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AusGAF IV - A No Hope, Government - Double the price, region locked and now adults


I want a tag give me a tag
DeathJr said:
When you rent, you tend to SHARE. So you don't pay the whole rent yourself. Individual rent comes out to be what, $300-400 a month? When you buy a house, mortgage will cost you at least 1500-1700 a month. The math is real easy.
my rents $1100 a month.. maybe i should just get a loan and buy a house lol.


but ever so delicious
HolyCheck said:
my rents $1100 a month.. maybe i should just get a loan and buy a house lol.

Need a crazy amount of savings though as fred mentioned. Even if you get a 220k loan (for a 300k house), it's still say $1600 a month in repayments.

Buying a house is a nice idea and all but it's fucking bananas.

As much as I would love to own a house, Have a kick ass backyard and a place for mini cookies to grow up, It's just so damn expensive. I need a better paying job!
Fredescu said:
Worked when you were two? Or are you talking about from what you can remember? The "terrible twos" is a period of time when kids first discover they can attempt to defy their parents and make demands etc. Tantrums are frequent during this time and are a natural part of childhood development. Proper negotiation of this period of childhood will result in fewer trantrums down the line, but I'm talking about a screaming two year old who wants the cereal with the colourful monkey on it, and a worn down parent giving in because it's only cereal.
My parents ignored any form of tantrum. I'm not going to say that I remember being two, but there is enough of a gap between my sister's and I that they can recall me being young and chucking ineffectual hissyfits. My parents stand by the fact that children will only behave in a certain way if it elicits a desired response. You don't respond in a desirable way the first few times and the child begins to realize that it's not an effective strategy.

What I'm not a big fan of is the current trend of negotiating with children when they are acting improperly. What I vividly can recall from childhood is Dad's I'm Not Impressed Stare whenever we started to act up. That was the negotiation. Dad stares. Would you like to see what happens after this? No? Negotiation complete.

However, Fred, I do say this from a position of not having children. I do have friends with children and I see the effect that giving in to negative behaviour has. I do not fully know the pressure that having children (and multiple ones, at that) and the temptation that giving them what they want has, especially at the end of a particularly hard or trying day.
As Fred said, the big problem is saving that massive deposit. Would love to have my own place but since we are saving for a wedding that will be at least 5 years away. Unless I get a massive pay rise

Also markot last night has taught me that MP games and me don't get along so I'm not going to pick up Trackmania or Red Orchestra. Space Marine will be mine very soon. Hopefully Arkham City isn't far off.
roosters93 said:
It's always* better to pretend you do like I just did!

* probably never
Oh hang on, are we talking about children? Like, humans that I've helped sire?

Oh, yeah, totally got some of them at home, somewhere.

I love that they're like small adults, just without the self-sufficiency. They also say stuff that amuses me because it comes from an innocent, yet totally ignorant viewpoint of how the world works.


REPLACING Julia Gillard with Kevin Rudd would take Labor from confronting a landslide defeat to a potentially election-winning position, according to an Age/Nielsen poll that also finds a slump in the PM's approval to her lowest ever.

Labor's two-party vote, steady on 42-58 per cent from last month, would jump to 52-48 per cent under Mr Rudd. The former prime minister, ousted more than a year ago, is preferred by 44 per cent of voters as ALP leader, more than twice Ms Gillard's 19 per cent support.

Mr Rudd would take Labor's primary vote of 27 per cent (down 1 point since last month) to 42 per cent, according to the poll of 1400 taken from Thursday to Saturday.

that pretty much confirms that the only ppl that would vote for Gillard are the fanatical laborites.... everyone else have left the fold.

but to be honest.... they should leave the decision till as close to the election as possible.....

to nullify the inevitable backlash after the hype and novelty, hitting just before an election campaign (news limited will be certain to continue their destablising campaign)


but ever so delicious
Why would people want Rudd back? Didn't we dislike him because he did fuck all? Aren't we disliking Julia because she is doing things but they seem to be not so favorable things.


evlcookie said:
Why would people want Rudd back? Didn't we dislike him because he did fuck all? Aren't we disliking Julia because she is doing things but they seem to be not so favorable things.

whether you think he was an idiot or not..... he deserved to crash and burn at the election like John Howard nearly did in his first....

rather than stabbed in the back by faceless men.

the comeuppance is sweet


Planet_JASE said:
My parents stand by the fact that children will only behave in a certain way if it elicits a desired response. You don't respond in a desirable way the first few times and the child begins to realize that it's not an effective strategy.
I'm only disagreeing with you here on scale ("first few times" = more like 6-18 months worth, regardless of your response), not on method.

DeathJr said:
When you rent, you tend to SHARE. So you don't pay the whole rent yourself. Individual rent comes out to be what, $300-400 a month? When you buy a house, mortgage will cost you at least 1500-1700 a month. The math is real easy.
That's an unfair comparison. If you're ok with sharing you could just rent out your extra rooms.


Just read through the last few pages of the thread and my summary:

- Those without children should wait and be careful about judging how those with children act/parent. Or beware the 'I told you so's'. Just a tip.

- The renting / buying discussion seems to have come up again. My only suggestion/recommendation to people wanting to get in, is not to expect too much and be willing to settle for something less than your ideal. We did, got us into the market paying off our own mortgage and should easily be able to 'upgrade' in the near future due to all the capital.

- Deus Ex really is great, still, although I get the feeling some of the augs are a bit superfluous. Anyone used the Typhoon thing for example? Is taking a while to play through due to me being completely anal about hacking everything and exploring everywhere. :p Need to finish up so I can start up Dead Island for the first time.

- Got around to watching West Ham (4) beat Portsmouth (3) from Sat night. Championship referees are awful.

- Teething + sick child is hard work. Operating on a few hours sleep this morning.


reptilescorpio said:
Also markot last night has taught me that MP games and me don't get along so I'm not going to pick up Trackmania or Red Orchestra. Space Marine will be mine very soon. Hopefully Arkham City isn't far off.
It's weird, I'm sure I've played MP games with your modem without a hassle. But connection issues aren't the reason I don't play online anymore, it's that the mood for what I want to play changes VERY rapidly and I really can't be fucked playing with people I don't know.

That, and I find games that don't have MP have a far better fleshed out SP experience. Vanquish and (from what I've read) DE3 and Arkham Asylum come to mind. Maybe Space Marine will be like that, too.
Sam Stosur, what a legend.

Also, Dead Island is pretty fun. I don't thinking caving a zombie's skull in with a flaming baseball ball will ever get old.
BanShunsaku said:
Also, Dead Island is pretty fun. I don't thinking caving a zombie's skull in with a flaming baseball ball will ever get old.

Decapitating zombies with an electrified machete is pretty good as well.


Can anyone tell me what happened to El Shaddai coming out locally September 8th? Nowhere near me is selling it, is it a JBhifi exclusive?
Morning AusGAF.
Now because it is a Monday and i am in a sharing mood i thought i would (hopefully) bless you all with some knowledge this morning.

Subject: TV shows
Suggested interests: mad men/entourage/well crafted tv series with a backbone

If you like the above then click THIS

if you didn't click the link above, something is wrong with you. GO WATCH SUITS.


DeathJr said:
When you rent, you tend to SHARE. So you don't pay the whole rent yourself. Individual rent comes out to be what, $300-400 a month? When you buy a house, mortgage will cost you at least 1500-1700 a month. The math is real easy.

My mortgage is equal to what I would pay in rent for a similar house (at least $250-$300/wk). Rental prices are overpriced in this town though, due to the high percentage of students.

So in this fortnight I have finished (all for the first time, despite having played all of them in some fashion over the years):

  • Half Life 2
  • Episode 1
  • Episode 2
  • Portal 1

Episode 1 and 2 were nothing short of incredible, and goddamn I loved Portal 1. Not feeling Portal 2 as much so far, but am only a few hours in. Then my shameful backlog will be nearly finished, and I can get stuck into DEHR without any niggling voices!


I may have logged into the creative Minecraft 1.8 server and created a chicken surprise in the brick house in the middle of the train tracks.

Pistons are hard.
Marshmellow said:
Morning AusGAF.
Now because it is a Monday and i am in a sharing mood i thought i would (hopefully) bless you all with some knowledge this morning.

Subject: TV shows
Suggested interests: mad men/entourage/well crafted tv series with a backbone

If you like the above then click THIS

if you didn't click the link above, something is wrong with you. GO WATCH SUITS.

You read my mind, was watching Suits last night, I only have about 3 episodes left to watch of the season.

Great show, I also now have a schoolboy crush on Meghan Markle. So damn hot. Am going to make an avatar featuring her some time today when I get a chance to replace Ricky Gervais gurning.


That's one hell of a shameful backlog, but I'm glad you've cleared it.

This weekend I wrapped Chantelise and Driver San Francisco and am nearing the end of Radiant Historia... I think (it might be a 50 hour game and I'm only 25 hours in, but I dunno, they were grinding and shit). It's been a great week for gaming.

BTW guys buy Driver it's really good.
Marshmellow said:
Morning AusGAF.
Now because it is a Monday and i am in a sharing mood i thought i would (hopefully) bless you all with some knowledge this morning.

Subject: TV shows
Suggested interests: mad men/entourage/well crafted tv series with a backbone

If you like the above then click THIS

if you didn't click the link above, something is wrong with you. GO WATCH SUITS.

Really? Wow, I saw the ads on 7 and just assumed it would be effing terrible.

And Jint, I assume that means you're not a football fan of any kind? I swear that is all I did this weekend. I watched four games of league, one of the RWC (would have been more if 9 didn't hate sport) and flicked onto the AFL during breaks. In sum, the weekend was amazing.


HolyCheck said:

psp for $187, anyone heard of this site before? is it reliable..

I've heard of them before, but never bought anything from them. $187 doesn't seem that cheap, even for a 3000.

FallbackPants said:
And Jint, I assume that means you're not a football fan of any kind? I swear that is all I did this weekend. I watched four games of league, one of the RWC (would have been more if 9 didn't hate sport) and flicked onto the AFL during breaks. In sum, the weekend was amazing.

Yeah great weekend for sport. Caught the Swans AFL match, watched a boring ass F1 race, caught plenty of RWC on Saturday night while out at the pub for dinner (had an awesome schnitzel too), then went home and watched the Premier League all night while playing Grand Prix Story. Oh and showed up late to work so I could watch the end of Stosur's match this morning.
FallbackPants said:
Really? Wow, I saw the ads on 7 and just assumed it would be effing terrible.

And Jint, I assume that means you're not a football fan of any kind? I swear that is all I did this weekend. I watched four games of league, one of the RWC (would have been more if 9 didn't hate sport) and flicked onto the AFL during breaks. In sum, the weekend was amazing.

When my mate 1st told me about it all i could think was. "that sounds really stupid and crap, pass"

Watched 1st episode last night, then 2nd, then wanted 3rd but realised it was 12:30
Cannot wait to get home tonight and watch more. It's ridiculous how clever it is. (smart comedy)


Marshmellow said:
Morning AusGAF.
Now because it is a Monday and i am in a sharing mood i thought i would (hopefully) bless you all with some knowledge this morning.

Subject: TV shows
Suggested interests: mad men/entourage/well crafted tv series with a backbone

If you like the above then click THIS

if you didn't click the link above, something is wrong with you. GO WATCH SUITS.

I've heard good things about suits, will check it out.

Just into my 3rd season of The Wire and waiting for Community and Fringe to come back.
Stackboy said:
I've heard good things about suits, will check it out.

Just into my 3rd season of The Wire and waiting for Community and Fringe to come back.

I can't wait for new Community. Also 30 Rock. And Always Sunny. And Walking Dead. And....that's it off the top of my head.

I still haven't got my goddamn Xbox back. I'm going to go off the handle at this dude if it doesn't show up today.
Edit: Scratch that it just showed up.


midonnay said:
and if housing bubble collapses, renters will be on a winning ticket (assuming they have prepared instead of pissing it away :p )

Hmm, not sure I'd agree that renting is ever a winning ticket. Rent may go down, and mortgages may go up but I'd still rather grind toward full ownership than pay for someone elses mortgage.


I'm basically doing the renting-whilst-saving-for-a-deposit thing now, even though I still live at 'home' with the family. We rent our place and it's split between the five of us. We get a 4 bedroom house (turned one of the living spaces into a bedroom) and it costs me $180 a week. It's going to take me about 3-4 years to save up enough to get a deposit.

I was talking to my mum about when she bought her first place, and said when they she got married they were able to buy an apartment in Fairlight for about 1.5/2 times her salary (she was a teacher) and she wasn't even the breadwinner.

So unfair :(


elfinke said:
I've heard of them before, but never bought anything from them. $187 doesn't seem that cheap, even for a 3000.

Yeah great weekend for sport. Caught the Swans AFL match, watched a boring ass F1 race, caught plenty of RWC on Saturday night while out at the pub for dinner (had an awesome schnitzel too), then went home and watched the Premier League all night while playing Grand Prix Story. Oh and showed up late to work so I could watch the end of Stosur's match this morning.

You forgot the cricket :D


legend166 said:
You forgot the cricket :D

Oh shi... I only caught a few minutes of it Friday afternoon, hence forgetting it.

My mortgage repayments are equal to what I would pay in rent for the same house, <$350/wk (rental market is ridiculous here due to high relative-to-town-population percentage of Uni students).


elfinke said:
watched a boring ass F1 race

Boring? Sure, it was annoying that Vettel got out in front so quickly, but all of the stuff with Schumi and Hamilton was glorious and that crash at the start was crazy.


Re: Renting/buying... happy to rent. Geelong is cheap enough in that regard (at least, my current place) that I can't see myself wanting to deal with a loan or any of that stuff. If I start a family I may look into it, but it seems like it'd be too much of an anchor and restrict me in the future. I still want to live, damnit!
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