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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults

Deus Ex is a really, really good game. It's the main reason I haven't cracked open my newly acquired CoE or RDR:Undead Nightmare, the reason I'm ignoring Dead Island, Resistance 3 and Space Marine, and the reason I haven't started that replay of Gears 2 I'm hoping to get in before Gears 3.

Like the last DE I played and MGS3 and the first Mass Effect, I died a lot over and over without getting very far until it finally clicked with me how to play those sections. It's a testament to how good the game is that I'm still playing.

This thing will take me a while to get through.


reptilescorpio said:
Have you tried lodging a ticket, posting in the GAF thread or contacting them on twitter? They tend to be pretty quick to respond.
Otherwise use your debit card!
Ticket lodged, posted in thread but haven't posted on Twitter. Actually, just had a look and any trace of my ticket is gawn :(
Shaneus said:
Ticket lodged, posted in thread but haven't posted on Twitter. Actually, just had a look and any trace of my ticket is gawn :(
Tried using Internet Explorer or on a mobile device? Strange for there to be an issue with Paypal and no-one else has come across it.

Dead Man

3chopl0x said:
Is f-lux any good? Always avoided it because I don't want to ruin the colors on my IPS monitor.

EDIT: Oh god that is a horrible effect, looks like ass.
It's great, just put it on th slow transition and it wil be barely noticeable unless you witch it off. You can also reduce the amount of colour change.


reptilescorpio said:
8:76pm? Should be available around then, will be burnt out on this assignment at least.


There's nothing quite like struggling against a gaming challenge for the better part of an hour and then FINALLY absolutely destroying it

Yesterday it was the final boss in Chantelise, today it was a six minute endurance run around San Fransisco in Driver against an 'ultracar'. NOT SO ULTRA NOW, ARE YOU, CAR
It was my attempt to say at some point tonight but I don't know what time as I should be doing this assignment but I cannot be bothered but I have already got the in-laws around today and have already weasled my way out of one social function for the day by saying I need to get this assignment done so I need to wait for the perfect moment to jump online and beat the shit out of Piñatas. Unless of course I magically get 1000 words done in the blink of an eye which would be really fabulous.

Also magnets. They work.

Also reptilescorpio is my alias on 360. Hard to believe, I know.



What a shit day. Had to work, watched football. >.<

On the plus side, managed to snare a copy of Inazuma 11. Hopefully it ships soon.

Thankfully there is cricket and epl to follow.


Shaneus2k2, party animals. I've just added Gaz and I already had RS from when I first started stalking him. Can't for the life of me remember who the fourth was who was joining in, though.
Fark, my laptop keeps bluescreening. Motherfucker. I'm writing this from safe mode, with anti virus and anti malware stuff running in the background. Really hoping I don't have to format this because it's got a heap of my parents' junk on it and I'm not sure where it all is.

And I still haven't got my goddamn Xbox back from repairs.

On the upside the Broncs looked great and the Wallabies were good in the second half.

Edit: And FallbackPants. What a shock right!
FallbackPants said:
Fark, my laptop keeps bluescreening. Motherfucker. I'm writing this from safe mode, with anti virus and anti malware stuff running in the background.

There was a recent Win7 update that's causing BSOD. Happened to me few days ago, and corrupted the system 32 drivers folder. Luckily I found a way to restore without having to format.


Watching news reports from 9/11. Amazing and frightening and depressing.

I was asleep when it happened, but I remember waking up at 5am, the TV is on in the main room (right outside mine), and every network just showing the smoke bellowing out of both towers
DeathJr said:
There was a recent Win7 update that's causing BSOD. Happened to me few days ago, and corrupted the system 32 drivers folder. Luckily I found a way to restore without having to format.

Nope, Vista. Not sure if there was an update. I don't remember one. There was definitely some spyware popping up before it happened, so that's what I'm currently blaming
Fredescu said:
They won't experience the metric fucktonne of sugar in the first place if advertising isn't directed at them. Of course parents have a role too, but how many 20 something AusGAFs bitch about screaming kids in supermarkets? Probably near 100%. Can you blame the parents who don't have iron resolve? They're probably getting filthy looks from parentless folk about not being able to control their kid. Which is pretty lol.
If I take the way that my parents brought me up as a rule of thumb, then if you don't give in, they don't pull a tantrum. This may not work in every case but it worked with the three of us and has worked for other people I know.

Sure, you'll get the odd tantrum but as soon as you give in they quickly learn the feedback/response loop of cry=getting what i want.

Shaneus said:
Can't for the life of me remember who the fourth was who was joining in, though.
You wound me, good sir. To the very core.
Planet_JASE said:
You wound me, good sir. To the very core.
Throw up your tag dawg!

Jintor said:
Watching news reports from 9/11. Amazing and frightening and depressing.
I was asleep when it happened, but I remember waking up at 5am, the TV is on in the main room (right outside mine), and every network just showing the smoke bellowing out of both towers
The constant 9/11 news lately irritated me. It wasn't as if anyone had forgotten it had happened had they? It wasn't until I heard some people being interviewed on the news going on about how they couldn't understand that a building that they had walked past for so long could have possibly been destroyed like that, as if the idea that war could not enter their lives that I realised how important days like today are for our society.
With these days the idea of "Lest we forget" is literally ignored by parts of society. Maybe it was how heavy reading about the World Wars weighed on my mind as a child but it is always something in the back of my mind that at any moment in time all of this could be gone. With the push of one button in the wrong placed the whole world could be rained with missiles and everyone one of us put in a situation that has been repeated for as long as we have existed.
Less than 2 years before 9/11 the Kosovo War and Kargil War lead to thousands of deaths and untold destruction. Even look at the Civil War still going in Somalia where hundreds of thousands of people have been killed. War is a part of our world, it is not something that is going away.
Maybe a silver lining from 9/11 is that, for at least the next few decades, people will remember that although we may live without being touched by the effects of war it still rages on. Maybe one day we will decide to make a concerted effort to stop it, at the very least work out a way to stop genocide and the absolute destruction of society in places like Somalia and the Congo.


Gazunta said:
Shall we aim for 9.30?
I should be good on there for a bit, but it looks like the F1 starts at 9pm tonight and not 10pm as usual. I'll definitely be on then, but for how long... I don't know.

And apologies, Jase. I looked for posts from a number of people mentioning their gamertags (including yours) over the last few pages but couldn't see any. Sorry :(


reptilescorpio said:
The constant 9/11 news lately irritated me. It wasn't as if anyone had forgotten it had happened had they? It wasn't until I heard some people being interviewed on the news going on about how they couldn't understand that a building that they had walked past for so long could have possibly been destroyed like that, as if the idea that war could not enter their lives that I realised how important days like today are for our society.

With these days the idea of "Lest we forget" is literally ignored by parts of society. Maybe it was how heavy reading about the World Wars weighed on my mind as a child but it is always something in the back of my mind that at any moment in time all of this could be gone. With the push of one button in the wrong placed the whole world could be rained with missiles and everyone one of us put in a situation that has been repeated for as long as we have existed.

Less than 2 years before 9/11 the Kosovo War and Kargil War lead to thousands of deaths and untold destruction. Even look at the Civil War still going in Somalia where hundreds of thousands of people have been killed. War is a part of our world, it is not something that is going away.
Maybe a silver lining from 9/11 is that, for at least the next few decades, people will remember that although we may live without being touched by the effects of war it still rages on. Maybe one day we will decide to make a concerted effort to stop it, at the very least work out a way to stop genocide and the absolute destruction of society in places like Somalia and the Congo.



I mean, there's a lot of cynicism out there, a lot of 'I'm sick of all this coverage' and 'It's just exploitation by the networks', and to a certain degree that's true. But this kind of thing is something that is hard to forget and should be hard to forget. We say Lest We Forget every Anzac Day, but I don't know that the true meaning of those words is imparted very frequently for all of that.
Well I'm good to go whenever. Jumped online in order to download the expected massive patch but only one little title update which was nice! Also added gamertags.

Only need to do another 500 words tonight. Yay!
reptilescorpio said:
Only need to do another 500 words tonight. Yay!

Ugh so jealous. Been procrastinating since 4. Written 700 total of a 3000 word assessment due Tuesday. Not looking forward to tomorrow evening. Will definitely be going down to the wire.


yeah we only did one title update before starting work on the sequel

OK hopefully I can bust out Friday's comic in the next half hour, I'm honestly amazed I'm not further behind schedule given how full on the last week has been.
reptilescorpio said:
The constant 9/11 news lately irritated me. It wasn't as if anyone had forgotten it had happened had they? It wasn't until I heard some people being interviewed on the news going on about how they couldn't understand that a building that they had walked past for so long could have possibly been destroyed like that, as if the idea that war could not enter their lives that I realised how important days like today are for our society.
With these days the idea of "Lest we forget" is literally ignored by parts of society. Maybe it was how heavy reading about the World Wars weighed on my mind as a child but it is always something in the back of my mind that at any moment in time all of this could be gone. With the push of one button in the wrong placed the whole world could be rained with missiles and everyone one of us put in a situation that has been repeated for as long as we have existed.
Less than 2 years before 9/11 the Kosovo War and Kargil War lead to thousands of deaths and untold destruction. Even look at the Civil War still going in Somalia where hundreds of thousands of people have been killed. War is a part of our world, it is not something that is going away.
Maybe a silver lining from 9/11 is that, for at least the next few decades, people will remember that although we may live without being touched by the effects of war it still rages on. Maybe one day we will decide to make a concerted effort to stop it, at the very least work out a way to stop genocide and the absolute destruction of society in places like Somalia and the Congo.

I concur. It's been 10 years, move on already. More people have died in bigger tragedies since then.
reptilescorpio said:
Throw up your tag dawg!

The constant 9/11 news lately irritated me. It wasn't as if anyone had forgotten it had happened had they? It wasn't until I heard some people being interviewed on the news going on about how they couldn't understand that a building that they had walked past for so long could have possibly been destroyed like that, as if the idea that war could not enter their lives that I realised how important days like today are for our society.
With these days the idea of "Lest we forget" is literally ignored by parts of society. Maybe it was how heavy reading about the World Wars weighed on my mind as a child but it is always something in the back of my mind that at any moment in time all of this could be gone. With the push of one button in the wrong placed the whole world could be rained with missiles and everyone one of us put in a situation that has been repeated for as long as we have existed.
Less than 2 years before 9/11 the Kosovo War and Kargil War lead to thousands of deaths and untold destruction. Even look at the Civil War still going in Somalia where hundreds of thousands of people have been killed. War is a part of our world, it is not something that is going away.
Maybe a silver lining from 9/11 is that, for at least the next few decades, people will remember that although we may live without being touched by the effects of war it still rages on. Maybe one day we will decide to make a concerted effort to stop it, at the very least work out a way to stop genocide and the absolute destruction of society in places like Somalia and the Congo.

I'm sure a lot of people won't see it that way though. Despite 9/11 I don't think many people will view war as something that affects them, or even think about it much at all.

I was considering sharing my "story" in the 9/11 thread, but I'm worried people might be offended. (I got up to watch Cheez TV, and thought they replaced Pokemon with some crappy disaster show).

On another note, its 10 years since Ansett Australia collapsed as well!
DeathJr said:
I concur. It's been 10 years, move on already. More people have died in bigger tragedies since then.
No, I meant that initially I was annoyed and then realised that without this anniversary being a big deal each ten years or so people will become complacent and forget that it could happen again at any moment. This will hopefully make them value their lives and the people around them more, hopefully leading to less First World Problem complaining. Maybe even some proactive work towards stopping the conflicts around the globe still ongoing.

Gazunta said:
yeah we only did one title update before starting work on the sequel.
What happened to the sequel? Next Pinata game should have been a point and click adventure, really enjoying the quips in Party Animals. You guys can totally help out with the script once I get my hands on the Monkey Island IP!

Doncamatic said:
Ugh so jealous. Been procrastinating since 4. Written 700 total of a 3000 word assessment due Tuesday. Not looking forward to tomorrow evening. Will definitely be going down to the wire.
I got a 2 week extension and it was only today that I went from 1200 words to 3200. Really should have spent more time studying this unit. Just can't get back into study mode (not that I ever really had one). I actually wrote about 3000 words on my CMI is so great for a future RTTP thread once I can pull together some fraps shots.

shanshan310 said:
I was considering sharing my "story" in the 9/11 thread, but I'm worried people might be offended. (I got up to watch Cheez TV, and thought they replaced Pokemon with some crappy disaster show).
lol That is basically my story too. Ah, year seven. So long ago.


DeathJr said:
I concur. It's been 10 years, move on already. More people have died in bigger tragedies since then.
I'd be fine with their 10 year tv special for an hour or something if only it wasn't done every year for the past 10 years. Oh the and the constant "omfg 9/11 changed everything".

What I took away from your post reptilescorpio is probably not what you wanted. But I took away the fact that in Australia the whole "lest we forget" and the wars our soliders have thort in have been teached in our schools young and are quite part of our colutre. We have a day of remembering and we will always remember the sacarfices but on the flip side we are not going to be upset each day, we will take each day as a gift for what our brave soliders did and not dwindle on the scarfices details.
I guess it changed flighting forever (no more kids in the cockpit), and caused a hatred of Islam and the Middle East by the west (Also Japan freaked out and got rid of all the bins), but honestly I don't think it changed as much as people like to say.



DeathJr said:
I concur. It's been 10 years, move on already. More people have died in bigger tragedies since then.

And their deaths and their tragedies do not dimish the importance and the tragedy of 9/11. I think in immediate impact the Japan quakes of this year are almost certainly more devastating for example, and it has incredible implications for nuclear power use and Japanese politics, but it's not as if remembering 9/11 prevents or takes away from the importance of other tragedies.

There's some very powerful journalism out there about 9/11, although a lot of what I'm thinking about revolves around the commons and new media - stuff like some of the calls from 9/11 (specifically the Cosgrove call), or a record of the news reports at the time being freely available on the 'net. Heck, WikiLeaks just dropped a bunch of text messages from the towers on their network.

However, like Shan I can see the more optimistic 'never forget' viewpoint being replaced and hijacked with more jingoistic/nationalistic viewpoints like they have already done. Never Forget could be interpreted as Lest We Forget, but doesn't it also seem more aggressive than that? I think the phrase has more vengeful connotations.


but ever so delicious
I don't think i want to buy / own a house anymore. The idea of throwing all my money into a single property is actually frightening. Paying rent, while shitter since it's not your own house, it still leaves me with my savings so i can buy dumb shit, go on holidays and just enjoy other aspects of life. Although i'm not the holiday type, But still, There's that freedom if i chose it.
Does paying the morgage cost that much more than renting?!

I mean, I still live with my parents so I don't really get the financial strain, but I always thought buying a house would be better. You still pay about the same, but if you own you're paying off your own house whereas if you rent you're just paying off someone elses.


Bahaha. Reptilescorpio's "status" thingy on XBL for Party Animals is "Being Awesome". Nice.

PS. I'm never going to get sick of this IP. I really need to give the original games a better shot since my attention span issue is practically fixed.
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