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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


so MW3 has movember on it right, the stickers

what do you think Activision is doing to support this cause? percentage of each sale? nope

huge donation? nope

offering prizes or something ? nope

they are giving movember a 1000 AUD donation

Are you kidding me, are you absolutely kidding me. 1000 dollars.

Piss poor. They could have given 1% of each sale and it would have been worthwhile. Sheez


Jintor said:
How can? Can't preload.

There will be a pre-load, just not up yet.

And if you're worried about not getting the key from D2D in time they sent them out for MW3s pre-load so should be the same here.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
EatChildren said:
I had a lecturer ignore emails for 2 - 3 months, only to finally mass mail his students a week before the final exam to state that he leaving to give forensic evidence, that the final project (50% of marks, that we hadn't even got) was cancelled, and that 100% of the course grade would be on an exam, an exam composed of topics we'd only touched on.

Then I left uni forever.
This shit just wouldn't fly at the IT faculty at Monash. Lecturers and chief examiners are so beholden to student feedback and surveys, almost too much so. It affects their promotion chances, ability to lecture further and in some cases bad feedback can result in unit discontinuation.

It's a double edged sword. It's slowly dumbing down the first year and to a lesser extend the second, but the third and fourth remain as challenging as before, so...


3chopl0x said:
There will be a pre-load, just not up yet.

And if you're worried about not getting the key from D2D in time they sent them out for MW3s pre-load so should be the same here.

Oh right, it's on the 11th. Thought it was tonight for some reason when you asked, lol


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Rez said:
This shit just wouldn't fly at the IT faculty at Monash. Lecturers and chief examiners are so beholden to student feedback and surveys, almost too much so. It affects their promotion chances, ability to lecture further and in some cases bad feedback can result in unit discontinuation.

It's a double edged sword. It's slowly dumbing down the first year and to a lesser extend the second, but the third and fourth remain as challenging as before, so...

Sounds strict, maybe too much so, but RMIT needed something. Their arts division just did not seem to give a single fuck about anyone or anything. You know you've got a problem when one of the heads of the game course makes it clear she does not know anything, nor wishes to discuss anything, about games. She was nice and all, but fuck that course.


I love doing those feedback things on lecturers. I evaluate the shit out of them, especially if they're terrible and lazy.
Jintor said:
Target have been running that out for about 2 years now. Same with DQ Monsters Joker. They have had EBA for around $15 a few times too. Decent range of DS games on clearance but they only ever have fucking old FIFA/WWE for 360 on clearance.

Jintor said:
I can't believe Professor Layton is still seventy bucks on all shop shelves I've seen. Even the first game!
I had imported but I noticed that HN at Geelong has had them really cheap even at release. The 2nd on was only $30 a few weeks after release, not sure why but they had it in the glass cabinets with the consoles... Weirdos.

Shaneus said:
Very impressed. Is that from his debut solo album or is it a brand spanker?
Brand new EP that he was working on while doing the new Bloc Party album until the rest of the guys kicked him out. The first track is VERY Underworld which lead me to think that they were bringing out another pearler after the fantastic Barking last year but it ended up being Kele. Certainly a step up from his Solo album the other year, The Boxer. The Hunter is the new EP.

This was entertaining to read on Wiki:
Okereke also responded critically to comments made by Liam and Noel Gallagher of Oasis in early 2007. Liam called Bloc Party "A band off of University Challenge", while Noel dismissed them as "indie shit". In retaliation, Okereke stated, "I think Oasis are the most overrated and pernicious band of all time. They had a totally negative and dangerous impact upon the state of British music. They have made stupidity hip. They claim to be inspired by The Beatles but, and this saddens me, they have failed to grasp that The Beatles were about constant change and evolution. Oasis are repetitive Luddites." Ironically, when Oasis cancelled their headlining set at the Rock-en-Seine festival near Paris in August 2009 (the concert where the Gallagher brothers clashed backstage, which resulted in Oasis splitting up), it was Okereke who announced to the crowd that Oasis had cancelled their slot and dedicated their track "Mercury" to the Oasis fans in the crowd, referring to the Gallagher brothers as "those inbred twins."

EatChildren said:
Then I left uni forever.
Smart man. Not sure why I re-enrolled. Struggling to enrol for the last few units next year. I don't give a shit about it so why am I still doing it? A job in marketing would be nice though. Thinking of just doing 2 more units and taking the single major rather than doing an 2 extra 2 and getting a second in Management. Can I graduate and then do the extra 2 later? Seems like the kind of thing they would laugh at you for and make you do the full 12 units again.


Haha I have another half of a normal degree left

I don't even get to go to Japan in the meantime

*single tear rolling down cheek*


concerning Netanyahu

"I cannot stand him," Mr. Sarkozy was quoted as saying. "He is a liar."

Mr. Obama is reported to have replied, "You're fed up with him, but I have to deal with him every day!"

so good

thank goodness for microphone gaffs.


4,250 words.

Plump conclusion and the deft insertion somewhere of a fucking gigantor quotation will get me over the line.

And I will have done more than enough to earn some quality time failing hard at Skyrim.
commanderdeek said:
I love doing those feedback things on lecturers. I evaluate the shit out of them, especially if they're terrible and lazy.

Yess. Best part of the semester. My Japanese teacher (who is infamous among all who study the language) was weirdly nice the day she handed the feedback forms out. I was like, do you remember the time when I tried to ask you why I got a question wrong when the girl sitting next to me wrote the same thing and got it right, and you told me "Its obvious" and walked off? CAUSE I REMEMBER.

She is teaching the course I want to take next year though... what to do...


Jintor said:
I'm seriously considering dropping the $30 on tribes. They've figured out how to monetise the beta (well, to get advance sales off the beta giving more beta access I guess). Amazing.
I figured what the hell and just did so.

The things you get for being a VIP seem pretty good.
I rented Rugby Live and Turok. I lasted about 5 minutes of Rugby before turning it off because I just wasn't into it. Played about 30 minutes of Turok before the horrible dead zone forced me to stop even though I was enjoying shredding Raptors with dual SMG's. Booted up UC3 and played another 2 hours from the start. Maybe I just like horrible aiming. :(

Salazar said:
4,250 words.

Plump conclusion and the deft insertion somewhere of a fucking gigantor quotation will get me over the line.

And I will have done more than enough to earn some quality time failing hard at Skyrim.
All I read is sexual innuendo now.


commanderdeek said:
Is that 100% certain now?

Well, any going to Japan next year will result in a) considerable bureaucratic hassle for me beyond what I've already got, b) uncertain application process, c) me losing credit on units I've already done (not all of them, but a substantial amount), and d) uncertain application through UAC to the graduate LL.B program (for some fucking reason). Oh, and I'd be away from Law for a year and a half, probably enough to screw me over when coming back to it.

May as well just suck it up, take the next two years and then go stay in Japan for like three years or as long as the JET contract lasts :T

Sigh. Whatever, not in the grand scheme of things that big a deal.


Ahh that sucks, and all because of bureaucracy.

Oh well, at least you can start maybe taking Japanese units which is almost like being in Japan!
Well, not really lol.
If it makes you feel any better, one of my Friends (in my Japanese class) is the best non native Japanese speaker I've ever met, and he's never been to Japan.

How far away is JET?

Dead Man

Jintor said:
Well, any going to Japan next year will result in a) considerable bureaucratic hassle for me beyond what I've already got, b) uncertain application process, c) me losing credit on units I've already done (not all of them, but a substantial amount), and d) uncertain application through UAC to the graduate LL.B program (for some fucking reason). Oh, and I'd be away from Law for a year and a half, probably enough to screw me over when coming back to it.

May as well just suck it up, take the next two years and then go stay in Japan for like three years or as long as the JET contract lasts :T

Sigh. Whatever, not in the grand scheme of things that big a deal.
That sucks, but at least you can go now knowing you don't have half a degree waiting for you when you get back. Right? Yeah, not much consolation.
steam chat borked again


Salazar said:
4,250 words.
Why don't you, like, add a few unnecessary words like "like", you know and "you know"? It's all the rage these days and should easily get you your 750 words.

reptilescorpio said:
Brand new EP that he was working on while doing the new Bloc Party album until the rest of the guys kicked him out. The first track is VERY Underworld which lead me to think that they were bringing out another pearler after the fantastic Barking last year but it ended up being Kele. Certainly a step up from his Solo album the other year, The Boxer. The Hunter is the new EP.

This was entertaining to read on Wiki:
Yeah, I remember reading that a while back. Sounds like a switched-on dude! And sure, I could've looked up that info but I prefer to hear that sort of thing directly from people who have heard it and can offer their own spin on it.

Not wanting to sound gaycist, but the most fascinating (or surprising) thing I found about Kele was that he's gay. Obviously it makes zero difference at all to anything, but the dude just never really projected that being a songwriter or frontman in the slightest.
Shaneus said:
Not wanting to sound gaycist, but the most fascinating (or surprising) thing I found about Kele was that he's gay. Obviously it makes zero difference at all to anything, but the dude just never really projected that being a songwriter or frontman in the slightest.
Really? Not wanting to sound like someone who stereotypes people but I always assumed he was gay, mostly based on his voice and the way he dressed. Some of the songs on the second album certainly made me think he was indeed gay, not that it really matters. I just want another album of Silent Alarm tracks. :(

Also he is dead right about Oasis, never changed it up. Bloc Party changed genre of music entirely though so they didn't quite take the example of The Beatles correctly.


BanShunsaku said:
I know the new engine does fancy shit with texture compression, but 5.1 GB just seems so small!

It does very much so.... no doubt Steam will patch it up to whatever the actual real size is on install. :p
Omi said:
It does very much so.... no doubt Steam will patch it up to whatever the actual real size is on install. :p

Nah, that is the size. Below is from the Bethesda blog post about system requirements:

Updated: We’ve seen plenty of comments relating to the game only requiring six gigs of HDD space. Don’t worry… there’s still a ton of game in there. The total HDD space relates more to the compression opitmizations we’re able to do with The Creation Engine. Not only are do we think you’ll be impressed with how the game looks, but also how much faster it runs..


another weird dream

went to bali on a holiday, realised i didnt have my passport (losing my passport travelling is one of my biggest fears, its a massive pain in teh arse) then realised i got out of Australia without a passport somehow so i knew where it was @ home

get to airport they are like nup you can't go home even though you could show it very quickly in Australia, im like urgh then they are like whilst you wait for your passport you need to go into military barracks :|

then during my time there someone offers me pot, i smoke it, get thrown in jail for six years

woke up



Dead Man said:
For what?

reptilescorpio said:
Download JDownloader and copy the link. You really shouldn't download anything over a few MB in anything other than JDownloader.
First thing I tried, requires authentication but even when i input my login details it doesn't work :C


reptilescorpio said:
JDownloader gives me a higher speed and I've never had a problem with any downloads. Simple right click -> copy link.

tbh, I haven't used a download manager in a LONG time. Don't tend to have too many issues with Opera's version.
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