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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Here's the cartoon with headlines...


Edit: Booyah, top of the page! It would have been nice to get the whole thing, but I probably would have broken the magazine scans rule. Hopefully the chunk of the page is fine.


Hah, I'd have thought a photo taken with your phone would've sufficed! But thanks for pulling through... the context with those headlines is even more delicious.

On another note, what a first-class cunt:
Mr Abbott also copped hard questions from talkback callers on 3AW’s Mornings with Neil Mitchell.

“Chantelle”, a home and community care worker, called in to say she was worried about her job as her organisation was on a three-year contract with the local council.

“We have a three-year contract but we don’t know what’s going to happen after that three years,” she told the Prime Minister.

Mr Abbott replied: “Look, I have a three-year contract as well and I don’t know what’s going to happen after three years.”

“You’d probably get out on a bit more money than Chantelle,” Mr Mitchell interrupted.

“That’s a fair point Neil,” Mr Abbott said. “We all have to live with uncertainty. It’s not nice and sometimes you’ve got a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach when you contemplate your future.

“But nevertheless the Commonwealth government is tackling its issues because we have got to get the debt and deficit problem that we were left under control.

“Other levels of government are doing what they think is best as they wrestle with their particular problems.”
Comparing his three-year term to that of a care worker. Nice job, dickweed.

Edit: Holy shit that budget snafu. Wow, so out of touch he doesn't even know his own party's budget.
Okay. I admit I thought you were being hyperbolic before. But .. wow. That's ... It's everything you promised and more.

My favorite part is the column on the right defending the Budget as Keating-esque while the one around the comic accuses the Left of double standards. It's a beautiful framing device.

Edit - I admit to thinking trigger warnings can be silly at times but there certainly are ones that provide valuable knowledge that can have significant impacts on people based on personal experience (like rape or domestic abuse or mental illness). I'm also a little confused as to how "trigger warnings" can be a nanny state measure. Provision of information is not a function of the nanny state, restriction of access is (and last I checked the Coalition is still A-OK with the way our Classification System works and has no plans of reducing any of the actual nanny state restrictions it features).
"Those on the media left lack intellectual curiosity whichever party is in power"

That's quite the statement. Probably not as bad as "Those on the media right show downright intellectual dishonesty whichever party is in power" though.

Can't remember where I saw/heard it in the last week, but The Australian has become a right wing ranty blog that is somehow printed on broadsheet.


110 million cut to the csiro. 250 million extra given to chaplains in schools.

I know this is old news but fuck a duck.

The benefits the csiro has given us and society at large is immeasurable.

Chaplains in schools just give us a royal commission.

Wtf....firstly, why is government money being spent on chaplains being sent into public schools and why is it costing $250 million?

I just can't believe this government? Was Howard this bad?


Hah, I'd have thought a photo taken with your phone would've sufficed! But thanks for pulling through... the context with those headlines is even more delicious.

On another note, what a first-class cunt:

Comparing his three-year term to that of a care worker. Nice job, dickweed.

Edit: Holy shit that budget snafu. Wow, so out of touch he doesn't even know his own party's budget.
Fucking bullshit. His future has no uncertainty, you can ride on being the PM for the rest of your life.


The Tweet-o-sphere is telling me the Australian and the Tele are especially shitty today, but that's never not been the case really

lol@The Herald Sun


"This budget is going to make it nearly impossible to afford an education!"



I dont understand the rhetoric surrounding uni subsidisation by "taxpayers". Uni students are of course, taxpayers. Eventually (as we are often reminded), graduates often earn on average a million dollars more over a lifetime of earnings.

So ... wouldn't that imply that investing in subsidised low-cost student loans is a prudent and safe investment? It's guaranteed to be paid back, even given the percentage of students who will end up in low paying jobs.

Further, these graduates end up paying more tax in a lifetime than the concocted demographic of non-uni-graduate-but-incredibly-resentful-taxpayers.

Further still, I would say HECS/HELP should be expanded beyond uni to include any skilled training because those people will also make good money in professions of technical or trade types, and again the gov't will make back money in productive employees down the line.

Education is absolutely one of the last things that should be cut in my opinion. And because it is essentially a zero-risk investment, it should be subsidised as much as possible, and high-risk activity such as robotrading, investment banking, mining non-renewable minerals and the like should be taxed higher.


It's comes from the fact that old people will always think young people are lazy, because otherwise their own struggles will be meaningless. You'll be seeing the same headlines 40 years from now written by those kids in the photo about the new younger generation.

Except by then all the newspapers will be out of business hahaha


I dont understand the rhetoric surrounding uni subsidisation by "taxpayers". Uni students are of course, taxpayers. Eventually (as we are often reminded), graduates often earn on average a million dollars more over a lifetime of earnings.

So ... wouldn't that imply that investing in subsidised low-cost student loans is a prudent and safe investment? It's guaranteed to be paid back, even given the percentage of students who will end up in low paying jobs.

Further, these graduates end up paying more tax in a lifetime than the concocted demographic of non-uni-graduate-but-incredibly-resentful-taxpayers.

Further still, I would say HECS/HELP should be expanded beyond uni to include any skilled training because those people will also make good money in professions of technical or trade types, and again the gov't will make back money in productive employees down the line.

Education is absolutely one of the last things that should be cut in my opinion. And because it is essentially a zero-risk investment, it should be subsidised as much as possible, and high-risk activity such as robotrading, investment banking, mining non-renewable minerals and the like should be taxed higher.
But with such backing of big business by the government and comparatively little to small/medium businesses, those people won't be able to get a job here with those degrees. Meaning, of course, that they'll either mooch of the current taxpayers or head overseas where we can't get their taxes (hi, game devs). YOUR ARGUMENT IS INVALID.


I dont think scorched earth was ever a viable tactic in war, and it certainly isnt in economics.
Russia used it to great effect a few times. It all depends on whether or not you care about the time and money required to rehabilitate the areas affected.


Here's the origin of the story above from the New Mathilda...


At first I thought this was just a 'but look how hypocritical they are' story. After reading it through this is dodgie. The scholarship has only ever been awarded once before and is currently not being offered. She got it after one interview, the only interview for the scholarship. Abbott's response is also suspect. The scholarship wasn't registered as a gift as it was earned. According to the rules that doesn't matter. Then there are the political donations and personal gifts.

Then there's the awkward fact the budget actually benefitted this type of school with extra funding and fee deregulation.

Edit: I'm not taking any of the above as gospel by the way. New Mathilda does lean left and may have jumped the gun. If most of this is true though, the story could explode like a sparkling bottle of Grange.
What are you guys all complaining about? People in the slums of india are much worse off then you are so you should just deal with it.

I swear every time i hear a liberal member saying anything they come off as a complete cunt.


What are you guys all complaining about? People in the slums of india are much worse off then you are so you should just deal with it.

I swear every time i hear a liberal member saying anything they come off as a complete cunt.
Yeah, it's not like we can show that people work off of relative and not absolute measures of prosperity or anything.


I guess this is what Racing is referring to?


Unhappy about cuts to health, education or pensions in the Abbott government's budget? You should get some perspective and visit Asia before you complain, according to a government backbencher.

George Christensen, the LNP member for the Queensland electorate of Dawson, has sparked outrage on twitter after he posted a photo of an impoverished child and called for a reality check from Australians and their first world problems.

“Aussies should do a tour of Asia & live like locals to put these 1st world complaints re budget in perspective,” he wrote.

From the news.com version:

Shadow Finance Minister Tony Burke criticised Mr Christensen’s tweet.

“It really says it all when the Coalition’s new three word slogan to defend the budget to Middle Australia is ‘better than poverty’,” he said.
Here's the origin of the story above from the New Mathilda...


At first I thought this was just a 'but look how hypocritical they are' story. After reading it through this is dodgie. The scholarship has only ever been awarded once before and is currently not being offered. She got it after one interview, the only interview for the scholarship. Abbott's response is also suspect. The scholarship wasn't registered as a gift as it was earned. According to the rules that doesn't matter. Then there are the political donations and personal gifts.

Then there's the awkward fact the budget actually benefitted this type of school with extra funding and fee deregulation.

Edit: I'm not taking any of the above as gospel by the way. New Mathilda does lean left and may have jumped the gun. If most of this is true though, the story could explode like a sparkling bottle of Grange.

How exactly do you win a scholarship that no-one else gets to apply for? One of those dodgy private institutions, I presume?


I guess this is what Racing is referring to?


From the news.com version:
Holy. Fucking. Shit.

It just keeps getting worse. They're making the most comical of the US politicians look like members of Mensa.

Also sounds like protests going down at Sydney U where Pyne is speaking today over by St Johns.
Can't avoid all protests forever, you shifty prick.


Libs take money of Mafia man

The suspected Mafia godfather of Melbourne helped bankroll a Liberal Party marginal federal seat campaign in the 2013 election, raising the prospect that the proceeds of crime have flowed into Liberal coffers.

The alleged crime figure's fundraising occurred despite Liberal politicians knowing of his suspected involvement in organised crime and in a previous political donation scandal investigated by federal police.

A Fairfax Media investigation can reveal the alleged Mafia boss helped host the "Bruce Campaign Fundraising Dinner", which a Liberal Party memo later described as a "very successful" event, at his Docklands reception centre on March 1 last year.

i'm not even shocked anymore

e: http://blogs.crikey.com.au/pollbludger/2014/05/22/bludgertrack-54-2-45-8-to-labor/


Well, Abbott made the front page of the Washington Post

Good onya, mate.

Edit: Looks like that article gives a good summary for people not of this land what a monkey our current PM is. Will cross-post in the other thread for more visibility.

I mean, at least we're actually angry about it. The republicans will possibly end up gaining seats in November, and they've done and said stuff that is (believe it or not) far worse than what Abbott and his cronies have shat out.


I mean, at least we're actually angry about it.

After voting them in. It's not like they didn't didn't say a bunch of stupid shit prior to that. The old "Governments gets voted out, not in" rings true for both us and the US I think.

As heartening as the polls are, I would expect they always wanted the first budget to be the harsh one. The next budgets will be like "the emergency is over, we fixed it, have some cake." Polls rebound, people forget the first one. Second term Tony. People probably forget Howard was very unpopular in his first term and only got a second term by the skin of his teeth.


After voting them in. It's not like they didn't didn't say a bunch of stupid shit prior to that. The old "Governments gets voted out, not in" rings true for both us and the US I think.

As heartening as the polls are, I would expect they always wanted the first budget to be the harsh one. The next budgets will be like "the emergency is over, we fixed it, have some cake." Polls rebound, people forget the first one. Second term Tony. People probably forget Howard was very unpopular in his first term and only got a second term by the skin of his teeth.

Howard got a 4 point boost after his tough budget. Abbott's not coming back from this, this has been building for years. He won't get better either, he really is a dick.


You're right to the extent that I don't think Abbott was ever as popular as Rudd/Gillard was unpopular, but it's way too early to call it for anyone yet.

Going on this:

Howards net approval may have gone up, but the ALP were still ahead in 2pp. Didn't matter come the election.

Dead Man

Howard got a 4 point boost after his tough budget. Abbott's not coming back from this, this has been building for years. He won't get better either, he really is a dick.

I wish you were right...

After voting them in. It's not like they didn't didn't say a bunch of stupid shit prior to that. The old "Governments gets voted out, not in" rings true for both us and the US I think.

As heartening as the polls are, I would expect they always wanted the first budget to be the harsh one. The next budgets will be like "the emergency is over, we fixed it, have some cake." Polls rebound, people forget the first one. Second term Tony. People probably forget Howard was very unpopular in his first term and only got a second term by the skin of his teeth.

But I think Fred is.
That's pretty much it. You can came back from a harsh first budget. The question is how harsh a first budget / how many broken promises can you come back from? And that basically depends in how competent the opposition are of reminding people of this and presenting themselves as something different.

It'll be interesting to see if Abbott adopts Howard's middle class wellfare policies (his paid parental leave is regressive enough that it may count).


He could always get lucky. War or a terrorist attack would work in his favour. I think the real danger is he and hockey inadvertently drive a financial bubble to compensate for the austerity measures.
What you mean? That'd be great for them. Getting out of dodge before the bubble you created burst and blaming it on others to get back when it's over is how politics works in this country.


Oh man our country is truly going to shit.
Australia is truly open for business. We're having an integrity fire sale this year.

This hits especially hard for me because I find the entire concept of cabinet solidarity completely undemocratic.


What you mean? That'd be great for them. Getting out of dodge before the bubble you created burst and blaming it on others to get back when it's over is how politics works in this country.

Yep, it'd be great for them. Certainly not below what their capable of morally. I used the word inadvertent because I don't believe either has the economic aptitude to actually pull it off deliberately.

As a monumental fuck up that works in their favour for the short term? Yeah, that is my biggest fear.
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