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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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Tommy DJ

I wonder how much debt Tony Abbott still holds. I remember him moaning about his pay packet while in opposition that he needed to pay off his $700,000 loan or something.

Still, ice cold for Malcolm to throw Tones off the boat at this time.


I wonder how much debt Tony Abbott still holds. I remember him moaning about his pay packet while in opposition that he needed to pay off his $700,000 loan or something.

Still, ice cold for Malcolm to throw Tones off the boat at this time.

Would you say its a debt and deficit ... disaster?


ugh any watching qanda and this dean guy
just wanna fucking kick him in the face
so obnoxious and cant read to scene at all

Rowan Dean is the worst fucking RWNJ in Australia. At least with the others they present things in a semi-factual way, and spin things that are really a negative into a positive. Rowan Dean just outright lies, and spews forward so much shit that nobody has a chance to actually call him on any of it.

And I used to enjoy him on the Gruen Transfer, it sucks to see that he's literally insane.


No-one knows, everyone will fall asleep when he announces his decision.

It's pretty clear that the Liberals give precisely zero fucks.

Maybe they can renegotiate certain policies such as the Shenmua coal mine.

Oh who am I kidding the National party is going to be offered a shit sandwich and they're just going to eat it.


Uh, remind me what he was threatening?

He said the Nationals had an agreement with Tony Abbott not Malcolm Turnbull, the subtext of which is that the Nationals would not support a Turnbull government.

It sounds like sabre rattling to strengthen their hand for the eventual shit sandwich they need to eat but who the fuck knows these days with the Coalition.
He said the Nationals had an agreement with Tony Abbott not Malcolm Turnbull, the subtext of which is that the Nationals would not support a Turnbull government.

It sounds like sabre rattling to strengthen their hand for the eventual shit sandwich they need to eat but who the fuck knows these days with the Coalition.

Oh, right. Barnaby Joyce made comments after Turnbull's win that basically amounted to "we're not weathervanes like the independents" but also not so subtlely threatening by stating that "the liberals wouldn't be in power without us".


Oh, right. Barnaby Joyce made comments after Turnbull's win that basically amounted to "we're not weathervanes like the independents" but also not so subtlely threatening by stating that "the liberals wouldn't be in power without us".
Like the Nationals are ever going to form government with Labor. Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night Barnaby.
Like the Nationals are ever going to form government with Labor. Keep telling yourself that if it helps you sleep at night Barnaby.

Its been a real enough possibility (at the state level) before that the Liberals have demanded the Nationals rule it out and I seem to recall it being used as a threat a couple of times (again at state level). I don't think its ever actually happened though. At the federal level I'd have to say its practically impossible (the Nationals at the Federal level, basically hold only seats that are deeply socially conservative). I mean there are routes that are theoretically possible (National Party voters tend to like the ABC and other publicly funded services with rural coverage, and are pretty for socialist economic policy when it comes to farmers/graziers, and their feelings on coal mines / natural gas /etc tends to be pretty mixed) but it'd be a very tough sell (dolebludgers, gays, ivory tower academics, Communists,Watermelons Greens,etc, etc ) and there's enough things like Katter and One Nation around to make it highly unlikely they'd even try to sell it.


Toe the line eventually is the most likely option. Longer term, I think if the libs are going to stay relevant, there is going to need to be a separate right wing nut job party.


That assumes Malcolm lasts. He's only there because he's popular. As soon as he's not, he's gone. It'll justify their view that he's not conservative enough (a la the tea party reaction to McCain and Romney losing).
The reaction of the far right is pretty amazing so far, but I do wonder what the result of all that anger will be.

What other choice do they have? The mainstream far right (bolt etc) will toe the line eventually.

There are right wing microparties that could potentially absorb them like the Greens have with a chunk of Labor's left vote. Family First, One Nation, etc (possibly even the Nationals to some extent, but I think the fact they've given up contesting many Liberal seats means its unlikely). I think they'd have a harder time of it though, Labor had been dominated by Labor Unity for a looooong time before they started losing significant vote count from the Left flank.




Bolt literally argues for white Australia/Europe:

Once it was believed a people must have its own nation, founded on common values and a common history, even a shared love, if its members were to have rights and security. One people, one law.


There are right wing microparties that could potentially absorb them like the Greens have with a chunk of Labor's left vote. Family First, One Nation, etc (possibly even the Nationals to some extent, but I think the fact they've given up contesting many Liberal seats means its unlikely). I think they'd have a harder time of it though, Labor had been dominated by Labor Unity for a looooong time before they started losing significant vote count from the Left flank.

If there were to be a successful one, it would be a new party with a new name and high profile people. There's enough high profile nutjobs that have lost the plot today that it's not out of the question. Maybe even get a defection from an extreme dry lib or too. Not saying it's likely, but it's possible. It depends how genuine the Jones/Hadley/Bolt etc outrage is.

I hope there's an article on Junkee or something that pulls them all together. Jones had a meltdown or something?

Sounds like Ray Hadley is losing it too.


Seems to be the sentiment across all the media today. Fair enough, but the country is better off for yesterday's events.

Sticking with Abbott to preserve a façade of stability in a system it's clear a lot of pundits do not understand (the people don't elect the PM, as much as Tony tried to claim) wasn't going to work.

Turnbull may not work out either. But the definition of insanity and all that.

Sounds like Ray Hadley is losing it too.

Hadley's been telling Scott Morrison to kick Turnbull's head in for weeks. He had a particularly deranged bit recently about Turnbull's collar being a symbol of Eastern Sydney elitism or something.

Can't imagine he's coping well.


Cory seems upset:

Bernardi: "those who've taken their 30 pieces of silver will be very obvious when the new Ministerial line-up is announced"

Personally I don't see its any better. You have the worst communications minister in living memory now PM, and a guy whose talking up Menzian values and John bloody Key.


It's possibly worse because they'll probably get another term out of this.

Yeah. We've basically got Saruman now. A honey tongued front man for the existing awful government.

I really don't get his popularity amongst social liberals. He's sold out all his supposed values in opposition to be in government and now PM.


So we have Malcolm Turncoat, but I think Malcolm Turnstile has a much better ring to it.

Does this mean you're coming back to Australia?!?

No. This Donald Trump guy is just too fun to turn your back on.

He just gave a stump speech to a massive crowd in Dallas. It was the most rambling, incoherent, content-free speech I've witnessed but gosh-darn if it wasn't entertaining.

I look forward to the Malcolm Turnbull leadership and hopefully a return to discussion of a Republic.


Shortens press conferences these past 24 hours have been nothing short of embarrassing.

After old Bill's appearance on ABC News 24 just now, it is apparent that Turnbull will in the next election.

If they stick with him, they're fucked. If they scramble to find a replacement, they're fucked.

The Libs will deal with the 'leadership betrayal' much quicker than Labor and won't present any major shifts to policy before the next election. If Malcolm were really passionate about a Republic, he may include it as part of his policy platform before we go to the polls, and given where public sentiment is on the matter, it might not be a big gamble for him to take to the election.


I wouldn't be calling anything yet. Turnbull still has an uphill battle ahead of him. We don't even know when the election is.

He's got to wrangle the almost half of the party that didn't vote for him. He's got to wrangle the Nationals. He's got to wrangle the Senate. Then he's got to present that positively to the public by making policy changes that don't piss off the Party right.

I definitely think the Coalition now has an improved chance of winning re-election, but I can't say it's a sure thing.


I think a win for Shorten over Abbott was still going to be a close run thing. Turnbull can definitely win enough of the middle over to win, because it didn't have to be that much. The threat is going to come from the right for him, though I think the shock jocks are less powerful than they like to think they are, and ultimately he will win more middle than he'll lose right.
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