I'm normally a fan of crikey, but that's not a good article. There are many, many studies showing the burden of company tax falls on workers.
Link em? What benefits workers more is other workers with money to spend.
And even if we accept it majority falls on capital, it's still the least efficient federal tax. CGT is almost entirely paid by the rich, and it's far more efficient. Cutting company tax for CGT would be a pareto improvement without affecting the progressivity of the tax system at all.
The problem with arguing about the efficiency of one tax vs another is you need be prepared to sell a tax hike along with your tax cut, which is never the case these days. In almost all cases, including this one, a tax cut is revenue that is gone for ever and discussions about whether this or that tax is efficient is just sophistry to cover for a "small government" ideology.
I also don't think the location of people's hearts matter.
Maybe, but claims about what people really think is the point that refutes the "lie" of the save Medicare campaign.