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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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UofA Liberal Club had some of their anti-socialist posters torn down and burnt. Cue venomous blogpost about how all lefties are socialists that hate freedom and were in on it. (Then they go and delete a friend of mine's comment)



The Australian


this is... this is amazing.

I would like to see the zoomed out version with all the News Ltd forces behind him.


I see this week's tactic of the murdoch press cabal and the gov't is to demonise people before they even have a chance to protest. Great distraction tactic rather than facing up to criticism.


I see this week's tactic of the murdoch press cabal and the gov't is to demonise people before they even have a chance to protest. Great distraction tactic rather than facing up to criticism.
Hear about the thing in Geelong? Pyne has well and truly lost his marbles, saying something about it being a threat to democracy or the like. Seriously, what a pompous fuckstick.

Fake edit:
A federal source said the decision to cancel the visit to Geelong had nothing to do with what has been an at-times frosty relationship between Mr Abbott and Dr Napthine in recent months.

Education Minister Christopher Pyne said on Tuesday night that the event was cancelled on the advice of the Australian Federal Police, who said that ''they were concerned about the safety particularly of innocent bystanders''.

''So the Prime Minister made the decision, and his office, that it would be wiser to not go and create that tumult at Deakin University so students can get on with their studies unmolested by the Socialist Alternative, which seems quite intent on shutting down democracy in Australia,'' he told ABC TV's Lateline program.

But National Union of Students president Deanna Taylor said on Wednesday that Mr Abbott must explain why he was worried about facing students and answering their questions.

''I think the Prime Minister and his ministers are being a bit cowardly and trying to portray students as though they’re violent rabble-rousers who are out to cause trouble, which isn’t the case at all,'' she said.

''They’re trying to make us sound like spoiled little brats who don't know how good we've got it. They have a very clear agenda.''

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/federal-polit...ed-protests-20140520-38l1o.html#ixzz32Ji3nut1
Alarmist much?

and this...
Dr Napthine is still expected to attend the university event.
Napthine is making out like a bandit with all this federal stuff going on and the states opposing the majority of it.

Geelong Trades Hall secretary Tim Gooden said a community protest had been organised, including representatives from unions, students, the Greens, ALP, people from Men’s Sheds, pensioners and disability groups.
Yup, confirms it. Abbott just completely shitscared of facing people he know will question his stance on the budget. Would be a slaughter if he faced people from any of those groups, let alone all of them.


This is not directly related to politics, but I had it linked by a Dane (no, not me) in one of my circles who says his country has a record low amount of trust in their politicians. This 12 minute video may shed some light on why we mistrust our own.

Simon Sinek - Why Good Leaders Make Us Feel Safe.

It's very much a universal phenomena throughout the OECD, which seems to coincide with the rise of neo-liberalism and cartel politics.


Just got an internal staff email. After going over the specifics of the budget Bebbington and other vice-chancellors around the country are now of the opinion that it goes too far and would result in a system worse than the US.


I have a photo of the cartoon in the paper on my phone. I'll upload it after work. I didn't notice the headlines until just now. It needs to be seen in context. On its own it is quite tame.
I have a photo of the cartoon in the paper on my phone. I'll upload it after work. I didn't notice the headlines until just now. It needs to be seen in context. On its own it is quite tame.

I eagerly await this, since it must be a thing of many-splendiferous beauty.


Didn't realise there were a shittonne of student protests today too. Huh.

Twitter chatter lighting up about protests in Sydney City and Victoria. I seem to recall there were some protests orged for Bris/Adelaide too?

Fuck. I would've joined them.
More student protests today.
I find the situation of any Coalition MPs (even former ones like Sophie Mirabella) being unable to show their face within 100 metres of a university without being heckled hilarious. (Though I don't like the level of aggressiveness Socialist Alternative peeps are displaying)

Just got an internal staff email. After going over the specifics of the budget Bebbington and other vice-chancellors around the country are now of the opinion that it goes too far and would result in a system worse than the US.

Good to hear. I read this morning that the University of Western Sydney vice-chancellor is calling for a delay but that didn't necessarily exhibit negativity towards the reforms.
I'm most afraid of the situation for regional universities and their students. If the deregulation takes place, the unis couldn't afford to raise their fees, but they couldn't afford not to.
This is unbelievable. Defence minister labels public servants 'fat and happy'. As they're sacked in droves...
Best Budget Ever!


As always, the big increases in expenditures in this budget weren’t mentioned by Hockey in his speech. These are the huge tax expenditures that accrue mainly to Australia’s wealthiest, like capital gains tax exemptions and superannuation tax breaks. At the back of Budget Paper 1, a handy table allows us to compare some of them.
Ben Eltham at New Matilda
Someone's gotta address these (and negative gearing) sometime. They're unsustainable, unless we pay more for the wealthy's concessions. (Although as a 21 year old student I admit I don't know much about them)

This is a really interesting piece, Whatever Happened To The Working Class? Written by the author of The Slap, it touches on bogans, labour, the Greek recession, welfare and more. If any of y'all aren't familiar with The Monthly it's a great place for for Aussie long-form journalism and general stories. For instance there's a 6300 word story on the author's daughter's soccer team and their coach which as bizarre as it sounds is a great read.


Just got an internal staff email. After going over the specifics of the budget Bebbington and other vice-chancellors around the country are now of the opinion that it goes too far and would result in a system worse than the US.

I love the UofA but I'll be honest, after running a club for three years there....I'm so glad to get away from the politics of it all.


Just got an internal staff email. After going over the specifics of the budget Bebbington and other vice-chancellors around the country are now of the opinion that it goes too far and would result in a system worse than the US.

I'm glad to see that the group of 8 are against this as well. I thought for a while that they would be leaving the other institutions hanging.
Several hundred university students stopped traffic in Brisbane with a street march.

Police intervened when a small, separate protest group surrounded and heckled Greens Senator Larissa Waters as she addressed the crowd.

"It seems that those folk were trying to defend Tony Abbott's budget cuts and they weren't very well received here," she said.


Also the students staying around in Melbourne after being ordered to move on (video contained in that link) are a tad idiotic. There's like 1-2 hundred police there, you're going to lose and get arrested.


Daily Telegraph's article on student protests of course sensationally focusing on the arrests, violence and disruption caused in Sydney. Can't wait for tomorrow's front page.



Also the students staying around in Melbourne after being ordered to move on (video contained in that link) are a tad idiotic. There's like 1-2 hundred police there, you're going to lose and get arrested.

Nobody ever achieved anything by complying politely with police.
That tony abbott thing is funny as love the humour...i dont know who would get off the older ladies on the phone....close that and open the internet app....theres gilf porn for a reason.


Honestly I'd be pretty annoyed too if these old people who received their degrees gratis now wanted to uncap current university fees, but obviously the public won't see them for the hypocrites they are.

Joke's on them when graduates figure out that leaving the country also leaves behind their HECS/Help debt.


Honestly I'd be pretty annoyed too if these old people who received their degrees gratis now wanted to uncap current university fees, but obviously the public won't see them for the hypocrites they are.

Joke's on them when graduates figure out that leaving the country also leaves behind their HECS/Help debt.

I'd assume they're going to make it hard as hell to renounce citizenship now.

Also, restrictions on Youth leaving the country. Yep, it'll come to this otherwise how are we going to have our cheap labour force...
Don't worry, as an American, I'm just letting you know that destroying your social safety net, ignoring climate change, and turning higher education into a way to bleed money from young adults for decades turns out great.


That tony abbott thing is funny as love the humour...i dont know who would get off the older ladies on the phone....close that and open the internet app....theres gilf porn for a reason.

Obviously I think it's a huge non-story but it's just so, so funny to me that he just completely plays into this weirdo prime minister stereotype.

It's like dad humour if dad was a lizard trying to pretend to be human
Don't worry, as an American, I'm just letting you know that destroying your social safety net, ignoring climate change, and turning higher education into a way to bleed money from young adults for decades turns out great.

You are the worst kind of prophet!

Obviously I think it's a huge non-story but it's just so, so funny to me that he just completely plays into this weirdo prime minister stereotype.

It's like dad humour if dad was a lizard trying to pretend to be human

So Abbott is our Donald Rumsfeld? lol


110 million cut to the csiro. 250 million extra given to chaplains in schools.

I know this is old news but fuck a duck.

The benefits the csiro has given us and society at large is immeasurable.

Chaplains in schools just give us a royal commission.


Nice to see police thugs out in force today, but they're obviously beyond critique in the 'national dialogue'

Heard the cops moved on some young libs trying to heckle down the Greens speaker in Brisbane, so... I dunno. Maybe the cops were just, y'know, making sure the thousands of people weren't there to set fire to things.



Also the students staying around in Melbourne after being ordered to move on (video contained in that link) are a tad idiotic. There's like 1-2 hundred police there, you're going to lose and get arrested.

I was at that protest today, and noticed that a number of protesters were staying after me and my friend long left. Was wondering what was up with that.

Have a friend who kind of did that at a education protest last year.. and ended up getting so caught up in the heat of the moment that he threw a shoe at a police officer... got arrested and charged for it too. :p
this is what happens when you are part of the socialist alternative..-.-


To be fair - I did a bit of a research on this on a education assignment, is some school chaplains hired appear to be trained in psychology and counselling, but I'm unsure if it's something that's generally regulated.


To be fair - I did a bit of a research on this on a education assignment, is some school chaplains hired appear to be trained in psychology and counselling, but I'm unsure if it's something that's generally regulated.

It's not regulated. They aren't accredited. The APS has been pretty clear on that.

A psychologist has to do at least six years if study plus a few extra with supervision.

Anecdotally, chaplains do more damage with faith based nonsense than they do any help. They simply aren't trained at all. It's akin to letting a trainspotter fly the Sydney to Melbourne domestic routes.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
No problems. Just hope someone has done a risk assessment on letting untrained proselytizing chaps in schools again.
Technically they're not allowed to proselytise, which really just highlights how pointless the whole thing is. There's no reason for them to be there at all unless you just automatically assume that good Christians are great sources of advice and wisdom.

Dead Man

Honestly I'd be pretty annoyed too if these old people who received their degrees gratis now wanted to uncap current university fees, but obviously the public won't see them for the hypocrites they are.

Joke's on them when graduates figure out that leaving the country also leaves behind their HECS/Help debt.

Students were pissed off 15 years ago when HECS was changed under the Howard government. Plenty of pics were around the campuses of pollies that got their degree for free or never paid for it when they should have. Nothing's changed. Except for the worse.

110 million cut to the csiro. 250 million extra given to chaplains in schools.

I know this is old news but fuck a duck.

The benefits the csiro has given us and society at large is immeasurable.

Chaplains in schools just give us a royal commission.

The chaplains thing is so fucked up I can't express myself politely.


Dead Man: Crossest man in AusPoliGAF. (Stolen and adapted from In the Loop)

That should be your tag, not this deepdick nonsense that I don't really understand.



Dead Man

Dead Man: Crossest man in AusPoliGAF. (Stolen and adapted from In the Loop)

That should be your tag, not this deepdick nonsense that I don't really understand.
I don't really understand it either. It is an edit of my original one which I also did not understand. I like your suggestion much better, lol
Bahaha. I shouldn't laugh, but I am... only at the fact you're brushing it off so casually (and that it happens so often to you, lols).

Yiiiikes. That's pretty massive. And fucking hilarious.

All good :)

Edit: So the PM and Treasurer seem not to know what their budget actually says:


EMBARRASING bloopers by Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Treasurer Joe Hockey have revealed they don’t understand who will be forced to pay their controversial new $7 GP fee.

And their mistakes have undermined the government’s attempt to sell a tough budget to angry voters.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott told Melbourne radio listeners yesterday an average person would only have to pay the $7 GP fee ten times and then they would be bulk billed.

In fact the government has put no limit on the number of times an ordinary worker will pay the $7 charge, however, there is a ten visit safety net just for pensioners and children.

Radio 3AW host Neil Mitchell asked the Prime Minister yesterday: “If I am the average person going along to the doctor what is the safety net on the $7 co-payment?”

The Prime Minister replied :”Well, it is 10 visits and then the standard bulk-billing arrangements will apply.”

Mr Abbott’s office ammended his statement late yesterday. “The safety net of ten visits applies to concession card holders and people aged under 16”, it said.

The Australian Medical Association accused Treasurer Joe Hockey of also getting it wrong when he says the chronically ill won’t be hit by the $7 GP fee.

The Treasurer told Korey Gunnis who suffers from eight chronic illnesses on Monday: “You wouldn’t be hit by the so-called Medicare co-payment. You wouldn’t be affected.”

Mr Hockey, on the ABC’s Q&A program, went on to say: “No, you wouldn’t, because you’d be on a care plan with your doctor. Obviously you’ve got a number of chronic diseases. In that situation you are not affected by the co-payment,”

RELATED: Treasurer - “Enough with the photos”

While it is true that Medicare’s chronic disease management item will be exempt from the $7 GP fee, this is only for one doctors visit a year where the GP plans the patients care for their chronic illnesses.

Australian Medical Association GP spokesman Dr Brian Morton says every other visit the patient with a chronic illness makes to the GP or medical test that is ordered would be hit by a $7 GP fee.

“He either doesn’t understand or is misusing the statistic or is lying,” Dr Morton told News Corporation.

“The chronic disease management items are one off, they are not for treatment,” he said.

A diabetic patient would have to see their GP every three months and pay the $7 fee and regular tests of their blood sugar levels and kidney function would also attract a $7 charge, Dr Morton said.

A spokeswoman for Mr Hockey said yesterday “his comments stand”.


CONFUSION abounds over government plans to deregulate university fees after Prime Minister Tony Abbott contradicted his own budget.

But students who protested in Sydney and Melbourne are certain of one thing: they'll have to pay for the government's decisions and they're not happy.

Two men were arrested in Sydney's protest - one for using a flare and the other for allegedly assaulting a police officer.

Scuffles also broke out in Melbourne on the steps of Parliament House.

Mr Abbott told ABC radio that only students who start studying in 2016 would face potentially higher fees when universities can charge what they like.

"If you start next year, your conditions of study won't change," he said.

But the budget papers clearly state that anyone who enrols after May 14 will face deregulated fees in 2016.

Only those who were already studying on budget day would continue to have their fees capped - and only if they finish their studies by 2020.

Education Minister Christopher Pyne reiterated this in a separate ABC radio interview after Mr Abbott's comments.

A mother asked him whether her daughter, already at university, would have to pay more.

"If that student stays in the course that she's doing, she'll continue under the rules that she started," he said.

"If she changes course, then quite rightly she will face the new measures."

A spokesman for Mr Pyne said the prime minister "may not have been as clear as he could have been".
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