Mah, its just how bad NSW Labor is. Even disaffiliating ir something would work.
NSW Greens and other independance should be capitalizing.
Can anyone give me a quick rundown of the problems of NSW Labor? I know the Keneally government were extremely corrupt but as far as I know Carr was fine.
The Daylight Savings party is on track to win 3-4 seats in the upper house! I suspect they are busily coming up with other policies, any other policies, an opinion on anything else!
Edit: Might wait a bit, some of the numbers on the WA site are a little funky. In North Met. The ALP has 173k votes and the Libs 925. Some random independent has 90k, I suspect someone has mixed up the Libs and that guy. There is a swing, probably not that big!
At the start of the night the vote swing from the libs was 2:1 ONP/Lab and by the end it was 2:1 Lab/ONP.
Glad to see one nation not rewarded.
I kind of feared the result having one nation with seats and having the balance of power in a weak Barnett government.
- One Nation got fucked
- Liberals got fucked
- My good friend (Zak Kirkup, Lib candidate in Dawesville) managed to hold on to his seat, replacing the retiring Kim Hames. He's been working toward this basically since I met him in high school so I'd have been devastated to see him lose in a wave election.
Best possible result for me personally.
Looks like ONP might sneak 1 in the upper house. Terrible result for them though. They polled better than the final result shows, 13% in some country areas but due to everyone but the Libs preferencing against them they lost out.
Party Current Predicted
WA Labor 11 15
Liberal Party 16 9
The Nationals 5 4
The Greens 2 3
Shooters, Fishers, Farmers 2 2
Fluoride Free WA 0 1
Liberal Democrats 0 1
One Nation 0 1
Puts Lab+GRN at 18 so they'll still need one more to pass anything. The Lib Dem should be onboard for a lot of progressive social policy and it shouldn't be too hard to get the Nats or the SFF for some of the economic stuff if they throw them a bone.
In other news... Malcom is jumping on Elon Musk's "100 days or it's free" battery storage proposal bandwagon after SA Labor eagerly leaped into negotiating a possible deal. Even SA Libs are keen on the idea. We're actually seeing bipartisanship on energy for once??
You'd have to be out of your mind to not at least consider it. Its an insanely good offer.
The tricky part will be fixing the malapportionment in the LC itself.
The prediction I'm looking at has Daylight Savings instead of Lib Dems.
The only path I can currently see is based on Daylight Savings / Lib Dem's since everyone else but Liberals and Fluoride Free benefit from it. I'm ruling the Libs out since I think there relationship with the Nats is likely shitty enough already that they won't be willing to make it worse by doing this (it also greatly reduces the chance of a conservative upper house) and Fluoride Free will be conspiracy nutters who aren't going to help.
In other news... Malcom is jumping on Elon Musk's "100 days or it's free" battery storage proposal bandwagon after SA Labor eagerly leaped into negotiating a possible deal. Even SA Libs are keen on the idea. We're actually seeing bipartisanship on energy for once??
maybe Malcolm is going to do something for a change
In other news... Malcom is jumping on Elon Musk's "100 days or it's free" battery storage proposal bandwagon after SA Labor eagerly leaped into negotiating a possible deal. Even SA Libs are keen on the idea. We're actually seeing bipartisanship on energy for once??
Federal Labor is trying to push contempt of court proceedings against Attorney-General George Brandis, arguing he is not taking an order relating to his ministerial diary seriously.
Senator Brandis and his counterpart, Shadow Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus, have been locked in a stalemate for almost three years.
Mr Dreyfus lodged a freedom of information (FOI) request to access an electronic copy of the Attorney-General's diary, to see who he met with before sweeping cuts hit his portfolio in the 2014 federal budget.
But Mr Dreyfus's lawyers have argued nothing has happened since.
They wrote to Senator Brandis' lawyers informing them they would ask the Federal Court to grant a hearing if he did not process the request, so they could argue Senator Brandis was in contempt of that ruling.
The letter, seen by the ABC, stated that Mr Dreyfus's lawyers have not seen any evidence of progress since their last correspondence with the Senator's office in early February.
It stated that no explanation for further delay has been offered, despite it now being six months since the court ruling.
The standard FOI processing time is meant to be 30 days.
When questioned about the latest claim by Labor, the Attorney-General's office directed the ABC to answers he provided on the FOI claim during the last round of Senate Estimates in February.
At the time, Senator Brandis said it had been "disgracefully alleged" that he was in contempt of the court.
He said that when the FOI had been processed by his office, there would be a response provided to Mr Dreyfus.
The upside to our energy problems has been a bunch of people crawling out of the woodwork and looking to get their energy storage projects through.You'd have to be out of your mind to not at least consider it. Its an insanely good offer.
So, Turnbull's solution is to open up gas supplies and "hope" the gas companies don't just sell the addition supply to Asia and "instruct" them to take the national interest into account when they make their decision. Never known a Publicly traded company to choose the national interest over cash. The Gladstone LNG export plant was made so far over current usage capacity that they buy gas a a loss just to keep the plant going.
So, Turnbull's solution is to open up gas supplies and "hope" the gas companies don't just sell the addition supply to Asia and "instruct" them to take the national interest into account when they make their decision. Never known a Publicly traded company to choose the national interest over cash. The Gladstone LNG export plant was made so far over current usage capacity that they buy gas a a loss just to keep the plant going.
For Frydenberg ? So it's good, then?Haha, Jay Weatherill is slaying Josh Frydenberg at a SA power press conference. Literally shoulder to shoulder. Awkward.
The "Sound of Silence" video you RT'd was fucking fantastic.footage here, absolutely crushed.
footage here, absolutely crushed.
Interesting article about how the rise in 3rd party votes, above 25%, has always precipitated a major upheaval in one of the major parties. No prizes to guess which one is currently undergoing a identity crisis.
Mr Dutton said many of Australia's largest corporations were being bullied into supporting policies by advocacy groups, fearing a public boycott of their services or products.
Neither politicians or corporations should be beholden to the public. Or something. Wankers.
Wow it sure is weird that changing public opinions might affect how corporations publically act
dutton, you fucking knob
Newspoll 2PP and primary vote has reversed by 3 points, putting the former on 52/48 to Labor. The shift seems rather inexplicable, TBH. Possibly an outlier?
It's astonishing that the Libs in WA didn't treat PHON the same way John Howard did, with utter contempt and rage, and they paid the price for it. I don't think many Lib voters would vote PHON in places of Australia that aren't Queensland.