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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults

Shaneus said:
Bahaha. Reptilescorpio's "status" thingy on XBL for Party Animals is "Being Awesome". Nice.

PS. I'm never going to get sick of this IP. I really need to give the original games a better shot since my attention span issue is practically fixed.
The first game of PA I really enjoyed. Then the second one had a teeball minigame and a push people out of the light minigame. Both were horrible. The pinata hitting one was great though! Same with the bowling one. Would love a Kart game. Ah okay I'll admit it. I just want CTR HD. I would pay FULL AUSTRALIAN RETAIL PRICE for a remaster of that gem.

Also I got sick of the first Viva game pretty quickly, just felt too constricted which is a shame because they were sooooo cute!
hamchan said:
This seems pretty insensitive.

I don't think he means the people who were directly affected by it. That would be. But the media hype is kind of... People are calling it the most important moment of the 21st century, the event that "changed everything". Maybe it makes me kind of insensitive but I'm tired of hearing about how important it is from all media outlets every anniversary.


shanshan310 said:
I don't think he means the people who were directly affected by it. That would be. But the media hype is kind of... People are calling it the most important moment of the 21st century, the event that "changed everything". Maybe it makes me kind of insensitive but I'm tired of hearing about how important it is from all media outlets every anniversary.

Well it probably is the most important moment so far this century. We're only 11 years in after all.


reptilescorpio said:
The first game of PA I really enjoyed. Then the second one had a teeball minigame and a push people out of the light minigame. Both were horrible. The pinata hitting one was great though! Same with the bowling one. Would love a Kart game. Ah okay I'll admit it. I just want CTR HD. I would pay FULL AUSTRALIAN RETAIL PRICE for a remaster of that gem.

Also I got sick of the first Viva game pretty quickly, just felt too constricted which is a shame because they were sooooo cute!
CTR? Oh, Crash Team Racing.

See, I knew I really liked the Viva Pinata franchise from when it came out, but the first game really didn't lend itself to having everything easily accessible. Apparently Trouble in Paradise simplified some things. As long as it kept the mating dances, I'll be happy.

WTF. Someone's playing Party Animals (joined my game) that isn't from AusGAF? How in the hell did this happen? If I'd have known, I would've created a private thing. We starting this thing? I can host, but Gaz has to accept my friend request.

Edit: Just saw Gaz's post. And are we getting all miked up? I managed to find mine in a pile of random electronics stuff I never use, but I don't really think I can be bothered talking this late in the weekend.
hamchan said:
Well it probably is the most important moment so far this century. We're only 11 years in after all.
I think the Global Financial Crisis will beat it out but 9/11 certainly was a huge event that will be studied in history classes for many years because of how much was affected by it.
After having about 7 of them at my last house I have no idea where any of my chat headsets are. Most likely threw them out since I never actually used one anyway.

Oh well! At least that means I can keep listening to Yuck!
Shaneus said:
Edit: Just saw Gaz's post. And are we getting all miked up? I managed to find mine in a pile of random electronics stuff I never use, but I don't really think I can be bothered talking this late in the weekend.
Ready and waiting. Will have mike because it's part of the Turtlebeaches. You don't have to subject yourself to my voice, though.


reptilescorpio said:
I think the Global Financial Crisis will beat it out but 9/11 certainly was a huge event that will be studied in history classes for many years because of how much was affected by it.

Oh yeah that too. I don't have the foresight to say which will be considered the biggest event.
reptilescorpio said:
You cannot join this game, because you are on a restricted network. See your xbox 360 manual for more information.

Me too! Having never played online with people I thought it was a problem with me.



Might be me, maybe... I think I was hosting or something. It's been that long since I've fired up an XBL game it could be my fault. I could see the room, but I was the only one in it.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Though the 9/11 media spam really is annoying, its a bit silly to confuse the event as anything short of one of the most important moments of the last few decades in Western history. It was a catalyst for a ton of world changing shit.


If it's only the cheevo the others are worried about, we can just play then I can play with them later. Either way works!



but ever so delicious
shanshan310 said:
Does paying the morgage cost that much more than renting?!

I mean, I still live with my parents so I don't really get the financial strain, but I always thought buying a house would be better. You still pay about the same, but if you own you're paying off your own house whereas if you rent you're just paying off someone elses.

I don't think it costs that much more, it's the initial down payment you need. You either throw 40k towards your house and pay off a mortgage or keep the 40k in the bank and pay off rent. I like the 40k in a bank idea at the moment.


reptilescorpio said:
fffffffff Won't let me join and it can't find any player matches in quick play.

Also invites result in that error message.
I hope all the developers got fired for this blunder
EatChildren said:
Though the 9/11 media spam really is annoying, its a bit silly to confuse the event as anything short of one of the most important moments of the last few decades in Western history. It was a catalyst for a ton of world changing shit.

Oh I know. I don't need the media to tell me that every year though. Its affects are visible without that kind of media attention.
Also that whole "how could they do this to the greatest country in the world?!" thing kinda grates on me. I know it shouldn't but I can't help it! :s
reptilescorpio said:
Well that was a waste of an hour.
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shanshan310 said:
Does paying the morgage cost that much more than renting?!

Think 4 times.

hamchan said:
This seems pretty insensitive.

It is, because I'm sick of hearing about 9/11 all the time, and other tragedies being compared to it like it's a measuring scale for mass destruction. I'm not asking people to forget about it, but it was 10 years ago and that's plenty of time to move on.

Tell me, if this would have happened in any other country, would it still get so much importance after this much time? Fuck no!

shanshan310 said:
I don't think he means the people who were directly affected by it. That would be. But the media hype is kind of... People are calling it the most important moment of the 21st century, the event that "changed everything". Maybe it makes me kind of insensitive but I'm tired of hearing about how important it is from all media outlets every anniversary.




GG Shaneus thanks man :)

Sorry about the tech issues all I'm sure the sequel will fix it all

Man one day I'd love to record myself playing this game and talk about all the stories and decisions that went into it all, it's definitely the game I had the most fun and heartache making. Maybe in a decade or so :)

Edit: enter the Konami code on the title screen


Haha yeah, it was fun! The ones I did woeful in were where I was distracted by the F1. Honest.

Shame it didn't do better. Next time I'm having friends over I'll try and get them into it. Could be fun while drunk!


DeathJr said:
It is, because I'm sick of hearing about 9/11 all the time, and other tragedies being compared to it like it's a measuring scale for mass destruction. I'm not asking people to forget about it, but it was 10 years ago and that's plenty of time to move on.

Tell me, if this would have happened in any other country, would it still get so much importance after this much time? Fuck no!

Geopolitically, some countries carry more weight than others.


DeathJr said:
have happened in any other country, would it still get so much importance after this much time? Fuck no!.
Agreed. Just look at the bali bombings, not as high on this magical "disaster scale", but still a significant event. It also effected Australia much more imo.


I finally watched Star Wars for the first time. Not bad! I can appreciate the changes made to the film. I'm assuming they redone all the spacecraft stuff because it looked too good to be from the 70's.

I'll watch Episode V one day.


I don't get the attempts to downplay 9/11. Sure, there gave been and will be worse events. The battle of the Somme, Berlin firestorms, atomic bombings, soviet winter offensives, major earthquakes in Pakistan, Iran, China, the Indian ocean tsunamis, the Japan tsunami, civil war in Rwanda, famine in Somalia, both in Sudan, the list goes on and will always go on.

But 9/11 was a spectacular event with insanely dramatic imagery. Its going to be as repeatedly broadcast as the moon landing because its just a major defining image of the modern era. That will never change.

Personally, there is one image that moves me more and that's the image of the young boy stranded on the Thai beach as the wave rolls in. He didn't even run. But that image is important because it reminds me that people, while being capable, never seem to cause as much devastation as nature can and does. I hope that serves as a warning and a comfort, in some strange way.

Death and tragedy make for powerful moments that everyone can sympathise with. We all know or fear what it is/would be like to lose someone dear to us. That's why all those events are remembered. Thus, 9/11 deserves to be remembered and always will be as an important tragedy in the context of the modern world.

The PROBLEM is not that we keep commemorating it, but rather we will keep making the same fucking mistakes time and time again.

No, I have not been drinking.


reptilescorpio said:
So close to the end of Deus Ex 3 I can taste it. Where to after this? Hopefully Hard Reset pops up on GMG soon.
Think they are only self publishing on steam for now at least.

Also its already cheap >_<!

Also Warhammer!

Also Red Orchestra 2!

Also Trackmania Canyon!


Planet_JASE said:
If I take the way that my parents brought me up as a rule of thumb, then if you don't give in, they don't pull a tantrum. This may not work in every case but it worked with the three of us and has worked for other people I know.
Worked when you were two? Or are you talking about from what you can remember? The "terrible twos" is a period of time when kids first discover they can attempt to defy their parents and make demands etc. Tantrums are frequent during this time and are a natural part of childhood development. Proper negotiation of this period of childhood will result in fewer trantrums down the line, but I'm talking about a screaming two year old who wants the cereal with the colourful monkey on it, and a worn down parent giving in because it's only cereal.

DeathJr said:
Think 4 times.
shanshan310 said:
D: Seriously?!
I'll never move out. Its the only way I'll be able to make money.
It's nowhere near four times, I assume he pulled that from his arse. The most difficult thing is saving up for the deposit, which is usually 20%. You can get loans with less than 20% deposit, but you will be slugged with lenders mortgage insurance (LMI) if you do.

Assuming a $400k place, you'll need an $80k deposit. The remaining $320k will cost you roughly $1100 /fornight in repayments. Renting a place of a similiar value will cost 350-400 a week, or $7-800 a fortnight.
Fredescu said:
It's nowhere near four times, I assume he pulled that from his arse.

When you rent, you tend to SHARE. So you don't pay the whole rent yourself. Individual rent comes out to be what, $300-400 a month? When you buy a house, mortgage will cost you at least 1500-1700 a month. The math is real easy.
RandomVince said:
Personally, there is one image that moves me more and that's the image of the young boy stranded on the Thai beach as the wave rolls in. He didn't even run. But that image is important because it reminds me that people, while being capable, never seem to cause as much devastation as nature can and does. I hope that serves as a warning and a comfort, in some strange way.
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