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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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better palmer than katter imo. the laters a complete fucking loon

I don't know if it's better now, but everything I learned about parliamentary democracy and the Westminster system, apart from the name, I learned from the Internet.
Same here (and i'm turning 24 in a week).
Plus, even if you fixed civics education Australia-wide tomorrow, it would literally be decades before you ever saw the benefit*. For many adults, it's already too late to fix the damage.
Yeah, which is all the more reason to change it ASAP.

Antony Green believes mandatory voting entrenches the major parties: http://www.abc.net.au/radionational/...voting/4836086


Preferential voting good. Mandatory voting... maybe bad.
What we need is for Proportional Representation in the House and Optional Preferential Vote for Mandatory Voting to work correctly. The former would see a far more accurate representation of the public at large with a far more diverse number of bums in seats and the later would do a great deal to stop the bullshit with preferences which is a complete farce in this election. I'd also support the AEC having greater powers to get people on the roll when they should be.
The latest Morgan poll puts it in line with all the others. 53:47 to the coalition. It's a done deal.



Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I love that the Palmer United ad boils down to hilariously insane dot-points like WE'RE GONNA GIVE EVERYONE MONEY AND CANCEL TAXES. ALSO UNEMPLOYMENT COMPLETELY SOLVED, FOREVER. WE'RE TOTALLY SANE.


Bronwyn Bishop says Gonski reforms will 'dumb down' schools
The high-achieving schools of northern Sydney are in danger being "dumbed down" to one generic Australian standard under the federalised education scheme planned by the Rudd Labor government, according to comments reportedly made by opposition seniors spokeswoman Bronwyn Bishop to her constituents.

The Mackellar MP then asked voters if they wanted their schools to be the same as Tasmania's, and answered her own question: "No, thank you."


Both said Ms Bishop said the schools in northern Sydney were the best in Australia and any move to a federalised education scheme would lead to their "dumbing down".

The forum was attended by about 150 people and according to a local newspaper report, constituents asked questions on everything from same sex marriage to self-funded retirees.

According to the report, Ms Bishop responded to a question about public transport on the northern beaches by saying that increased public transport would bring more people to the northern beaches, which residents didn't want.

"They do call us the insular peninsula, but we do have a special way of life that should be protected," she said.


Wow, so it's not just keep out the poor people from our country cos they'll take our jobs, now it's keep out the poor people who'll invade our local beaches?

Dead Man

According to the report, Ms Bishop responded to a question about public transport on the northern beaches by saying that increased public transport would bring more people to the northern beaches, which residents didn't want.

"They do call us the insular peninsula, but we do have a special way of life that should be protected," she said.

Dear lord. We need to be segregated from each other now?



Is there more than one city, let alone state, in this election?


I'm trying to find this out, are the Libs going to reduce the tax free threshold from $18k back to $6k since they are eliminating the carbon tax?
Lib's plan to microchip suspects by sniper rifle

A Liberal Party candidate proposed a radical new policing system in which criminal suspects would be injected with satellite-trackable microchips shot from a ''high powered sniper rifle''.
The most controversial part of Mr King's plan was the means by which microchips would be inserted into the body. He named Danish company Empire North as having patented the ''ID Sniper Rifle'' as the ''long-distance injector'' of the microchip.

But a search for Empire North in Copenhagen suggests the company does not exist and the ID sniper rifle is actually part of a plot of a Danish sci-fi docu-drama called Empire North.

What is it about politics that attracts people unable to tell fact from fiction?


The sad thing is, this story is pretty much the closest either major party has gotten this election campaign to talking about how the law needs to adapt to advances in communications technology.


lol @ Rudd having a 'chance' meeting witha little girl named Rudd, and then giving her a hug in a perfect photo op.

Turns out the girl was his Chief of Staff's daughter.

Dead Man

The Federal Opposition is promising to stop funding immigration advice for asylum seekers if it wins next week's election.

The Coalition has unveiled the final plank of its border protection policy today.

Currently, Australian taxpayers fund refugee claims and legal appeals.

The Coalition says while it would not stop people accessing the help, it would stop funding it.

The move is expected to save about $100 million over four years.

So can't work and no legal aid. Awesome.


So we've all accepted the reality of an Abbot prime ministership and are just hoping he doesn't reach the full potential of his batshit craziness?

Howard got away with more social conservative bullshit as his tenure wore on. Fingers crossed Abbot's time is short.

Labor's chronic self-destructiveness and Murdoch's moneyhatting are the real culprits here.

Dead Man

So we've all accepted the reality of an Abbot prime ministership and are just hoping he doesn't reach the full potential of his batshit craziness?

Howard got away with more social conservative bullshit as his tenure wore on. Fingers crossed Abbot's time is short.

Labor's chronic self-destructiveness and Murdoch's moneyhatting are the real culprits here.

That's the real killer. Labor is a dysfunctional party. It is trying to be two things at once, when the marriage of convenience between workers rights and progressive politics is over. Labors left and right factions are further apart than Labors official position and the Libs.


Burqa 'confronting', says Tony Abbott as he defends candidate Ray King
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott has confessed to finding the burqa "confronting" while defending Liberal candidate Ray King for describing the Islamic attire as a "sign of oppression".

Asked whether he supported the statements by Mr King, who drew a link between the burqa and criminality at a fund-raiser, Mr Abbott admitted he found it "a very confronting attire".

"Frankly, it's not the sort of attire that I would like to see widespread in our streets," Mr Abbott told reporters on Saturday, while campaigning in Queensland.

Mr King, the former Liverpool police commander standing against Treasurer Chris Bowen in the western Sydney seat of McMahon, urged an end to Muslim women wearing the burqa.

He also drew a link between the burqa and criminality at the $300-a-head fund-raiser in Smithfield in May, where guests included the disgraced former detective Roger Rogerson, according to an attendee.

Despite expressing concern about the burqa, Mr Abbott said people were "entitled to make their choice" to wear the Islamic attire.
If a dog whistle is so loud that almost anyone can hear it, is it truly a dog whistle?
That's the real killer. Labor is a dysfunctional party. It is trying to be two things at once, when the marriage of convenience between workers rights and progressive politics is over. Labors left and right factions are further apart than Labors official position and the Libs.
In my dream world, this'll mean a split between the two halves and the setting up of a permanent coalition between the Left Faction and the Greens.

It was bound to happen eventually.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
So we've all accepted the reality of an Abbot prime ministership and are just hoping he doesn't reach the full potential of his batshit craziness?

Howard got away with more social conservative bullshit as his tenure wore on. Fingers crossed Abbot's time is short.

Labor's chronic self-destructiveness and Murdoch's moneyhatting are the real culprits here.

One bright spot is that despite his dogmatic tendencies Abbott is also a shamelessly disingenuous political opportunist and not particularly dry economically, so it's looking likely that instead of the country being plunged into recession in a mad-cap race for a surplus we'll just get 3 years of the Coalition telling us how Labor's finances were even worse than they feared.
One bright spot is that despite his dogmatic tendencies Abbott is also a shamelessly disingenuous political opportunist and not particularly dry economically, so it's looking likely that instead of the country being plunged into recession in a mad-cap race for a surplus we'll just get 3 years of the Coalition telling us how Labor's finances were even worse than they feared.

Yeah it's a given all we will hear until the next Labor government, even if that is 12 years away, is "we have no money for (insert whatever you like here) because Labor blew the budget".

At least we got the GST out of them.
I don't know if it's better now, but everything I learned about parliamentary democracy and the Westminster system, apart from the name, I learned from the Internet.
We covered it pretty well in high school. In grade 9 (2006) we even did a mock election and went through the whole process of counting the votes, then redistributing second choices etc. It was really helpful. I don't know how much that says about education now.

The latest Morgan poll puts it in line with all the others. 53:47 to the coalition. It's a done deal.
I still want to believe.

better palmer than katter imo. the laters a complete fucking loon.

He actually had a lot of good things to say whenever I've heard him speak.
One bright spot is that despite his dogmatic tendencies Abbott is also a shamelessly disingenuous political opportunist and not particularly dry economically, so it's looking likely that instead of the country being plunged into recession in a mad-cap race for a surplus we'll just get 3 years of the Coalition telling us how Labor's finances were even worse than they feared.

It's always the way, i don't like Abbott very much, but i am against Labor staying in. They had their chance and blew it, not to mention the rotating of leaders to suit polls that look dire no matter who the "face" of Labor is.

I will enjoy voting out Rudd and in turn Labor out of power, this should have happened in 2010 but Gillard robbed me of that chance.
better palmer than katter imo. the laters a complete fucking loon

I never know how I feel on this one.

Palmer is much more grounded in reality. He's also pretty much lying through his teeth, pretending his policies are to benefit everyone when they actually favor rich people and large businesses.

Katter definitely has some positions divorced from reality , but some of his ideas are sensible enough and I'm pretty sure he actually believes in his position.

The sad thing is, this story is pretty much the closest either major party has gotten this election campaign to talking about how the law needs to adapt to advances in communications technology.

I think their ranking of the Pirate Party on their preferences is a pretty good statement really. (To summarize the LNP is "Hahaha No" and Labor is "... Nope, sorry we like being in America's good books way too much")

In my dream world, this'll mean a split between the two halves and the setting up of a permanent coalition between the Left Faction and the Greens.

It was bound to happen eventually.

I'm not sure that'd work well for us. Our system means you'll never have 3 Major parties for any time.

And the 2 majors will tend to be the most centrist. So you'll probably end up with the fairly Centrist Labor Right and the Center-Right LNP as your two parties, while a Labor Left / Greens alliance basically ends up in the same position as the Greens are now. Essentially we end up as a slightly less extreme, smidge more to the left, version of American Politics. That is not a place I want to be.
It's always the way, i don't like Abbott very much, but i am against Labor staying in. They had their chance and blew it, not to mention the rotating of leaders to suit polls that look dire no matter who the "face" of Labor is.

I will enjoy voting out Rudd and in turn Labor out of power, this should have happened in 2010 but Gillard robbed me of that chance.

How did they blow it? Looks like they are doing a pretty alright job from where I'm standing.
Sometimes, democracy results in duds. What about the senate? Any chance of regulating the crazy there?

Honestly, it's not looking good. With so many minor parties in the mix this year, it's really hard to predict how the chips are going to fall. If any minor party can secure 4%+ primary in their own right, their preferences may very well make them kingmakers if they don't get a seat themselves. And from what I'm hearing...both Katter and Palmer may well hit that target. The only saving grace there would be that most of the crazies would be eliminated by the time their preferences would be distributed.

The same sort of thing could work for the other side of politics as well. It'll be very interesting to see the impact of Greens preferences in every state they manage to get a quota. It would not be impossible to see two progressive parties being elected in states where the Greens do manage that for the 4th or 5th seat.


Poll Bludger has a pretty good series looking at the senate candidates and how the seats are likely to end up.







Also, the fix the Senate ballot needs is above the line preferential voting. The excessive number of candidates below the line makes that style of voting almost impossible for lost people. I think only 4% of the population vote below the line and I've also dead that almost half of the discounted senate ballots were due to mistakes in a "below the line" ballot paper.
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