Yikes.12% of Greens voters said "too soft" too. It's going to be a hard slog to get anything nearing a humanitarian refugee policy any time soon.
Question is though, are those people who think they're "too soft" (or anything, for that matter) passionate about it enough for it to influence their voting? I guess that's a question to be raised across all respondents and not just those in that category.
Question is though, are those people who think they're "too soft" (or anything, for that matter) passionate about it enough for it to influence their voting? I guess that's a question to be raised across all respondents and not just those in that category.
I'd love to know if that too soft includes the conditions in the off shore processing centres which get very little mainstream coverage.
Nothing as detailed as that. I've done a few Essential polls. The questions and answers will be exactly as you see at the link. ie
"Q. Do you think the Federal Liberal/National Government is too tough or too soft on asylum seekers or is it taking the right approach?"
1. Too tough
2. Too soft
3. Taking the right approach
4. Don't know
I think it's fair to say that you could improve conditions at offshore processing centers without too much political fallout.
I'm not sure that's quite what I was saying (maybe it was), but I'm picturing a cycle something like this:Labor gets preferences from the ones that vote Green because they're too harsh. They get nothing from the ones that vote Lib because they're too soft.
I take your point that the numbers will be strongly influenced by which party is in power and what they're saying about it.
Can't read all of that at moment, but I think what we can all take is that the majority of Australians either accept the policy or wish it was more strict.
It annoys me that those people will never be in a situation where they need to flee the country and get turned away by people they thought were their friends.if that's true then fuck the majority of australians
Someone really needs to get Abbott a new copy of "How to Not Run a Country" I get the feeling his copy is so old some of the words have rubbed off the cover.Militarisation of the department of immigration: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/nat...-exodus-in-three-decades-20150723-gidnhv.html
"Insiders have complained about the management style of the new regime and there has been unhappiness from veteran public servants forced to wear the military-style Australian Border Force uniform to work each day after a lifetime of civilian service."
That they refer to it as a "regime" speaks volumes :/Militarisation of the department of immigration: http://www.canberratimes.com.au/nat...-exodus-in-three-decades-20150723-gidnhv.html
"Insiders have complained about the management style of the new regime and there has been unhappiness from veteran public servants forced to wear the military-style Australian Border Force uniform to work each day after a lifetime of civilian service."
It annoys me that those people will never be in a situation where they need to flee the country and get turned away by people they thought were their friends.
Someone really needs to get Abbott a new copy of "How to Not Run a Country" I get the feeling his copy is so old some of the words have rubbed off the cover.
PETER DUTTON: No Michael, look mate, I'm sorry, it won't. The Government's policy in relation to turn-backs is that they will take place where it is safe to do so, and it's been successful in doing that.
Labor's policy is that they want to look at the option of turn-backs maybe at some point. This is a completely soft approach and you cannot take a soft approach with people smugglers because they are organised criminals.
Labor's policy is that they want to look at the option of turn-backs maybe at some point. This is a completely soft approach and you cannot take a soft approach with people smugglers because they are organised criminals.
Please challenge Albo.
Latest Morgan poll however has Tanya Plibersek as preferred leader with both ALP and non-ALP voters.
I remember seeing an Australian version of this in this thread.
Anyone got a link?
albo will never win the leadership
Please challenge Albo.
Latest Morgan poll however has Tanya Plibersek as preferred leader with both ALP and non-ALP voters.
I love the continual cries for new Labor leaders. First it was Beazley then Latham then please challenge Rudd then Albo and Plibersek. Throw all hats in the ring; it still won't change the fact that the party has become right wing.
Help us Albo Wan Kenobi. You're our only hope.http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/anthony-albanese-criticises-bill-shortens-handling-of-boat-turnbacks-policy-20150723-gij9xm.html
Please challenge Albo.
Latest Morgan poll however has Tanya Plibersek as preferred leader with both ALP and non-ALP voters.
I love the continual cries for new Labor leaders. First it was Beazley then Latham[/B] then please challenge Rudd then Albo and Plibersek. Throw all hats in the ring; it still won't change the fact that the party has become right wing.
Help us Albo Wan Kenobi. You're our only hope.
Pilbersek is a policy-weak weathervane.
Pilbersek is a policy-weak weathervane.
I remember seeing an Australian version of this in this thread.
Anyone got a link?
An Australian left wing leb commie abbo-loving professor multiculturalist was teaching a class on Mohammed Abderrahman, known Terrorist.
"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Mo and accept that he was the most highly evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Steve the Irwin!"
At this moment, a brave, blue aussie, solidaric pro-white Australia policy TV presenter called Paul Henry who served more than 1500 hours on breakfast TV and fully understood the necessity of VPL for breakfast and fully supported all decisions made by the Australian cricket board stood up and held up a glass bottle.
"What's in this bottle, ya big gallah?"
The arrogant drongo smirked quite poofily and smugly replied "That is a bottle of Victoria Pale Ale, you bloody wombat".
"Wrong. This is the national drink of all Australians, and if towel heads are aussies, then why can't they drink it?
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and his copy of the Qu'ran. He stormed out of the room crying those Melbourne anti-aussie tears.
The students applauded and all went out to get pissed and go surfing that day. A Kookabura named "Mick Dundee" entered the room and threw a shrimp on the barbie.
The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He was killed by an abbo who has been huffing fumes all day and no one even liked him enough to call him a cunt at his funeral.
Fuckin' drongo.
Please challenge Albo.
Latest Morgan poll however has Tanya Plibersek as preferred leader with both ALP and non-ALP voters.
Help us Albo Wan Kenobi. You're our only hope.
Pilbersek is a policy-weak weathervane.
I kinda think Albo is in a similar situation to Turnbull. They're popular with the public, but don't have enough clout inside the party to get or maintain the leadership. Their local constituency agrees more with their personal views than the views of the rest of party, so they have to speak up to keep their electorate onside. The main difference is Albo is a much bigger chance of losing his seat. There is no Arksy United classical liberal party for people to protest vote to if Turnbull doesn't influence the party platform enough.
Do we know who he backs among the ALP leadership contenders? From what I can tell, it seems it's either Shorten, Plibersek or Burke.
Albo polls worse than Shorten or Plibersek.
You guys need to wake up and realise the Albo dream is dead.
Latest Morgan has him ahead of Shorten, but both behind Plibersek.
Albo polls worse than Shorten or Plibersek.
You guys need to wake up and realise the Albo dream is dead.
I think part of it is that Albo has almost disappeared from the stage since losing against Blib. Out of mind, out of sight.
.@RichardMarlesMP says if labor goes back to old asylum seeker policies, they will be judged badly by history. #ALPConf2015
I gotta say on the one hand I have a violent gut reaction to any mentions of government theft..I mean tax.
Is worse than Morrison frankly.
Hope they like being judged by the ICC instead.
But it was a question from the Asylum Seeker Resource Centres Pamela Curr that proved most difficult for Richard Marles.
There is a reign of terror on Nauru against the unaccompanied Somali women who are living in the community. And every night they dread having invasions into their home. They are being raped night after night.
Last night a Somali woman rang Australia begging for help, with three men bashing the door down armed with knives. What are you and the Labor Party going to do? she asked.
Her reaction to Marles response said it all.
Marles didnt address her question about how Labor would ensure the safety of women released into the community, choosing to speak instead about the government halting construction of accommodation on the island and warned against demonising the people of Papua New Guinea and Nauru.