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AusPoliGaf |Early 2016 Election| - the government's term has been... Shortened

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I've been in Europe for the last three weeks. I turned on the TV yesterday and that was the first ad I'd seen for the election. Gave me a good laugh.

Also I don't understand the "he's formulating policy" line. Turnbull is a guy who seems to have been coveting the PM job for decades.

He's actually trying to formulate policy that doesn't piss off his parties right without getting the same loathing Abbott did. That is challenging since the Liberal right started off loathing him for knifing Abbott.


Betting agencies are less than 1.15 for the LNP. It's practically a shoe-in for the LNP at this stage. Which is fine, I don't have a problem with a small-l led LNP government holding power without the senate.

Turnbull's biggest job will be keeping the right on side. They will hold plenty of sway. Conventionally they might be small-l led, but as a government they will be plenty conservative.
Turnbull's biggest job will be keeping the right on side. They will hold plenty of sway. Conventionally they might be small-l led, but as a government they will be plenty conservative.

Things are looking plenty awkward at the moment. If the way the seats fall works out as expected he could end up getting knifed by a Right member before the next budget.


I've been in Europe for the last three weeks. I turned on the TV yesterday and that was the first ad I'd seen for the election. Gave me a good laugh.

Also I don't understand the "he's formulating policy" line. Turnbull is a guy who seems to have been coveting the PM job for decades.

Formulating policy that doesn't piss off the base while also being palatable to the electorate isn't easy. Much of what Abbott did isn't usable. And while he might have ideas, putting these into legislative action is a different matter entirely.


Nine months of caretaker government is not acceptable.

What would you have the government do? Governments in developed countries don't have anywhere near the urgency for action that other countries have. We will do fine without any sort of intervention for years.

I'd much rather good policy was discussed and formulated rather than rushed through.


What would you have the government do? Governments in developed countries don't have anywhere near the urgency for action that other countries have. We will do fine without any sort of intervention for years.

I'd much rather good policy was discussed and formulated rather than rushed through.

You don't get to cry debt and deficit disaster for six years as part of a continuing tantrum before nine months of doing nothing counts as a period where there is no sense of urgency needed.

Consistency of propaganda is important.


These are all good answers IMO

Philip Ruddock, Liberal MP: The lack of debate in Parliament

I think we have members of Parliament who are more programmed by staff as to what they're going to say. I can remember a time when we used to have debates in the House of Representatives and people spoke without notes and you actually had debates rather than prepared speeches that bear no relationship to the speeches before or after. I like to think that the Parliament itself is a situation where you can talk issues through. We do more of that in the committee structures we have today than we do in the Parliament itself



You don't get to cry debt and deficit disaster for six years as part of a continuing tantrum before nine months of doing nothing counts as a period where there is no sense of urgency needed.

Consistency of propaganda is important.

I guess. I think outcomes are much more important than rhetoric though.


I guess. I think outcomes are much more important than rhetoric though.

Of course it is, I agree. But you don't get to change the mode of operation without acknowledging the old way was wrong. The LNP are still in 2010 tantrum mode and using the same rhetoric of fearmongering. They don't get to pretend they give a fuck about intelligent policy debate when they haven't stopped the dog whistlers.


This might be the best unintentionally bad political ad I've ever seen!

Fake Tradie

Whoever did this must be a plant

Stick with the current mob for a while - Glowing endorsement that one.

It's almost borrowing from the Simpsons.

"Vote Turnbull - If you were running for PM he'd vote for you."

Honestly I think #faketradie would have to be my favorite thing of the whole election...
A Current Affair story on Manus Island will be on in 5 min. Very concerned on the angle they are going to portray.
Well did you hear the menacing music underlying the booming voice of "INSIDE NAURU'S DETENTION CAMP!".

When will we see the #realtradie ?
I'm real tradie, yes I'm the real tradie
All you other fake tradies are just imitating
So won't the real tradie please stand up, please stand up, please stand up!
Greetings, fellow trades workers. They are coming after our banks.

EDIT: I'm looking into the policies of the Animal Justice Party since they are running in my electorate, but they don't appear to list a policy on marriage equality. Which lead me to find this article from yesterday:
ANIMAL Justice Party candidate Tony Hulbert says homosexuality is unnatural.

The candidate for the Federal seat of Menzies told Leader because of his beliefs, he would abstain from a vote on gay marriage.

But Mr Hulbert conceded he would have to consider voters’ views in the face of possible electoral backlash.

Mr Hulbert told Leader if he was elected and a vote on a marriage reform bill came before parliament, he would choose not to vote.

“I don’t agree with homosexuality but I’m not game to throw the first stone so I would probably abstain,” he said.

“If the electorate was up in arms, I’d be forced to look at how the electorate wanted me to vote and if push came to shove I would say yes, but I’d rather abstain.”
Policy: It is unnatural and I will abstain from voting on it but I'm not game to throw the first stone (read: I think it's a sin) but if people like it lots then I'll vote for it but I'd rather not.


Greetings, fellow trades workers. They are coming after our banks.

EDIT: I'm looking into the policies of the Animal Justice Party since they are running in my electorate, but they don't appear to list a policy on marriage equality. Which lead me to find this article from yesterday:

Policy: It is unnatural and I will abstain from voting on it but I'm not game to throw the first stone (read: I think it's a sin) but if people like it lots then I'll vote for it but I'd rather not.

You would think someone from the animal justice party would have seen a few documentaries over the years and learnt that homosexuality is common in nature.
Greetings, fellow trades workers. They are coming after our banks.

EDIT: I'm looking into the policies of the Animal Justice Party since they are running in my electorate, but they don't appear to list a policy on marriage equality. Which lead me to find this article from yesterday:

Policy: It is unnatural and I will abstain from voting on it but I'm not game to throw the first stone (read: I think it's a sin) but if people like it lots then I'll vote for it but I'd rather not.

That may or may not be party policy. I suspect their actual policy is probably: No Position / Conscience Vote for Members. Parties who have 0 chance or getting a lower house candidate elected tend not to vet candidates for that properly. Even Major Parties tend to be awful at vetting candidates in seats that are no contest either way.

If you want to get their actual position I suggest sending an email. They'll probably be more than happy to respond.


re: Q&A its ironic to see the LNP complaining about labor's scaremongering over medicare given all the LNP scare campaigns over great big new taxes, children overboard, safe schools and refugees
re: Q&A its ironic to see the LNP complaining about labor's scaremongering over medicare given all the LNP scare campaigns over great big new taxes, children overboard, safe schools and refugees

One of the great constants of politics is that its morally reprehensible for the other side to do things that are fine when we do them.
Despite doing my best to avoid the ALP vs. LNP shit-fight, it's pretty clear to me this country needs anyone/anything other than the Liberals at this point.
#faketradie is a real tradie and a real Liberal voter. It's not funny anymore now it's just sad.

To be fair, if he was a professional actor he really should have been thinking about a career change! Doesn't have the aptitude for acting.

I don't watch a lot of commerical TV, the only reason I caught it was it was around the start of the the F1 race. Have they pulled the ad, or are they sticking with it?
I thought that the changes to negative gearing would have no impact on housing affordability. Now I'm being told that the changes would cause a collapse in housing prices. Which one is it?

Semi related but I can't stand Scott Morrison. He really is the embodiment of everything I hate about modern politics. Even worse is it feels like every other day he is holding another media conference to spout his nonsense attacks.

Edit: I saw the ad on tv last night so it's still running.
I thought that the changes to negative gearing would have no impact on housing affordability. Now I'm being told that the changes would cause a collapse in housing prices. Which one is it?

Semi related but I can't stand Scott Morrison. He really is the embodiment of everything I hate about modern politics. Even worse is it feels like every other day he is holding another media conference to spout his nonsense attacks.

Edit: I saw the ad on tv last night so it's still running.

Maybe in some areas there would be a slight decline but it's more about slowing the rate of house price growth against wage growth. It's a peashooter really and the horse has bolted. Also, since Labor have given a date for the end of negative gearing as 1 July next year if they get in there may be a little bubble leading to that date as everyone gets in before the tax lurk ends.


Thank God for Scott Morrison and his fearless defence of the rights of bigots to say what they please. Won't someone please think of the poor, silenced religious right.


i'm honestly disappointed the media/twittersphere latched onto #faketradie because it never really mattered whether he was fake or real, all that mattered was the ad was shit and rubbish


People are so mean when I try to deny them legal rights
That's a very manipulative way to put it.

If someone wants to own machine guns, and wants the law changed to allow them to legally, are they I currently being 'denied legal rights'? No, the move is to change the law. It's not a right until it is the law, which is completely different from being denied a legal right.

I'll rarely defend ScoMo, and some anti gay marriage people have been and will be assholes about it, but I have seen people called awful things for wanting marriage to be man+woman.

Reality is this plebiscite will happen, Turdball is going to win the election. We'll see how it all plays out.

Dead Man

That's a very manipulative way to put it.

If someone wants to own machine guns, and wants the law changed to allow them to legally, are they I currently being 'denied legal rights'? No, the move is to change the law. It's not a right until it is the law, which is completely different from being denied a legal right.

I'll rarely defend ScoMo, and some anti gay marriage people have been and will be assholes about it, but I have seen people called awful things for wanting marriage to be man+woman.

Reality is this plebiscite will happen, Turdball is going to win the election. We'll see how it all plays out.
He is denying them gaining it as a legal right. I don't think that anyone should be upset if Morrison is described as denying legal rights. He is, they are not legal rights yet but he is denying their existence.
That's a very manipulative way to put it.

If someone wants to own machine guns, and wants the law changed to allow them to legally, are they I currently being 'denied legal rights'? No, the move is to change the law. It's not a right until it is the law, which is completely different from being denied a legal right.

I'll rarely defend ScoMo, and some anti gay marriage people have been and will be assholes about it, but I have seen people called awful things for wanting marriage to be man+woman.

Reality is this plebiscite will happen, Turdball is going to win the election. We'll see how it all plays out.
I suppose it wasn't technically correct, but I fail to see what was manipulative about my statement. Certainly wasn't intentional. I'm honestly surprised given the misinformation the anti-gay marriage supporters have been spreading of late.

I've yet to see people called anything other than homophobes (which is accurate), usually in response to calling LGBT people even worse shit. To be perfectly honest after having come out to a christian friend and having her turn around and accuse me of victimising her without me even asking her to change her opinions, I'm beyond giving a shit if people are upset at being called homophobes.
That's a very manipulative way to put it.

If someone wants to own machine guns, and wants the law changed to allow them to legally, are they I currently being 'denied legal rights'? No, the move is to change the law. It's not a right until it is the law, which is completely different from being denied a legal right.

I'll rarely defend ScoMo, and some anti gay marriage people have been and will be assholes about it, but I have seen people called awful things for wanting marriage to be man+woman.

Reality is this plebiscite will happen, Turdball is going to win the election. We'll see how it all plays out.
Let's be clear:

Every person who is against marriage equality is being an arsehole. It is advocating for the government to continue discriminating against us. It is inherently being an actual arsehole. Doing it quietly isn't being not-an-arsehole.

This plebiscite would be emotional warfare against us. And I will consider Turnbull to be equally responsible for all the homophobia he pretends it won't propagate. Because he could be a leader and stop it.

Dead Man

Let's be clear:

Every person who is against marriage equality is being an arsehole. It is advocating for the government to continue discriminate against us. It is inherently being an actual arsehole. Doing it quietly isn't being not-an-arsehole.

This plebiscite would be emotional warfare against us. And I will consider Turnbull to be equally responsible for all the homophobia he pretends it won't propagate. Because he could be a leader and stop it.

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