A decrease in penalty rates of 10% increases labour demand by 5%. It will also have flow on effects to consumers as their disposable income increases from lower prices. Companies exist in competition.
Price floors are almost always bad. Penalty rates should be eliminated entirely. Current Sunday penalty rates decrease employment by more than 50%.
Also Dutton isn't a chance. He has no appeal whatsoever. ScoMo is my bet after Turnbull limps along to 2019. Shame his government is essentially neutered by a populist opposition who oppose all good policies.
And a real shame that all the LNP talent is in the Senate.
Also for those talking about free trade, we have increased redistribution to go along with it. Howards redistribution program was massive:
Bold statement!
Abetz - Idiot
Back - Nobody
Birmingham - Give you that one though he's never had an opinion that didn't come from head office
Brandis - Pompous idiot
Bushby - Rorter, lazy and incompetent
Cash - OMG hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Useless
Corman - All politics, all the time. Good political operator, useless person.
Duniam - Nobody more concerned about internal matters rather than actual results.
Fawcett - Called asylum seekers "fleas" Complete grub
Fierravanti-Wells - Lol nope. Another one obsessed with here own position.
Fifield - Decent, kowtowing to the ridiculous NBN party line though.
Hume - Fool
MacDonald - Never done a day of real work in his life but sure looks good in a set of colours.
McGrath - Suckhole to anyone who'll tell him what to do
McKenzie - Likes guns, like really likes guns, a lot, loves them, would probably marry one but marriage is between a man and a women and allowing people to marry guns would be the slippery slope that allowed people to marry artillery emplacements. Can't have that.
O'Sullivan - MacDonald's even less intelligent mate.
Paterson - Complete waste of space.
Payne - Probably the only real talent though she got where she is with a lot of blood on her hands.
Reynolds - Big fan of PHON
Ruston - Who?
Ryan - Meh
Seselja - May genuinely be evil. Worst human being in the place.
Sinodinas - Can't even get corruption right, lost money. Clown.
Smith - Principled if not much else.
Williams - Good fun, seems to have his heart in the right place.
So maybe 2 of any real talent and a couple that could use a good kick up the arse to get them going.