Looks like all awards are being dropped by 25 basis points on Sundays and Public Holidays. The Libs will be loving it. Can't wait to see the massive increase in employment from this and I'm sure the extra money totally won't just flow into the back pockets of business owners.
So close your fucking doors or get more customers. Or do it yourself as you say.Are you a business owner? I am and I can tell you that the high cost of wages especially on a Sunday will eventually result in me closing the doors on a Sunday or doing it myself with my wife. Something has to give I'm afraid.
Easier said than done.Improve your business.
Easier said than done.
You think people don't want their employees busy enough for a full week?
Easier said than done.
You think people don't want their employees busy enough for a full week?
So close your fucking doors or get more customers. Or do it yourself as you say.
Employees pay should not be what is blamed for an unprofitable days trading. Improve your business.
Society as a whole has decided night time and weekends are 'unsociable' times to work. These are the times most people spend not working, so able to spend combined time with family and friends.Wow. Good one. Why didn't I think about any of those things. Why don't we just pay everyone double time 7 days a week and then improve our businesses to compensate.
Why don't you just tell those that may get their wages cut, to just get a higher paying job because everything is just that simple in your world? Or doesn't it go both ways?
Meanwhile, Tones is out and about being fairly blatant about his ambitions to return to the top job, espousing policies that voters either don't care about or are outright opposed to. Ah, delcons.
If Abbott knifes Turnbull (again), it'll be the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd saga all over again, except Abbott would tank the Coalition's electoral chances further rather than preventing a total bloodbath like Rudd's return did.
Meanwhile, Tones is out and about being fairly blatant about his ambitions to return to the top job, espousing policies that voters either don't care about or are outright opposed to. Ah, delcons.
If Abbott knifes Turnbull (again), it'll be the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd saga all over again, except Abbott would tank the Coalition's electoral chances further rather than preventing a total bloodbath like Rudd's return did.
He is an attack dog only.Abbott seems only able to destroy things:
Turnnull as opposition leader
Rudd as PM
Gillard as PM
His own stint as PM
Turnbull as PM
I really have no idea how such a crazy person got to where he is.
Wow. Good one. Why didn't I think about any of those things. Why don't we just pay everyone double time 7 days a week and then improve our businesses to compensate.
Why don't you just tell those that may get their wages cut, to just get a higher paying job because everything is just that simple in your world? Or doesn't it go both ways?
Society as a whole has decided night time and weekends are 'unsociable' times to work. These are the times most people spend not working, so able to spend combined time with family and friends.
As such, those who work these hours deserve compensation for not being able to socialise within the agreed norms.
If you have a business that needs weekend/weeknight sales/traffic, it's essentially built on the idea that weekends are special. Can't have you cake and eat it too, either the customers are not at work so can go out as a group to eat/buy/participate, or there are no 'normal' work hours and you don't get a concentrated hospitality/retail prime time in antisocial hours.
Meanwhile, Tones is out and about being fairly blatant about his ambitions to return to the top job, espousing policies that voters either don't care about or are outright opposed to. Ah, delcons.
If Abbott knifes Turnbull (again), it'll be the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd saga all over again, except Abbott would tank the Coalition's electoral chances further rather than preventing a total bloodbath like Rudd's return did.
So the WA AG confirmed that, for all intents and purposes, Brandis lied to the senate over his involvement in the Bell Group litigation that was the start of his feud with Gleeson.
Once parliament comes back next week, Brandis is fucked now that Labor, the Greens and the crossbench have evidence to accuse him of contempt.
Brandis is a master of spin though - he'll be hard to nail down. Will there be enough crossbenchers to pull it off? We still haven't gotten the diary yet.
Newspoll is 55-45 to Labor, by a change of one percent.
Primary votes: L/NP 34, ALP 37, GRN 10, PHON 10, OTH 9.
Government's primary vote is continuing to crash, and Turnbull's question time attack on Shorten clearly failed. This isn't a matter of merely losing Newspolls, the government is slowly but surely bleeding primary votes, and Turnbull is bleeding even faster than Abbot did. It's been less than a year and the government is heading directly towards an electoral bloodbath.
Turnbull can't afford to have another bad or even merely tepid budget, otherwise he is toast. But that would require standing up to the right-wingers and actually providing good policies. And an outright capitulation to the right-wingers would just result in 2014 all over again.
Fucking wankers.Another couple of geniuses in Victoria.
I like the attitude, happy to represent the people in the Western Suburbs but there's no chance I'd live there! That attitude is rife in the Victorian ALP, plenty of examples of Labor MPs both federal and state living in "nicer" locals than their electorates.
I cannot believe Dutton is plausible.
Dutton As PM makes the Trump presidency look sensible and normal. He's Australia's Dan Quayle.
did you hear we're just giving the media centrelink debt people's personal information now
A DHS spokesman said personal information could be released by the Government to correct public statements of complaints.
"Such disclosures are made for the purposes of the social security law or the family assistance law, they do not need to be formally authorised by the secretary," the spokesman said.
"Unfounded allegations unnecessarily undermine confidence and takes staff effort away from dealing with other claims.
"We will continue to correct the record on such occasions."
Labor's Linda Burney accused DHS of "deeply unethical actions" and the Government of seeking "revenge".
"The disclosure has occurred deliberately to smear a private individual who has spoken out about the error prone robo-debt program and the deeply flawed Centrelink debt recovery process," she said.
If Dutton becomes leader, I'm going to quit the party.
Eric Abetz said:"This particular flag, you will realise, is the flag of the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands, that declared war on Australia and you Senator Cormann would understand they did the same as Prince Leonard of Hutt River Province and now this is their official flag," Senator Abetz said.
"Of course, it is the flag of a hostile nation if we are to believe them, having declared war on Australia. I dare say that wasn't the reason it was flown..."
If Dutton becomes leader, the ALP will win at least 216 of the 150 lower house seats at the next election and the Senate will probably explode. Frydenberg and Porter don't want the poisoned chalice and Morrison and Bishop are tainted by their own failures.
So it looks like Bill Leak deliberately dragged out his 18c investigation for "political" purposes. He was given 2 chances to declare his cartoon, the pretty grotty one where an Aboriginal Father didn't know the name of his son, was fair comment and at that point the commission would have ended the claim but he never responded.
Edit: Uh-oh daddy-o. George Christensen just resigned as the Whip for the National Party. Crossing the floor on his Sugar thingy or the Banking RC? Joining the PHON? Joining Bernardi who is lonely all on his own? Got lost and can't find the House?
And Abetz throwing a wobbly over a Rainbow Flag outside of the Finance Department. Wants a Marriage Alliance flag flown as well!
So it turns out the Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea is an actual place.
They need to get Corman in the lower house, or get Costello back or something. Both smug shitpieces but fuck they look like gods compared to Dutton.
What a nightmare of a party. What is wrong with this country. I think Shorten is the worst leader Labor has had for 30 years (yes including Latham who was fine when he was leader) and he'll sleepwalk into PM.
I dunno if Shorten was just lucky or a brilliant pick. Abbott was totally unable to deal with Shorten, being an empty suit is a pretty big advantage when your opponent only knows how to brawl, and Turnbull was hanged by his own party before he was even put up as Leader, all Shorten had to do was wait for that to become obvious, if Shorten had been more noticeable himself it might have actually distracted from the Lib internal problems.
Both.I dunno if Shorten was just lucky or a brilliant pick. Abbott was totally unable to deal with Shorten, being an empty suit is a pretty big advantage when your opponent only knows how to brawl, and Turnbull was hanged by his own party before he was even put up as Leader, all Shorten had to do was wait for that to become obvious, if Shorten had been more noticeable himself it might have actually distracted from the Lib internal problems.