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AusPoliGAF |OT| Boats? What Boats?

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I really don't get the Nationals at times. They support farmers and graziers who are getting completely boned by climate change, ain't big on Coal Mines / Natural Gas that tends to screw up farmland but are extremely anti doing anything about any of that.

You would think farmers who grow crops would benefit from an ETS. They continue growing crops, and sell carbon credits made from doing that to polluting businesses. At worst their overheads may go up slightly, but that would be more than offset by the money they would bring in from the credits.


Farmers tend to be rugged do it yourself-ers and regard "greenies" as people from their ivory tower just trying to make their hard lives harder, which is often true from their perspective. It's an obvious schism. If someone tells a farmer that the greenies are lying to suit an agenda, that will be a believable thing.
Morrison takes next step towards leadership. Jokes about Hockey's communication skills, but it probably suits him since it's probably harder to inadvertently insult people while discussing communication policy. Surprised he got a ministry at all though. Guess Turnbull has to keep some friends around.
Poor people don't have phones.


You idiot, send Hockey to the back benches.


I mean, this isn't hard is it? Hockey is a huge reason the government is in the rough shape it is.

Edit; Hockey's holding a press conference about the multi national avoidance tax and how he's seized another eight or illegally owned foreign houses.

Is he making a power play to keep his job here?


Ray Hadley is claiming Turnbull didn't consult Cabinet on the Nats deal. Also that the Nats snubbed the partyroom meeting this morning. Seems like he's off to the races trying to destabilise the Turnbull government.

Sky News reporting Dutton had tendered resignation. Will stay on if Turnbull asks him too.

Thank christ.


Hoping for a return of a Minister for Science.

The dropping of the ministry was almost as egregious as Tony's self-appointment as the Minister for Women.
Sky News reporting Dutton had tendered resignation. Will stay on if Turnbull asks him too.

I'd be amazed if he was asked! Steve Ciobo seems to be getting a promotion, that should keep the Queenslanders happy that they have their quota and will free up Dutton to concentrate on more important things like making sure his left shoe is on his left foot and vice versa.

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
Re: the Nationals, the NSW Young Nationals endorsed marriage equality at their recent conference. Hopefully over the coming generation this sort of change either leads to the party rejuvenating and ceasing to rely on being the default option of rural social conservatives, or they remain a completely useless group of thickshits (great description), lose the social conservative vote and die off, allowing Independents, Country Labor and Greens to actually start achieving something for the regions.

A lot is made of Morrison by the press and Party, mostly for his role in stopping the boats and ability to see boom mics, but I wonder how he'll do when he can't hide behind operational matters as Treasurer.

The few times he's talked to the media as Minister for Social Services he's made Hockey look gentle.
To me, Morrison always sounds like he's moments away from calling whoever he's talking to a fucking shitheel. Too much rage, like Latham.

You idiot, send Hockey to the back benches.
Maybe Turnbull sees Communications as a poisoned chalice (without too much prominence), preferable to giving Hockey a few years out of the spotlight.

I'd be amazed if he was asked! Steve Ciobo seems to be getting a promotion, that should keep the Queenslanders happy that they have their quota and will free up Dutton to concentrate on more important things like making sure his left shoe is on his left foot and vice versa.
That his left foot is in his left shoe?
That his left foot is in his left shoe?

I believe you caught me not self-editing on my phone!

Anyway, does anyone find it strange that Arthur Sinodinas seems like he'll get a big promotion, Employment, while he still has findings from ICAC hanging over his head? It really should have been thanks for your help Arthur but we'll wait till the findings come in to avoid a potential ticking timebomb.
Another great bit on Abbott and conservatism that I don't have to hide in email tags: http://www.theguardian.com/commenti...still-left-feeling-sore-and-under-appreciated

Feeling some serious catharsis reading all these Abbott hit pieces. Hopefully going back and reading these will be enough to cheer me up during their second term.

That Rundle piece was delightfully brutal.

Salon went after Abbott over night as well. An odious wingnut gets his comeuppance: How one of the world’s most boorish conservatives just lost his job

Also I was glad to see Bob Ellis lived long enough to see it!

Now the wait for another Greg Sheriden piece about how Abbott is a great bloke and he's just misunderstood. Though he could just recycle one of the 25 similar articles from the last 6 months or so.


Feels like tautology but holy shit that Guardian piece let Abbott have it.

I reckon Rundle's went harder. Really went to the self destructive psychology of Abbott.

God, just reading it again.

"For Tony Abbott, well, I feel for him at a human level. Who wouldn't? He reached the ordained acme of his life, only to find that it has all been a ghastly joke on him, with an audience of 25 million. For make no mistake about it, this is whole-life failure on a grand scale, bread too bitter to the taste to eat. This is not "tried nobly and failed", "reached too high", "disappointing end to a distinguished career". Abbott's very ordinary political career and thin list of ministerial achievements was all focused on this moment, defined by its presumed achievements. But there were none, and that works backwards along the line. Tony Abbott is not simply an Australian political failure -- he is the new standard of Australian political failure, the failure equivalent of the standard metre, lying inert and separated in a super-cooled vault in Paris. His failure of execution was all his own, but it was bound up in the right's fantasy view of the world -- that there is some natural state of affairs where the free market roars into every area of life, but traditional society remains sacred. Any change in it, any loosening of it, must therefore be the work of enemies, the elites, the relativists, etc. And so eternal traditional society must be imposed by the state, which is simply enforcing what is there anyway. But not there. Which, etc. The position itself is chaotic and self-contradictory, no reason why its exponents wouldn't be."

"his life is a failure, and all that remains is mere raw life itself"

"The man does not want to be who he is, and thus, when he can do anything he wants, he became a force of destruction and failure. "

"The captains and the kings depart. So does the laughter and the schadenfreude pretty quickly, and we are left with the terror of it, and the pity, and all played out on the main stage of history."

A More Normal Bird

Unconfirmed Member
I believe you caught me not self-editing on my phone!

Anyway, does anyone find it strange that Arthur Sinodinas seems like he'll get a big promotion, Employment, while he still has findings from ICAC hanging over his head? It really should have been thanks for your help Arthur but we'll wait till the findings come in to avoid a potential ticking timebomb.
I liked the idea that you thought so little of Dutton that not only was making sure his shoes were on the right feet a big effort for him, but that he then had to double check and make sure his feet were in the right shoes, like it was something taught to him at a young age by a particularly frustrated parent.

Agreed about Sinodinos, IIRC he was quite vocal during the first spill too.
Longer clip is even better, they sound like a couple of teenagers.

Tommy DJ

How much control does Turnbull really have over policy direction when he's achieved only 55% of the vote? Not as lot if you ask me. That's even assuming if he actually wants to bring about "change". This will be reflected by the ministers he chooses to appoint.

That was probably something the responsible department was kicking around for a while but lmao if anyone really thinks Malcolm Turnbull is the King of the Liberal Party, which is what a lot of people seem to think our Prime Ministers are.


That Rundle piece is amazing... had to create another Crikey dummy account just to read it, but worth it. This is particularly stinging, too:
And Shorten, well, the undertaker that came for Mr Tony might want to wait around to avoid two trips.
So it's basically a given that Shorten won't be Labor leader next election, yes? I'm assuming frontrunners would be Plibersek and maybe Albo? (I suspect the latter may be pure pipedreaming on my part, however :( )

Edit: Holy fucking shit!
For Tony Abbot, well, I feel for him at a human level. Who wouldn’t? He reached the ordained acme of his life, only to find that it has all been a ghastly joke on him, with an audience of 25 million. For make no mistake about it, this is whole-life failure on a grand scale, bread too bitter to the taste to eat.


So it's basically a given that Shorten won't be Labor leader next election, yes?

My money's on them sticking with him. I don't think the party as an organisation even has the capacity to move that fast, unless they've had something preplanned, which I doubt.

Dead Man


Under the standing orders - the set of rules which govern behaviour of MPs in the chamber - new mothers who are breastfeeding are given a proxy vote in the Parliament. This means their vote is counted even though they are not physically in the chamber.

But the Whip was unaware of the exemption until he consulted the opposition's Chief Whip, Chris Hayes, about the matter.

Fucking idiot.


The advice came from the office of the government's Chief Whip Scott Buchholz, who subsequently had to consult his Labor counterpart to find out how to better deal with a breastfeeding MP in accordance with the standing orders.

Says it all really.


How much control does Turnbull really have over policy direction when he's achieved only 55% of the vote? Not as lot if you ask me. That's even assuming if he actually wants to bring about "change". This will be reflected by the ministers he chooses to appoint.

That was probably something the responsible department was kicking around for a while but lmao if anyone really thinks Malcolm Turnbull is the King of the Liberal Party, which is what a lot of people seem to think our Prime Ministers are.

5 pms in 5 years, you'd hope the general public have worked out by now they elect the party, not the pm


My money's on them sticking with him. I don't think the party as an organisation even has the capacity to move that fast, unless they've had something preplanned, which I doubt.
I wouldn't put it past them. I have a slight feeling that since the TURC started, they've been planning for it. How else could they explain why he's been so lacklustre, other than he no longer has passion for a role he'll soon be out of?*


Edit: Also, I love reading the comments on Crikey paid articles. They're actually articulate and not vomit-inducing.
Quote for a good time.

hot damn.
Tony Abbott is a very interesting character. Kevin Rudd had a quite interesting life history and personality but Abbott definitely takes the cake of recent political leaders.
I think Rundle while perhaps slightly over-the-top, is pretty much on the money. Too bad for Abbott he was born too late.

I reckon there are 3 ways Turnbull can go:

  1. Turnbull through shear force of will or ego drags the party to the centre and basically does what he wants. Could be a spectacular success and he reigns for a decade or an equally spectacular failure.
  2. He parks himself squarely on the fence between the small 'l' and big 'C' parts of the party muddles on and maybe wins the next election but never really becomes a PM of note.
  3. Repackages the same old shit, completely ignores his socially progressive side and ends up becoming a joke who sold out.

Seeing 2 and 3 atm, not any 1.

Pretty much possibility 2 is what I think will happen but with a little variance.
He maintains the old policies until after the election and slowly makes a little change gently pulling the party to the centre. But then he went and made that awful deal with the Nats so I don't know what to think anymore.

Another great bit on Abbott and conservatism that I don't have to hide in email tags: http://www.theguardian.com/commenti...still-left-feeling-sore-and-under-appreciated

Feeling some serious catharsis reading all these Abbott hit pieces. Hopefully going back and reading these will be enough to cheer me up during their second term.

I'm glad to see my my old uni lecturer doing good things at the Guardian. This piece is great


5 pms in 5 years, you'd hope the general public have worked out by now they elect the party, not the pm

I listened to some talkback radio today and yesterday morning to get my daily salt dosage and for a group of hosts and callers who were staunch monarchists you'd be surprised how many of them thought they'd elected a President, even when confronted with the fact that that's not how our Westminster system works.

One woman's reasoning was particularly good; there were pictures of Tony Abbott last election on her How to Vote card next to her local MP, so really she was voting for Abbott.


I'm wondering, anyone else be interested in a group, yearly Crikey sub? Regular price is $189 for a year, but even with three people there's shitloads to be saved:

Tommy DJ

I listened to some talkback radio today and yesterday morning to get my daily salt dosage and for a group of hosts and callers who were staunch monarchists you'd be surprised how many of them thought they'd elected a President, even when confronted with the fact that that's not how our Westminster system works.

One woman's reasoning was particularly good; there were pictures of Tony Abbott last election on her How to Vote card next to her local MP, so really she was voting for Abbott.

The fuckwits who called Triple J yesterday were basically this. "There's no fucking point voting" ad nauseam.

If Triple J listeners are a good representation of the millennial generation, the general public aged between 20 to 40 are politically illiterate. Next election they should just replace all political campaign advertisement with political education infomercials because they literally couldn't get their head around the idea that they were voting for a party and their respective policies and not electing the Emperor of Australia.


I would be very much in. Is there much content that one wouldn't get from the flagship papers, The Monthly, The Saturday Paper and The Guardian?

The fuckwits who called Triple J yesterday were basically this. "There's no fucking point voting" ad nauseam.

Sounds like Hack alright.



I have a sub, but I'll go in for a group if they let me use it to extend my current sub.
i haven't done a group sub in a while but i think you can if you email them beforehand

I would be very much in. Is there much content that one wouldn't get from the flagship papers, The Monthly, The Saturday Paper and The Guardian?
daily rundle & their tips section is well worth it alone


The fuckwits who called Triple J yesterday were basically this. "There's no fucking point voting" ad nauseam.

If Triple J listeners are a good representation of the millennial generation, the general public aged between 20 to 40 are politically illiterate. Next election they should just replace all political campaign advertisement with political education infomercials because they literally couldn't get their head around the idea that they were voting for a party and their respective policies and not electing the Emperor of Australia.

I've sometimes thought the public really deserves its share of blame in the crop of abysmal leaders we've had in the past decade. Not only do we not necessarily use our voting power wisely and get suckered by style over substance, it's clear a good deal of us don't really understand exactly what we're voting for.

I mean at a certain point if the two parties keep producing such woeful results, aren't we as the people who vote them in ultimately to blame?


I'm wondering, anyone else be interested in a group, yearly Crikey sub? Regular price is $189 for a year, but even with three people there's shitloads to be saved:

I'd be keen to go in, my subs been lapsed for a bit over 6 months now and I've been really missing quality Australian political journalism.
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