Labor has secured the numbers in the Senate to move a disallowance motion on the Coalition's controversial Future of Financial Advice changes.
Senators Jacqui Lambie, of the Palmer United Party, and Ricky Muir, of the Australian Motoring Enthusiasts Party, have backed away from a deal by Palmer United Party leader Clive Palmer to support the government's changes, adding their support to Labor's move.
Today is awesome.
We've entered bizzaro land!
Now if they stay United (pun) and block Uni deregulation, and pretty much anything that the Libs try to push through until the next election that would be absolutely wonderful!
The party that isn't Liberal just has to undo the NBN changes and bring back FTTP - even with extra delay it's far, far better than FTTN.
It's not related to this thread, but between Pyne starting a petition against his own Government and Gamergate defending Jack Thomson, it's been a pretty funny morning so far.
I doubt that will happen, even Jason Clare has come out and said they won't be able to do that now. But they still believe in FTTP, so that's something I guess.
Throw in the Pauline Hanson resurrection with that and PUP biting it's own arm.
Today is laughcry awesome.
Bahaha. Pyne was a fuckstick from the get-go, but wow. I realised this government was a shambles, but had no idea just how much.It's not related to this thread, but between Pyne starting a petition against his own Government and Gamergate defending Jack Thomson, it's been a pretty funny morning so far.
Oh, I wasn't talking about the time it was done, I just couldn't wrap my head around him petitioning against something that was ultimately as a result of cuts that his government made.
- What we won't be seeing on the front pages anytime soon
- What we won't be seeing on the front pages anytime soon
Oh, I wasn't talking about the time it was done, I just couldn't wrap my head around him petitioning against something that was ultimately as a result of cuts that his government made.
Oh, he definitely is. But he's being too subversive about it. He thinks that by him tweeting about the closure, it's the management making the wrong decision and that the funds should go from elsewhere.Feels like he's trying to make the ABC look like the bad guys in this scenario.
Jessie said:My partner and I went to a home open. We are 28. We turned up just before he closed. There was an elderly couple there in their 50-60's. The price was 'From 600+' on the sign in sheet as we left with him, it was just our names and presumably the elderly couples names. It was a house on a main road 4 bedroom by a school. My partner loved it. We put an offer in of 620k. 3 days later we got a call 'sorry the house has sold... for 700.'
About 3 weeks afterwards we got a phone call from the agent. 'I know you guys really liked that house, its by a school and has room for kids... well I'd like to be the first to offer it for you, its just come on the market to rent!' We hung up.
That night my partner cried. She cried and cried and cried. In front of the tv, reading a book, for about 2 hours. We knew that after tax breaks and concessions etc they would end up paying less than we would have for that house.
We went to bed. I could tell she wasn't asleep in the dark. After about 1 hour she finally said something low and casual....
'I hate Australia'...
It wasn't loud or angry or anything. I like food. Today was hot. I hate Australia...
We're 3rd and 4th generation Australians.
Anyhow were on our way to the NZ for 2 weeks, then USA for 1 month then over to europe for another month.
We know 9 people now who have moved overseas in the last 2 years and we're joining them. We have no plans or desire to become slaves to the baby boomer generation and for them to suggest to us that we 'sacrifice more' when we already have to retire later, have rising interest rates to look forward too, having to use TWO incomes at 40-50% to buy a house. On top of FALLING real incomes. Living in Australia is financial SUICIDE for anyone under 30. Every 'grant', concession, tax break, assistance program does nothing but increase the cost of housing by exactly that much. The 500k stamp duty threshold just gave developers an excuse to say '500k is what you should be spending on a first home' even if it cost 130k to build...
We're sad to leave but economic slavery is still slavery, just harder to recognise.
hahahahahahaha what a beautiful day.
Yay. Seems like Muir showing everyone he's his own man and Lambie going into "oppose everything until the armed services get a pay rise" mode could break the pattern we were seeing where PUP would make a fuss for the government only to pass legislation after extracting some minor concessions. Good Peter Martin piece on the issue from a while back: FOFA. How Palmer was conned. The rotten underbelly of Australia's financial advice industry.Today is awesome.
Speaking as someone living in a rural area, the Nationals have got to be one of the most frustrating political parties in existence. As far as I can tell the main reason Barnaby is a member of the Coalition is because he was an accountant and he thinks that if Labor are in power the government will end up having to take out a second mortgage on Australia from the Reserve Bank or agist it to the Chinese or something.
Interesting to compare this to response to the budget. When criticised for their unpopular budget measures the government claims that not only are they necessary but that they're the best and fairest ways of achieving their goal. When the ABC is forced into making unpopular decisions due to the government's broken promise it's all "this is totally their own choice and they mustn't be working hard enough to reduce inefficiencies and they can't do this please don't cut jobs in my electorate please you've got to help me stop them."Feels like he's trying to make the ABC look like the bad guys in this scenario.
Fuck, that's not a bad idea. Pinball machines are cheaper overseas, too.
This makes me hate the politicians, the bankers and central bankers all the more.
Yes. Blame the baby boomers trying to get the best possible price and not the industry and government who are controlling that market.
Let's not forget the cuts to science, either.We're already looking at a brain drain scenario with the cuts to education and health. Many job seekers are looking for work overseas because there's not enough jobs here. Let's just go ahead and add economic clusterfuck to the number of reasons to move overseas.
Isn't that what they're doing though? From the sample at least.
We have no plans or desire to become slaves to the baby boomer generation
So where are the good countries to move to? Other than asia.
Not in my backyard
This makes me hate the politicians, the bankers and central bankers all the more.
he didn't say that, neither did the article...Yes. Blame the baby boomers trying to get the best possible price and not the industry and government who are controlling that market.
he didn't say that, neither did the article...
That's not blaming them at all, just describing the situation.We have no plans or desire to become slaves to the baby boomer generation and for them to suggest to us that we 'sacrifice more' when we already have to retire later, have rising interest rates to look forward too, having to use TWO incomes at 40-50% to buy a house.
Yep, and though many policies by federal and state governments, such as negative gearing, concessionally taxed superannuation, Immigration, middle class welfare, exemption of home from asset test for welfare...I thought the point of the article was that from the buyer's perspective it's going to cost them less than 600k and make a profit in the long run. The person is quite clearly mad at the system, which is heavily stacked towards already wealthy people buying up property for cheap and renting it back to people who actually need it.
Yep, and though many policies by federal and state governments, such as negative gearing, concessionally taxed superannuation, Immigration, middle class welfare, exemption of home from asset test for welfare...
The last 20 years of government have conspired to make a generation rich, at the expense of the next.
The housing price situation is effectively a giant scheme to transfer wealth from the productive young to the less productive old.
What's a baby boomer?
Well, many of them voted for governments and policies that created the current situation.My grandparents on my mum's side were ten pound poms, and all seven of their children are middle class and successful; they elevated themselves through a glut of opportunity through the 70s and 80s. I don't think our generation has the same good fortune, but it's not (directly) their fault.