How can you say that? All I'm saying is that the chicken little hysteria is a fucking joke. You act like you can predict the future for certain. Yet you didnt predict the pound going down just a few hours ago. You guys gotta stop dealing in absolutes. Calm down. The world will still want to do business with England. Will they be worse off? Maybe. Will they be like the rest of the world that does business with the EU without being in the EU and some how get by? Maybe. Will this even be a news story in a month? Maybe. Who the fuck knows. Apparently a lot of people on my social media feeds. Have they studied economics? No. But they know the answers apparently. They're moving to Ireland. They're going to sell all their shares. They're trying to move their money out of the country. They're fucking morons. You could've asked them a question about world finance 2 days ago and theyd have no idea. Today though. Fucking experts.
Dunno what you're saying in this word salad except that you should stop paying attention to Facebook.
The issue with leaving the European Union is that the United Kingdom's main trade partner is the European Union itself. Unless the United Kingdom is a really special nation with a significant amount of leverage, more so than the European Union, you have to be nuts to think they are going to get a better deal than Norway, who doesn't get a vote yet still has to abide by EU regulations and pay contributions to enter the EEA, or Switzerland, who has bilateral deals and access to the single market yet also has to accept regulations and pay contributions. And unlike those two countries, the United Kingdom isn't mostly self-sufficient like Norway (natural resources) or geographically in the center of the whole of Europe (Switzerland).
Overnight, we saw the European Union (or Germany I guess) argue that they're not going to give the United Kingdom preferred access to the single market. You don't leave something like the European Union like this and go along as if nothing has happened or you haven't impacted the political stability of the region.
No, I'm not Nostradamus. But its common sense to assume that the United Kingdom isn't the British Empire anymore. Or even a United Kingdom anymore if Scotland leaves. Time isn't on their side and they don't have the economic or cultural pull to get a single market the size of the European Union or the United States to give them preferential treaties. In fact, European Union and United States have already stated that the United Kingdom isn't getting any preferential treatment at all. Shit, China even said that the United Kingdom was on route to becoming a small country after the Brexit.
No one saw a Brexit actually happening from the outside because it was completely against British economic interests to do so. Stock markets don't behave rationally when there's uncertainty and this is peak uncertainty when you basically say that in a few years that you're going to leave the union that give you access to the single market that makes up 50% of your exports and imports.
So really instead of posting memes and one sentence zingers, maybe you'd like to engage with our discussion and educate us. As an Australian outside looking in, I'm not seeing any long term advantages to exiting the European Union so it'd be somewhat appreciated if you're willing to tell us why you're so optimistic. No we're not fucking experts but we're on a forum where we don't have word limits.