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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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JC Sera

I see where Lambie is coming from, but I also can see being able to put someone into rehab against their own will if they are related to you as potentially abuseable.

Seen horror stories about asshole parents doing it with false psychosis accusations, what would be the entry level accusation for drug addiction? With a drug which can take 1-5 days to leave your system, would they require a drug test or evidence to incarcerate you into tough love rehab?

The bottom line I'm asking is how easy would it be for someone to take autonomy from you if they accuse you of being an ice addict.

I'm not saying its horrible a idea, it could be a potential great solution, just if you want to install something like that, you will have to be so incredibly careful. And to be honest with issues where fear as one of the main motivators, Australia's track record has been fucking awful for that recently.


I see where Lambie is coming from, but I also can see being able to put someone into rehab against their own will if they are related to you as potentially abuseable.

Seen horror stories about asshole parents doing it with false psychosis accusations, what would be the entry level accusation for drug addiction? With a drug which can take 1-5 days to leave your system, would they require a drug test or evidence to incarcerate you into tough love rehab?

The bottom line I'm asking is how easy would it be for someone to take autonomy from you if they accuse you of being an ice addict.

I'm not saying its horrible a idea, it could be a potential great solution, just if you want to install something like that, you will have to be so incredibly careful. And to be honest with issues where fear as one of the main motivators, Australia's track record has been fucking awful for that recently.

It would probably work the same way as sectioning someone for psychiatric care, where there are heaps of avenues of appeal and a guardianship board.

JC Sera

It would probably work the same way as sectioning someone for psychiatric care, where there are heaps of avenues of appeal and a guardianship board.
To be honest my main source of concern for this was a couple years back I had a friend in queensland who had suffered from dysthymic depression for most of their memorable life, and often posted on the topic of suicide online as a form of vent on their personal blog

now someone in another state took this post 100% seriously, got their address and called the police. Because the friend had a history of depression, police came to their house, put them in hospital over night under suicide watch. The fact that someone can do that by interstate phone call over an internet post is somewhat terrifying.

But then I also realise why that system is in place, because of the off chance if something was true.

inb4 only in queensland


Yikes, that's about as bad as it was back in February.

What's on the agenda for Parliament coming up? Same sex marriage? Penalty rates? Climate change and renewable energies?

How the fuck do the government turn this around?
I'm sure they can leak something about a boat arrival being turned back or something. Or maybe the US will start a war somewhere, that could also work.


How can you complain about leaks within your party when the leader leaks policy decisions to the press just about every time? Surely you have to lead by example. Leaking your position to Newscorp every time you have one, and then confiscating your members phones prior to a party room meeting... this is like parenting 101. It's much harder to have your kids stick to a rule if you don't stick to it yourself.

The procession of shit that lead to Abbott being in charge of anything at all is hilarious and depressing.


I'm sure they can leak something about a boat arrival being turned back or something. Or maybe the US will start a war somewhere, that could also work.

Yeah that or a 12 flagger ISIS press conference.

Diminishing returns on both those strategies of course. Even the Australian public might wise up if they go back to that well too often.


How can you complain about leaks within your party when the leader leaks policy decisions to the press just about every time? Surely you have to lead by example. Leaking your position to Newscorp every time you have one, and then confiscating your members phones prior to a party room meeting... this is like parenting 101. It's much harder to have your kids stick to a rule if you don't stick to it yourself.

The procession of shit that lead to Abbott being in charge of anything at all is hilarious and depressing.

I think it's testament to how good at running a negativity campaign the coalition really are. I cannot take anyone seriously that is planning to vote this horrible person in for a second term.


Hmm. Cross party marriage equality bill?


Also the final paragraph in this article is hilarious.

Gosh I would not be spending an iota of political capital trying to shut down this were I Abbott given I'm basically back to where I was six months ago in the polls when I was put on probation, and that the party room is already pissed off at captain's calls. Especially given how in favour of it the public are.

He just wants it gone and it keeps getting brought up at the worst possible times. Abbott must have a dartboard with Entsch's face on it.


Gosh I would not be spending an iota of political capital trying to shut down this were I Abbott given I'm basically back to where I was six months ago in the polls when I was put on probation, and that the party room is already pissed off at captain's calls. Especially given how in favour of it the public are.

He just wants it gone and it keeps getting brought up at the worst possible times. Abbott must have a dartboard with Entsch's face on it.

Pretty good timing by Entsch, you're right Abbott has zero political capital left at this stage and shutting down debate would be pretty horrid, especially when there's more support within the coalition party room than you might think.


Regardless of the leader, I don't think a majority of the party room supports it anyway, do they? If Morrison was to replace Abbott, I can't see their position changing.
Pretty good timing by Entsch, you're right Abbott has zero political capital left at this stage and shutting down debate would be pretty horrid, especially when there's more support within the coalition party room than you might think.

Sounds like Abbott doesn't want it discussed in the Liberal party meeting room at all, he wants to bring in the Nats, for a joint party meeting, who almost to a member are opposed to "stack the branch". Chris Pyne is very pissed apparently.





Sounds like Abbott doesn't want it discussed in the Liberal party meeting room at all, he wants to bring in the Nats, for a joint party meeting, who almost to a member are opposed to "stack the branch". Chris Pyne is very pissed apparently.

Hilariously bad move by Abbott. To answer Fredescu's question, if there were a free vote, even with the coalitions high majority in the House of Reps, It would likely pass.


To answer Fredescu's question, if there were a free vote, even with the coalitions high majority in the House of Reps, It would likely pass.

I guess I meant enough people to vote to allow a free vote in the first place, but Abbott's insistence on a joint party room sitting suggests that you're right, without the Nats it might get up.


Joint party room meeting on marriage equality @ ~3pm if twitter is to be believed. I assume Abbott trying to put it to bed by bringing in the nats.


I guess I meant enough people to vote to allow a free vote in the first place, but Abbott's insistence on a joint party room sitting suggests that you're right, without the Nats it might get up.

Very dangerous move considering he had to repudiate Captain's Calls again this week and let the party room pick the Speaker.


This would really be the time to do it, well before the year is out, there is only just over a year to go before we will likely see an election.


I'm hesitant to call anything on the LNP's ability to win the next election. It seems like a done deal according to polls now, but who knows what kind of garbage they're cooking up for their campaign.

The only thing that seems like it might be a safe bet is a hung parliament. I really would not be surprised.



I expected it to be over relatively quickly with the Nationals brought in; so what the hell happened?

Apparently a lot of MPs standing one-by-one to address the marriage equality debate... could go on for some time yet


Not really sure what the end game is here, thought it would be over relatively quickly given the Nationals got involved as you said.


I can expect it going something like this;

"We pretty much have to do this if we want to win the next election."

"Bu-bu-bu Christian values."

"Yeah, values are going to serve you well...in opposition."

Ad infinitum.


I can expect it going something like this;

"We pretty much have to do this if we want to win the next election."

"Bu-bu-bu Christian values."

"Yeah, values are going to serve you well...in opposition."

Ad infinitum.

For some of them it might be opposition if they're lucky. The huge victory in 2013 also means there are are a bunch of marginal seats out there to lose for the government.

You've got to serve more than one term to get a retiring allowance I seem to remember.


For some of them it might be opposition if they're lucky. The huge victory in 2013 also means there are are a bunch of marginal seats out there to lose for the government.

You've got to serve more than one term to get a retiring allowance I seem to remember.

Yeah but let's be honest, some of those are traditional labor seats which have become so marginal that not even the second coming of Christ coming to lead the party would save them.
Yeah but let's be honest, some of those are traditional labor seats which have become so marginal that not even the second coming of Christ coming to lead the party would save them.
Were Christ to actually come back, he'd be right horrified at the Liberal Party economic platform. The New Testament is practically communistic in places and Peter weeping having denied Christ three times was the first time in any literature anywhere that a peasant's tears were depicted in a way that they weren't the cause of ridicule. In fact, this was one of the criticisms levelled at early Christianity by pagan critics, that it was the faith of the poor, slaves and women.

Who am I kidding? Jesus would never have gotten to Australia because his boat would have been turned back, sending him straight back into the clutches of the modern day King Herod his parents were fleeing from.
Were Christ to actually come back, he'd be right horrified at the Liberal Party economic platform. The New Testament is practically communistic in places and Peter weeping having denied Christ three times was the first time in any literature anywhere that a peasant's tears were depicted in a way that they weren't the cause of ridicule. In fact, this was one of the criticisms levelled at early Christianity by pagan critics, that it was the faith of the poor, slaves and women.

Who am I kidding? Jesus would never have gotten to Australia because his boat would have been turned back, sending him straight back into the clutches of the modern day King Herod his parents were fleeing from.

Dude could walk on water though. :p


Guardian's reporting that the conscience vote is defeated 66-33.

Guess that's going to make the next week or so very interesting.
So the ALP has a conscience vote and the Coalition doesn't, the worst case scenario. Just get it done already.

So much for thinking the ALP having a conscience vote could open the way for the Coalition to as well.


Will the 33 cross the floor?

They should do it - I just want to see the fireworks already. If it leads to both parties imploding somehow and takes down the entire political system then I'm all for it!

But let's be serious it's all about keeping their seats/position/pension so...


Will the 33 cross the floor?

A very interesting question. My gut says no, but that number is awfully close to the 39 that wanted to chuck Tony back in February. So who knows. No idea if those numbers correlate at all.

It's also not guaranteed that the 33 would all vote yes on the bill, there may be some amongst them who think a conscience vote should be allowed but don't agree with the bill. Also, I'm guessing several of them were Senators.


doing a quick check on http://www.australianmarriageequality.org/whereyourmpstands/states/NSW

I count 48 Labor MPs who support marriage equality (and I'm assuming all that info is accuate, up to date and I haven't botched the count), plus Wilkie, Bandt and McGowan, bringing it up to 51.

So if 20ish of those 33 cross the floor, it may well be enough to put the bill over majority, and then I have no fucking idea what happens. Something dramatic no doubt.

Regardless, given Bill Shorten's promise he'd bring legislation to Parliament in the first 100 days on this if elected, I'd say if the vote fails the Liberal party room has just handed Labor a very big issue for the next election to run free with.
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