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AusPoliGaf |Early 2016 Election| - the government's term has been... Shortened

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I really think we need to reach the point where just throwing up your hands and going 'Whoops!' isn't considered a valid defense in politics.

Regardless of whether it was done with malicious intent or not, I don't want the sort of person who 'forgets' to declare a house running the country.
I was ready to get pissed off at another politician so rich they forget about spare houses, but it's his first ever house and he missed the deadline by a week. Bit different to the other cases where they have multiple investment properties for years without declaring (and sometimes slipping them to the wife's 'ownership' to hide it).

Yeah, to be fair, it's not the same level of stupid of David Feeney but you's think they would have staff to keep up with this sort of thing.
Most of the candidates seem like disaffected ex-libs, a bit like Nick to be honest. I suspect whatever happens, what's good for Nick is what will happen.

Looks like Australia has it's very own Anthony Weiner/Carlos Danger in NT minister Nathan Barrett. Been sending explicit videos of himself to a constituent. He resigned before being pushed, what a comedy of disasters the NT government is.

Lols and now a Liberal candidate for Calwell has had to resign as he owns a brothel in Frankston! Very safe labor seat, but jeez can the Victorian Liberal party pick 'em!

I saw that, worst is the footage shows him with uni age Chinese girls giving out fliers, ones they are claiming he employees. Kinda gross really
Not entirely surprisingly, North Sydney is very slightly left of centre, but a very safe lib seat. Considering it was Joe Hockey's stomping grounds, that's not changing anytime soon, I think.


Not entirely surprisingly, North Sydney is very slightly left of centre, but a very safe lib seat. Considering it was Joe Hockey's stomping grounds, that's not changing anytime soon, I think.

It seems that electorates with a lot of very very rich people tend to be towards the left on this chart but are still safe Liberal seats.


Mainly because left/right isn't a useful distinction.

I'd be more interested in more detailed breakdowns. Attitudes towards leadership (e.g. authoritarian/libertarian), refugees, social issues and economic issues would be better.
I think you're also overlooking that the voters that make seats safe aren't using vote compass in any numbers. The people using vote compass are either uncertain of how to vote or curious about politics. The former group is much more likely to buck the trend of their electorate and the second are probably regret eclectic.

Interestingly QLD is generally where you'd expect.


Mainly because left/right isn't a useful distinction.

I'd be more interested in more detailed breakdowns. Attitudes towards leadership (e.g. authoritarian/libertarian), refugees, social issues and economic issues would be better.

Agreed but this information is still kind of interesting.


Put the "Fuck you, got mine" guy near the the start in his place. Now telling Tony Jones to shut up and listen!

Tony Jones is a numpty. Every question has to be a binary apparently: yes or no. Some of these questions (eg the indigenous recognition one) need much more nuance to answer. Tony would like 140 character limits on the answers.


Tony Jones is a numpty. Every question has to be a binary apparently: yes or no. Some of these questions (eg the indigenous recognition one) need much more nuance to answer. Tony would like 140 character limits on the answers.
His attempts to 'gotcha' on Bill with that question was embrassing.
Tony Jones is a numpty. Every question has to be a binary apparently: yes or no. Some of these questions (eg the indigenous recognition one) need much more nuance to answer. Tony would like 140 character limits on the answers.

He does like to be a part of the story a little too much at times instead of being the host/facilitator. You really notice it when someone like Virginia Trioli takes the seat.

Edit: Bill getting tetchy now, might clock Tony in a sec!
Good line from Shorten: (paraphrasing a bit)

"If we do anything in the next 15 years and that's close the gender gap we'll be the richest country in the world"

Looks like the Greens have a sniff in Higgins.
Latest poll puts Kelly O'Dwyer at only 44.1% with Greens at 24.5% and Labor at 18.5%. Something like a 10% drop from the last election for Kelly. The Green are apparently transferring all their Melbourne resources to Higgins. I know they have had their eyes on it for a while but they must be pretty confident in Batman even with the Libs preferencing Labor ahead of them.


I remember William Bowe from the pollbludger saying that, as a general rule, a seat dropping below 44% PV for the LNP is when it comes into play for the Greens or ALP given how preferences flow between them. That's an absolute knife-edge then.
Hmmm. The Greens are preferencing ALP ahead of Lazarus in my Lower House Seat but above in the Senate.

Admittedly the Lower House is almost irrelevant since the LNP has held it since 1974. And the loss of Truss's personal vote is likely to well and truly be offset by the collapse of PUP channeling ~5%+ back to the LNP.

I imagine part of that is that Greens preferences for Lower House is set by local branch voting whereas Senate is a "compound" of the Queensland wide input , which will likely give small differences. I'm a little surprised by the Queensland Senate recommendations too, it has Labor at 5 whereas I would have expected 6 (any party preferenced after Labor is effectively a null). I suspect I shall depart somewhat radically in my quest to number as many boxes as possible. I wish they'd provide some information on the whys for each choice though.
Haha, brilliant. The playschool delivery is right on point. Didn't expect the turnaround to be so fast.

I'll take that as a comment...

Rumours suggest tomorrows Essential is an eye-opener!
Incoming rogue poll.

Didn't Gillard have a 57-43 newspoll during the 2010 election? I think everyone fell out of their chairs laughing at that one.

Keane didn't say what it was or what direction but that it will be interesting. Might not even be 2pp, Shorten and Turnbull are getting very close in sat/dissat.
God just a few weeks from the election and I'm still no closer to deciding who to vote for.

I will probably end up ignoring federal politics and just focus on my electorate itself from now on
My breakdown of Queensland Senate Parties (by ballot order)

Disclaimer: I lean left and have a fairly large anti-authoritarian streak. YMMV.

Australian Cyclists Party - What it says on the tin. This literally seems to be the only thing they care about. I have some questions about how "active" this party actually is , since they've failed to put up their preference distribution on their website despite saying they would have 4 weeks ago.

Arts party - What it says on the Tin. Seems to be generally left of Labor. Not likely to be on your top 10 if you strongly feel the current Copyright system has problems of the far too long type, since they strongly support it.

Secular Party of Australia - Commits the cardinal sin of having a broken webpage that makes it hard for me to read. Strongly recommend preferencing last. Seems to be more anti-religion than neutral to faith and lack their of. Want to portray themselves as left - libertarians actually seem to be the left of the Labor party on almost everything (not that that's a particularly daunting task).

ALP - If you're reading this thread I suspect you know.

Liberal Democrats - Libertarians (in the US sense).

Online Direct Democracy - (Empowering the People!) - Party based on using online tools to get everyone to vote on everything.

LNP - If you're reading this thread I suspect you know.

Animal Justice Party - You know all those environmentalist wacko things you hear about the Greens ? That's actually these guys.

Katter's Australian Party - Nationals++

Marriage Equality (aka Australian Equality Party) - LGBTIQ single issue party.

Mature Australia - Seniors Party. Seems to lean left. (I guess that makes sense. Since otherwise they'd probably stick to the Liberals. )

Nick Xenophon Team - Eclectic. Seem to largely be disaffected classical liberals but with a somewhat populist streak.

Pirate Party Australia - Copyright and Intellectual Property Reform single issue party (in a close to the burn it to the ground sense). Otherwise can only be said not to lean left on account it's more of a crabwalk when you're bent over that far. Definitely has an anti-authoritarian streak.

Australian Liberty Alliance - Non-indicative name alert. Your standard hard right Christian nutjobs with a focus on being anti-Islam. Have all the other expected stances too but are smarter about hiding them than usual for parties of this stripe.

Derryn Hinch's Justice Party - Derryn Hinch would like to use parliamentary privilege to avoid a variety of laws designed to protect offenders who have served their time. Wouldn't you like to help him ? Also we're not tough enough on crime.

Citizens Electoral Council - Non-indicative name alert. These people are mad. No, really. Even a brief look at their page gives you a variety of left and right wing conspiracy theories and it looks like it belongs on Geocities.

Shooters, Fishers and Farmers - Your standard right wing pro-gun anti-environmentalist party. More Pro-Gun than anti-environmental in practice once elected but the platform reads the other way.

Unnamed Group Ticket (Group R) - Can't find any actual information on this tickets positions. So *shrug*

Democratic Labor Party - A historical preservation of The Labor Right circa 1950.

Family First - Non-indicative name alert. Anti-LGBT Christian hard right nutjobs. (Poorly) Pretends to be a secular Anti-LGBT party.

Renewable Energy Party - What it says on the tin. Single Issue Party.

Australian Sex Party / Marijuana (HEMP) Party - Running a joint ticket in Queensland. The former is definitely socially liberal and seems unwilling to take a consistent position on economics (has been described as Libertarians in bikinis). The latter seem to just be (actually socially left) Libertarians with a single issue attached.

VOTEFLUX.ORG | Upgrade Democracy! - Same idea as Online Direct Democracy - (Empowering the People!) . Probably only running as separate tickets to try and play Senate Roulette.

Pauline Hanson's One Nation - Anti-Aboriginal Xenophobes. Otherwise basically Nationals.

Rise Up Australia Party - Non-indicative name alert. Anti-Foreigner Xenophobes. Otherwise close to being actual Neo-Nazis.

Socialist Equality Party - Pretty much what it says on the tin. Actual Socialists in the classical sense (ie they reject all non-class struggles as unnecessary division of the working class).

Christian Democratic Party (Fred Nile Group) - Yet another group of Anti-LGBT+ hard right religious nutjobs. This time openly so.

Palmer United Party - If you're voting in Queensland I'm sure you already know. Also - LOL , this may be the most rapid implosion of a political party in Australian history.

Glenn Lazarus Team - Seems to be trying to stake out a centrist position. Is actually to the left of Labor in some ways (definitive support for marriage equality). Thanks to the Double Dissolution is actually almost certain to get re-elected.

Jacqui Lambie Network - Is not likely to do anything much in Queensland (considering she's in a nail biter for a seat in Tasmania). Is playing the Ordinary Australian Card. Seems to be a right leaning populist. Web site is badly designed and fills me with rage.

Australian Progressives - What it says on the tin. Another party of the Left.

Australian Christians - Result of Christian Democratic Party Schism. Seems to be practically identical.

Drug Law Reform - Single Issue party concerning Drug Law Reform to treat drugs as a health issue rather than a criminal issue.

Health Australia Party - Non-indicative name alert. Alternative medicine wackjobs. (Also fluoride is imperiling our precious bodily fluids).

Country Minded - A modern reimagining of the Nationals. Still Socialism for Farmers/Graziers/And the necessary communities and Fuck You Neo-Liberalism Everyone Else but less Bought and Paid for by Fossil Fuel Industry.

Veterans Party - Party focused on taking care of returned service people / police / and others in situations that may cause physical and mental health issues. Claims to have detailed policy positions in other areas but don't seem to be available at the moment. Judging by the How to Vote card available, they'd be on the Left side of the spectrum (and the brief policies on the HTV card certainly are).

The Greens - I'm pretty sure you know if you're reading this thread.

Sustainable Australia - Sustainable Population Party (ie Anti-Immigration) Trying to stake out a centrist position on everything else. Somewhat unusual in modern parties in that it's anti-immigration generally but not against taking in refugees and asylum seekers.

And then a whole bunch of Independents who I have negative ability in trying to find out the positions of. It'd probably be an excellent idea if the AEC gave parties / candidates the option to provide a link to a website and/or a policy position document for themselves with their application that would be included.


Pirate Party Australia - Copyright and Intellectual Property Reform single issue party (in a close to the burn it to the ground sense). Otherwise can only be said not to lean left on account it's more of a crabwalk when you're bent over that far. Definitely has an anti-authoritarian streak.

Out of interest, could you explain the crabwalk bit? I remember reading their policy wiki ages ago and they seemed to be kinda technocrats. In favour of universal basic income and such. Interested in your take on this.

Derryn Hinch's Justice Party - Derryn Hinch would like to use parliamentary privilege to avoid a variety of laws designed to predict offenders who have served their time. Wouldn't you like to help him ? Also we're not tough enough on crime.

Guessing this is meant to be "protect"?

Good write up, thanks for taking the time.
Out of interest, could you explain the crabwalk bit? I remember reading their policy wiki ages ago and they seemed to be kinda technocrats. In favour of universal basic income and such. Interested in your take on this.

Guessing this is meant to be "protect"?

Good write up, thanks for taking the time.

Just me joking that they are significantly to the left of the standard Pirate Party position (which is more of a determined centrist in areas other than IP and Privacy). Mind you that's relatively, the other major branches are in Europe and so centrist is pretty left by Anglosphere standards. May also just be a result of the membership. And yes you're correct about them being technocrats.

And yes it is meant to be protect. I'll fix that when not on my phone.


Rundle's bit yesterday was on how the tedium of this election campaign is a symptom of the systemic failure of our democracy. No real choices, no real ideological differences, just keep running until the other guy fucks up.

Dead Man

Rundle's bit yesterday was on how the tedium of this election campaign is a symptom of the systemic failure of our democracy. No real choices, no real ideological differences, just keep running until the other guy fucks up.

Seems to sum up the majority of it so far, at least for the two majors.


We had our Trump moment in the nineties with Pauline Hanson. Her channeling of xenophobia, populism and disenchantment with the establishment is a microcosm of what Trump is doing in the US. Perhaps he cribbed notes on the rise of One Nation for his own strategy.
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