So now a bunch of Lib moderates are planning to try and force the party into a free vote on SMM, to remove it from the agenda once and for all. The right-wingers are naturally mortified, of course, partly because they're now terrified of Pauline Hanson's Bigot Brigade, and they're trying to argue that changing policy is a bad idea because 1) "we took the plebiscite to the election and won, therefore a free vote would be a broken promise!" (except a bare minimum majority is not a mandate nor a sign of approval, and it's a bit late to complain about broken promises when you've already broken about a billion of them since 2013) and 2) "the plebiscite is part of this term Coalition agreement, breaking it essentially betraying the Nats and will destroy the government".
Nice to see the moderates finally getting some backbone and putting their foot down.