wow they infected the comments pretty quickly.
top kek. man that meme magic shit really bugs me, it's the language I'm more habitually used to see being thrown around on tumblr which is mostly left-wing in nature (occasionally overly so)
I've never actually watched Mad As Hell. All the lefty bias would rot my brain.
Wow, what a coward, what the hell.I'm still not sure whether r/the_donald is real or just an elaborate troll/group delusion.
The shenanigans of the far right in this country never fails to entertain in a sad way. By this time next week they will have splintered again and will probably be know as the Peoples front of Judea.
Today in News:
[*]Almost PM Turnbull has all of a sudden weakened his language on 18c and is willing to have a conversation.
The Federal Government will soon move to ban refugees and asylum seekers on Manus Island from ever coming to Australia, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says.
The Coalition will introduce the legislation next month, which will apply to people who arrived by boat from mid-July 2013, even preventing them coming as tourists.
Mr Turnbull said it would send a strong message.
"They must know that the door to Australia is closed to those who seek to come here by boat with a people smuggler," he said.
More to come.
I can't view this as anything other than punitive against people who dare to seek asylum and think Australia might just possibly be a compassionate country.
I don't understand how they think not being allowed to come into the country even after you successfully resettle somewhere else would be discouraging to try the first time. It's also garbage - imagine making a new life somewhere else and after 20, 30 years just wanting to go on a holiday to Australia. Sorry! Because Australia is a bunch of fucking wankers.
For a country that has a national holiday celebrating risky voyages, an anthem that encourages it and a currency that commemorates intrepid sailors, we sure seem to have an unusual concern for naval safety all of a sudden.
Dying? NOT IN MY BACKYARDThe important issues is that refugees don't die where we have to know about it. Dieing at sea elsewhere or continuing to suffer in circumstances that make a significant chance of death look like a promising avenue are actively desirable to the extent we'll engage in torture to make sure it happens. Straya!
Holy shit, Malcom has gone into full-on Abbott territory out of desperation. What little respect I might've had for him has evaporated.
Nevermind such legislation is very likely unconstitutional anyway.
The important issues is that refugees don't die where we have to know about it. Dieing at sea elsewhere or continuing to suffer in circumstances that make a significant chance of death look like a promising avenue are actively desirable to the extent we'll engage in torture to make sure it happens. Straya!
What exactly do you want us to do? We tried the compassionate approach and it led to the death of thousands. That we are directly responsible for. The harsh reality is that there isn't anything we can do that doesn't lead to people's deaths. Any policy we implement will either be explicitly or implicitly allowing some people to die or be treated unduly so that others survive.
As far as I can see this is essentially a real life version of the trolley problem, just with a whole heap more tracks and levers.
Directly responsible for? That's nice. You go take that on your shoulders if it makes you feel better about what our government is doing to people seeking safety.
afaik we've been in boat people are the devil mode since tanpa, right?
So people who drown aren't our direct responsibility after our policy change caused them to make the journey?
We relaxed restrictions heavily early under Rudd. Which had support from many people on both sides of the aisle, but was deemed a failure after the drownings started.
So people who drown aren't our direct responsibility after our policy change caused them to make the journey?
We relaxed restrictions heavily early under Rudd. Which had support from many people on both sides of the aisle, but was deemed a failure after the drownings started.
I'm not exactly convinced that people who are willing to take the risk of drowning to get away from wherever they were should be discouraged so that we feel better about it. I mean by definition from their perspective the chance of death was something they were willing to take. We're only pretending we're helping by discouraging that as we are (ie making getting here worse rather than being there better).
People being willing to risk death to get away from a place is a pretty good argument that we shouldn't be forcing them to stay there to me.
We also started or joined wars under Howard that caused these refugees to leave. What's your point?
They are going to go somewhere, somehow. Try not to treat them like shit when they get there.
Do we even have proof the drowning stopped or just that people stopped reporting them because now it's super illegal
how moral are our actions when we are literally keeping people in absolutely shitty conditions and they burn themselves in protest at how fucking shit they are
Lambie voters are very similar. Which is interesting, in that it suggests such voters are motivated almost entirely by social policy.
Which does add weight to the theory they are lashing out rather than looking for solutions to their problems. Which means appealing to them politically with solutions is going to be post facto: that is you have to improve their living standards rather than say you will , which makes any such solutions are very risky.
We can treat refugees that we accept or intercept under our care as human beings. We can't do all that much about those that aren't under our care.What exactly do you want us to do? We tried the compassionate approach and it led to the death of thousands. That we are directly responsible for. The harsh reality is that there isn't anything we can do that doesn't lead to people's deaths. Any policy we implement will either be explicitly or implicitly allowing some people to die or be treated unduly so that others survive.
As far as I can see this is essentially a real life version of the trolley problem, just with a whole heap more tracks and levers.
Oh in further Senate hilarity:
Rod Cullerton has said he may not vote with PHON on the IR bills. Which means Turnbul has to try and keep both him and Hinch on side just in case. Otherwise its off to a joint sitting (which probably isn't doable this year, since joint sittings require absolute majorities and the numbers are so close that means that Turnbull would need everyone currently on international jaunts back to do it).
Source: AFR
i feel like the way we treat refugees in the detention centres will end up being Australia's national shame that other countries will hold over us
What exactly do you want us to do? We tried the compassionate approach and it led to the death of thousands.
Putting aside this often used argument justifying the government's current approach and the counter argument regarding our obligations I wonder:
1) If the boats have stopped and the current policy is successfull then why is there a need to further harden the policy?
2) What is the justification in making this new policy retroactive when the goal is to prevent further unauthorised maritime arrivals? Surely having it apply purely for any future arrivals would have the same effect.
Looks like there is some precedence from the case of Robert Wood in 1987 from the Nuclear Disarmament Party. He was disqualified as he never became an Australia citizen and the recount resulted in the 2nd candidate on the NDP ticket being elected. Obviously the Senate rules changed at the last election and they broke different rules but it looks like the 2nd candidate should be ok.
One wrinkle might be whether Day has genuinely tried to defraud the government for the rent money through various trusts or he's just a bit dodgy and thought it would be fine. Bob Day has also been the majority financial contributor to the party for a long time now and if the party was benefiting from this well that could be big trouble!
Regardless of what happens, this is gonna be a hilarious trainwreck. If this problem has been around since the election of the Abbot government, the entire government's entire legislative history could be in peril, which would be fucking amazing.
Whoops.We note that our Nauru-related FOI cases (ie summary incident reports, health data set and several others) continue to be on hold pending confirmation from you about when we can proceed to finalise them.
Are you able to please give us an update/indication of when you consider we will be able to proceed?
There are some risks associated with not proceeding these FOI requests.
Rather than freezing the processing of these cases for several more weeks or months, we might be better off releasing the documents sooner, with the Nauru information fully exempted under grounds of international relations. This is something wed want to discuss with Susan [Mathew]given the concerns previously expressed about such an approach.
Also it looks like the person Glesson was talking about on the 14th was Cullerton who has his own issues with potential bankruptcy and criminal offenses.
Edit: Yep, and he'll be off to the High Court as well. There is no way anything is going to get done in the Senate until next year at this rate.
Also it looks like the person Glesson was talking about on the 14th was Cullerton who has his own issues with potential bankruptcy and criminal offenses.
Edit: Yep, and he'll be off to the High Court as well. There is no way anything is going to get done in the Senate until next year at this rate.
The Abbott government approved Bob Day's potentially unconstitutional office deal against the advice of its own bureaucrats, who raised specific concerns about his financial stake in the building.
Government documents reveal the Department of Finance initially rejected Mr Day's request to relocate his electorate office from downtown Adelaide to a building he owned in the suburb of Kent Town.