Apparently the extra special Prime Minister's pension kicks in once you have served 2 years, 5 days short!
(a) has, whether before or after the commencement of this section, held the office of Prime Minister for a continuous period of not less than 2 years or for periods amounting in the aggregate to not less than 2 years;
Yep. Don't expect a change in policies, because Turnbull doesn't want the right-wing to revolt on him yet again.
if anyone replaces shorten it'll be plibersek
Voting tonight confirmed.
god it feels so much longer than thatHe hasn't even made it to two years yet
Eh, not sure that this is a good thing. Turnbull just increases the chances of the libs getting back in :/
I'd be okay with that.
Dutton going for deputy lolololololollililloolowhataworldwhataworld
Bold move, pledging to be an even worse ,leadership team if reelectedDutton going for deputy lolololololollililloolowhataworldwhataworld
It was a brief but all too good to be true rumour.Get the fuck out. Where are you hearing this? Not seeing it on ABC or Google.
Dutton going for deputy lolololololollililloolowhataworldwhataworld
Dutton makes sense as Deputy. Only person in the country less likely to be palatable as PM than Abbott.
Pyne, Bernardi, Abetz,Only person in the country less likely to be palatable as PM than Abbott.
Bernadi. Joyce. Christensen.
Q & A is gonna be good tonight.
They're all pricks with toxic views but there's all that with Dutton plus an ineffable buffoonery that makes you think he doesn't quite understand his toaster.
Any odds on Tones pulling a DD?
This is very apt, seeing as Baird has announced his big hearted social policies today with a focus on reducing domestic violence, which is a bit rich for a guy whose government basically seized and destroyed every women's shelter in the state.Turnbull will be the federal Baird.
rip the backburner, there goes half their contentrip raw onion industry
I think my job just got significantly harder.
Was my initial thought. But I would think that Labor has been working on a strategy for Turnbull since January.
Was my initial thought. But I would think that Labor has been working on a strategy for Turnbull since January.
If anything it's good for us/Labor. Might motivate Shorten to do something.
glad I'm watching qanda with the guy claiming that australia is 100% in agreement with abbotts brilliant way of stopping the boats, and how he dealt with SSMi don't know what this guy on abc24-1 is talking about
yeah we stabilised the immigration thing
we stabilised it by locking up fucking kids in camps with sub-fucking par facilities and care
great job australia. the utmost fucking confidence that we're shitheels