view and I felt the urge to rush through. All I could think the whole time was how extraordinary it would be if I could go through the place all by myself and spend my time where I pleased.



clear as day naughty dog believe this series is done. The ending leaves nothing open. Would like to see a Chloe spinoff though. Elena is to girl next door to have a game, but Chloe fits and has not been explored enoguh as a character.


I want a tag give me a tag
EatChildren said:
Uncharted 3 is okay. So far at its best its the best of the three, and at its worst its the worst. I'm enjoying it but like Uncharted 2 I don't subscribe to the movie-game hype hysteria.

Sounds like an 8 to me


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
HolyCheck said:
Sounds like an 8 to me

It might just be, at least on my scale, where Uncharted 2 would have been an 8/10 as well.


Choc said:

clear as day naughty dog believe this series is done. The ending leaves nothing open. Would like to see a Chloe spinoff though. Elena is to girl next door to have a game, but Chloe fits and has not been explored enoguh as a character.

Halo 4 :p


roosters93 said:

Tourists on their own, in couples, or with their families, are usually ok.

Tour groups disgust me. I just object on principle to organised swarming over cultural and historical sites and places of natural beauty. I realise the fatuousness of this objection, but I maintain it. I understand entirely that this is how aesthetic, historical, and cultural education gets done - gets imparted to more people more rapidly - but I just get mad at them. I associate at a profound level the pleasures of travel with independently taking on the little tasks of research that tour guides (haphazardly, for the most part) perform. Most of the places jammed full of gibbering cretins with microphones are also jammed full of signs that offer more information, more precisely and reliably, than the twats do. If travel is not about curiosity, then it is just a banal movement of the body. The baby-food version of travel is going to grow more and more extreme, and it's going to be exacerbated by overpopulation and by the temporal and circumstantial degradation of visited sites. So I do reserve the right to hate it.

School groups I loathe principally because they are children.


I'd be feeling seriously guilty if I hadn't covered half of what I needed to study in admin law today

been playing grand prix story for like 5 hours now. goddamn grind!

salazar you are an interesting person


Speaking of 8, I'm up to chapter 8 in UC3. Just played the only level Id seen in any pre-release trailers. Not bad. Not bad at all.


commanderdeek said:
I remember/think salazar used to have a ritsu avatar, which automatically makes him a cool cat in my book!

Ricchan is effortlessly superior. Yui is next, but even she is far below.
Salazar said:
Tour groups disgust me. I just object on principle to organised swarming over cultural and historical sites and places of natural beauty.
Oh man, do not get me started on this topic.

Guided tour groups are by far the worst thing about travel by a mile. They're slow, they're loud, and in packs they're infuriatingly stupid. As a reward, they get to jump queues.

The only good thing about tour groups is that they only go to the "big" sites, so you can get away from them if you visit less-frequented places.

My absolute worst experience was in Dubrovnik last year (in September, so the weather was nice but it was outside of the peak season). It's bad enough that hordes of British tourists descend on the place, but because it's easily accessible by boat there are three or four massive cruise ships just a few hundred metres away at any one time. Between around 11am and 4pm the place is overrun with dozens of tour groups all standing at the same statues, or the same shops. If there was a lawn mower nearby I would've gone all Dead Rising, I know it.

And let's not even talk about American tour groups. Try paying in the local currency, why don't you?
codswallop said:
And let's not even talk about American tour groups. Try paying in the local currency, why don't you?

lol I got to Dublin from Wales and paid for the bus in pounds. Had no other money and somehow it slipped my mind that it's not in the UK too.


Jesus fucking christ, I know I generally support digital download services and the like but this is fucking unbelievable. I try and login to play maybe one challenge mode map of Arkham Asylum because I was just reminded that Arkham City was delayed for another twenty years or whatever on the PC build and it will still fucking have GFWL layered on top. So load up, try and login. NOPE SORRY YOU CAN'T, NO REASON GIVEN. Try this a few times, load up a new browser, try and log in off the website. Account has been suspended for spam (wtf, I never use the account for anything ever, hackers? I dunno) but, for this limited only, you can reset your password if you give them your phone number. Okay, fine, facebook already has that, take it. Minute later, get verification code, reset password, everything's hunky-doory. Except when I start up Batman again on the GFWL page I can't input text into the password field. EVERYTHING WORKS EXCEPT THE FUCKING PASSWORD FIELD.

GRARLAKSLDjkasldjasdnasd0ihq2e42lmasndpasnjdpasnfasb 9UJJNFm fuck you Games for Fucking Windows Fucking Live.

/edit checking "save your username and password" actively prevents you from typing in the password box, but not from the username box? WHAT FUCKING IDIOT DESIGNED THIS FUCKING UI.

//edit OH FUCKING YAY, A LIVE UPDATE. Oh my god. I want to kill someone.


Uncharted 3 on crushing is awesome.

Edit: Reading Choc's post, did people really get stuck on Uncharted 2 puzzles? What the fuck? Those people must be the stupidest people in the world.


Choc said:
its not a 5/5 for mine and this is why

if you haven't finished the game don't read

there is nothing really 'epic' about the game in many ways. Remember in UC2 where you had to climb all over that giant sculpture to unlock a door hitting many switches? was amazing. Remember in UC2 the massive cog puzzle? the snow levels? the complete change of scenery etc? also UC3 is shorter. Not that thats a bad thing but the game continuosly pushes you on.

This is not a necessarily bad thing, but it clearly is a game designed to be finished. They always show you where the next bit to jump is and many of the puzzles are a lot simpler than UC2. UC2 you could get stuck for a long long time. Yes people whinged, but in many ways thats what makes Tomb Raider and UC such fun to polay. The accomplishment you feel when you pass it.

Highlights of UC3. The plane level, boat level, horse level and the ending. The plane level was amazing. It was a real shame that ND showed those 3 missions at E3 during the dev, because it would have been nice to not been expecting it.

Elena is a complete waste of time in 3. I did like how you found out how sully met Drake and that flashback was cool. I just think Elena is in the game because ND felt they had to be. Also, are they marreid or wat?
Nate and Elena were either engaged or married. Either way, Nate's obsession with Francis Drake's deception put a strain on their relationship and it's implied he left her to go treasure hunting. Anyways Elena is necessary to this adventure because she is Nate's love after all, and this whole adventure was about Nate resolving his obsessions. What better way to end it than Nate settling down and being a family man?

Also I disagree on your lack of 'epic'. The whole second half of the game is like non stop epicness.
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